"Fool." Kikyo said, staring at Kagome, "That demon was nothing, you didn't need to get him involved."

Inuyasha sniffed the air, "You smell pretty weird, Kikyo. Playing with bugs, are we?"

Kikyo made no reaction, and stayed patient. Kagome admired that.

"Hand over the jewel." Inuyasha orders, "And I won't have to start sharpening my claws on you."

"Same line twice? Are ye, perhaps, out of catchphrases?" Kikyo inquired, with a small smirk, pointing her bow and arrow directly at Inuyasha.

"I've got plenty, thanks for asking." Inuyasha replies, grinning, "Unlike you."

A few quick arrows were shot at Inuyasha, quickly pinning him to a tree.

"I see your tactics haven't changed, huh Kikyo?"

Kagome waited eagerly to hear Kikyo's reply.

"If it is not required, why would you change a perfectly fine strategy?" She smiles.

"Just because it's worked a couple of times-!"

"Every time." Kikyo corrects and begins to walk away.

"So you're just going to leave me hanging, huh Kikyo?" He exclaims, "Not finish me off? Coward!"

"Why waste more arrows?" Kikyo replied, not caring to gaze back.

"Why.. You!" Inuyasha struggled, until he broke free.

He ran after Kikyo, claws ready.

She stopped walking.

Before he could react, she quickly shot him with two arrows, pinning him back to the tree.

She walked up to him and said quietly so that he could only hear,

"You'll stay there if you know what's best for you, traitor."

She walked away, not daring to look back. Bitterness in her eyes and no words left to speak.

But Inuyasha broke free, and quickly went after Kagome, but in the process, accidentally hit Kikyo with his claws.

"You have a thing for repeating actions..." She glared.

"What?" Inuyasha wondered, shaking it off and pretending not to care about the fact he drew Kikyo's blood.

Kaede took something out of her outfit, which appeared to be a necklace of some sort. "I had a feeling it would come to this someday.."

She cast the beads around Inuyasha's neck, as Inuyasha ran to attack Kagome next.

"Child, the word of subjugation!"

"What? What word...?"

"It doesn't matter, your word has power to hold his soul."

As Inuyasha drew closer, Kagome looked at him and looked at his dog ears...

"Uh... Um... Sit boy!"

Inuyasha crashed into the ground, face first.

As he tried to get up, Kagome quickly repeated the word.

Kagome sat in the hut, eating some stew Kaede made.

"How come I had a jewel wanted by demons?" Kagome asked, clearly confused.

"It seems ye are indeed the reincarnation of my elder sister, Kikyo." Kaede states.

"What? Your elder sister? Kikyo looks younger than some people in my class!"

"I am sure that she does, but Kikyo died fifty years ago, to the very same half-demon that sits in this room."

Inuyasha's ears twitched as the attention was drawn to him, "Kikyo died? Impossible. I don't see no half-demon that killed her in this room."

"Perhaps you wouldn't see that half-demon unless you looked at your reflection."

"What? I didn't kill her! She looked pretty alive to me, anyways!"

"That is because a demon called Urasue resurrected her. Do ye not remember? It was the very wounds ye inflicted that killed her."

"I didn't inflict any wounds! I don't know who you are, but I never got the chance before she betrayed me!"

"I am Kaede, remember? It seems ye don't recall wounding her. Ye betrayed her, and so she bound you to the tree."

Inuyasha was silent, "But she betrayed me! She shot arrows at me! She had no intention of letting me use the Jewel to become human!"

"Yet that is not what my sister told me."

"Then I guess Kikyo's a liar." Inuyasha folded his arms.

"Am I?"

Turning around, Inuyasha spotted the beautiful priestess.

"Yeah, you are! You betrayed me, but you're telling everyone I betrayed you?"

"Such nonsense." Kikyo stated, her voice cold.

"I never inflicted any wounds on you!" Inuyasha exclaimed, "Not until now."

"In the same place, too."


"Kagome, the word please." Kikyo changed her entire tone in an instant, and Inuyasha thought about how nice her voice sounded when she wasn't mad at him..

"Sit boy!"

Inuyasha went face-first into the ground.

"Anyways, how can I get home?" Kagome asked, "I came out of the well.. Do I go back in?"

"Quite possibly."

Kagome soon set off, but Kikyo accompanied her (she said something about it being dangerous).

She noticed Kikyo wasn't walking so greatly, and looked as if she was going to collapse.

"Kikyo, are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you." She lied.

Kagome knew she wasn't okay, so she stopped.

"You know, if you're not feeling alright, we can stop."

"No, it's best to get you into your era."

But before they could continue the conversation, they were ambushed and captured. Somewhat disarmed, as well.

'If it wasn't for this injury..' Kikyo thought, as the human men who captured them made comments on Kagome.

Just because she couldn't use her bow, however, Kikyo was not useless, and she was not weak.

Except for now, she sure felt weak. She figured she'd just have to power through it..

Power through the fact this girl shared her soul, and seemed to be unknowingly absorbing it back.

She didn't pay attention to a single word the men said, as Kagome looked at her, clearly frightened.

Then, she felt it. She mentally reprimanded herself for not realising sooner.

There was a demon.

"Kagome," She whispered quietly, "Could you distract them for a moment?"

"Sure," Kagome whispered back, unsure of what Kikyo planned, "I'll try."

Kagome lectured them about kidnapping for a few moments while Kikyo quietly grabbed her stolen bow and arrows.

While Kagome continued distracting them, Kikyo shot a few arrows at the direction of the demon.

It opened up her injury, unluckily for her.

A demon bird flew out of a giant human, and attacked Kagome, managing to take the Sacred Jewel.

"What! Our boss! How?" The men questioned, never to be answered as Kikyo and Kagome ran out.

Kikyo collapsed, pain from her injury and side effects of her reincarnation being present.

"Kikyo, are yo-"


Kagome nodded, running to get the jewel.

However, she didn't expect to run into a half-demon dog.


"Where's the jewel?" He asked, "You're not leaving before you hand it over."

"Uh, funny story, see it's.." Kagome pointed to the bird.

"What?!" He shouted, and growled, "Come on, you're gonna help get it."

She climbed on his back, and he took off after it, moving quite fast.

Kagome couldn't help but think Inuyasha made excellent transportation.

He let her off near a river, and attacked the bird, which had picked up a young child.

"No, you're going to-"

The child fell into the river, to which Kagome jumped in.

'Good thing I took swimming lessons.' She thought, as she swam to the boy and rescued him.

"What a day, what a girl, what a imp!" She heard someone say, and decided not to comment.

"Inuyasha, you could've seriously hurt somebody!"

Inuyasha ignored her, and focused on the bird.

The young boy made a noise of confusion and discomfort, as the bird's claw was still attached to him.

"I got an idea. Can I borrow your bow?" She asked someone, who immediately lent it to her.

She took the claw and attacked it to the arrow.

"Hit the mark." She said, as she fired.

"Ha, it's no use. You're no Kikyo, you'll never hit it." Inuyasha stated, but then he realised what Kagome did.

The claw was attracted to the demon, and it instantly hit it.

The demon was purified, and a brilliant light rang out, going in several different directions.

"That does not look good." Kaede said to herself, and somewhere close by, Kikyo was thinking the same thing.

"Where'd the jewel fall?" Inuyasha asked, bringing Kagome to look for it.

After a while of searching on the ground, they found something.

A small shard.

"That's not what I think it is.." Kagome questions worriedly.

"What do you think it is?"

"I think.. Uh.. It's a shard of the Shikon jewel."



A/N: Hello, all of you who have read this so far.

I will reply to a review I received.

Guest chapter 1 . 1h ago

This is actually interesting. I wonder how this changes the dynamics of Inuyasha and the others. And author-san, are you planning on making a flashback about how Kikyo came to live again? Because in the original series, Kagome's soul had to be transferred to her in order for her to come back.

Don't get me wrong, author. I love Kikyo. I'm just curious about how things would turn out.

Yes, so.. At the time of writing this, I didn't take into consideration that since Kagome was reincarnated from Kikyo, and the time things, Kikyo's soul wouldn't be available, even in the Feudal Era.. I assumed that her soul would be available in the Feudal Era since Kagome didn't exist there at said time, so that Kikyo could be created.. But since that's not how it works..

So, some how, Urasue managed to get a small portion of Kagome's soul for Kikyo, who then purified Urasue, and now used Soul collectors to survive. Hers are all out now, however, collecting souls for her.

The soul collector episodes will be interesting, to say the least..

No, I don't think I will be doing any flashbacks.

I, too, love Kikyo. I don't suppose many will react kindly to her using dead women's souls, but I'm sure once they add Naraku into the picture, Inuyasha will defend Kikyo immediately.

Hope you all have a good day.