Thanks for the reviews! ^_^ Wow, last chapter. Enjoy!

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Chapter Twelve


"This is his room," Mr. Dickinson said. They were standing outside of room 312 in the ICU ward. For the most part, it was quiet. Doctors and nurses frequently came down the hallway, some giving them curious looks.

"Kai should be resting now, so I don't know if he'll be awake or not. He's on medication, so he may be drowsy. I'd say he's still in quite a lot of pain because we can only give him so many painkillers at a time," a nurse explained quietly as they stood before the door.

"So, to make a long story short, be gentle with him and don't bother him too much," Tyson said impatiently. "Can we see him now?"

Mr. Dickinson and the nurse glared daggers at him, but opened the door.

Rei was nervous. Extremely nervous. He didn't really know why either. They stepped into the quiet room, the only sounds being the beeping of the medical equipment around the bed. The nurse went forward to the bed to check on Kai. A moment later, she turned around.

"I'll leave you alone with him. If you need anything, press the call button on the side of the bed," she instructed, and then left.

Rei walked over to Kai's bed and gazed at his face. His eyes were closed, and he looked, for the most part, peaceful. The sheets were up to mid- chest, and his arms rested on top, at his sides. His hand was in a cast, each finger individually wrapped.


Rei looked back up at Kai's face, and his breath caught in his throat when he saw his crimson eyes were open and looking up at him.

"Kai. I'm so glad you're okay," Rei choked out. The rest of the team crowded around the bed.

"Man, Kai, you gave us all a scare back there!" Tyson said, smiling down fondly at his captain. The faint traces of a smile appeared on Kai's lips.

"When I saw you come in...Tyson, I thought you were dead," Kai said in a soft voice plagued by fatigue. "I'm glad you're not though."

Max broke out a wide grin. "I would hug you right now, but the nurse told me not to touch you."

"Better listen to her, Max."

They all laughed. The atmosphere was light and cheery. The Blade Breakers were once again together as a team.

Kenny cleared his throat. "Sorry to break the mood and all but-"

"I'm not going to be able to compete at the World Championships," Kai said bluntly.

Tyson's face fell. "But...Kai! We can't go without you!"

Kai's closed his eyes. "Yes, you can. And you are."

"Kai! We can't do it without you!" Tyson was ready to fall apart.

Kai ignored him. "One of you is going to have to double up. I suggest Tyson go first and last."

"This isn't fair!"

"And you think this is?" Kai opened his eyes and held up his hand. "Do you think I'm not going to compete because I don't want to? I wanted nothing more than to be a part of the World Championships! I've waited years for this. If I'm not going to be able to participate myself, the next best thing is seeing my team go out there and win."

Tyson was at a loss for words. "I'm sorry...I just don't think I can do this."

"You can. I know you can. No matter what you may think, you're a good beyblader, Tyson."

"Ever since we started going to official've always been there, giving me advice and telling me what to do when I was in over my head. You've covered me plenty of times. Going out there alone...without a captain to lead me, I don't know if I can do it." There were tears in the corner of Tyson's eyes. "I really don't know if I can."

"You can," Kai repeated.

"Ugh," Tyson turned around and rubbed his eyes. "This is so upsetting."

"I know," Kai said softly. Max put a hand on Tyson's shoulder.

"C'mon buddy, you can do it. We can do it, together," Max said encouragingly.

"That's just it! We won't be together!" Tyson yelled.

"Tyson, get a hold of yourself. Since when did you become such a quitter? I've always respected you for your ability to bounce back and accept things the way they work out," Kai said, and then took a deep breath. He groaned softly as he shifted his position on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Rei asked.

"I'm fine. Tyson, you can do this, I know you can. Just remember everything I've taught you, and rely on your skills and instincts," Kai counseled.

"I want to, but I'm scared. I don't want to screw up and blow this thing for all of us."

Kai smiled thinly. "Please."

Tyson heaved a sigh, and turned around again. "Fine. I'll do it."

"It's not like you had a choice in the matter," Kai said dismissively. Tyson grinned.


Suddenly, the nurse stuck her head through the door. "You guys better wrap it up soon."

"Sure," Tyson said. "I'd better go start practicing."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Max said with a smile. "C'mon guys, we'd better leave Kai alone so he can rest."

"Get well soon, Kai," Kenny called.

"You guys go on ahead. I want to talk to Kai about something," Rei said. Kai glanced up at him.

"Okay. Don't be too long, Rei. You know how Kai gets when he's crabby," Tyson said with a wink.

"Shut up," Kai said. "Leave already."

"You're welcome for coming all this way to see you!" Tyson called over his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah," Kai sighed. The door clicked shut. Rei pulled a chair over to Kai's bed. The room was silent for a moment. Kai closed his eyes again.

"We're going to have to talk about this sooner or later," Rei said.

"Being in here all really gives you time to think," Kai mused out loud. "I thought about a lot of things. And I thought about you."

"I probably thought about you more in the past three days than ever in my life," Rei said honestly. "I was so worried that you wouldn't make it."

"I thought about dying too. I thought about how everything would be without me, and about all the things I never got to do." Kai opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling.

"Any regrets?"

Kai hesitated before speaking. "Well...there was one that I think could qualify as a regret."

"Care to tell?"

"I never...really got to tell you how I feel about you," Kai said slowly, his voice soft.

"Well, you're alive now, and I'm sitting right here, and we're alone. I don't know about you, but I think this is the ideal time to tell." Rei looked down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingerless gloves. His heart was beating fast.

"I like you," Kai said. Rei's heart nearly stopped.

"But wait, Rei." Kai's expression was pained. "Past experiences...I'm not ready."

Rei's heart plummeted through the floor. "Y-you're not ready...?" he repeated.

"I'm not ready. I'm sorry."

Rei sighed. "Kai..."

"Come here, Rei. I want to see your face," Kai requested. Rei stood up and leaned over the bed. To his surprise, Kai's eyes were slightly wet.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Rei," Kai apologized. Then he sighed. "Dammit, I should've done this after the Championships. This is probably going to affect your performance. I'm really sorry."

"Well...I did ask." Rei composed himself. "Just tell me, when do you think you'll be ready?"

Kai sighed again. "I don't know," he said dully. "But I do like you, really. I've never really loved anyone before...this is all so new to me."

Rei brightened a bit. "You know what, Kai?"


"We're going to be okay."

Kai looked up at him. "We are?"

"Yes." Rei paused, then actually smiled. "I can wait. I can wait for you."


*At the World Championships*

"Man, where the hell is Rei?!" Tyson yelled, pacing back and forth in front of the bench. Max was sitting, fidgeting nervously and wringing his hands in worry. Kenny was staring at Dizzi's screen.

"If he doesn't show, then it'll just be me and Max! WE'LL LOSE FOR SURE!" Tyson practically screamed.

"Tyson, calm down! He'll be here," Max said, trying to stay calm himself.


"Guys! He's here," Kenny interrupted Tyson, peering over Dizzi.

"Where?!" Tyson screeched. Kenny pointed to the main entrance, where Rei was obviously signing in as part of the Blade Breakers.

Tyson sighed heavily in visible relief. "Thank God he's here. I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!!"

"Tyson!" Max scolded.

"Hey...who's that with him?" Kenny inquired. Tyson and Max both turned their heads in that direction. There was a thick crowd at the entrance.

"I can't see," Tyson said.

"Too many people," Max added.

"I think that was Kai," Kenny said. Tyson looked at him.

"Kai said he couldn't come," he recollected. "I remember that part perfectly."

Rei scanned the large arena, looking for his friends. He spotted them a moment later and waved.

"HEY REI!" Tyson screamed. Personnel glared at him. Rei blushed, embarrassed, and looked away quickly. Max laughed, and Kenny shook his head. Ten minutes later, Rei slipped through the crowd and approached his friends. Tyson let out a happy laugh when he saw Kai with him.

"Hey, captain!"

"We had to practically get on our knees and beg the doctors, but we finally convinced them Kai was strong enough to at least attend the Championships," Rei said. He had his arm protectively around Kai's waist.

Tyson grinned broadly. "I can do this. I know I can!"

"Well, I didn't train your ass off for nothing. You'd better win or else you'll make me look bad," Kai said dryly.

Tyson sweatdropped and scratched the back of his head with a nervous grin.

"Good morning, everyone, and welcome to day one of the World Championships!" Jazzman yelled through the microphone. The stadium erupted in cheers and hoots.

"The sound system is working exceptionally well today," Kai muttered.

"Have we got a match for you today! These two teams are the best of the best. First, this team has showed extreme potential since the International Championships way back when, and has managed to pull to the top throughout thick and thin.let's give it up for the Blade Breakers!"

More cheers were heard, this time with catcalls from hundreds of girls in the audience.

"And the opposing team.these guys have worked hard with technology's latest developments. They've reigned supreme here in Russia, and have certainly made a name for themselves. Ladies and gents, I give you the Demolition Boys!"

Screams. Cheers. The works. Kai felt a headache coming on, and he pinched the bridge of his nose. Rei patted his knee.

"But first, there's another matter to attend to." Jazzman got quieter, and waited for the stadium to calm down. Then he continued. "I'd like to say a few words. As some of you may know, the Blade Breakers have been through quite a bit these past days. The plane that was supposed to take them safely to Russia didn't. It crashed somewhere in the woods, near Moscow, but still rather far from their desired location. The team members themselves shared what happened from then on. It was a horrifying ordeal, yet the Blade Breakers are still here today! And from numerous sources, they all agree that them being here, alive and well, is all because of one person. They all concur that this one person showed extreme bravery, loyalty, and a courageous spirit. On behalf of the entire BBA, we like to honor this person today. Kai Hiwatari, loyal teammate, and captain of the Blade Breakers!"

"YEAH!" Tyson yelled. Kai wanted to throttle him. The entire stadium seemed to move as thousands got to their feet, clapping loudly.

"Because of injuries acquired during that time, Kai Hiwatari won't be competing today," Jazzman continued over the ruckus. "But we are graced by this hero's presence!"

More applause. Rei noticed a very slight blush on Kai's cheeks, and smiled to himself. Oh yes, he could wait as long as Kai wanted him to.

"On with today's tournament!" Jazzman yelled. The crowd erupted in cheers again, and the beybattles got underway.



Tyson vs. Spencer - Tyson

Max vs. Ian - Max

Rei vs. Bryan - Rei

Tyson vs. Tala - Tyson

New World Champions: Blade Breakers




That's it! The Task of Leadership is fini. ^^ I'd like to thank each and every one of you for reading and reviewing. Your words and comments were extremely helpful and encouraging, and I loved reading them all. THANK YOU! I love you guys, and I am so looking forward to hearing from you again in the sequel! It's called Broken Wings, and I'll try to finish the first chapter soon so you guys can read it. Thanks again! Oh, and feel free to contact me in any way. (e-mail, IM, reviews, etc) Please review! See ya soon!

