Here is the Newtina!miracle baby!pregnancy!fic!

Set in early-December 1940

Phoenix – 22nd June 1931 – 9 (going on 10)
Linnet – 13th January 1933 - 7 (nearly 8)

Apparently Hanukkah in 1940 was 24th Decemeber (i.e. Christmas Eve) so they discuss celebrating both holidays.

Angst warning ahead! Also, only the slightest implied hint of sex – and it's story-based, I promise! It's not graphic either.



Tina tried not to wince at the sound of Crawford's voice – it was never a good sign if he was calling her name like that, and she dreaded having to talk to him for he was more often than not unreasonable. "Yes, sir?"

Crawford – a tall but beefy man with far too much neck – damn near slammed his hands down on her desk, glowering unpleasantly. "You declined your status change, Scamander!"

"Oh. Yes," She said uneasily. "I did."

"Why in God's name have you done that?!" He growled. "You do realize the repercussions for doing such a thing, I trust? Stripping your title, you'll lose your job – and if you think you can get rehired again, then you have another thing coming-"

"I can't go on active leave," She interrupted, forcing herself to look apologetic. "I'm…sorry, sir, but I can't because…because I'm having a baby in May."

Crawford's jaw dropped. "A baby?!" She nodded uneasily, and he threw his hands up in the air in frustration. "Oh, for Merlin's sake…bloody typical!"

"I'm not going on active leave while I'm pregnant," Tina continued firmly, sitting back in her chair. "The Ministry has laws about these kinds of things, as you'll know, and I don't intend to risk my baby's life by leaving the country to fight."

"This is the fourth time," He growled, glaring at her. "You've got another three children – why do you need another one? Bloody women, having babies…"

Tina bristled, her own anger rising. "Well, forgive me, sir, if my husband and I wanted another child – I didn't know we had to ask your permission before having them."

"Don't be smart with me, Scamander," Crawford snapped. "Your late brother-in-law may have put up with it, but I certainly won't."

"Theseus is missing," She corrected tersely. "Not killed."

"He's been missing for four months," He stated. "He's as good as dead. Now," Crawford leaned over her, and she resisted the urge to gag at the overwhelming smell of his cologne. "You might have gotten away with it this time, Scamander, but you can't hide forever. As soon as we're legally able – once that baby is out – we're sending you off to fight; is that clear?"

Tina wished she could hex him – she wanted nothing more – but he was her boss and she knew it would be best not to. "Yes, sir," She bit out.

As he stormed out of her office, muttering about 'blasted women' and 'stupid babies', Tina sagged in her chair and placed her head in her hands; despite what she'd said, she had the horrible feeling that Crawford had been right regarding Theseus – she didn't want to give up hope, if only for Newt's sake, but it seemed more and more unlikely that he was still alive. It didn't help that she now had to deal with this, with her own boss hating her just for being pregnant – it was going to make the last few months before she went on leave very unpleasant indeed.

Once that baby is out, we're sending you off to fight.

She tried not to shudder at the thought; it wasn't that she didn't want to fight, but surely there were laws about going on leave to have babies? Surely they'd give her a few weeks, at the very least, to recover and spend time with her family?

Stop worrying, Tina scolded herself, What is it Newt says? "Worrying means you suffer twice". It'll all work out eventually.

She just wish she knew how.

Tina was late home for dinner that night and he noticed – he always noticed. She was late home most nights, he'd soon realized, and while it was no longer surprising when she didn't come home until late it still made him feel rather anxious all the same.

"I put the children to bed," Newt told her quietly, watching as she took a seat at the kitchen table and slipped off her shoes. "They've had their tea – would you like me to make you something?"

She waved her hand dismissively however. "I'm not hungry, really – bad nausea and all that. But thanks."

He couldn't help himself from frowning; she seemed to be getting thinner and thinner despite the fact she was pregnant, and he would have been lying if he said it didn't make him feel slightly troubled. "It's fine, love, I don't mind cooking you something; perhaps some soup or something light?"

"I'm fine," She repeated, and gave him a look – he knew that look well, that it meant not to push a subject further. "Honestly, Newt, please don't worry about me. I just wanna go to bed."

"I'm not worrying," He denied half-heartedly. "But I just thought…never mind. You get some rest, dear, and I'll settle everyone in the case for the night."

He watched as she retreated upstairs, her whole body seeming to sag with exhaustion, and he couldn't help but sigh to himself; he knew his wife was more than capable of looking after herself, that she was perfectly able to choose what she did – but that didn't stop him from caring and wanting the best, after all. He knew she was adamant about continuing to work, and that she had more than enough on her plate as it was – the new baby, their three children, her worry over how Jacob and Queenie's family were settling in, how successful their bakery was… He was hoping that perhaps she might allow herself to relax more with the family's mixed celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas (for they both began 24th December this year) but with the way things were going it looked unlikely.

I'll have to ask Jacob to put some pastries aside for us, Newt thought to himself – hopefully Tina would allow herself to indulge in some of her brother-in-law's delicious baking.

With that thought, he also wondered if it might make her feel better to invite the entire Kowalski family over for the holidays – they were also multi-faith, he knew, and it would be surely be wonderful if they all spent both holidays together as a family. Tina would certainly enjoy getting to celebrate Hanukkah with Queenie again, and it was this that made him resolve to remember to invite them as soon as possible.

Everything would be fine in the end, he told himself – it was just a matter of waiting.

It hadn't escaped her notice that she was rapidly losing weight – she was of course more than aware.

For one thing, her clothes had become looser instead of tighter, like one would have expected during a pregnancy – and then there were her bones. She could feel them jutting out when she was in the bath or getting dressed in the morning, sharp and poking out almost dangerously. At first she had managed to convince herself that it wasn't anything to be worried about – she had always been rather thin, even as a young girl, and the fact that the country was under a rationing scheme didn't particularly help either; to add, the nausea from the pregnancy was making it quite impossible for her to keep her food down on some days, and it often left her feeling rather ravenous. Tina had put up with it, though, telling herself that it wouldn't last long.

But then she had started feeling faint.

That immediate rang alarm bells in her mind; as an Auror, she was trained to have quick-wits and keen senses – to feel faint would compromise that completely, make her vulnerable if she were to go out on a mission or raid. Tina knew that feeling fatigued or close to fainting could harm either herself of the baby – and after the trouble of just conceiving this baby, the one they were told was a miracle, the idea was unacceptable.

Perhaps I should tell Newt…

But she knew what he would do; he would worry over her (though deny that he was 'worrying', merely 'fretting') and attempt to force her to see a Healer, and she knew that St. Mungo's had enough to deal with already during this war without her turning up and complaining of feeling hungry and faint.

No, she just had to be careful and wait the morning sickness out, Tina reasoned to herself, for she was four months along now – the nausea had to disappear soon.

Once that goes, I can eat normally again, she told herself tiredly as she clambered into bed late one night, careful not to wake up her husband; I'll be fine – no point in complaining over going hungry since everyone else is too.

It was cold a few nights later when he felt her hesitantly touching him through his pyjama bottoms, and he groaned without opening his eyes.

"I know you're awake," Tina murmured, and there was an amused tone in her voice.

"Not quite – but if you keep touching me like that I will be," Newt joked, and it made him grin when she laughed. "Come here then."

It hadn't taken long to start working on her pyjama buttons, kissing her fiercely as she straddled him, and as soon as he was able he pushed the shirt from her shoulders eagerly. With that out of the way, he started to run his hands over her torso, desperate to feel her. Usually when she was pregnant she had been somewhat plumper, even when just a few months along, and he'd loved exploring those new curves – but something was different this time.

She was barely anything but skin and bone – his wife had always been slender and fit, working as an Auror, but this…this was closer to malnourished than fit.

"Tina," He gasped, pulling away from her. "You're so thin."

Tina looked confused for a moment – and then her expression changed to one of hurt. "Oh…sorry."

"Hang on," Newt muttered hurriedly when she tried to move away from him. "Tina, love, look at me." She did, and he wasn't particularly surprised to see that she looked decidedly upset. "I didn't mean it like that…I just meant-"

"I know," She said quietly, avoiding his gaze. "I'm sorry. We don't have to…if it makes you feel uncomfortable or anything…"

He shook his head, his grip on her tightening just a tad. "No, no…it's not like that, I was just…haven't you been eating?"

Her cheeks seemed to go pink. "Of course I have! It's just…well, it keeps coming back up. But I'm fine, honestly," She added hurriedly. "I'm eating properly, I really am. Please, can we carry on?"

Part of Newt wanted to continue asking her – wanted to know why she was so thin, why she was losing weight and not getting any larger despite being pregnant…but he also didn't want to push her. It was clearly a topic that made Tina uncomfortable, and the last thing he wanted to do was make her feel uncomfortable of all things.

It was for this reason he didn't say a word, instead silently nodding and returning the kiss she pressed against his mouth. The concern could wait for another night, he told himself, when she wasn't as stressed or anxious – they'd talk it over fully then.

"…I hope the baby is a girl."

Phoenix scrunched up his nose at her, forgetting momentarily about his task of setting the table for breakfast. "No, it should be a boy – we don't need another girl."

"I want a sister," Linnet huffed. "I've got two brothers, and I don't want another one; I'm the only girl and it's not fair. I don't want another brother because you two are bad enough! Well…" She paused thoughtfully. "You're awful – Leo is okay."

Tina gave a huff as she rubbed at her temples. "Lin, stop being mean to your brother. Phoenix, stop trying to provoke a reaction from her."


"Leo's not causing any noise," She interrupted, and her eyes flitted over to her youngest son; he was sat at the breakfast table with a copy of Newt's book in his lap. He couldn't read it by himself yet, but he did still enjoy the illustrations. "Come on, guys, I've gotta get to work – I don't have time for this."

Phoenix and Linnet both looked guilty.

"Sorry, Mum…"

"Yes, sorry, Mummy."

Newt arrived downstairs just a few minutes later, top buttons of his shirt undone and his waistcoat hanging open casually; he set to making breakfast immediately, much to Tina's relief, and directed her to the kitchen table.

"Sit down, love," He said gently. "I'll get you some tea and you can relax before work."

Though she was certain he was trying to mother her (the irony didn't escape her), she was also rather grateful all the same. "Thanks."

The kitchen was soon full of the chatter of the children as they laughed and talked excited about the upcoming holidays; they were all looking forward to lighting their menorahs, Leo especially, and they were soon discussing gifts they might like.

"We're lucky," Linnet told Newt happily. "Because we get presents for Hanukkah and from Santa."

"You are very lucky," He agreed fondly. "All three of you – and just think, next year you'll have another brother or sister to celebrate with."

"Hopefully a brother," Phoenix muttered under his breath.

Newt pretended not to hear this. "You can teach them about the Festival of Lights, and about the North Pole, and then when they get older you'll be able to help them with their menorah."

"Mine is the best," Leo proclaimed, beaming at his father. "It's got lots of colours on it."

As Newt chuckled to himself, rather amused, he noticed that Tina was staring down at the table – and she looked extremely pale. "Hang on… Tina, love, are you feeling alright?"

The children swivelled in their seats to look at her curiously; Phoenix frowned to himself, clearly realizing quickly that something wasn't quite right, and Linnet started to gnaw on her lip.

Leo leaned against her side, clutching the fabric of her work jacket. "Mummy? What's the matter? Are you feeling bad again?"

"'m fine," She assured him half-heartedly, though she looked about ready to vomit. "I…I think I'll have to miss out on breakfast… I'll be back in a minute."

Newt watched as she suddenly bolted from her seat and left the kitchen, and his stomach dropped; she hadn't eaten the evening before, and he doubted she was eating much at work. He knew morning sickness was common throughout pregnancy (and not always in the morning) but something was decidedly off about this.

Phoenix seemed to follow this train of thought and took a deep breath before turning to his now-silent siblings. "We should visit Auntie Queenie after breakfast – perhaps Toby and Daisy and the twins would like to play?"

Linnet looked significantly cheered up by this. "Yes, we should; I want to see Daisy's room still!"

Leo looked to Newt for confirmation, somewhat unsure. "Daddy, can I…Can I bring your book?" Leo asked quietly. "I wanna show Auntie Queenie."

Queenie, of course, was more than acquainted with his book – but Newt grinned and nodded. "Of course, Leo; I'm sure she'd love to sit with you and read it."

His youngest son beamed, turning to his brother and sister excitedly; Newt, meanwhile, found himself silently fretting over Tina in his head – she was more than capable of looking after herself, but still…something wasn't right.

Perhaps Queenie will be able to help, He thought to himself, and that made some sense: she had more than enough experience with these things, after all, and she'd be able to give him some advice on what to do.

Yes, a visit to the Kowalski family's new home would probably be useful.

In the last few weeks since the Kowalskis had begun to settle in their new home in Dorset, the house had begun to gain some rather colourful decorations; Newt greatly suspected the pink was all Queenie's choosing.

His sister-in-law was humming as she finished stirring some coffee in a mug, and she wrinkled her nose up as she approached him. "The coffee here is still awful."

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid we specialise more in tea," Newt said lightly, the corners of his mouth twitching up a tad. "Tina gave up after the first month and just switched to tea – you could try that."

"I'd rather not." The mugs set themselves on the table, and she smiled at him. "Well, it sure is nice of you to bring the kids 'round – but you've got something else on your mind, haven't you?"

"You know I do."

Queenie nodded, biting her lip as she read over his thoughts. "Yeah… Oh, that's not normal…"

"It's not?"

"Teenie's…what? Four months?" He had barely given a nod when she sighed. "Oh, honey – she needs a doctor at this rate."

"So I'm not overreacting?"

Queenie shook her head, sighing to herself. "No, honey, you ain't. You should ask her to go to a doctor or something…but she's stubborn."

"Dreadfully so," Newt agreed quietly.

"She's always been skinny," Queenie mused absentmindedly. "But she's lost so much weight there's barely anything of her – you wouldn't think she's four months along… Poor Teenie…"

"I don't think the near-constant morning sickness is helping," He added miserably, ignoring his tea. "Merlin, she's barely eating at home, and I have a feeling she's not eating at work either. I don't want to force her or anything, but…but I want her to be healthy."

The blonde witch gave him a sympathetic look. "Of course you do, Newt. It ain't healthy for her to be like this though, and if she can't keep food down 'cause of morning sickness…well, there's potions for that, right?"

"Ah. Yes. But…"

Queenie bit her lip. "They're expensive," She finished for him. "The war and trading…I see. I'd brew her one, you know, no problem, but I ain't got the ingredients or a cauldron yet."

There was a long silence between the two of them, the only sound being that of the children playing in the rooms upstairs. Finally, after taking a sip from his mug, Newt sat back in his seat and fixed his eyes on the table. "So…What do you suggest that I do then?"

"Sweetie, I know it's difficult…" She paused. "Oh, you wanted Jacob to make pastries?"

"Well…I thought it couldn't hurt," Newt admitted, trying not to pink at how easily she had read his mind. "And only if he doesn't mind – I know he's working extra hours to make sure the bakery is doing well."

"He'd be more than happy to," Queenie assured him without hesitation. "Family's gotta come first, no matter what. I'll let him know. Other than that…a doctor?"

He tried not to sigh to himself; it was probably his best option, really, but he doubted as to whether or not she'd willingly go to a Healer to be examined – she'd insist everything was fine, that she could handle things even when she couldn't. Tina was stubborn and determined; it was what he loved about her, but sometimes it could also be a slight obstacle too.

"Let me talk to her," Queenie said suddenly, leaning across the table and putting a hand on his arm. "Maybe I can talk some sense into her, you know? Besides, Hanukkah's gonna be soon – that and Christmas, right? I'm sure she'll gain some weight over the holidays."

Hopefully, Newt thought to himself, not even bothering to attempt to close his mind; I just want this to be a normal pregnancy, for Merlin's sake, as stress-free and relaxed as possible.

It didn't escape his notice that Queenie was frowning to herself as she sipped her coffee, clearly troubled in her own thoughts.


Tina jumped – she couldn't help it; partly because the voice had been a shout, and also because she had, admittedly, been close to dozing off over her paperwork.

She was hurriedly rubbing her eyes when Crawford strode into the room, face bright purple with fury. "YOU!"

"What have I done now?" She asked, trying to hide the exhaustion from her voice. "I'm doing the paperwork you assigned me, sir-"

"You interfered with the case I assigned Nott!"

Oh, that. Tina straightened in her seat, trying not to go red. "Sir, I can explain… Nott was stuck, he didn't know what he was doing; he hasn't had the proper training, hasn't had long enough – none of the recruits have. I only stepped in because he asked me to."

"I don't care whether he begged you to take the case," Crawford snarled. "I am the one in charge – you follow my orders. Do you understand?"

"Of course," She agreed quickly, wary of angering him further. "Sir, I won't interfere anymore but…but if you perhaps let me go back to helping the recruits train-"

"We don't have the time to waste on training!" He snapped. "You don't seem to understand, do you? Every day that you're sitting here in your little office or at home with your husband, there are good fighters dying across the ocean. Good young men and women who have barely lived their lives… We need all the fighters we can get, whether they're trained or not."

Tina gnawed on her lip. "I…I know, sir. I know that people are dying – I knew many of them. I…I trained with some of them before they were sent away…" Her heart caught in her throat and she silently willed it to go down again. "But these recruits aren't going to survive if we don't train them."

Crawford heaved a sigh, shaking his head at her. "I won't expect you to understand, Scamander – women never do seem to understand the importance of these things, not once they've had babies."

"I do," She gritted out, tensing at his words. "With all due respect, sir, I've been here longer than you have."

"No, you don't," Crawford disagreed with a sneer, turning away from her. "Have you been to fight? Have you seen the torture some of our teams are put through? Have you seen comrades die in battle? Have you been forced to watch the light leave their eyes?"

Tina was silent, eyes wide.

"I didn't think so." He reached the door and turned to face her one last time. "I won't warn you again, Scamander: if I find out that you've interfered on another Auror's case, I'll be forced to take immediate action. Have I made myself understood?"

"Yes, sir," Tina agreed quietly, feeling rather unwell.

The door had barely closed behind him when she lurched for the bin and vomited what had been her lunch.

The covers felt far too hot over her, despite the fact it was December, and she just felt so sore – it was probably the nausea again, she thought miserably, and she debated getting up to wait in the toilet just in case she did need to empty her stomach.

Newt turned beside her, yawning loudly; Tina watched him for a moment, thinking and testing how she felt. The ache was getting somewhat worse, like nothing she'd felt before, and something felt decidedly not right.

Right. I definitely need to get to the toilet.

As she sat up in the bed, however, she was aware of several sensations; firstly, that there was a strange metallic smell wafting nearby, picked up by her already sensitive nose and making her feel sick to her stomach. Secondly, something felt odd…something sticky between her thighs…

Tina hurriedly reached out for her wand and grasped it from the nightstand; she muttered, "Lumos," and immediately looked over herself.

And there was blood.

She was a trained Auror, she knew how to remain calm in difficult situations – but even with all of her years of specialised training she found herself panicking.

And she panicked badly.

"Newt," She gasped out, reaching to shake him quickly as tears involuntarily started to blur her vision. "Newt, please, wake up! Please!"

The desperation in her voice must have done the trick; it took him just a few moments to wake up, his eyes squinting as they adjusted to the darkness. When he saw that she was in tears, he sat up with an alarmed look and placed his hands on her shoulders. "What's wrong, love? Tina, love, breathe for me…what's wrong?"

"I…" She choked on a quiet sob. "I'm bleeding, Newt."


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed (HA!) and hopefully a second part will be up soon!