Author's Note: Welcome to the first chapter of the second installment of the Flowing Magics series. Not much to say this is just me setting up the base for the story. I'm a little worried about how the action flows here but it works. I'm also worried that staring this now may be an issue but Flowing Magics is a big project and I need to advance it so I'm doing so now. Anyways not much else to say I hope you like the chapter. I do not own the Ben 10 series, Steven Universe, or The Life and Times of Juniper Lee in any way, shape, or form. Reviews welcome.

Possible Powers

Chapter 1

Various Things

Sirens rang, cars honked, and bright lights lit up the skies over Empire City. A standard night really.

Or so it might seem. A young woman walked down the street looking around furtively before an arm reached out and pulled, muffling the woman's screams as a man dragged her into the alley and silenced her by waving a knife in her face.

And it was with tears in her eyes that the woman watched the man grinned very darkly at her before a voice called out freezing both of them in place.

"Hold it right there evildoer you will not succeed in your deed tonight for I, Fortune Lass!"

Then another speaker "and her trusted partner Rose Guard will not let you have your way!"

The victim and her attacker just stared blankly at the speakers, two kids dressed in strange costumes before the man says "is this a joke?"

The girl dressed in green with dark skin and brown hair shook her head, mischievous yet firm eyes glittering behind her mask. "No villain it isn't, Segma Sofom!"

Then raising a hand that glowed green some trash cans also lit up with that same glow and with a flick they went flying towards the man who pushed the woman against the wall who slid down with a cry as he dodged the attack.

The man didn't really notice the bizarre thing snarled "why you?!" And knife grasped firmly in hand he charged and the woman fearful for the kids yelled "look out!"

But the second boy, Rose Guard who was dressed in whites and pinks, black eyes firm behind his mask, curly brown hair waving in the air moved to intercept raising an arm up as the area neared his stomach glowed with a light which then flowed up and gathered around his upward arm just as the man swung his knife down.


Where it proceeded to break against the shield made of crystal that had appeared in a burst of sparkles.

The man just stared blankly at his broken weapon and the woman stared in shock at the sight as well, the reality of what was going on sinking in too.

Then the girl behind him raised her hand again and the man looked surprised as the dumpster to his right glowed that same color.

The man began to swear "oh fu_" BANG!

But didn't get the chance to finish as the dumpster slammed into the wall and there the man stayed pinned and unconscious.

The two traded grins and high fives and it is then that a policeman showed up.

The three people still capable of it there stared before the policeman realized he knew of these two kids as he gave a yell "hey wait!"

Then another voice called out from above sounding almost bored "okay kids it's time to get going!"

And then two purple arms stretching in an impossible and almost comical manner grabbing the two kids who went "oof" as they were dragged up and out of sight.

The policemen called up after them angrily but stared in shock as there was a brief glow before a purple helicopter was seen flying away moments later.

Meanwhile in the purple helicopter Rose Guard or Steven Universe said "Amethyst you forgot the seat belts again."

"Oops sorry" the purple helicopter said as the seats Rose Guard and Fortune Lass sat on glowed and seat belts grew out of them.

The two heroes promptly buckled in.

So after a moment the purple helicopter or Amethyst the Crystal Gem said "so… how was superheroing tonight?"

Removing their masks Rose Guard and Fortune Lass or Steven Universe and Connie Maheswaran in unison said "good!"

Steven then looked at Connie and said "but I really think we need to work on our dramatic entrances more."

Connie nodded "yeah we really fell flat there for a moment."

Amethyst then said "yeah kids but it's time to get home, your parents are picking you up tomorrow."

Steven said "is Garnet still out on that mission?"

Amethyst drawled "yyuuuppp." Then came the sound of multiple cop cars ringing out and Amethyst said "hup there's the cue to kick it up" and the helicopter flew away faster while Connie and Steven looked on with vague interest.

Then Connie gave a start as she remembered something "oh has Pearl come back yet?"

Steven frowned at her and though they couldn't see it Amethyst was too.

A few months ago there was an incident when a woman from another universe entirely by the name of Gwendolyn Tennyson alias Lucky Girl arrived on their Earth by accident.

She came here chasing a demon named Thought Twister and in the resulting chase and battles Steven and his family the Crystal Gems had bubbled Peridot and discovered Homeworlds gem mutants. During the chase though apparently Pearl had gotten upset over something and run off.

Then Thought Twister had acted through Connie and while Gwendolyn and Steven managed to save her the demon had proceeded to show up with Malachite in tow.

The battle that had resulted had been epic with the presence of Stevondlyn, a new fusion. But in the end they had won, with Lapis Lazuli's rescue and Jasper and Thought Twister captured.

Then using their Earth's Door to Anywhere Gwendolyn had left but soon sent a gift.

It turns out that between Steven, Gwendolyn, and to a lesser extent Thought Twister's influence Connie had gained access to magic! And with Gwendolyn's help Connie had learned to use to her Earth's style of magic!

So after studying and practice Connie had become Fortune Lass and demonstrated her powers before them. But Garnet seemed to be busy for some time so Crystal Gem missions had become few and far between.

So Steven and Connie had decided to get practice in by becoming superheroes and so with a little help Steven had created Rose Guard.

But of course going out to be superheroes without supervision would be irresponsible so they Amethyst to chaperone.

She had stared dully at them when they first asked but then agreed.

So whenever Connie would say over for more than a day they would be superheroes. For some reason though the police didn't like them very much which was bizarre since they helped the people but stranger things have happened so really Steven and Connie just accepted it.

Before long Beach City came into sight and the trio let out happy sighs knowing they would soon be home.

None of them noticed the dark figure observing the purple helicopter fly away and none of them could be capable of hearing the magical commands whispered into their mind.

You know what to do?

"Yes." A feminine voice said aloud.

You are certain you will meet our objectives?

"Yes." The voice said as a leather like coat billowed around their long legs.

Then do not fail us our dear knight.

"I will not fail you my lords." The voice intoned softly as two feet dressed in high heeled boots also styled like leather walked forward once more and the figure moved towards Beach City will the grace of a dancer…

Meanwhile the helicopter had landed and had transformed back and Steven, Connie, and Amethyst were trudging up to the Temple.

Looking over his shoulder though Steven took note of the way Connie was flexing her fingers and concentrating.

"Are you still worried about the mana thing?" He asked Connie who looked at him startled before she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"A bit yeah" she admitted.

Looking at her hand Connie said "Gwendolyn makes it look so easy to just wield mana as a physical construct with a thought and gesture, no chanting required."

Steven though just wrapped an arm around her in a hug as they stood on the porch and gave her a wink closing one eye "aw Connie you don't need to be like Gwendolyn you're perfect the way you are!"

Connie blushed and after a moment Steven realized what he said and blushed too.

Letting go of her Steven quickly looked away and said "besides you can't be the only one having magical troubles out there right?"

Meanwhile on another Earth one that belonged to neither Gwendolyn nor Steven in a city on the coast life was going on like normal.

People were shopping, tourists were being tourists, and the magical activities of the city were in full swing as per usual.

Case in point one particular house where the sound of monkeys yelling was coupled with winds moving at high speeds in full force as a young girl cried out in aggravation "RAY RAY YOU LET OUT THE CYCLONE MONKEYS AGAIN!"

A moment later a young boy sheepishly replied with an "oops."