AN: Touhou Project is owned by ZUN, Elder Scrolls is owned by Bethesda, I own nothing but the plot and my OCs (Currently Ygacath, Sefid and Antus)

Chapter I: Skyrim, Land of Mead and Dragons.

[Western Watchtower, 2:32PM. Loredas, 21st day of First Seed.]

The watchtower was empty, save for a single guard stood at the top. The plains surrounding Whiterun were calm and quiet. The closest there was to a problem was a sabre cat getting a little too close to a trader's cart, though it failed to notice it and instead chose to stalk a few deer. The guard remained vigilant, ready to fire his bow at the first sign of any trouble. All of a sudden, there was a noise. There was a summoner inside the tower. The guard quickly reached for his sword, raised his shield and descended the stairs.

There was a blue orb at the bottom of the tower, yet nobody was in sight. The guard took a few steps towards it, and a figure emerged, one that Tamriel had not seen for a while. He had ash-grey skin and blank white eyes. Blood-like paint had been carefully laid over his face and he wore daedric armour, though the helmet had been replaced with a slightly torn hood and cloak.

"You've been gone, companion," the guard told the figure, "Where were you all this time?"

The figure sighed. "I left Skyrim, and I'm afraid my return is only temporary. However, I have brought some others with me, they were curious of my origins."

The first to follow them was a young woman with long scarlet hair and teal-coloured eyes. She wore a sleeveless green top, though two short white sleeves emerged from underneath, and a matching skirt, though there was a gap in the left side. She wore white trousers underneath and black shoes. As well as this, she had a small green cap with a bronze star on the front.

Next came two more. On the right, a maid with silver hair and matching eyes. Her hair hung loosely at the back, but was braided either side of her head at the front. Her outfit was a very dark blue and white. It consisted of the typical attire for someone of her role: a dress and an apron. She was carrying several bags at his point. On the left was a young girl, one who only looked about ten years old, wearing a pink dress. She had short hair that appeared to be an almost silver shade of blue and, worryingly, crimson eyes. Furthermore, she had two large bat-like wings emerging from her back.

The guard, even behind his helmet,was visibly nervous. "What are you?" He asked the girl.

"You can calm yourself," the grey-skinned man told the guard, "They are my allies."

"I trust you, Ygacath. However, I can't find it in myself to trust them."

"Could I speak to the jarl about this?" Ygacath asked the guard, "Jarl Balgruuf is a reasonable man, after all."

The guard sighed before watching the three that had emerged behind the companion. "Fine, but I'll be keeping a close eye on all of you."

Ygacath nodded before taking a few bags from the maid. He also took a pink parasol from one and handed it to the bat-winged girl, who opened it and stepped outside.

As they walked towards the walls of Whiterun, Ygacath looked at the guard who lead them before looking at the others. "Perhaps you should all take the time to introduce yourselves."

"Ah, of course," the young girl replied, "I am Remilia Scarlet, head of the Scarlet household. This is my maid, Sakuya Izayoi, and the gatekeeper to my mansion, Hong Meiling. It appears you are already familiar with my recent bodyguard."

The guard nodded. "Ygacath? He helped the city of Whiterun many times. It was a shame when he vanished without a trace."

"Now," Remilia began, "We've introduced ourselves, but what about you?"

"Of course." The guard nodded. "Sifed Wolf-Slayer."

"Wolf-Slayer? I'm assuming that's a nickname," Remilia told him, to which he nodded.

"You remember that time I told you about the werewolf pack that descended upon the Pelagia Farm, correct?" Ygacath asked, a look of memory on his face, as if the mere mention of the tale brought him to a time long ago.

"Of course," Remilia replied with a smile, "It was certainly an exciting one." It was the first tale of Tamriel that she had heard from her most recent servant. Werewolves of Tamriel sounded almost exciting to fight, if also incredibly vicious. Even still, she preferred his tales of fighting alongside a so-called 'Dragonborn' to bring down the strongest of beasts: legendary dragons, legions of undead, even the spirit of a long-dead frost giant. She smiled even more a the memories, "Perhaps we might meet some of these beasts ourselves."

"We would have no trouble against them." Meiling grinned, excitement glimmering in her eyes as she stretched her arms above her head.

"Hah, you'd probably fall asleep. Besides, Sifed here already slew the werewolves' alpha; shoved a blade straight through the beast's back and out it's mouth." Ygacath laughed, earning a glare from the redhead of Chinese origin. He then changed the subject. "Anyway, I would advise looking for a place to rest after we've seen the jarl, it's going to be dark sooner than you'd realise. Thankfully, the Bannered Mare is an inn located in Whiterun, I'd recommend staying there for the time being, I can pay for you all."

"Eh? What about you?" Remilia asked the warrior, it wasn't like him to willingly separate from the others.

"I'm a light sleeper," Ygacath replied, "You should know that."

"Are you sure about this?" Sakuya asked him, actually relieving Remilia who had picked up on the maid's silence until now.

Ygacath nodded. "I am. Besides, I have some old friends in Whiterun."

Before the others could reply, Sifed interuppted them, "Well, here we are. Whiterun."

Remilia instantly looked at the city's walls. It was certainly well fortified. Despite this, it also looked incredibly easy to bring down. As they neared the stables, the man at the stables cast a glance at them a look of surprise on his face, though his horses didn't seem to care. Then again, they are mere beasts.

"How long was I gone?" Ygacath asked curiously.

"About five months," Sifed replied, "If you plan on catching up with old Caius, I'm afraid you're out of luck. He was slain by a dragon, thankfully the dragonborn happened to be nearby at the time, or you would have returned to a smouldering ruin. We have a new guard captain now, though."

"I see," Ygacath murmered before stopping an turning to the others, specifically Meiling and Sakuya. He then continued, "And by the way, when we get to the Bannered Mare, please refrain from beating the bard senseless. I'll warn you now that he is a pitiful and infuriating excuse for a man, but if the guards come for anyone, can we please make it be him?"

Sifed chuckled at this. "Relax, old friend, if Mikael goes anywhere near your friends, I'll haul him out of the bar myself."

They finally stepped through the gates of Whiterun. Children were rushing across the streets, though most backed away upon seeing the imposing figure leading the group. Many also seemed nervous around Remilia. They passed a variety of buildings, to the point that there appeared to be nearly as many shops as houses. It actually appeared that many people slept in their shops. As they progressed through the city, Remilia found herself admiring the Gildergreen, a huge tree that was growing in the centre of the Wind District, while Meiling was drawn towards Jorrvaskr, nearly wandering off towards it until Sakuya stopped her. What had Ygacath's attention was that Heimskr was gone. He was happy about that, the old priest was nothing but a headache.

Having passed the Plains and Wind Districts, they reached the Cloud District. Dragonsreach sat at the very end of it.

"It's impressive," Sakuya admitted, looking at the imposing palace as they approached it.

"It once held a captive dragon," Sifed responded, "Well, twice actually. Just a year ago, the great dragon Odahviing was held in this very building. Only for a few minutes before the dragonborn ordered his release, hopped onto the beast's back and flew off into the distance. Whatever he did, it involved slaying the world eater, Alduin."

"Oh, really?" Remilia asked curiously, "And what did this dragon look like?" She wanted to be sure she wasn't being lied to, despite the fact that she would have used her 'Descendent of Vladimir Tepes' bluff if she hadn't been informed by Ygacath that Tamriel is on an entirely different world.

"The beast had crimson scales and-" Sifed was interrupted by a roar as a shadow passed ove their heads. Everyone looked up and saw it. A huge creature covered in red scales. Multiple horns, identical in colour to the beast's scales, were protruding from the back of its head. Two huge wings extended from the dragon's back, as did rows of black spikes, and it had two legs. It flew by slowly flapping its wings and allowing itself to glide through the air. It opened its powerful jaws and let out another roar before flying off into the distance. "That was him." Sifed chuckled. "Probably answering the dragonborn's summons. He's been serving her since Alduin's downfall."

"I see." Remilia responded, a thoughtful look in her eyes as she watched the dragon leave. In an instant, she returned her attention to the palace in front of them. "Well, I believe we came here for a reason, did we not? Let us meet this Balgruuf."

Ygacath nodded as Sifed opened the doors to the great palace. "My jarl, you have visitors." Remilia closed the parasol as she entered.

The jarl, his steward, Proventus, and his housecarl, Irileth, were all present. Ygacath bowed respectfully as they were spotted. "It has been a while, Jarl Balgruuf."

"Indeed," the jarl replied, "I didn't expect to see you again, Ygacath. What brings you here?"

"My companions were curious of my origins," Ygacath replied simply, "So I thought I could show them across Tamriel."

Remilia had folded her wings behind her back and her scarlet eyes observed the three in front of them carefully. Meiling and Sifed were discussing their own fighting styles and Sakuya remained by her mistress' side.

"There is no reason to try and conceal your wings, m'lady," Ygacath told Remilia, "After all, they know of my origins. Besides, the dragonborn I speak of is also a vampire." Remilia nodded and stretched her wings to their full length. Despite her youthful appearance, she was certainly intimidating.

As for Ygacath's origins that he mentioned, the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion knew that he was a daedra, even if they were originally unaware of what that meant, and that he was a former servant of Mehrunes Dagon, the Prince of Destruction. He claimed that two other daedra helped him leave Dagon as he felt his powers were wasted.

"However," Ygacath suddenly continued to Balgruuf, "The residents of Tamriel are likely to see my lady as a monster-" Remilia looked less than pleased at the comment "-Perhaps you might know someone who could help."

"I might know someone," Sifed spoke up, "There's a merchant staying in The Bannered Mare, he had quite a fine collection of cloaks."

"I see," Ygacath replied before bowing to the jarl again. "Before I leave, I request that you make the guards aware that she is of no threat, I fear for her safety with the way that some of the guards were looking at her."

"It will be done," Balgruuf replied, "But make sure the vampire does not harm my people, or she will sit in the dungeon just like anyone else."

"It will be done." Both Ygacath's words and tone mirrored those of the jar. The daedra then looked at Sifed. "Now please, lead us to this merchant."

[The Bannered Mare, 3:11PM. Loredas, 21st day of First Seed]

Music was playing as the group entered the inn. The bard's gaze was fixed on Meiling the moment she stepped through the door, but a glance from Sefid was enough to make him turn away again before Meiling had even noticed. A young man left one of the rooms before approaching the woman at the counter and talking to her.

"That's him," Sifed told them.

Remilia was very quick to approach him. "Excuse me." The vampire looked at him. "Unless I am mistaken, you have cloaks to sell, correct?"

The man, who had short blonde hair, looked at the girl, specifically at her wings. "Ah, yes. I think I have one that would be perfect for you, little one-" her wings drooped slightly and the expression on her face became one of disappointment at the 'title', though the man ignored her lack of enthusiasm "-now, if you and your friends would come with me." He lead them back to the room he had been staying in. Despite the small size, cloaks, among other items of clothing, were hung around the room. The Scarlet Devil's eyes widened and she perked up when the man produced a crimson cloak that was just the right size. It came with a hood and would be able to protect her from the sun quite nicely, while also hiding her wings. The was a white trim around the edge of the cloak and it could be held in place by a pin in the shape of a cross. It was perfect.

"This, my lady, can be yours for just 250 septims." The man seemed quite proud of the cloak. Remilia deflated upon realising she didn't have any money on her.

Ygacath stepped forward, holding a large cloth bag containing the right amount of coins. "Judging from my mistress' earlier excitement, I would say it's a deal." Remilia perked up upon hearing her servant's voice and nodded eagerly. The exchange was made and she quickly put the cloak on before turning to face the others for their opinions. She noticed just how soft and comfortable the cloak was and smiled slightly.

"You look stunning, Remilia-sama." Meiling smiled.

"Beautiful and elegant, yet intimidating. It suits you, milady," Sakuya added.

"I must agree with the others." Ygacath nodded.

Smiling, Remilia turned back to the man. "And now, perhaps a name. In case we meet again."

"Antus Nathrien," the man told her, "And you?"

"I," the vampire began, "Am Remilia Scarlet, my family is a powerful one and I lead it with dignity. I came to this land simply seeking something new."

"Well well, you're certainly a proud one." Antus chuckled. "Anyway, don't let me hold you up, I should get packing up soon, my cart will be arriving."

"Actually," Remilia spoke up, causing Antus to pause with a somewhat nervous expression, "How much will it be for a second one, my sister might like one."

Antus followed the girl's gaze and saw what she was after. It was a little smaller than the one he had just sold them and was white in colour. A red symbol was sat on the back, one ressembling a dragon. Ygacath knew that it was the symbol of the Empire.

"You really want that one, huh?" He asked, "That's worth 500 gold pieces, I made it for the daughter of a friend of mine… but the pair of them were slain by vampires."

"I see…" Remilia had a thoughtful look on her face before telling him, "If you're willing to sell, I will still take it. As well as this, perhaps we could deal with these vampires for you."

"You would do that for me?" He asked before nodding. "If you can avenge them both, I will be in your debt. In fact, I'll even give you the cloak for free. The scum are set up in Broken Fang Cave, take this map." He handed her a map with the cave's location marked on it, which she took and then handed to Ygacath.

Remilia glanced back at the others before looking him in the eyes. "We'll do it, they won't leave that cave again."

She put her hood up and lead the others outside, still enjoying the comfort of her new cloak.

"So, we're going up against vampires?" Sakuya asked.

"We need to make a name for ourselves somehow," Remilia told her maid, "Besides, as long as none of these vampires are somehow Flan, I don't care what happens to them."

Sakuya nodded silently while Meiling closed her hand into a fist, watching as a rainbow aura enveloped it. Remilia looked over at Ygacath, who already had his bound swords in his hands. "The strength of the vampires of Skyrim pales in comparison to any of us," Ygacath told them, "We will be able to dispatch them, perhaps a little too easily..."