A/N: Hello! I have started a new story! I pray that it'll be a lot more interesting then my other ones!
It's gonna be a lot darker and maybe sorta angsty
Summary: When Hermione falls upon a prophesy about her and Draco she learns that she must bear a child to save herself, Draco, Harry, Ron and all of the wizarding world. And her and Draco develop feelings, but what happens when Voldemort gives him an offer he can't refuse?
A/N: There might be a sequel since I have already written more than half of the story and I think its decent sequel material.
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns everything. I own nothing. Well, actually I own Prophesies of Magic Volumes 1-3 and Bella Portillo and I own the prophesy!
Rating: PG-13 for language and MAYBE a little sexual content
Title: Il Profetizza di Amore Vietato (anyone who can tell me the translation gets the dedication to the next chapter! HINT: It's Italian)
Hermione distractly pushed a lock of hair back as she tried to balance the pile of books in her arms.
She was out a little after hours because Harry and Ron had forgotten their bags in the library. They seemed especially eager to get her out of the common room.
She had wanted to check out a book; Prophesies of Magic. So she agreed to pick up their bags. Turns out that Bella Portillo, the author, had published three volumes about the topic. So OF COURSE she had to check those out too. Professor Binns had assigned them a foot long essay on a prophesy of the student's choice.
She stumbled under the weight of the literature, as well as her, Harry, and Ron's rucksacks. Everything toppled over all over the corridor. Books parchment, quills scattered everywhere. She sank to the floor and groaned in frustration. She was really tired and didn't want to pick up all her things. Her semiconscious mind would've reminded her that she IS a witch. But she could only focus on getting back to the common room, back to her dormitory, and into her bed.
"Not too graceful are you MudBlood?" came a sneering voice from behind.
"We can't all be perfect can we Malfoy?" Hermione shot back as she stood up and brushed imaginary dust off of her robes.
"I guess not Granger."
She turned to him to sneer and was met with the crystal pools of blue that were Draco Malfoy's eyes. She gazed at him. Hermione felt his hand running up and down the small of her back. His other hand was trailing over (actually his fingers…) her chapped lips. He pushed aside a strand of her cinnamon hair that was stuck to her lips. Hermione felt herself relax and go limp in his arms. His touch was so…enchanting.
She asked him softly, "What are you doing Dra-Malfoy?"
Draco smirked. He had gotten the desired effect.
"Helping you up of course."
He held her elbow as she unsteadily stood up.
He then brushed past her.
Startled by the sudden contact, Hermione again dropped her books.
"Clumsy aren't you Hermione?" Draco then disappeared into the dark shadows of the corridor.
He called me Hermione, she though absent-mindly as she picked up her strewn school supplies.
She then reached for the open Prophesies of Magic Volume II when she gasped as she read:
Il Profetizza di Amore Vietato
Unire di mani con al sangue di sangue e Fango Puro
Joining of hands between a Pureblood and MudBlood