It was July 10, and team 7 had just finished their latest mission and where on their way to the Hokage's office. When they opened the door, they noticed that the room was quite full people.
"Ah, Kakashi. Your back." The third Hokage said as he sat at his desk. "I assume the mission went well?"
"Yes, very well." Kakashi-sensei replied.
"Boring as usual!" A very energetic Naruto said indignantly. The Hokage looked amused. "I need to tell you four something very important." The Hokage said, suddenly serious. "A group of traveling merchants came by my office earlier and gave me this." The Hokage pulled out a small, gray, lifeless orb.
"What is it?" Naruto asked.
"I'm nnot quite sure myself, but the merchant said that it could tell the future."
"The future?" Kakashi-sensei asked incrediously.
"I'm just as skeptical as you, but the most interesting part is that it can only show the future of four certain people." The Hokage continued.
"Only four? Who?" Kakashi-sensei asked.
"Well," The Hokage paused for a few seconds, "They said that it could only show the future of our very own team 7."
"Us!?" Naruto said quite loudly.
"Only us?" Sasuke asked with a skeptical look on his face.
"Does it really work?" Sakura asked curiously.
"I don't know, but the merchants said that to use the orb it requires a drop of blood from the person's future we wish to see." The third Hokage replied.
"It sounds dangerous. Like it could be a trap of some sort." Kakashi-sensei said causiously.
"Let's do it!" Naruto said excitedly.
"Be quiet, Naruto! We can't just 'do it' without knowing what it is for sure." Sakura said angrily.
"Well, I've already thought of that and I've had the Hyuga clan look at it for me. It seems completly empty inside and has no chakra flowing through it." The Hokage said.
"See. It's totally safe." Naruto added.
"Then how can it possibly tell the future." Sasuke said bordly. "It's probably just a waste of our time."
"You may be right Sasuke, but I don't see any harm in trying." The Hokage said.
"Hokage-sama, you can't actually be thinking of using that thing? It makes me feel uncomfortable." Kakashi-sensei asked.
"Yes, I share your concern, but without chakra how can it be dangerous."
"Alright! Let's try it out then! Me first!" Naruto yelled.
"Wait a second, Naruto!" Sakura said angrily as she grabbed him by the back of the shirt.
"It's alright Sakura. Let him try it." The Hokage said. Sakura looked confused for a moment, but let Naruto go.
"I, personaly would like to see Naruto's future." The Hokage encouraged.
"So, all I gotta do is drop some blood on this thing?" Naruto asked. The Hokage nodded. "Ok! Here goes nothing!" He said as he cut his hand with his kunai and let the red liquid drop onto the gray surface of the orb.