Summary- All her life Harry, short for Harriette, had always been one of the boys and nothing was really going to stop that. Not even a Zombie apocalypse. So, what if the group she was currently in was under the mistaken perception that she was actually a male. After all, considering all that was going around them did it really matter? Fem!Harry
Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or the Walking Dead. Nor do I make any profit off of either one of them.
Chapter Seventeen
Did Harry say one good thing had come from the mass shooting of all the walkers from the Barn? Well, what she meant was that after that had happened everything had gone straight to hell. With the only thing that could be remotely good about it all being the fact that no one died, and the fact they didn't have the threat of Walkers tearing out of the Barn and eating them in their sleep.
However, things had honestly gone from bad to worse since then. Starting with the fact that apparently ever single last walker in the Barn they had shot down. Had all originally been either family or close friends to the Greene family. Meaning that the family had known each of those Walkers on a personal level, and worst yet had thought they could be saved. Or at least had believed that before everything had gone down.
Making it all that much worse for the youngest, Beth, when she had seen her mother taken down right in front of her. Something that had been more like rubbing salt in the wounds considering how the mother had been taken care of.
As Shane, instead of just shooting that particular walker in the head, putting it out of its misery, he had decided to use it to make a point; to harshly make his point at that. As he had shot his several times in the chest as he screamed at everyone before finally shooting it in his head; drilling into everyone head that Walkers where dead in one of the more brutal fashion he could do it.
In fact, it was a point, that ending the rest of the group in the situation they were now in. As after they had calmed down, most of the group had ended up feeling horrible for what they had done. Even if it was something that should have been done anyway; they most felt they could have done it in a much gentler fashion. Which lead to the majority of the group feeling rather bad about what they had done. A feeling that only grew when they found the reactions the Greene family had to what had happened.
Beth Greene, who looked to just be a couple of years older the Carl, maybe seventeen eighteen years old. Seemed to have gone in a sort of shock. And wasn't reacting to anyone or anything as she locked herself in her room. From what Harry had heard, from her older Sister Maggie, she feared that Beth my become suicidal at the point; as she had been the one it the family that had been closest to the majority of the walkers in the barn.
Something Harry was really hoping wasn't the case as over their stay they she had really gotten to like the spunky blond girl in question. A teen who had taken to joining in the weapon and hand to hand lessons Harry had been teaching the others in the group. And had even given pointers to the others in the group how to best deal with farm animals, as well as some of the chores that needed to be done on the farm.
On the other hand, instead of being shocked, the eldest daughter of the Greene family seemed to go straight to enraged and had biting comments to say to anyone who took part of the shootout.
Which much to his grief, did include Glenn; though for the most part Maggie seemed to just be happy ignoring the man in question. Something Harry both couldn't blame her for, and at the same time hoped that she decided to stop soon because Glenn actually had a very good kicked puppy look. A look he seemed to wear every time Maggie walked past him not even looking at him; let alone speaking to him.
Then there was the father, and the owner of this farm, Hershel, who in Harry's mind seemed to take what had happened the worst of all; at least in regards to the reaction he had given. As instead of becoming enraged, like his eldest daughter had, and promptly kicking them off his farm, like Harry had first thought he would. The man in question, just took off. Apparently to go drink his sorrows away, if the ranting and mumbling she heard from Maggie was accurate in any way.
At the same time, as if trying to make up for what the group had done, Rick had decided to go after Hershel; to bring him back to the farm and his daughters. Not to mention, if Harry was reading the look on Rick's face right, try to convince the man in question not to kick them off his farm; like he was likely to do the moment he did get back from his drinking bring. Unless Rick was able to talk him into doing otherwise.
Something Harry wasn't so sure was a good idea. As while the farm had been a nice place to stop in, she couldn't see it being a permanent place to stay. There was no shelter, no walls to stop any walkers from storming in and in her mind just far to open, as well as too well known, to be any protection from the world as it was now.
And even if they could, putting up those protections it would take far too long to do so; even with the help of magic. Which again Harry couldn't do as the rest of the group besides Daryl and Merle had no idea about it. And even if they had the time to do so, those types of protections where usually very flashing and just screamed that magic was happening to anyone who caught sight of them.
Which again had Harry wincing and wishing she could tell them about her magic in the first place. But at the same time, given what had just happened with the barn, found herself even more reluctant to do so.
As she had just seen a good chunk of the group dissolve into a mob mentality and she didn't want that directed at her in the least bit. Something she could see Shane, who had originally drove the others into mob mentality before, and Lori, who had given Shane the mentality he had now in the first place, attempting to do just that. Most likely trying to pin the blame of the whole walking dead on Magic to do so.
Not that she really had the opportunity to tell the others about her magic right now. As she was attempting to help with the backlash of what had happened just the night before. This time trying to help Beth come out of her stunned state. And using a little bit of her magic to do so.
After all, Harry knew that she could pass her potions off as herbal remedies, and a calming drought would certainly help Beth in that regards. Or at least that was what Harry was planning on doing, until Maggie passing by her and seeing what was in her hands said something that had Harry freezing where she stood.
"Is that a calming drought!?" Hearing this Harry went wide eyed and nearly dropped the potion vial she had in her hand. Before she managed to re-catch it as her gripped loosened and answer the question Maggie just whispered out, with a question of her own.
"How did you know?" Hearing this, Maggie gave an almost relieved sounding laugh as she motioned Harry to follow her. Answering the question, Harry had just asked all the while she was leading het to where Harry figured was Beth's room.
"Mom, was a witch. Not a very powerful one but she did love her potions. Most of which she used to help with the animals or make her garden better. Dad loved her potions to help with the animals. Mostly the ones she had that keep animals calm. Me and my sister are what you call Squibs and father wasn't magical at all. But he did love mom and let her teach us potions. Sadly, we don't have anything to make potions anymore, ran out of it a while ago, and I was just thinking how much I wished I had some potion supplies to make Beth a potion to help. And I saw you with one. It's for Beth, right?"
Harry could see now, that Maggie was near tears at the moment as she thought back to her mother and at the same time her inability to help her sister; even if she knew how to do so. Something that made, Harry feel a sympathetic pang in her chest as she had felt similar to that before. Which was probably why she said what she did, before she could actual think about what she was saying.
"Yes, it's for Beth. I have more potion supplies on me if you want to make them…just be careful the rest of the group has no idea I have magic at all. " After saying this Harry looked at Maggie and after hearing her snort, raised a question brow at her. Which prompted Maggie to tell her.
"That last bit's kind of obvious. Though considering how some of them are reaction to things that aren't even magic I don't blame you. I know I sure as hell wouldn't tell some of them about magic if I had any…" Here Maggie drifted off before starting to stare at Harry with harder eyes.
"But there are a couple I would tell in a heartbeat as I would trust them. Are you going to let them know or are you going to keep playing with them like this?" Harry hearing this felt her own eyes harden as she forcefully placed the potion vial in Maggie's hand and all but spat out.
"I'm not playing with them. I have told a couple and I would tell the others, like Glenn if I knew they wouldn't blurt it out to the others. As we have both seen they're not the best at keeping secrets and seeing as there are members of this group, I can so see trying to do a witch burning if given have the chance, I would rather not risk it. But if it comes down to it, I promise I will reveal I have magic, as I'm not one to let someone suffer if I have another option. Which is why I was going to give your sister that potion might I add." This seemed to earn Harry a guilty look from Maggie as she clutched to potion, she now had in her had to her chest and gave a soft sounding.
"Sorry." To Harry, who upon hearing this, calmed down a bit and gave a slight smirk to Maggie before telling her.
"It's fine, give that to your sister and if either you or Beth want to make some potions, I have the supplies. It would be good to have someone else besides me to have some potions on them after all. And I get the feeling you'd be able to pass them off as herbal remedies better than I ever could."
This earned Harry a slight laugh from Maggie as the woman in question walked into her sister room to give her the potion she now had. Seeing this, Harry turned back around and left the farm, going to talk to either Daryl or Merle about what they thought they should all pack up.
Because honestly, she didn't feel as safe in the farm as she had earlier, nor did she really think that Rick would be able to convince Hershel to let them stay any longer after what had just occurred.
Or at least Harry had been planning on talking to either Merle or Daryl about this until she saw Lori storming away from both brothers; obviously enraged about something that had just happened. A feeling that didn't' disappear but took second stage when she noticed that Lori was now coming in her directions.
Seeing this, and really wanting to avoid having the temper-tantrum that Lorie was obviously about to have directed at her, was about to turn around herself to avoid the woman in question. Only it seemed that she was too late to do this as Lori had caught sight of her and was now stomping her way over to her, shouting at her all the while.
"You, I don't know how you did it, but you have turned everyone against me! Especially those redneck trash of yours! I don't care what you have said you have got to be sleeping with them to have them wrapped around you finger the way they are. Though why they would want to sleep with someone like you I would never know." Here Lori sneered and looked Harry up and down before sticking her nose in the air as she started speaking again; speaking in the tone that had originally gained her the nickname queen bitch from Merle in the first place.
"To have the nerve to not only refuse to do something I kindly asked them to, but to insult me as well, has you written all over it. Only you would do something as petty as that. I swear when Rick get back here, he is going to have words about you place among this group. After all we wouldn't want a whore like you being a bad influence on the children here now would we."
This last bit was said in a nasty hiss nearly in Harry's face. A hiss that Harry did her best to ignore as she stepped around Lori, reached in her bag for some lavender tea and handing it too Lori. With a cheery smile on her face as, in a voice she knew the others could hear as they had been paying attention since Lori had started in on her, told the raging, red-faced woman.
"Here Lori , have some Lavender tea. It'll help you get more sleep, obviously you haven't been sleeping enough. It's something that must have put you in a bad mood. " Here Harry gave as slight frown and added the fuel to the fire began saying what she had been planning on saying all along; only Lori seeing the anger burning in her eyes as she continued speaking.
"But you do know, that you do not control anyone in this group, right? They all have a free will and can refuse your demands any time they want, right? And I wouldn't be influencing them to do this, right? Oh, and again, Lori I am not a whore. I haven't had sex with anyone in this group." The unlike you, echoing clearly to everyone who heard what Harry had said.
Including Lori who attempted her usual reaction when things didn't go the way she had planned as she tried to slap Harry as hard as she could. Only for Harry to nearly dance out of the way as she weaved around Lori and walked towards where both Daryl and Merle where waiting for her; speaking over her shoulder to Lori as she did so.
"See you later Lori, maybe when I go on a supply run later on, I can try to help you find something for you that will help with your problems. But until then I have got some things I want to discuss with both Merle and Daryl so were all going to be a little occupied for a bit. "
This said and smirking to herself as she heard Lori's enraged scream as she stormed off. Hearing this and seeing that now no one else in the group was paying attention to them any more Harry couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as she asked Daryl.
"What was that about, she usually goes out of her way to avoid the two of you." This got a grunt from Daryl as he continued working with the animal fur in front of him. While Merle gave a slight snort before answering.
"She's upset Daryl refused to do what she wanted. Queen bitch there tried to order Daryl to go out and look for Hershel and her husband. Didn't take too well when Daryl refused to do so, while calling her olive oil. Found the whole thing rather amusing myself. More so when you added to it."
This got a slight smirk from Harry, who couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lori's actions. Before remembering why, she had gone to speak to the Dixon brothers to begin with; or at least one of the reasons why. And remembering this Harry, after grabbing a hold of another animal fur that needed to be cleaned, began to speak quietly to the two on either side of her.
"You two aren't going to believe this but the Greene's. They know about magic. Have known about it all along. Apparently, their mother before she had died, had been a witch. The two daughters are squibs, which are children born to someone who is magic but is unable to use magic outside their bodies themselves. But they can make potions, and apparently very good at recognizing potions as well. As Maggie recognized the potions, I had with me for Beth."
Here Harry paused for a bit to see what the two thought about what she had just said. Only to see that they were just waiting for her to finish what she wanted. Seeing this, Harry gave a grin before finished what she wanted to say about this.
"Well, Maggie knows I'm a witch now, and will probably be over here with her sister later to make some potions. And this means that when Hershel gets back, he'll probably be told I'm a witch as well. But Maggie also agrees with me about not telling some about my magic…even if she does want me to tell others."
This said Harry wait to see what the two she had become rather close to, and partially dependent on, thought about what they had just been told. She didn't have to wait long as Merle was rathe quick to give his opinion.
"I think that good, those three I can se being good to have in a group, and if came down to it seeing as the famer did marry a witch and the other two are related to someone with magic I could see them accepting you. And if they accept you there are going to other in the group that will as well; like Chinaman."
This said Merle brought his knife back out and went back to work with fur he was working on before. Hearing this Harry could agree with what he said, as she didn't see Glenn leaving Maggie; as he really did seem to care about her deeply.
Not to mention she could see Carol and Sophia staying as well. If only because Harry had both saved Sophia and then taught them how to defend themselves; something no one else seemed to want to do. Maybe even Amy and Andrea as well as both of them seemed to really like Harry; and respect her more than they did the others. Something that Harry had to let loose a sigh of relief that turned questioning when she heard what Daryl had to say.
"Hey, do you think me and my brother could make potions as well?" Hearing this, Harry realized that both brothers had been able to see through her spell that keep most mundane from seeing her magic. Which was something that could possible mean that in some way the brothers could also have magic of their own; or even be squibs like the Greene sisters where. Realizing this Harry licked her lips slightly before answering.
"I don't know, maybe you can. We could go try and see later on if that is what you want." This got Harry a nod from Daryl as the three settled down to finish off the furs that where in front of them; working in silence for a bit as they all had thoughts on their mind as they worked.
Harry wasn't sure how long she had been sitting beside both Daryl and Merle when she heard a truck door slam and bring her attention to what was going on nearly directly in front of her. It seemed that Lori had gone off on her own, to try and find Rick and Shane had gone after it. It also seemed that, to Harry's utter shock Lori had somehow managed to crash Maggie's truck on an empty road. Not to mention now seemed to be playing the part of an insulted wife, or as much as she could as she slapped Shane while shouting out.
"It isn't bad enough that you lied to me about my husband's death, but you had to go lie again about him be safe back here didn't you!" Only this time Shane didn't seem to fold or hold back what he was feeling because instead of backing away like Lori clearly wanted to do. An enraged Shane all but boomed out.
"Your pregnant Lori! You crashed the truck for crying out loud. Yes, I lied to you, but it was only to keep you safe! That's all I have been trying to do, keep you safe!" hearing this and seeing Lori puff up like she usually did when she was about to go on to a rant, Harry couldn't help but roll her eyes. She didn't need to hear this drama, she could already guess where it was going on, and just listening to it would give her a headache she didn't want to deal with it.
Or at least that is what Harry thought was going to happen, until she heard another car tearing up to the farm, and out tumbled out Rick, Hershel, and then someone Harry had never seen before. An injured someone, that even without knowing him had the hackles on the back of her neck standing up on end as her inner hell cat began snarling.