Disclaimer: I don't own The Rocky Horror Picture Show

A/N: I might have to up the rating soon. Oh dear. These new friends of Columbia's aren't so innocent. In fact, they're supposed to be a bit like the Drapes from Cry Baby. Very 1950s. They use a lot of hilariously outdated slang. I stole some of it from Junky by William S. Burroughs.

(Columbia is trying to navigate the lunchroom. She looks really lost. Unpopular for the first time. Scared of the other students.)

(Suddenly, Eddie spots her and waves. Columbia walks over to his table. He's sitting with two girls - Stella and Barb. The former is sophisticated and grown up looking, like an escort. The latter seems oddly childlike… in a risque, Kinderwhore kinda way.)

Eddie: Hey, doll. You're the new girl, aren't you?

Columbia: Yep. My name's Laura.

Eddie: I'm Eddie. These two chicks are Stella and Barb-Baby.

Barb: Oh, don't call me that. Just because I'm the youngest of the-

Stella: I think we're in the same English class. Sayre, right?

Columbia: She looks like a Beatnik, doesn't she?

Stella: I know! And she really is hip.

Columbia: That's good. (Pause) Right?

Eddie: It helps cats like us.

Stella: Yeah. She's more forgiving of our faults.

Eddie: Hell, she even smokes tea sometimes. Behind the school.

Columbia: No way!

Barb: Yes way.

Columbia: How do you know?

Eddie: I provide it.

Columbia: You deal?

Stella: Don't be stupid. It's not dealing when it's just reefer.

Eddie: Be nice, Stel.

Columbia: Do you think you could score me something, too? Maybe 'ludes or goofballs?

Eddie: Sure, sure. Hell, I could probably get you the hard stuff.

Columbia: (Eyes widen in shock) H?

Stella: What do you think he meant?

Columbia: That's serious shit!

Eddie: It's nothin' when you've got connections. Anyway, we're cool cats. Hip kids. Nothing like the squares sittin' over there.

Columbia: I can tell.


Barb: So, Laura, where did you go to school before?

Columbia: Different places. You wouldn't know 'em. I only just moved here.

Stella: Huh. Cute.

(Stella looks at her watch. Then, rather suddenly, she picks up her bag and leaves.)

Columbia: Is she okay?

Eddie: (Shrugs) Yeah.

Barb: She does that.

Columbia: Aren't you worried?

Barb: No. It's just Stella being Stella.

Columbia: (Nervously) Cool.

(Awkward pause)

Eddie: We're having a party this weekend, y'know. Do you wanna come?

Columbia: I -

Barb: You don't have to. Their parties can get a bit wild.

Columbia: Will there be beer?

(Barb nods)

Columbia: Pills? Weed? Acid?

Eddie: Yeah. Probably. I've always got somethin' lyin' around.

Columbia: You really do sound like my kind of guy. (Pause) You aren't in a band, are you?

Eddie: I play sax and I can kinda sing.

Columbia: Perfect.

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