Author's notes: This was meant to be a one-shot, but I'm too tired to continue writing tonight and I really wanted to post something tonight. I really needed some Danvers sisters fiction written after this episode. It was heart breaking, and I felt like they could have explored Kara's abandonment issues further instead of just mentioning them and never bringing them up gain.

ALSO, Mon-el is not sleeping with Kara in her bed in this scene after 2x14, because I am a prude and think it's ridiculous they already slept together. I just don't see it as a very Kara thing to do, especially when they are not sure if the relationship will work out or not. I also have qualms over it for the fact that Mon-el should want the relationship to be different than his previous one's where they have sex right away. Sooo, I have taken author privileges and decided that they are only dating and have only been so far as to of had that make-out session on the couch. Plus, the scene in my head worked great without him being there.

Kara laid in her bed unable to sleep. Her golden locks flowed down the sides of the pillow, and her eyes were puffy and tired. She was exhausted from the events that transpired today, but Kara's mind wouldn't allow her to sleep. It wouldn't let her find comfort in rest, and so Kara was currently in a staring contest with the ceiling. Her blue eyes brimmed with tears around the edges. The stucco ceiling blurred from the water welling up in her eyes. An hour had already passed since she had initially climbed into bed.

She wouldn't admit it to anyone, as Kara thought it was silly because Alex didn't mean it, nevertheless she felt like there was a hole in her chest. A gaping hole in her torso. These words just kept echoing in her head:

"You both are unbelievable, but, YOU, you're something else."

"You're either part of the family, or you're not!"

"He's my father," Said Alex

("He's mine too," Kara replied back)

"Then act like it!" Alex roared in her face.

Her heart ached and throbbed painfully. She felt like she had lost everything. The aching was more than Jeremiah betraying them, that hurt for sure, but what hurt the most was the throbbing feeling of rejection. It was like she was reliving Krypton exploding all over again. She was abandoned. Again.

"My whole childhood was making sure no body found out."

"I—I Gave up a medical career to join the DEO for you. A—and my whole life has been about protecting you."

("I thought you said it was a great adventure?" Kara replied disheartened.)

"Yes, but it's cost me a lot. It cost me my father," Alex replied grimly.

"Does he (Clark) understand that he abandoned you with us? ...Do you?"

Kara rolled over and laid on her side, and plump tears streamed down Kara's face, gravity no longer holding them around her eyes. Silently, the water ran down her cheeks and into the fabric of her pillow moistening the cloth with water droplet stains. She was too exhausted to whimper or sob. Her heart ached too much to give sound to her sorrow. Eventually, Kara's eyelids became so weighty that sleep, in the end, overcame her. Her thoughts couldn't keep her awake anymore… her body was too exhausted physically and emotionally.

The next day was not much better for Kara. She couldn't shake the memories and words from her head. Kara knew Alex must be so dismayed about Jeremiah betraying them, but Kara, in her current state, couldn't do much to help Alex. That is, if Alex even wanted her help. Two broken people can't really comfort each other efficiently.

On top of that, Kara wasn't even sure if she ever really had an earth family. In theory, Clark wasn't even her family. He had sort of abandoned her. The mere word abandon sent waves of pain shooting in her chest. Clark had abandoned her, sent her away, to be taken care of by another family. A family that she destroyed by simply being a part of it. Alex, her sister, had resented her in the past, and her words the other day indicated that being part of Alex's family was conditional. Alex was only her sister conditionally. It was like she never really was part of the family. Family is not conditional.

"You're either part of the family, or you're not!"

"He's my father," Said Alex

("He's mine too," Kara replied back)

"Then act like it!" Alex roared in her face.

The truth was if she had never been forced upon the Danvers, then none of this would be happening. Jeremiah, Alex's father, would not have betrayed them. He would have gotten to see Alex grow up. Alex would not be in so much pain at the moment. Alex would have gotten a normal childhood and have a career that she really wanted, without an alien coming to live with her family to influence that decision. Eliza may have treated Alex differently.

("I thought you said it was a great adventure?" Kara replied disheartened.)

"Yes, but it's cost me a lot. It cost me my father," Alex replied grimly.

As Kara did her duties at Catco, Kara had to fight back tears welling up in her eyes all day. It broke her to realize that she really didn't have a family. She never really had one after hers blew up on Krypton. She was alone. All that she had been, since she landed on earth, was a problem for people to deal with—I.e. Clark giving her away and destroying the Danvers family. Alex had even implied, earlier this year, Kara had cost Alex her father.

Snapper seemed to have noticed Kara's downtrodden mood as he was more accommodating to Kara than usual. James tried to talk to Kara as he also noticed she wasn't herself. James knew the gist of what happened, and assumed what had Kara down in the dumps was the ordeal with Jeremiah, and tried to give her pep talk trying to give her hope involving the fate of Jeremiah. It didn't work. Didn't work at all.

At the DEO, Kara kept her distance from Alex. She was cordial with her, but nothing more. She hurt too much for anything more than that. Kara knew she shouldn't be so hurt by what Alex said as Alex was upset at the time, but Kara still hurt nonetheless. Alex, her sister, the one who knew her better than anyone, had used one of her sensitivities against her. The fact that those words even came to mind in that situation, indicated that maybe Kara didn't really have family at all.

Kara did sort of believe that she didn't have a family any longer. She had lost her family, or any semblance of one, the minute she suspected Jeremiah, and if not then, especially so, when Jeremiah did turn out to be working for Cadmus.

Kara wondered if somewhere, deep inside, Jeremiah and Eliza hated her. Hated her for ruining their family.