Geralt hesitated before entering Corvo Bianco, with the key still in his hand. Even in the early hours of dawn, he knew she was waiting for him. Right now, he didn't know if he was ready to face her. Geralt would rather be thrown into battle with any monster, even though he just came back from one. But he knew he couldn't avoid her—his shoulder ached, and hadn't stopped bleeding, and he was itching to get cleaned.

Slowly opening the door, he saw Yennefer sitting in the long dining table with a book. It was Dandelion newest collection of ballads, gifted to them a few weeks ago when he visited. Her eyes never left the book as she told him to take a bath. Geralt didn't say anything as he went to their room and found a bath already prepared. The water was warm.

It wasn't until he undressed and able to see the wound when he felt the stinging pain in his entire shoulder. The bite marks where still seeping with hot blood. He cleaned the wound as best he could before stepping into the water, leaving a damp towel covering his shoulder so he wouldn't be bathing in his own blood. Geralt did not spend time resting in the bath as he would before, feeling the need to scrub himself raw. It wasn't from the fatigue and filth of The Path, for he was never on it. He was only gone for a few hours, but he felt something linger on his skin. Maybe this was one of the effects of Superior Black Blood?

Geralt heard Yennefer walk towards the room, to see him try to dress the wound himself. Her expression softened as she set the book down on the shelf and reached to help him.

Geralt caught her wrist, gently. "Don't. Black Blood might still be in my system. It's a stronger version. First time using it." Long before coming to Toussaint, he found a formula for enhancing the effects of the potion. Geralt didn't think he needed it until coming here and found himself fighting vampires. And now, knowing Regis might never come to his aid against Orianna, he knew a stronger Black Blood was needed. Besides, even if Regis was willing to risk his life to help Geralt, he wouldn't be willing kill another of his friends. Geralt can't ask that of him again.

Yennefer drew her hand away. "One day you'll get yourself killed with these poisons." She left the room with a different book. It wasn't until Geralt finished cleaning himself up when he realized she hadn't even tried healing him with magic, like she had done many times before.

His shoulder was burning, but he could also feel a softer heat throughout his body. When looking at his own reflection in the mirror, he knew for sure Black Blood hadn't faded yet, as his darkened veins were still faintly visible against his pale complexion. The sensation was different than usual. Often times it just made him feel fatigue as it wore off. Now it felt as if something hot was crawling through his veins, and it took a great effort to resist the need to tear it out. He needed to get Yennefer to help him, which means he had to face the music.

It didn't take long to find her, sitting on the stone bench in the garden with a book resting on her lap, unopened. This time of year the summer heat was gone, replaced by a refreshing cold breeze that softly danced through Yennefer's hair. She hadn't noticed he was here.

"Would you like some company?"

Yennefer's eyes met his, never startled. "Yours? Always," she said softly, almost a whisper. "How's your shoulder?"

"Not the worst I've handled." She laced her fingers through his. Her cold touch slightly eased the irritated feeling. They were silent for a while, but Geralt could feel the words left unsaid. He had to say something, but he didn't know what exactly.

"You can say nothing. You're quite good at that."

"Don't read my mind."

"I can't help it." Her voice was stern, as cold as her touch. "What am I supposed to do when you give me nothing? You're hunting a higher vampire that you cannot kill. This is the second time you tried to kill her and we both know that Black Blood only delayed her regeneration. And I still don't know why you can't just let her go." She stared at him. Geralt knew she was waiting for answer, and when he couldn't give her one, she scoffed at his silence.

If he was being honest with himself, he didn't even know why. Geralt felt like he had to, that he'd be failing someone or something if he didn't. For some reason, he couldn't let Orianna get away with her blood bank, even though he knew the children used to be well cared for. But he couldn't help being reminded of the decision he made at Crookback Bog or letting Gaetan live for something much worse. Every time he thought about it, he felt a pit in his stomach. He didn't know why; he could never figure out what is wrong. Might this be guilt? Is this what guilt feels like? Geralt clenched his jaw, feeling his veins burn hotter than before. His shoulder stung almost unbearably.

Yennefer traced random patterns at the back of his hand, bringing him back to the moment. Geralt couldn't tell if she read his mind. She had no reason not to. Which might be a good things. Geralt often found himself not knowing how to voice what he felt.

"I know." She whispered. "Listen to me, Geralt and listen carefully because I hate repeating myself. Although we've settled down, I have not stopped you from your work, and I will not stop you from going on The Path. But you cannot keep forcing yourself to fight battles you cannot win. It's reckless and foolish."

"I'll try."

She let go of his hand and gently grabbed his chin, forcing Geralt to meet her eyes. "You'll do more than try."


She kissed him, softly. Their kiss slowly grew in passion until her hand rested on Geralt's injured shoulder, causing him to wince.

"I'm sorry," she said with a hint of amusement, tucking loose strands of snow-white hair behind his ear, "If I heal you it will also heal you from the Black Blood. But since it's the first time you used it you need to wait it out; discover its full effects."

"I hate it." He grunted in complaint.

"I'm sure you do." She kissed him again but was too short. "Since I'm awake, we might as well eat breakfast."

"And after?"

"Whatever you like."