Ben: I take back what I said, this is a terrible idea.
Jack: Come on dude it can't be that bad.
Ben: You'll see when soon enough Jack you're month is up next.
Jack: Yeah, yeah whatever.
Disclaimer: We own nothing if we did Akame ga kill would have followed the manga and Leone would have lived.
Chapter 4: Initiation Part 2
Leone sighed as she finished off an Ursa that'd tried to attack her, the lion Faunus had taken it upon herself to kill any Grimm she came across in the hopes to lessen the deaths that would surely come at the end of this initiation. She'd observed some of her fell Huntsmen in training the previous day and she could tell that at least thirty percent of didn't have the mindset to survive the trials of being a Huntsmen, hell she'd even overheard some of them talking about how much 'fun' they'd have during the initiation. Leone growled as she continued her trek towards the ruins as far as she was concerned none of them knew what it truly cost to survive in the world and until she was proven otherwise none of them was worthy of her respect or camaraderie.
'Actually…that's not entirely true.' Leone thought. 'There was those two girls what were their names again...Ruby and Yang that's it! They hide it well but i could tell that those two have gone through their fair share of hardships and with those silver eyes of hers she's bound to be a target in the future.'
Leone abruptly stopped her train of thought before as her ears picked up the sound of crunching leaves, acting quickly she spun around while simultaneously activating Cross Tails wires sending them into the bushes rip apart whatever had been following her. But instead of the yelp of surprise of a Beowolf she instead heard the shriek of two girls that sounded vaguely familiar, pulling her catch out into the open Leone raised an eyebrow as she witnessed Weiss Schnee and Ruby Rose tied back to back and arguing with each other.
"This is all your fault Weiss!"
"WH-How dare you! You're the one who suggested I talk with her!"
"I said you should go talk to her not stalk her!"
Leone let a smile come to her face. 'Reminds me of Tatsumi and Mine.'
Normally the Lioness would leave these two to sort out their problems but she doubted that having an argument while in a forest full of creatures attracted to negative emotions was appropriate. Dropping the two girls on the ground the blonde assassin suggested that the three stick together until they reach the relics something that Ruby readily agreed and despite Weiss's subtle animosity toward the girl the Schnee heiress agreed as well. The three then settled into a comfortable silence as they traversed through the Emerald Forest with Ruby casting nervous glancing between Leone and Weiss, noticing this Leone decided to spark up a conversation with her new companions.
"You said you guys wanted to talk to me, any particular reason why?"
Heiress and reaper looked at each other sending each other nervous stares before Ruby answered. "Uh, we both kinda had some questions we wanted you to answer."
"Let's start with why you look more like an animal than any other Faunus I've seen?"
Leone stopped, slightly surprised at the blunt question, before giving herself a once over. "Honestly? I don't know, I've been like this since I was born my mom says I have a rare mutation."
Clenching he fist she held back the urge to flinch as her claws dug into her paws. "It's like you said I look more like an animal than most Faunus, I'm more in touch with my animal instincts as well...I can't remember how many times I've nearly mauled my siblings because they got to close to my 'territory.'"
Rubys and Weiss eyes widened.
"You tried to...maul you're siblings?" Ruby said not comprehending what Leone had just said.
"Yeah..." Leone sighed. "When I was a kid I used to wear a cloak to school to hide my features, I was still picked because of my ears but at least I had friends until one day someone thought it'd be funny to pull it off to see what the 'animal' was hiding. Everything went downhill from there, when people saw that I not only had lion ears but a tail, feet, hands and fur to go along with my ears people lost it even my friends started throwing out slurs like 'monster' or 'beast.' I didn't really help myself when I..."
"When you what?" Weiss asked narrowing her eyes at the blonde who shook her head.
"Maybe another time, next question." Leone said picking up her pace.
"Hey you can't just-!"
"So you and Akame are sisters?" Ruby said ignoring the glare Weiss sent her way. "You two don't look alike."
"I could say the same about you and Yang." Leone said sending a smile Rubys way. "Akame got a lot of her looks from our dads side of the family apparently she's a splitting image of our grandmother one time when she was eight our dad called her-!?"
Leones story was interrupted when an Alpha Beowolf pounced on her from the left side clenching its jaws around her right arm, before Weiss and Ruby could attempt to help her they were attacked albeit by less powerful Grimm leaving Leone to be dragged off by the Alpha Grimm. Said blonde grunted in pain as the fangs of the beast bit deeper into her arm, gritting her teeth Leone flexed her claws before using them to slice off her arm. Acting quickly Leone charged at the Alpha Beowolf grabbing it by its neck and slamming it into the ground, the two snarled at each other before Leone used her teeth to tear out the Grimms throat. Hearing something rushing toward her the lion Faunus quickly stood up to backhand a Beowolf flying towards she then let out an animalistic roar as she activated her semblance causing her body to be encompassed in flames and her arm to regenerate. She then made a beeline back to Ruby and Weiss finding the two partners engaged in a battle with a pack of Grimm, rearing her arm back she formed a spear with Cross Tail and used her pyrokinesis to envelop it in flames. Throwing it Leone felt a grin come across her face as the weapon pierced through a Beowolfs causing it burn from the inside out, flexing her fingers the Grimm seemed to twist in on itself before bursting in a shower of blood as Cross Tails wires violently tore through its body before attaching itself to the limbs of the other Beowolfs surrounding the group she then set the wires on fire simultaneously. Clenching her fist she forced the Grimm pack together before they all to burst into flames, having done her part Leone turned to see how her companions were doing only to narrow her eyes as she saw Weiss muttering to herself as she tried to get into a stance as a Beowolf approached
Hearing a whooshing sound Leones eyes widened as she saw Ruby heading straight towards Beowolf her scythe posed to cleave it in two just as Weiss finished getting into her stance, activated the dust in her rapier and charged.
Too late.
Weiss let out a yelp as Ruby appeared in front of her forcing the white haired girl to redirect her attack which then set the forest around them in flames. From there the two girls proceeded to get into an argument as to whose fault it was much to Leones annoyance.
Both girls eyes widened in surprise as Leone yelled at them a column of flames bursting forth from her body.
"You are both wrong here!" Leone yelled. "Ruby you need to be more mindful of your surroundings if Weiss hadn't diverted her attack you'd be dead right now! Weiss I don't know what you've been taught but standing in an active battlefield just so you can perfect your stance is suicide! If you were facing a mercenary, bandit or god forbid a highly intelligent Grimm they would've ripped you apart!"
Leone sent them both fierce glares causing the girls looked down in shame feeling as though they've been scolded by an older sibling. The flame user sighed before turning around and walking away from the two.
"I'm going to look for my sister, whatever problem you two have with each other needs to be sorted out and fixed before you get each other killed."
Leone sighed as she tree hopped through the forest, she wished she didn't have to be so harsh on the two but she knew if she didn't say anything they were likely to die before their lives even began. Ruby had a lot of potential from what little she'd seen of her fighting style the blonde had concluded that the little reaper was like a mini Tatsumi in which she had immense latent potential but had a large amount of innocence and naivety to go along with it. In Weiss case the girl was like a rougher version of Mine with the way she walked around with that aura of arrogance surrounding her and if Leone had to guess the white themed girl had had nearly everything handed to her on a silver plate.
'I can worry about those two later right now I need to find-!'
Flipping in midair Leone wrapped her arms around the person that'd collided with her as she skidded to a stop along the forest floor
Leones thoughts were cut off as something rammed into her side causing her to fall white hair, golden eyes, dark skin, large breasts and a scar across her nose. She wears a black jacket with a white zipper tee shared with her prior mercenary group and torn-up demin short shorts along with knee high brown boots with black heels, yellow-outlined straps and white metal-toes A single belt crosses her waist with considerable length that has its tail end point out from her left-to-her right from behind, and she has a gauntlet-like weapon on her arms.
Flipping in midair Leone wrapped her arms around the person that'd collided with her as she skidded to a stop along the forest floor. "Hello to you too."
"Sorry about that." The girl said and she stood up and held a hand out for Leone to shake. "Names Bullet."
"Leone, guess that makes us partners huh?" Leone said a little disappointment in her voice as she shook her new companions' hand.
Bullet deflated. "Unfortunately no, I've already got a partner."
As if on cue out of the bushes came a girl with short brown hair, a big curly brown squirrel tail, hazel eyes and large orange fighter top showing half of her bosom, two tonfas, black strap panties with an orange skirt-like cloth, long black stocking, and orange boots.
"Hot pants!" The girl yelled jumping at Bullet only to receive a fist to the face.
"I told you to stop calling me that Makoto!" Yelled a blushing Bullet.
"You didn't have a problem when 'he' calls you that." Makoto grumbling.
"I swear to god if you don't-"
Bullet was cut off as suddenly Linne appeared in front of them looking battered and beaten, looking at the three her eyes landed on Leone. "You're Akames sister."
Leones eyes "Do you know where she is?"
Without a word Linne grabbed Leones arm before looking over Bullet and Makoto. "...You'll do."
"We'll do whauugh!" Were the only words Makoto were allowed to say before Linne grabbed both her and Bullet before disappearing?
When they reappeared it was next to Akame, Silver and Juri each of them with a substantial amount of battle damage, but that's not what drew Leones attention.
No what drew her attention was the large Alpha Grimm that was standing in front of them.
It had a bird-like beak that was filled with razor-sharp teeth, red raptor like eyes, and its face was almost entirely covered by its white Grimm mask that had with crimson stripes along with horns. Its feathered wings stretched outwards as its sharp claws tensed with anticipation while its thick armored tail waved about in the air. It' s muscular body covered in bone plated armor seemed to grow bigger as the Grimm flung both of its armored forearms and roared that caused the teams to cover their ears.
"Whoa that things got a pair of lungs on it!" Makoto yelled wincing as her squirrel ears began to bleed.
"It's an Alpha Chimera, native to Vacuo it tends to stay away from humans only attacking when its territory has been invaded or its hibernation cycle has been interrupted….we may have woken it up."
"What are you guys Semblances!?" Leone yelled.
"Semblances now!"
"Lock on." Bullet.
"Speed." Linne.
"...Masochism." Juri said a light blush on her face.
"Death." Akame.
"Pyrokinesis and Regeneration." Leone.
"Creation." Makoto.
"Okay we can work with this, here's the plan Akame and Silver hang back and give us support when you see an opening Akame use focus your semblance through Murasame and take it. As for the rest of you I want you to hit the damn thing as hard as you can and don't stop and try to crack its armor if you can."
The Chimera let out another roar.
With that the five teens charged at the Chimera with Linne and Juri reaching the Grimm first the one eyed warrior attempting to land a blow to its neck while the brown haired girl used her semblance to blur behind the creature. A loud clang was heard as the Chimera used its tail to block Linnes attack before grabbing Juri leg and slamming her into the ground it then attempted to wrap its tail around Linne only for her to blur away just Makoto, Bullet and Leone appeared the three girls attempting to simultaneously strike at the Grimms armored chest in an attempt to break it only to yell in shock as it used its wings to blow them away. It was at this moment that Akame tried to slice it with Murasame only for the Grimm to snap at her forcing her to jump back to Silvers side just as he used his telekinesis several chunks of rocks at the Grimm who in turn used its wings to charge right through the projectiles and heading straight for the two Faunus.
"I don't think so!" Leone yelled wrapping Cross Tail around the beasts arms and legs trying to keep it in place. "A little help would be appreciated guys!"
"I'm working on it blondie!" Juri yelled as she jumped on the Grimms back wrapping her legs around its neck in an attempt to strangle it. "What are you waiting for an invitation!? Hit the damn thing!"
In response the creature of darkness spun around throwing Leone threw a set of trees before using its tail to stab Juri in the back.
"Bastard!" Silver yelled as Juri screamed in pain.
"Silver wait!" Akame yelled cursing as Silver charged in.
She made to chase after him only to stop when a hand placed itself on her shoulder, looking behind her she saw Linne shaking her head. "Stay here, wait for your chance to strike."
She then blurred away leaving Akame to grit her teeth in frustration, she knew the brown haired girl was write if she charged in recklessly like Silver and got injured then they'd lose their best chance to kill the Grimm. Getting into her stance Akame fully activated her Semblance and kept watched the fight waiting for her chance to end this. She watched as Silver shoulder bashed into the Grimms chest grunted as its armor and his shoulder cracked, he grunted as the Grimm delivered a haymaker into his back sending him to the ground before grabbing him with its talons in an attempt to crush him. It would have succeeded if not for the timely interference of Makoto the squirrel Faunus as she rushed at the Grimm skidding to a stop just in front of it with her arm reared back. Akame could hear Bullet telling Juri and Silver to brace themselves as a portal appeared behind Makoto before she punched forward a large ethereal version of her fist appearing from the portal as she did so sending the Chimera and Juri flying back into a tree. The squirrel girl winced as Juri cried out in pain once more but sweat dropped when she noticed her legs grip tighter around the Grimms throat and the blush that was present on her face.
"Her semblance really is her masochism...kinky."
"Not the time Makoto!" Bullet yelled as she aimed her gauntlet at the Chimera, they could hear the gears turning as fire began to form around Bullets hand. "Flame Shot!"
A large fireball shot out from her gauntlet hit the Grimms left wing setting it ablaze and causing it to roar in anger and proved to be a mistake however as Juri tightened her grip even more around the Grimms throat causing it to stagger in surprise allowing for Silver to jump in and use his telekinesis to keep it immobilized, using this moment Bullet opened and closed her eyes causing them to glow a dark orange. The dark skinned beauty then proceeded to disappear in a fiery blur before reappearing behind the Grimm, grabbing its tail she let out a scream that caused her body to burst into flames which then spread to the beast causing it to roar out in pain which quickly turned to choking as Juri once again tightened her legs. It was then that Leone reemerged from the forest looking pissed as all hell and heading straight for Chimera her arm reared back ready to strike at its chest with Makoto following up next to her.
Unfortunately for them the Chimera had other plans.
Having enough of being choked and burned the Grimm wrench its tail out of Juri and slammed it into Bullets head knocking her unconscious it then wrapped its flaming tail around Juris neck burnig her throat and causing her grip on its neck to loosen. It the wrenched the one eyed girl off its body and positioned her right into the path of Leone and Makoto causing both girls eyes to widen and attempt to stop themselves with Leone digging her claws into the ground and Makoto doing the same with her feet giving the Chimera the chance to jump in the air and grab them both with its talons slamming the two girls into the ground. It was at this moment that Linne chose to appear behind the Grimm her blades primed to cut off the Grimms wings only to disappear again when the Grimm attempted to backhand her, this went on for several moments until finally Linne appeared inside its guard and jammed her folding knife into the Chimera chest plate finally putting a hole in it.
And all it cost her was her aura and a hole in her chest courtesy of the Grimms pointed tail.
Despite this the brown haired girl gave a bloodied smile that confused the Grimm, why was its prey smiling?
That's when the Grimm realized that out of all seven of its prey.
One was missing.
The Chimera only had time to blink before its body began dissolving, it looked down at the one who killed it and found itself staring into the eyes of its killer
There was no anger in them like many of the other people it'd faced.
No pain from her wounds.
No fear.
The last thing the Chimera witnessed was cold red eyes.
"Team RWBY led by Ruby Rose!"
Ruby stood there in stunned silence as Ozpin named her the leader of her team, she looked over the masses of students clapping for her and noticed two out of three of her first friends here at Beacon missing. Looking back at the stage as her team walked down to rejoin her fellow freshman she also noticed how Najenda was missing.
"And now for our final team."
When they walked onto the stage Rubys eyes widened in horror, she heard Blakes breath hitch and Weiss gasp, she felt her sister grip her hand as the people around her stared in wonder.
Linne was the first one to come out her yellow hoodie having a charred hole where she had been stabbed leaving her chest clear for all to see which included the large heavily blacked and charred spot where the Chimera had stabbed her, next to come out was Silver the boy limping and holding his heavily bandaged and bleeding torso. The hedgehog faunus coughed into his gloved hand causing himself to wince as he took his place beside Linne the girl helping the poor boy to stand as he closed his left eye and leaned into her side. Next came Akame, Bullet and Makoto the three looking a little better than Silver and Linne with Makoto have a bandage over her right eye and the three only having bruises and limps which they helped each other support. But the worst...the worst was Juri.
When Leone and Najenda had approached to the stage with Juri there wasn't even time to notice the bandages on her stomach nor the claw marks on the right side of her face as all eyes instantly went to her legs. The girls legs may have been damaged but you could still see that one of them was clearly broken and the other was heavily burned, the hole in her cat suit allowed everyone to see that she had the same wound that Linne did only hers seemed worse her fingers were mangled and broken and her face was leaking from multiple lacerations on her face.
"Akame Raid, Leone Raid, Juri Han, Silver White, Makoto Nanaya, Linne Inbirth, Bullet Mercury you seven not only passed the Initiation but you also dealt with an Alpha Chimera that would have surly killed other Huntsmen if you'd failed, however as there have never been seven people on one team I would like to ask your new team leader Leone Raid to name your team.
All eyes turned to Leone who had a contemplative look on her face.
Leone smirk
"Seizon-sha, from this day on we'll be known as Team Seizon-sha."
Good night everybody!