Disclaimer: Don't own Smallville/the Mortal Instruments.

Sequel to: Jace Morgenstern's Unlucky Streak

For: chibichibi98, darklou, Balir123 and Veronica :)

Mood music: A Great Big World feat Christina Aguilera - Say Something.

Warning: The story's M rating is finally vindicated.

Chloe froze at the sound. Was that someone coming into the apartment? If so, why hadn't Sebastian announced his return? Was Jace with him? Or had something gone wrong? She'd felt the pain through their shared Fehuruz—was Sebastian hurt? Was Jace hurt?

She hurried towards the front door yet skidded to a stop when she saw him. It was Jace. He was here.

Jace, who'd been in his fighting position, dropped his Seraph Blade as his eyes widened. "Chloe?"

The sound of her name on his voice was enough to unfreeze her, to get her moving. A sob escaped her lips as she propelled herself across the floor and then into the air. He caught her, she'd known he would, one arm around her body and the other fingers-deep in her hair as their lips met. It was rough, their teeth clinked momentarily, but neither seemed to care about their less than graceful actions. Chloe's legs curled around his hips and her arms around his neck as she tried to get as close to him as possible.

Jace slammed her back against the wall, keeping her pinned against it and his body as he kissed her unlike he'd ever kissed her before. It was rushed and sloppy and desperate. It tasted of salt. He only pulled away enough to look up into her eyes, his own wide, his breaths erratic, his expression terrified.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming," he begged breathlessly.

"You're not," she promised him.

"We interred you in the City of Bones," he whispered in a ragged, tortured sound. His grip on her hair tightened as if to convince himself he truly was touching her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered back, pressing soft kisses down his jawline. "They were trying to protect me."

"Sebastian and your brother?" Jace seemed to be forcing those words out.

She nodded as she took in a very deep breath. "And my father."

Jace's eyes widened. "Your father?"

"I'll tell you all about it," she promised, her voice hitching when his hands slipped under her shirt, "later, I—." A surprised shriek escaped her lips as suddenly she was upside down over Jace's shoulder, and he was storming into her living room area.

"Does the whole place have no furniture?" He asked in an odd, breathy way.

"I never got around to buying anything," she declared from her upside down position. "The only reason I have the shag rug is because Magnus got it for me as a house warming gift."

"Okay. Let it not be said Jace Morgenstern doesn't know how to rough it," he muttered to himself.

"Rough it?" Chloe asked before squeaking, when she once more found herself being manipulated. In seconds she'd somehow been deposited carefully (which seemed impossible given the speed) on the ground, her back against the shag mat. A giggle escaped her lips but it was swallowed by Jace as he covered her body with his and claimed her mouth most hungrily.

That giggle quickly turned into a groan as Chloe's body shifted to better accommodate Jace's lanky form. Her arms crossed behind his head as her fingers dove deep into his hair.

"I thought you were dead," he hissed against her lips. "I thought I'd lost you."

"I'm right here," she whispered as she grabbed fistfuls of his Morgenstern blonde hair, her breath escaping her lips loud and desperately as his teeth took to leaving marks all along her neck. It hurt, but with each bite, each hiss, Chloe found herself whimpering, not in pain, but in need. Her legs rubbed against Jace's, her pelvis teasing up towards him.

Jace uttered a sound so low and throaty in her ear it not only surprised her, it caused goosebumps of desire to prickle her skin.

There was so much they needed to tell each other, so much that needed to be said, but all words and thoughts were absent from Chloe's mind, her lips. She was only capable of the basest sounds, cries, whimpers, as Jace's hands and body rubbed her. Everything was hot, so incredibly hot it was nearly suffocating. She yanked off his jacket, kissing away his throaty, pleased groan when she trailed her hands under his shirt, her fingers finding and tracing each and every ab.

She wasn't ready for him to tear open the front of the little black dress she'd gotten from Lilith, and her breath escaped her loudly, sharply, as the suddenly cool air hit her, leaving her feeling exposed, but she didn't even think of trying to cover herself up. Not with the way he was looking down at her, his pupils large with desire. It felt as if she were pinned under a lion about to attack, yet instead of feeling scared, powerless, she wanted him, needed him more than she'd ever needed anything in her whole life.

His golden eyes stared down at her with question, with need, with a hint of panicked desperation.

Her green eyes stared back up at him, meeting his gaze head-on, and then answered his unspoken question by parting her thighs.

A breathless, torn sound escaped his lips as he yanked off his shirt and then swooped down to capture her lips with his. "This was supposed to happen on a bed of roses," he whispered in obvious apology and self-recrimination even as he reached between them to unbuckle his pants and free himself. "You deserve so much more than a shag rug!" He breathed heavily, almost as if in pain, his teeth grit as he rested most of his weight on his elbows. "We should wait."

Reaching up, Chloe curled her fingers through his hair and pulled him down closer, capturing his lips and kissing him with all the love and need in her body. She rolled her hips, cursing the fact that she was still wearing underwear because she could feel him throbbing hard right there but that barrier was between them.

Jace sobbed into the kiss, his self control visibly breaking with every flick of her tongue or nip from her teeth. His weight rested more and more on her, and then she wasn't the only one moving against the other.

The tingles stole her breath away, and she tensed as the pleasure made its way up her spine. "Jace," she begged against his lips.

He said something, she didn't know what, but it sounded defeated and exhilarated all at the same time.

And then he moved, far too quickly for her to process, reaching between their bodies. Her underwear broke, torn clean off, and then he was inside of her.

Pain exploded throughout her body as Jace pierced through that barrier deep inside of her body, only stopping once he'd buried himself completely. Chloe wrapped her arms around his back, hiding her face in his neck as her body tried to adjust to him.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in her ear.

She nodded, although the way she fingers dug into his back probably said otherwise. "Move."

"You sure?" His voice trembled with just how much control he was exerting over himself just to stay still.

"Move," she ordered as she trailed her nails down his back.

Jace let out an animalistic groan as his hips moved instinctively, burying himself deeper and deeper inside of her.

It hurt, it still hurt a lot, but there was pleasure under the pain, a teasing tickle slowly coiling in the deep of her stomach.

And then Jace's lips found hers.

"It could destroy her soul, Magnus." Catarina couldn't believe he was coming to her with this proposition. "I can't help you do this. It's wrong."

"Her soul isn't at peace, Cat," Magnus sighed from where he sat at her desk. He looked extremely tired, not even his makeup could hide the bags under his eyes. "So much happened to that girl, she deserves a second chance at happiness."

"I don't disagree," Catarina sighed as she finished healing his hand. "But Magnus, you can't do this to her. Her soul is all that's left of her now, if this goes wrong and the soul is destroyed, you will have murdered her just as much as that Angel did."

Paling immediately, Magnus took in a stuttered breath. "I hadn't thought of it that way."

"I know you're trying to help." There wasn't any evil in Magnus' heart, he could be capricious as hell, but evil? No. She'd known him too long to think otherwise. "But this isn't helping. If you really want to do her justice, just let her soul remain with the person she loved the best." She smiled sadly. "That is as close to heaven as anyone could ask for."

Magnus stared at her in silence before he leaned back hard against the seat. "Jace won't see it that way, not when he knows that there's an opportunity to get her back. Lois won't either."

"Well, I didn't even want to get into the technicalities of this, but I doubt a Mundane body would be able to hold her soul. Mundanes can't handle Angelic Runes, much less a soul fused with, according to you, the Angelic Grace of two Angels."

"Half of the Graces of Two Angels - basically one Grace," Magnus muttered, but clearly could see where she was going with this. "Her demonic heritage would also make putting her soul in a Shadowhunter highly risky, the body would most likely reject it. We don't know if her soul retains any of her demonic traits, but it probably does. The only body strong enough to handle the mixture in her is the one that was created for it - her body - and it went up in flames in the City of Bones."

"We can't do this," Catarina reiterated.

Magnus sighed and covered his cat eyes with his hands. "No, we can't."

Sebastian cleared his throat as he shifted from where he leaned against the building's wall. It was hard to remain stoic and still. He'd known the Fehuruz would connect and heal, but he hadn't realized that pain and pleasure both translated through the rune. He gulped back a whimper and cast a glance over the crowds, no one seemed to notice how fidgety he was. Good. He'd hate to have to kill them for witnessing this otherwise. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy being watched, he definitely dabbled in watching and being watched, but this was all out of his control and that was something he didn't like.

For all Chloe's talk about her and Jace's pure love, they sure had sullied it the second they'd been reunited.

A tickle deep in his stomach seemed to build and build, coiling like a snake.

He gulped once more and reached back to slam his fist against the brick wall. What the hell was that sensation? He'd never felt anything like that before, and he definitely had more experience than Jace did. So why did Chloe feel that good? His eyes closed as he concentrated on breathing, feeling electric pleasure at his fingertips. He pressed them harder into the wall behind them, trying to use the pain to mask the pleasure but it only seemed to enhance it.

Cursing softly under his breath, Sebastian forced his eyes opened and caught a sight of his own reflection in a nearby shop's windows. His cheeks were slightly pink, his pupils wide in arousal, desperate to bleed blackest black. It was only thanks to his incredible self-control that he hadn't tented his damned pants.

His phone vibrated in his jacket's pocket, and he yanked it out, voice harsh when he answered. "What?"

"What the hell are you doing you idiot?" Jonny wanted to know. "This is not time to be screwing around!"

Usually he was amused by the way this bothered Jonny, but given the fact that he was the one being put upon he was far from amused. "Don't talk to me. Talk to your sister."

There was a moment of silence, and then a very soft: "Are you screwing my sister?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "No, Jace is."

"Then why am I feeling second hand pleasure through our link?" Jonny wanted to know, and then… "The Fehuruz?"


"I'm traumatized and pissed off," Jonny informed him, as if this was all Sebastian's fault somehow. "That's my baby sister, damn it! I should not—!"

"Yeah, well, you're not the one stuck in public, plus, you're getting like third hand waves, I'm getting second hand, much more intense." He made a face, annoyed at how Jonny was always the damned victim. "Plus, she's my sister too, kind of."

"Yeah, but you're the type of sicko who'd get off on stuff like that."

Sebastian thought that over and nodded. "Normally, yes." Pleasure began to ripple harder and harder inside of him, forcing him to go ramrod straight, eyes incredibly wide. "Oh Sweet Lucifer."

Jonny whined. "Make it stop!"

"What is that?" Sebastian hissed as pleasure rippled up his spine, leaving him with goosebumps.

"I don't want to knoowww!" Jonny sobbed and then hung up, clearly far too traumatized to continue the conversation.

The feeling of nails dragging down his back caused Sebastian to curse breathlessly as he leaned forwards with his hands on his knees. He'd thought the almost completely faded Fehuruz linking him to Jace completely defunct, but was that what Jace was feeling? Because he doubted Jace would scratch up Chloe's back as viciously as Sebastian's back was burning. I'm feeling both of them. Great. Just… Just great.

Forcing himself straight once more, Sebastian took in a very deep breath and started walking. It was hard to keep from stopping every time a tingle or knee-shaking wave of pleasure washed over him, but damn it, he'd been trained to withstand torture. He'd felt pain most of his life, he'd gotten to even like it somewhat, he could handle this. He could. He was the son of Lilith, he was the Heir of Edom, damn it! The only demonic Shadowhunter! His brother and sister's coupling would not bring him to his knees! He was stronger than this!

A particularly spine-tingling sensation hit him, hard, and Sebastian gripped a street light, tightly.

Just what the hell were they doing?

Growling, Sebastian steeled his shoulders. There was still a lot that needed to be done before he returned to that apartment. He needed to keep walking.

One foot.


One foot.


You can do this, he growled to himself. You can do this!

"Where could he have gone?" Isabelle wanted to know as she paced the hallway. When she and Lois had returned from the bathroom they hadn't found Jace waiting on them, but had assumed he'd gone in with Magnus and Catarina. But when Magnus finally appeared he'd confirmed not having seen Jace. And now Jace wasn't answering his phone. What was going on? Why had he left them without telling them?

"He's not in danger or hurt," Alec assured her. "He's my Parabatai. I'd feel it if he were."

"So where IS he?" Lois paced angrily. "He has my cousin's soul, he can't just disappear all willy nilly! Not until we shove her into some other host!"

Isabelle sighed as she leaned against the wall. "Lois, what if Magnus and Catarina are right? What if trying to put her into someone else's body will just destroy her soul?"

"I refuse to believe that!" Lois snapped as she turned to face them. "We live in a world filled with demons and downworlders and angels! Magic! There has to be a way!"

"It's not right, Lois," Alec sighed. "It's unnatural."

"Shut up!" She snarled at him. "If it was your family you'd do it!"

Alec shook his head. "No, I wouldn't."

Lois clenched her fists. "Liar." And with that she stormed away.

Alec frowned as he watched her go. "She's a loose canon right now."

"She's lost everyone she cares about," Isabelle whispered softly as she watched Lois leave. "She's angry and scared."

"That's what makes her reckless… and dangerous."

Leser was bright pink as he sat in front of the mirror, where they could see into Chloe's Downworlder apartment. She wasn't alone. Like expected, Jace Wayland was there, but unexpectedly his clothes were not on. Neither were hers.

Chloe's knees dug into soft shag rug as she sat astride Jace, their mouths moving against each other, their arms holding the other tightly, her body rising and falling with his thrusts. They were sweaty and flushed, hungry and desperate. Jace's chest, where Chloe's soul resided, glowed and raced rapidly.

Leser glanced over his shoulder to find the girl's father had turned his back on the display and looked very much ready to cover his ears.

Her mother, on the other hand, shook her leg while seated upon her throne, leaning forwards to get a better view of what was happening. "You can tell he has experience."

Michael Wayland groaned and covered his ears. "Is this necessary?"

The demoness tore her gaze from the mirror and rested it on her consort. "Yes." Her black eyes returned to the mirror and a smile touched her lips. "It's very necessary."

"What do you want me to do now, My Queen?"

Titania kept her back to her second in command as she surveyed the room still in the midst of being renovated. She might've precipitated events earlier than agreed with Lilith, but Titania knew better than to trust a demoness to keep her word, especially not when it had to do with the daughter of the Lady of Edom. They both needed the blonde, though for different reasons, but unlike Lilith, Titania didn't have a spare. Lilith had a daughter and a son. Auberon's DNA had only been given to one person, and they needed the Unseelie within Chloe. The whole of Fae did. So yes, Titania would most definitely be hearing from Lilith when she realized that the Fae had activated the Unseelie inside of Chloe ahead of schedule, but what was done was done.

"The Clave's messengers' are trying to enter my Realm, I can feel their desperate attempts." Titania couldn't help but smile at their futility. Too long had she hoped for an excuse to close her borders to the Nephilim, to renege on the Accord Auberon had convinced her to sign with the Children of the Angels. Now they'd given her more than enough reason to, and the best part of it was that they'd broken the Accords, not her. She was faultless.

"We are withdrawing our kind from the mortal world, as instructed," Meliorn updated her. "More and more return by the hour, your realm is being filled with your people. They are returning home."

"Lock down the access points known by the Shadowhunter and Lightwood girls," Titania instructed. "Their passes have been revoked as well."

Meliorn nodded. "I will inform our people of the remaining access points."

She listened to his retreating footsteps and returned her attention to the room being renovated.

Change was soon upon them all.

Jace pressed soft kisses to Chloe's face. He was supposed to be getting dressed again, but he kept finding himself distracted by the girl placing Iratze all over his body to heal the wounds she'd left on him from their lovemaking. He couldn't believe they'd finally become one, that they'd finally

Chloe slipped his stele into the inner pocket of his jacket and upturned her lips to meet his kisses. She zipped back up his pants when all he wanted to do was yank them back off. He chuckled and pulled away to tell her maybe he wasn't ready to get dressed… when he noticed her eyes. They were pitch-black, they were demon eyes.

She frowned up at him and glanced over to her reflection in the large windows, only to frown and back up when she caught sight of herself. "My demon blood is in control now."

"What?" Jace asked in surprise. "Don't you mean it's active?"

"No, I mean in control." She wouldn't look him in the eyes as she yanked on her dress, only to realize the front of it was broken from his earlier mishandling. "To save my life they had to deactivate my Angelic side and put my demonic one in control." She took in a deep breath. "I'm basically more like Sebastian than I am like you."

Jace frowned as he rested his hand above her glowing soul. She hadn't even asked what that glowing piece of him was, and he wondered why. Did she know she didn't have her soul anymore? Did she care? "This is your soul. Magnus said that it retreated into my body using our link as protection when it was attacked."

Chloe's eyes widened as she stared at him. "It must've been the demon blood." She placed her own hand on her chest. "That must be why everything's felt a bit numb since I woke up." She let out a deep breath. "I have no soul."

"Yes, you do, and it's here." Jace motioned to the soft glow. "Magnus will put it back into your body."

Chloe frowned as her gaze lowered to her feet. "W-we should probably wait, and not, you know, do anything hastily."

Jace just stared at her in shock. She could not have just said that! "This is your soul we're talking about, Chloe. You've said so yourself, you've been numb since you've lost it."

"Exactly." She took in a deep breath, and he could feel the flutter of fear from her. "If I take my soul back I'll… Lucy and Luke… I'll feel that."

The idea terrified her, he could feel it so clearly as if the terror were his own. "Chloe, think of Lois."

She looked up at him in surprise.

"She's lost Luke and Lucy too." He took in a deep breath. "She needs you, all of you."

Chloe stared at him, looking very much afraid, before she took in a deep breath. "Okay." She straightened her shoulders. "Magnus will put my soul back in, for Lois. I'll do it for Lois. And then… Jace… I want to go back."

"Of course." He nodded as he grabbed her hands. "We'll go back to the Institute and—."

"No." She shook her head, expression odd. "I mean back. I want to go back."

"Back where?" He asked, confused.

"I told you, my brother, my father," she whispered. "They want me to live with them. I want to live with them. I want to know them. I want to have a family."

"Chloe…" Jace held her hands tighter, knowing that what he was about to say would hurt her, but it was for her own good. "Magnus says he believes Sebastian, and thus probably Jonny, are in league with the demoness Lilith, he—." And then he saw it written all over her face. "But you knew that already, didn't you?"

"I was going to tell you," she promised. "She's—her blood is what runs through Sebastian's and my bodies, she sees herself as our mother, she's why I'm alive right now." Chloe squeezed his hands and came closer, he could feel her nerves as if they were his own. "Not only is she the reason I was able to live to birth, but when the Angelic poison was killing me she saved me."

"She tried to destroy your soul!" Jace snapped, unable to stop himself. How could she not see that?

"She saved my life!" Chloe's voice broke as she stared at him, clearly hurt. "She didn't hide anything that she'd done! Once I woke up she told me what she had to do to save me, and she's given me a choice - no one's ever given me a choice before! Not my mother, not Valentine, not the Clave, no one."

"And what choice is that?" He asked softly. "To throw away everything and become a demon? To become a monster?"

"No." She flinched and yanked her hands away from his. "I can stay with her, I can—you and Lois—you can come too." Her voice broke once more and she cleared it rapidly. "I asked her, I told her I wanted the both of you with me, that you're family as well. She said you could stay with us, that you two would be welcome." She smiled shakily. "We don't have family anymore, Jace. We can become a family! We can have a family, our family!"

He stared at her in staunch disbelief. Just what had they done to her? Hadn't nearly destroying her soul been enough? "Chloe, I'm a Shadowhunter. I kill demons. I don't live with them." He took in a ragged breath. "Do you know why we don't hunt Downworlders like we do? They have souls. Demons don't."

He could feel her hurt like a stab.

Chloe's eyes filled with tears but she valiantly fought spilling them. "Lois might feel differently."

She probably would. And that was why Jace had to protect them both. The cousins were reeling from loss, and they were mad with grief. He couldn't let them hurt themselves, damn themselves, in a moment of such incredible emotional vulnerability. "You really think Lois would want anything to do with demons? She can barely stand the thought of what Sebastian is!" He took in a deep breath, ignoring the pain he could feel through their link. "And even if she was able to look passed that and said yes… You'd be truly soulless to go to her in her time of despair and offer to take her to hell in exchange of being with you. You'd be preying on her pain in her moment of weakness. That's something a demon would do."

Large tears filled Chloe's eyes as her breath hitched.

He wanted to hug her, but he couldn't comfort her. He needed his words to really hit home, needed them to pierce through this numb fog whatever the hell they'd done to her had created. If he didn't say this he knew that by the time he came back she would've found Lois, and he couldn't trust Lois to be strong, to do what needed to be done - to be the villain that they might need to be to get Chloe's soul back inside her and revert what that demoness had done to her.

"Think of Lois," he hissed, pushing the love he knew those girls had for each other. "Think about what's best for her, Chloe. Don't be so selfish. Do you think being around demons is best for her? She's the Shadowhunter heir. Demons have been trying to kill her bloodline for years. If you're a demon, the best thing for her is to be as far from you as possible." He felt it the second he saw it. Pain. Good. He needed her to understand that she had to go back to the older Chloe. She needed her soul. She needed her Angelic side activated once more.

Chloe grabbed purchase on the windowsill, her whole body trembling. "Go find Magnus."

He wanted to hug her. He wanted to cry. He wanted to beg her forgiveness for hurting her. But he couldn't. Not yet. Once her soul was back in place, and her angelic side activated and in control, then he could do penance for however long she felt necessary.

Jace forced himself to turn away from her, to grab his shoes as he headed towards the door. If he stayed there anymore he'd lose courage, would give in to his instincts to draw her near and tell her he loved her, no matter what. There was the possibility this mightn't work, and by the Angel he'd still love her without the soul, but this was not what was best for her. She needed her soul, needed at least a balance between the demonic and angelic sides in her, and she needed to stay as far away from their brothers as possible.

"If you had known before we…" her voice was soft, almost inaudible. "…would you still have… would we have—?"

He was so grateful for his back being turned to her because he could just screw his eyes tight and let his inner conflict show on his face. He loved her, no matter what, but his brother's words from Valentine's camp were haunting. This was all Sebastian's plan, and Jace couldn't let him win, couldn't let him turn Chloe into something that she wasn't. Jace had to protect her, no matter how much of an asshole he had to force himself to be to do so. "Of course not."

Grabbing the door, he ignored the uncomfortable heat as he stormed out and slammed the door shut behind him. His palm burned, but he ignored it as he shoved his feet into his boots and laced them up. In seconds he was hurrying down the hallways to the elevator, which he took to the ground floor.

He needed to find Magnus. He needed…

The burning in his palm grew worse and he peered down at it, frowning darkly when he noticed a faint red mark on the middle on his palm. It almost looked like a sigil of some sort. He stared at it, feeling sleepy, confused, disoriented, and then the elevator dinged loudly, shocking him out of his stupor.

Jace looked up to see the doors open up to a lobby. He glanced back down at his palm as he stepped out. The Shadowhunter ignored the looks the Downworlders gave him as he walked towards the front door, his eyes, his attention, so fully on his palm he nearly walked into the door, only managing to catch himself and push it open.

The second he stepped out of the lobby and onto the street, the sigil disappeared, and Jace shook his head. He was incredibly nausea and a little disoriented. He looked around him, unable to believe that he'd been in such a state that he'd wandered around aimlessly enough to get lost.

Jace reached into his jacket and pulled out his phone, finding it off. He switched it on to see missed calls from Lois, Alec, Izzy and Magnus, the latter of whom he returned the call as he continued walking.

"Alexander has been worried about you," Magnus answered on the second ring. "Where did you go?"

"I went for a walk, I needed clear my head," Jace sighed as he walked away. "What did your friend say?"

Magnus sighed just as deeply. "Jace… the only body that could house Chloe's soul without disintegrating under the volatile mixture within her was her body."

"And that burnt up in the City of Bones," he forced the words passed his lips, the wounds of her loss still so incredibly hard to swallow.

"Yes," Magnus whispered. "I'm so sorry, Jace, but trying to put Chloe's soul into any other body… it would destroy the soul."

He couldn't put her soul at risk. No matter how much he wanted to see her again, wanted to have her in his arms, Jace couldn't risk what little he had of his girlfriend. "I understand."

"Lois doesn't," Magnus warned.

"Lois doesn't have Chloe's soul, I do!" Jace hissed, all of his protective instincts rearing their ugly head. "This is all I have left of the woman I love. I won't risk it. Lois be damned." Something flared inside of him for a second, before it was suppressed. He frowned and stopped walking.

"What is it?" Magnus asked softly.

"I don't know," he admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I feel… I feel like I'm forgetting something important."

"Like what?"

Jace looked around him, feeling very lost all of a sudden. He stared down at his palms, not sure why he was doing that since they were as normal. "I don't know."

Raphael Santiago watched yet another Seelie slip into the water, returning to the Fair Folk. He doubted that anyone else had noticed the migration. With how things were going everyone - Downworlder and Shadowhunter - were too concerned with their own issues to notice that the Seelies were mobilizing. They were not only refusing entrance to anyone who wasn't of their blood, but they were calling their own back home. Usually that only happened when they were fearing an attack, or when they were preparing for war. Which was it?

Taking a long sip of blood, Raphael leaned his forehead against the windowpane and watched a halfling pixie hurrying to the hidden pathway.

Just what was the Seelie Queen planning?

It was night by the time Sebastian returned to the apartment. Hours had passed since he'd left Jace in the building with Chloe, hours since the last wave of pleasure had turned into despair. He eyed the doorknob and found the sigil gone. With Fade's spell no longer in place he was able to open the door safely and enter the dark apartment. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his witchlight, lifting it high in the air, causing its light to shine in the room as he made his way to the living room.

There, seated on the shag rug, dress torn, hair a mess, and face streaked from tears, was Chloe. She looked numb, broken, all alone and tinier than usual. She looked up at him with eyes that were red from having cried for hours.

Sebastian found himself sitting down next to her in silence. He wasn't sure what a normal human being would do in this position, he only knew that demons wouldn't tolerate this sort of weakness, yet it was oddly fascinating for him. She was so close to being like him, and yet she was still so different. What made her so different? As a Shadowhunter, Sebastian had Angelic blood within him, he'd inherited it from both biological parents, but his demon blood had completely overrun his system. Chloe and he were almost the same, and yet they were not. Why was that? Was it because she still had a feeble connection to her soul through Jace? Did a soul really make that much of a difference?

"He'll come back," she whispered to him, her voice hoarse.

He glanced around the room and then his gaze landed on the blood on the shag rug.

"He'll come back." Her voice broke.

He let go of the witchlight and let the darkness consume them once more.

"What do we do?" Maia asked Bat as she sat next to him. "With Luke gone… our pack's in a mess. Some have run off and with the infighting of those who've stayed… we'll be left with no one soon."

"Rufus is going to try for Alpha, and he'll probably win," Bat agreed with a deep sigh. "He's going to drive this pack into the ground. He's ruthless, merciless, he's… he's the worse thing that could happen to this pack. But none of us are strong enough to fight him and win."

"We have to do something! We can't just stand here doing nothing!" Maia clasped her hands into fists, hating how useless she felt. They were letting Luke down. How could they let their Alpha down like this?

"You fight," a new voice declared.

Both Maia and Bat turned towards the new voice and were surprised to see Lois Laneara—no—Lois Shadowhunter. They'd seen her around quite a bit thanks to her taking care of Luke when he was injured, and they'd always assumed the relationship between their Alpha and the Shadowhunter girl was… more intimate than he'd let on. And yet the fact that she was here was shocking as hell. Luke was gone. So what did she care?

"Luke wouldn't want his pack to be destroyed like this," Lois whispered as she closed the door behind her and walked into the Jade Wolf restaurant, which had been closed down ever since Luke's death.

"How did you know about this place?" Bat asked in surprise. "Only pack—."

"Luke told her, obviously," Maia interrupted him as she turned to Lois. "We can't go up against Rufus, he's too strong."

"That's why you fight dirty," Lois replied almost immediately. "Maia, you and Bat meant a lot to Luke. And I know he meant a lot to you. Whenever he was hurt… when he was in the hospital you two visited him every day. Even when he wasn't conscious. I know that meant a lot to him, and to me." She took in a very deep breath. "I won't let his pack, something he loved so much, be destroyed. I couldn't save him, but I'll do everything in my power to save this."

Bat and Maia exchanged looks and took in very deep breaths before the girl turned to Lois and asked: "So, how do we fight dirty?"

"How long do you got?" Lois asked as she shucked her hands into her jacket's pockets. "It's kind of late already. When's your bedtime?"

Bat snorted in amusement. "I think we can push it a little later than usual."

Maia grinned, suddenly feeling hope. "I'll go make us some coffee."

Morning crested in the sky and bathed the empty apartment in its orangey glow.

Sebastian's gaze was on Chloe, who'd gone quieter and quieter as the night had progressed with no return from Jace, no word from him, nothing.

She looked like a wreck. Her skin was pallid, her eyes wide and red from crying, and her whole hair/clothes a mess. Sebastian had given her his jacket during the night to cover her ripped dress, and she'd clung to it tightly. She'd probably ruined it with all her tears, as well as digging her fingertips into the material in an obvious attempt to keep from exploding into sobs, but he figured he needed a new jacket anyway.

"Maybe he's been tied up with something." Sebastian finally broke the silence. "I could ask Fade for a Peekaboo spell."

"I thought your Warlock's name was Leser," she whispered softly, raspy.

"We use Fade too, but for different things," he replied truthfully. "Leser is our 'official' Warlock though."

She looked up at him. "Jace has my soul. He said it went into his body because it felt attacked."

Sebastian nodded. "We supposed that would happen. It was why we could take the risk."

She gulped. "Can he put it back in my body?"

"That's the crux of the matter, isn't it?" Sebastian admitted as he hugged his knees to his chest. "At the time we didn't think that far ahead, this was a way to save you while not destroying your soul… but now… I'm not too sure your body is capable of having one. And we're doing Jace a real disservice too. That makes things conflicting for me."

Chloe stared up at him with eyes far too large for her face. "What do you mean?"

"Chloe, my father did the Infernal Conversion on you, that prepped your body, and then, when we put your demon blood in control… I honestly don't know if that can be undone." He'd been a little unsure as to whether telling her the truth was the right way to go, but Mother had insisted he tell Chloe the truth to anything she asked, and he would do as instructed. "Can your soul be put back into your body? Of course. Will it survive in there? I'm not too sure it will."

"You think it'll be destroyed if it's inside my body," she realized. "You think the demon part of me will kill it."

"Yes, most certainly." He made a face, wondering whether he should even say this next part. "And I swear on our mother that I don't know how to undo any of the demonic alignment you've gone through. I truly believe you are stuck this way now. And if Jace went to Magnus Bane and told him what he knows, I'm sure Magnus would tell him the same thing."

She took that in and did not freak out as he'd expected her to. She didn't snap or cry or blame anyone. Instead she looked him in the eye and asked: "What did you mean when you said it's doing Jace a disservice?"

Impressed by her sudden self control, Sebastian shifted to better face her. "Chloe, he has your soul. It's your soul, and it's still connected to you."

"And?" She asked softly.

"Chloe, you might be feeling numb, but not Jace, he's feeling for the both of you." Sebastian was surprised she hadn't made the connection yet. "He feels what you should be feeling, but multiplied. All the pain and hurt over the deaths of your loved ones that you're able to withstand? It's because he's feeling it for you."

She went paler than before, which was outstanding. He hadn't thought it possible. Chloe took in a ragged breath and then covered her mouth with her hands as she whispered: "Oh my god."

Sebastian nodded. "As long as you're connected to your soul, and he's harboring it… he'll feel your emotions, your pain and hurt and mounting and grief… till the day he dies."

A single tear escaped down her cheek as Chloe stumbled to her feet and started walking towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" Sebastian asked as he grabbed her glamoured necklace and reached her side before she actually opened the door, holding it out towards her. "You know it's not safe yet. Just—."

Chloe grabbed the necklace from him and put it on, becoming the brunette. "Take me back."

He frowned. "The Institute is going to react to—."

"No." She shook her head and then rose her eyes to meet his as her voice broke. "Take me back."

Jace hissed as he brought a hand to his chest. He'd been on the rooftop, watching the night turn into day, and trying to figure out how to tell Lois that he wasn't going to try to put Chloe's soul into someone else's body. She wasn't going to take it well. Usually he wouldn't really care, but Chloe's soul cared about hurting Lois, and so he found himself trying to debate different ways and outcomes, all searching for the one that would hurt the brunette the least.

"What is it?" Alec asked from where he leaned next to Jace. His parabatai had been with him all night, the two of them bouncing ideas off of each other but knowing Lois neither thought that anything they'd come up with would work.

"I just felt…" Jace stared down at the sigil which held Chloe's soul. "I felt really heartbroken."

"Of course, I mean, it's understandable, brother." Alec reached over and squeezed his shoulder. "But you're not alone, okay? We're here for you, every step of the way."

Jace smiled sadly at his brother and nodded. "I know."

"I can't believe the Institute just let me go," Moira admitted as she walked around Jocelyn's apartment. "I mean, sure, I was being controlled, and sure they've definitely got someone watching us… but they let me go."

"Lois is why," Jocelyn admitted as she stood in her kitchen. "She agreed to finally meet them, but said she had some conditions, and as a show of good faith she asked for you to be released."

Moira turned to her Parabatai in shock. "She hasn't come to see me since… I thought she hated me… blamed me…"

"It's probably too painful for her to see you right now," Jocelyn whispered as she twisted a kitchen towel in her hands. "You remind her of Chloe."

Moira took in a stuttered breath and looked around the apartment, her blue eyes filling with tears she refused to let fall. "She lived here with you, didn't she? Chloe, I mean?"

"Yes." Jocelyn tried to smile but it was painful. "You can have her room. It's over there."

Moira followed where she was pointing and opened the door.

The second she saw her daughter's room she broke down into sobs.

"Are you sure?" Lilith asked as she stood facing Chloe.

"Yes." Chloe nodded, her hands clenched next to her sides. "Jace made himself perfectly clear last night, and I understand. I do. Without a soul I'm basically a demon, and Shadowhunters don't screw demons, at least not the good ones, and he's a great one. The fact that he didn't come back to kill me after realizing that I can't get my soul back without destroying it… it proves a piece of him still… still loves me." She took in a deep, stuttered breath. "And he was right about Lois. The way I am now is the worse thing possible for her. If I went back with her we wouldn't be safe in the Mundane world, I wouldn't be safe in the Shadowhunter world, and she wouldn't be safe here." Chloe made sure her green eyes met the demon's head on. "Even if you could be trusted, I'm sure you'er not the only demon around. They've been hunting her bloodline for centuries. I love her enough to let her keep thinking I'm dead, and to have her own life. Somewhere where she can safe and live a very long life."

Lilith stared at her thoughtfully. "And the other part. Are you sure about that?"

"Yes." It wasn't as hard to say it this time. "It's not fair to let him suffer like that, for the rest of his life." She unclenched her fists. "But he won't… not if I'm not connected to it, to him, anymore."

"He turned his back on you," Lilith declared softly. "Does he truly deserve this sort of loyalty in return?"

"He let me live," Chloe whispered tearfully. "I'm merely returning the favor."

Lilith cupped her cheek and stared into her eyes. "So, you consent. This is of your own free will?"

Chloe took in a deep breath and nodded. "Yes."

A strange sound escaped her lips as Lilith framed Chloe's face. Her eyes bled black, forcing Chloe's to follow suit.

Seconds later Chloe screamed.

"What's happening to him?" Isabelle sobbed as she leaned over her brother.

"I don't know!" Alec pushed Jace's shoulders down to keep him from spasming. "He just said something felt wrong and then he collapsed!"

Just as suddenly as it'd started, Jace stopped screaming. He gasped in a breath loudly and stared up at them.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked as he let go of Jace's shoulders and helped him sit up.

Jace didn't answer. His face screwed into a perplexed, worried expression, his hand pressed against his chest. He patted the sigil containing Chloe's soul, which had stopped beating, but still glowed.

"Jace?" Isabelle whispered as she knelt down next to him. "What happened?"

"I don't know," he finally answered, his voice hoarse and low as his gaze lowered to the sigil. "Something feels different."

"Is her soul okay?" Alec asked immediately.

"Yeah… I think so." Jace stared at it in confusion. "But something's different. Something's wrong."

They'd said to leave her alone, that she needed rest and quiet, and while Clary understood that Chloe was basically going through a very traumatizing time… well… that was why the blonde shouldn't be alone right now. When Kal had told Clary what had happened she'd been shocked and horrified, but then she'd heard Jonny recount why, and she'd understood. By the Angel. It was probably the best reason to do that, if there ever was a good reason.

So sure, Clary got Chloe was recuperating and hurting, and sure, probably Sebastian understood this better than she did… but she also felt she might be the only one normal enough in this household to realize that when someone was hurting you didn't leave them alone. Even if you just sat there with them you did that so they knew they had support.

She knocked softly on the door, and when she heard the soft voice telling her to come inside, the girl did as told, slipping in and closing the door quickly before anyone could see what she was doing.

What she found on the other side was surprising. She'd expected darkness and Chloe to be curled up in the bed.

Instead the windows were open and the curtains drawn, letting in sunlight and fresh air. Chloe sat on the floor, her back pressed against the bed, her knees hugged to her chest.

"Hey." Clary smiled awkwardly. She hadn't really thought this out other than showing her support.

"Your hair," Chloe whispered in surprised.

Clary pulled a now red strand out of her face and nodded. "I figured I should go back to my natural color. Jonny got me like fifteen different shades of red hair dye until we found the right one. I felt really bad about it but he seemed like he really needed a distraction."

Chloe chuckled softly as she stared up at her. "I like it. It suits you better."

"Thanks." Clary sat down on the floor facing her. "How are you feeling? I… I have no idea what this must be like for you. It's got to be really hard. And different."

"So you know?" Chloe asked, and when Clary nodded the blonde took in a deep breath. "It hurt, it hurt so much, but it doesn't hurt anymore. And he won't hurt anymore."

"So you still care about that?" She then flushed and lowered her face. "I'm sorry, I was just wondering, it's that—."

"You were wondering if I could still care about someone else without a soul," Chloe responded immediately. "Now that I severed my connection to it I'm probably the only person like Sebastian that you know… and you're curious as to whether he could still care about you, truly care about you, if he doesn't have a soul."

Oh wow. Clary had thought her actions pure and only out of worry for Chloe, but now that the blonde said that… "Yeah. And that makes me a terrible person, doesn't it?"

"No." Chuckling, Chloe shook her head. "And to answer your question: it's not the same way you'd love him, but he does — we do — have our own form…. But we do."

It was shocking just how relieved Clary felt hearing that. She let out a huge breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding as she smiled. "Thank you." She took in a deep breath and held her hand out to Chloe. "We've never really officially met. I'm Clary Morgenstern."

Chloe eyed her hand and then shook it. "I'm Chloe Wayland."

"I like you, Chloe Wayland," Clary chuckled with a large smile. "And as I see it, the testosterone here is ridiculous. We're going to need to have each other's backs." She grinned. "Plus, you said something about the Slayer a while back, and that makes me think you've watched Buffy."

"And Angel," Chloe assured her.

Clary giggled. "I think you're my new best friend, Cece."

Chloe stared at her in shock, and then smiled. "Yeah, I think I might be."

Michael Wayland stood up immediately as she opened the door. His gaze shifted to Jonny, who looked just as worried and anxious as he was, before he turned to her. Sebastian and Kal were there as well, all waiting, all anxious, but no one spoke.

"It is done," Lilith answered the unspoken question. "The link to her soul was severed."

"So she's not connected to Jace anymore," Sebastian said it but it still sounded like a question. "He shouldn't be able to feel any reactions from her, right? Reactions which would make him question her actually being dead?"

"Yes." Lilith nodded. "It worked perfectly, gave her the closure she needed. She loves them still, and this is her way of protecting them. Making her hate them would never have worked, neither would making her forget them, she loved them too much for that to be a viable solution. The only way to keep them apart was to make it so that it would be safer for them."

Michael let out a breath of relief. "When can we see her?"

"In a moment. Clary is in with her now," Lilith responded with a smirk, having known the redhead would go against the suggestion to leave the blonde alone, thus allowing them some time to bond. "As I thought, those two will do well together. They'll both be coming to terms with their new life, and will need someone else there for them… just as Jonny and Sebastian were for each other."

"So you think Clary could become her Gemini?" Jonny asked as he finally stood.

"With time, yes." Lilith joined Michael's side. "They will be perfect for each other, as were you two."

Jonny and Sebastian shared smirked looks.

"I'm not going to be anyone's fighting partner, right?" Kal made a face from where he was leaning against the wall. "It's not really my style."

Lilith shook his head. "There are other plans for you."

He grinned, his eyes flashing red. "Can't wait."

"You have your two Gemini pairs," Michael whispered in Lilith's ear as he curled an arm around her. "And your Kryptonian."

"I do." She smiled as she surveyed her family. After Lucy's death she'd known Jace wouldn't be needed any longer. She had Clary, she preferred Clary. She didn't need two pure angelics, not when Lucy's death only left Chloe to be paired with. And she would not have Chloe and Jace Morgenstern paired as Gemini. Never. Her daughter deserved far better than that.

She was one Gemini pair down, but that didn't matter. Had she been one to give up when the going got tough she never would've gotten this far. No. Lilith, cursed by god to forever remain childless, had spat in his face and now had both her children at her side. There was nothing that could stop her.

The demoness rested her head over Michael's faithful, beating heart. "Now we can start."

Till The Next Segment, Shadowhunters.