Cover art drawn by me

Garnet is property of me(being my OC)

Nom Nom belongs to We Bare Bears, which is property of Daniel Chong

When You Realize how Cute I Am

Chapter 1 - Unpleasant Meeting at YouTube Con

It was a YouTube Con in early December, and the majority of the San Francisco Bay Area attended upon hearing that internet famous Nom Nom the koala was going to be there too.

And although usually being an easily annoyed guy himself, Nom Nom put on his best smile to get as much attention as possible, which is really why he only attended the event.

"Ahh! It's Nom Nom! OMG, can I PLEASE take a selfie with you, Nom Nom?!" a hyper fangirl screamed in delight upon seeing the internet famous koala, as she and her friends ran up to his stand while holding a selfie stick in one hand.

"Sure! I'm always happy ta make a fangirl happy," Nom Nom replied nonchalantly, and he really didn't mind taking pictures with girls, especially pretty ones like this one. The girl quickly picked him up in her arms, much to his surprise, and he stared wide-eyed with his tongue sticking upon having the wind squeezed out of him by the strong fangirl, and she lifted the selfie stick and took a picture of her holding Nom Nom.

"AAAHH! Thank you, Nom Nom! I can't wait ta share this on FaceBook!" she squealed while dropping Nom Nom flat on his face, and she ran off with her friends to show everyone the picture.

But when being dropped a little painfully flat on his face, Nom Nom suddenly started to regret helping a crazy fan…not that he hasn't before, it just gets more and more annoying and less tolerable every time.

"You know, most fans, girls in particular, are more appreciative upon meeting their heroes, wouldn't you say?" Nom Nom looked up after he heard the calm yet jokey voice, and standing over him was a short, anthropomorphic red panda, as she wore thin caramel brown glasses and held a small laptop in one arm.

"Yeah, that, and some are just plain crazy," Nom Nom sighed while picking himself up and brushing himself off, but then he smirked at the female red panda, realizing she was just barely taller than him, "you a fan too? I mean, there's no denying that you are since, like, EVERY girl's a fan of mine—I just wanted ta hear you say it."

"Um…I would be if…if I knew who you were," the red panda admitted awkwardly, and Nom Nom immediately looked at her in disbelief, eyes wide and jaw gaping.

"W-what…? You're kidding, right?" he stammered.

"No, I am not kidding. Who are you?" she asked firmly. Nom Nom was really at a loss for words for a moment, creating a long and awkward pause between them…until he finally accepted the truth and snapped.


"By 'everyone' you mean 'everyone in the country', right? What about those from across the world?" the red panda questioned calmly, adjusting her glasses and staring the enraged koala straight in the eyes.

"No, by 'everyone' I mean 'everyone on Earth'!" Nom Nom snapped.

"But how could every inhabitant of the planet know who you are if there are those less fortunate and don't even have internet, let alone know what it is?"

Nom Nom opened his mouth and raised an accusing fore claw, but he soon found himself at a loss for words again when he realized she was right.

"Well, then where are you from?!"

"I'm from the eastern hemisphere, opposite of your hemisphere which is the western, from the continent of Asia—specifically China," she explained with a confident smile, and Nom Nom finally heard the slight Chinese-American accent in her voice.

"Oh, come on! China's, like, the MOST technologically advanced country there is! You even have a laptop, so how do you still not know who I am?!" Nom Nom angrily pointed out while suddenly ripping the red panda's laptop from her grasp.

"Hey, give that back right now!" she demanded while trying desperately to get her computer back, but Nom Nom pushed her back with one paw while holding the device out of reach in the other.

"Not until you tell me what you REALLY do on this thing! If you don't watch my videos, then what's the purpose of even havin' it?!" Nom Nom demanded.

"Fine! I'm a YouTuber, and I read fanfiction! Satisfied?!" she snapped while retreating back and crossing her arms.

"Wait, so lemme get this straight: you make videos of yourself reading fanfiction that you didn't even write yourself?" Nom Nom questioned in surprise.

"Yes. Now, can I please have my computer back?" Upon extending a needy paw, Nom Nom reluctantly handed the red panda back her laptop, and she angrily snatched it from him like he did her.

"How does a YouTuber even attend the same YouTube Con as a famous YouTuber like me and STILL not know who I am?" Nom Nom growled under his breath.

"Not everyone searches the same topic on the enternet, Nom Nom," she pointed out.

"Ha! You know my name, so you MUST have see my videos!" Nom nom laughed with victory.

"No…there's a picture of you on your banner next to 'Nom Nom'," she simply protested while pointing a thumb at the banner draped in front of Nom Nom's table. And when once again getting embarrassed, Nom Nom's eyes started to twitch with insanity.

"Listen, if you're so confident that those who have internet access should know everyone and everything on the internet, then YOU tell me who I am," the red panda demanded, but as much as Nom Nom wanted to accept the challenge, he soon realized it was actually pretty challenging…because he really didn't know who this was. How hypocritical.

"That's what I thought," the red panda sighed, and she turned and walked over to a table next to Nom Nom's, climbing up into a chair and setting her laptop down before opening it.

"Fine, you're right! I have no dang clue who the heck you are, but that doesn't mean I don't have the right ta know!" Nom Nom protested while sprinting up to her table and hopping up onto it, towering over her laptop.

"Fine. My internet name is The Furry FanFiction Reader—but you can call me 'Triple F'," the red panda replied with a smirk.

"'Triple F'?" Nom Nom repeated with a sneer, "what kind of internet nickname is that?"

"What kind of name is 'Nom Nom'?"

"A good one. It was inspired off my first and most popular video."


"Don't believe me? Just Google it yourself, it'll probably be at the top of the search bar."

"How about I don't and say I didn't? I would rather tend to my fans in which I actually take the time to get to know—unlike you," Triple F joked with a grin, making Nom Nom blush, as a grown man suddenly pushed Nom Nom aside to greet the red panda, and there was a rather fairly-sized line behind him leading to her table.

"Hey, hey, hold on, I ain't done with you, lady!" Nom Nom shouted while pushing the man back and glaring down at the red panda, who only stared back up with a bored expression.

"Well, I am done with you. besides, we each have our own fans to worry about, so can we please just go our separate ways and forget this unpleasant meeting?" she suggested with a sigh and gestured a paw back to Nom Nom's table, shooing him off.

"Unpleasant indeed," Nom Nom growled while squinting his eyes at her in annoyance, and he quickly hopped down and headed back to his table, where he hopped back up into his chair to find another, larger line of fans waiting for him.

But even after going back to tend to his own fans, Nom Nom couldn't help but side glare over at the she-red panda, as she didn't seem to notice him looking at her, and continued to meet and greet her fans with a smile.

"If I never see her again, it'll be too soon," the koala grumbled under his breath.

Sorry for the short chapter, but this is the first chapter, after all. But if you guys want, I'll try to make future chapters longer.

Little spoiler alert: her name is actually Garnet;)

But yes, Garnet is my OC and she is in the cover art up there in the top left corner, which I drew myself(if you didn't already get the memo at the beginning). I hope you guys liked this chapter 'cause the story's far from over!

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!