I have to thank Raz4011 on AO3 For the translation of this work and Kizzbloo (namely my dear love) for the illustration (you're a magic person, you know that?)

Raz4011: I translated this for Easyan. \(^o^)/

Enjoy it!


The hierarchy.

Classification, rank, grade.

Many words that mean one and the same thing.

The mere fact was, that in this world, the strong were eating the weak.

That power dictated laws, and the future belonged to the powerful.

It was a world where a simple gene could decide everything. First of all, your Category. Alpha, Beta or Omega. Then this same gene, this simple category, condemned you from the outset to one future or another.

On Terra Matera, all were born with a Chorus, a kind of crystal encrusted at the base of the neck. The crystal star was at the origin of the powers that each inhabitant possessed. Carefully listed in six elementary belongings, Fire, Wind, Water, Psyche, Earth and Light, the powers of an individual could not surpass a certain level of power according to its Category.

Levi Ackerman, 21 year old Alpha, one evening meets the mysterious Eren Aurions. The pairing no one could predict ... especially not them.

MxM, Lemon, Omegaverse.


The hierarchy.

Classification, rank, grade.

Many words that mean one and the same thing. The mere fact was, that in this world. the strong were eating the weak. That power dictated laws, and the future belonged to the powerful. Everything was carefully labeled. An immutable order. The anomalies which threatened to disrupt the great machine of their existence were immediately hurried away. Everyone bent to his role without making any waves. Besides, why should they do it? Everything worked wonderfully well. Why change things at this point? Was not it more livable when everything was so simple?

From birth, you were tattooed with the red iron of your destiny.

No one had ever been able to brave it without paying dearly for it.

It was a world where a simple gene could decide everything. First of all, your Category. Alpha, Beta or Omega. The Alphas, representing only 15% of the world's population, were the ones who had the right and the power to decide everything. They were the elite. Superior beings whose only glance could bend the will of the one on whom it was posed.

The Betas, who comprised at least 80 per cent of the world's population, were destined to be part of the 'norm', the vulgar 'populace' that was despised and framed as a herd. And they contented themselves with gratitude.

Then the Omega, for a very small percentage of 5%. Rare and precious, they were seen more as a possession of prestige than as real living beings. Protected, belonging to a noble family of Alphas whether born or not, they had a mainly reproductive function.

This same gene, this simple category, condemned you from the outset to one future or another.

On Terra Matera, all were born with a Chorus, a kind of crystal encrusted at the base of the neck. Immaculate, white, and formed of 'five branches' to which from the center was a task of hereditary birth. The crystal star was at the origin of the powers that each inhabitant possessed. Carefully listed in six elementary belongings, Fire, Wind, Water, Psyche, Earth and Light, the powers of an individual could not surpass a certain level of power according to its Category.

There were five levels that determined the capabilities of each. The Alphas from birth were on a scale from 3 to 5, the Omegas from 4 to 5, while the Betas were condemned to Levels 1 to 3. An injustice that positioned them before they even had The chance to fight, on the side of losers and submissives.

Hierarchy was the fundamental principle that ruled this world.

The weak serve the strong. The strong has in return the absolute duty to provide security, food, peace and prosperity to its subjects.

That was the reciprocal.

It was all about reciprocity.

Levi Ackerman, 21 years old. Category Alpha of Level 5. A presentation that said everything there was and would ever have to know about its existence. Yes, that determined everything. His mother, Kuchel Ackerman, was an Omega, who had arrived in the country of Sina as a political refugee. She had hidden herself in the shallows of the capital, Stohess, until knockers working for the Eastern Tyrant, Kenny Herr, the Mad King, finds her with a handful of her countrymen and massacres them all. Levi had been saved by a team of Winged Battalion soldiers. The special forces to fight the 'Degenerates' and to repel any foreign attack on the Sina soil.

And it was to pay the price of his spared life, that once duly categorized as an Alpha and evaluated Level 5, Levi had become one of the recruits of that same Battalion.

He was now working under their orders as 'Sentinel'. As you see, everything was a question of reciprocity. The only problem with this situation was that his status as Alpha, whether he inherited it or not, immediately propelled him to the rank of noble. He was entitled to property and responsibilities that were inherent in that class. This is why Levi found himself, as his commanderErwin Smith, ordered, attending various galas once a month.

He was asked to participate actively in society.

To express his opinion on everything and especially, to impose it on anyone who was weaker than he. If he could do it ostentatiously, then it was even better. Levi, whether he liked it or not, was the crème de la crème and had to behave as such.

The paradox?

It was that, although obliged to appear, his superior status also quite rightly allowed him to have absolutely no interest in this worldliness. He could therefore, impose upon all his ill-humor and contempt for one or two hours, before he quietly returned to his occupations. What for any other guest would have been of unlimited misconduct, was forgiven of him as being 'the prerogative of the powerful'. The strength of the rank granted the right not to comply with all the expectations of the society ... provided that one fulfills in due consideration,all their duties.

When he had succeeded in becoming, in barely five years, the most powerful soldier of the Order served by his battalion, Levi had more than largely fulfilled his part of the contract.

He heaved a long sigh and finished tying his cravat. If Hanji had not promised to take him to a real feast in the shallows as soon as they found a moment to slip away from the ballroom, Levi would probably have pretended to be sick rather than obey Erwin and be present at this damned gala ...

Once he was ready, he did not waste a minute before setting out.

The sooner he arrived, the sooner he could leave.


Eren saw the world as a gigantic faceted ball.

Let one place oneself in one corner or another and he could change all at once, the color, radiance, and meaning. So, according to the cards in hand, one could even throw life into himself and take revenge on misfortune.

What did Eren mean by that?

Well, it was enough to never be the first to lower your fists, or to be the winner of a fight. But Eren Aurions was the sort of individual who did not stop, whose iron will was unshakeable and who, let us be sincere for two minutes, was a real tyrant ...: "I can not believe you managed to Convince me to do that ... "Eren smiled with all his teeth:" Oh come on Jean, do not tell me you that you're afraid. What do you risk in truth? No one will recognize me! Just because no one knows me ... "Jean grunted some unintelligible words in his beard and they stepped forward with a decided step towards the herald.

Jean presented his neck, and at a glance the man recognized the mark of his Chorus. Eren had simply frozen and played marvelously his role as a smiling potiche. Jean quickly slipped in. "It's a friend my father recently introduced to me, he has no title ..." A subtle way of announcing that his companion, though pretty as a heart, was A vulgar Beta without any importance. The herald discreetly nodded his head as a sign of assent. It was neither the first nor the last time he saw an Alpha having fun at the expense of Betas. Everyone knew that at the end an Alpha always ended up marrying an Alpha or, if he had an unheard-of chance, an Omega that could give him children of a power and sturdiness that would make any pale with envy of the high-society.

The Categories superseded all logic of the sexes. It was not uncommon to see homosexual couples in this environment. People turned the other way as long as the final partner of the Alpha considered is an Omega male with whom he would be able to procreate. That he played previously with other males? It was his choice and that of his family. In the end everything would be a matter of price and offers.

How much would the Patriarch of the Kirstein family be willing to pay to a noble family possessing a male Omega to secure his offspring now that he knew that his son was gay?

The herald proudly announced: "Jean Kirstein, first of the name. Son of Gérard Kirstein third of the name and Christine Kirstein born Archibald first name. Alpha of Level 4." Some glances ran in their direction but already the man announced other guests. Jean did not lose a second and dragged Eren, who was clinging to his arm as a life-buoy, to the buffets where they could blend into the masses. He could not help but think that he should never have brought Eren here. The fact that Eren knew how to conceal his aura and his smell was perhaps not enough ... "Jean! Relax! I told you no one will recognize me! Enjoy the party! And let's try to find you a guy!". Jean rolled his eyes, "Of course, you seem to believe that a male Omega, that would be to my taste, runs the streets of ..." Eren had already grabbed a glass of champagne and his eyes filled with amazement at the room around him.

Crystal chandeliers, marbled slabs, gigantic glass doors, silverware, and sumptuous clothes. A gala of nobles in all its splendor. Impossible for a street child, as was Eren, to not gawk at everything. Jean could not help admiring him for a moment. Fine lines, laughing eyes of a splendid emerald green in the hollow of which sparkled a golden pool which sometimes could take the tint of molten lava. He had chocolate-colored hair and tanned skin. Jean felt suddenly more anxious. Eren was too good to be a simple Beta, everyone was going to realize it ... Jean could even feel their inquisitive eyes on them ...

As if he had read his thoughts, Eren frowned and exclaimed, "You are seriously starting to annoy me with your worrying! Fuckin' shit!

"Eren, here, nobody talks about his flatulence ... You wanted to see what a night of nobles looked like, so at least try to behave like one of them ... ". With a vague gesture of his hand, Eren told him that he no longer listened. "Yes, yes I understand. You know, let's just forget about finding a friend! I mean, you're clearly looking for the impossible! A male Omega, who you like and who can bear the fact that you are also a pest? Poor Jean, you'll end up alone ...". Jean turned and grabbed a glass of champagne, and with a perfectly hypocritical smile he replied, "Fuck you, Eren Aurions!".

"Good luck with that", Eren burst out laughing. "I thought we should be polite! What if someone had heard you? ". " Then I would go on to say that I was planning the rest of the evening as a lover ... ", Jean said. Eren wrinkled his nose and shook his head. "Sleeping with you would be Like sleeping with Armin, or my father." Jean shrugged his shoulders. "It seems that these things are done in certain noble families ..."

- "Berk ..."

"I didn't make you say that." Eren glanced back at the room, the guests, then began to stamp on the spot. Jean knew that look, he only hoped that the excitement of Eren would not end up bringing them the troubles he had constantly seen from miles around since their arrival in this ballroom. No, he knew he was going to regret his decision even before that. Jean had known that, and as soon as Eren learned that there would be a gala, he had ingenuously exclaimed, "What if you took me there ?! ".

Eren stepped closer to him and grabbed his arm again, as he saw some trophy wives do. It was almost hilarious when one knew that even the great Alpha at the head of the Council of the Order would surely not make him bend over backwards...: "It's Jean! Tell me everything you know about this beautiful world!" Eren was behaving as if he were in the zoo ... Jean was beginning to wonder if Grisha really knew what he was doing by keeping Eren away from the beautiful world ... it gave him a character as eccentric as that for which Dr. Jaëger was famous. Although he decided to make it invisible to the eyes of the High Society for obvious safety issues, it was already clear as crystal that Eren could never enter the mold again ...

And then it would have been okay if one of the two did not have a questionable reputation...

However, as always, Jean bent to Eren's will and played the game. He began to talk to him about all the guests he knew, about their duties, about the gossip that circulated about them, who is marrying who, and from what would flow as alliance, while using the stilted and terribly squeaky voice of the 'gay who adores the gossip of corridor'. Eren laughed, snorted or snickered at the anecdote. In the end, even Jean was so amused that he did not see the time pass. They found themselves, along with two or three other couples on the large terrace, to get some fresh air before 11pm. It had been nearly two hours since Jean began playing guide, and now he was getting tired of it. He was going to ask Eren if he was satisfied with his little tour and if they could finally slip away, when he froze at his side.

Jean followed Eren's gaze, intrigued.

Then he snorted and shook his head, "yeah right,sure!". For him, he would not take a weak voice. He was too big a fish. Then he simply said, "You're lucky. It is not so often that his Highness deigns to honor us with his presence." Eren no doubt knew that Jean had given this title to the man only in mockery. After all, royalty had been overthrown and abolished for centuries and centuries. The only country which still possessed a king was under the control of a terrible tyrant. Kenny Herr, King of Kämpfer Wiedergeburt, or K.W for people who wanted to seem cultured, and called Hell by all others. A country where the 'Degenerates', called 'Darks', made the law and where the normal inhabitants served literally as pantries for hungry monsters.

After careful reflection, Jean thought the title fit the man they were staring at like a glove.

Levi Ackerman. An Alpha of 5'5", but concentrated inside was such a quantity of power that someone had even thought to invent a level of power that would be designated only for it. His Psyche Chorus was renowned throughout the country. Everyone knew all the foolish stories about him. Austere, rigid, insensitive and eccentric, he was undoubtedly the strangest nobleman after Grisha Jaëger or Hanji Zoé. His black raven hair was cut into a clean undercut. A hairstyle that few people dared to wear because it left their Chorus perfectly visible to everyone. Now, as a matter of principle, everybody made sure to keep their hair long out of modesty and also for fear that one day this famous Chorus might suddenly start to change color . Eren's voice drew him from his sombre thoughts: "What is his name?" Jean declaimed in the manner of the herald, "Levi Ackerman first of the name. Son of absolutely nobody. Alpha of Level 5." Eren's eyes lit up and he repeated in a breath, " Level 5 ... " And then Jean knew, at the very moment that those words were leaving his lips, that they were going to get into trouble.

Before he could grab his arm, Eren was already heading for Levi and Hanji Zoe.

These two had known each other almost always and although Hanji was a little (much) reputed to be completely wacko, she was the object of many lusts and made the pride of his family. It was as rare to encounter such a beautiful Mix, Level 4 Alpha Class, that it was to meet a Level 5 Alpha. In general, power elements tended to refuse to mix. The child of a Water-type Chorus and a Wind-type Chorus proved to be either the first or the second. But not Hanji. She was what the doctors called a 'Monsoon' and thus conjugated the powers of Water and Wind without being able to use either. Her 'magic' was unique in its kind, it was an element halfway between one and the other.

Her magical particularity was undoubtedly the reason why her presence was tolerated as well with a specimen of level 5 as was Levi.

Most people even expected that one day they would decide to get married ...

When they reached their height, Levi and Hanji put an end to their conversation. Eren and Jean had barely heard one end, but it sounded like a tongue of beef and human offal. Jean preferred to say that they had misunderstood. The faces of their neighbors were already embarrassing enough to bear, without adding to the uneasiness of thinking that they were talking about eating one of the guests in the gardens below ...

Hanji Zoe was wearing a high ponytail with several wild pieces escaping, her brown eyes shooting towards the amber ones that were glued to them and a strange gleam crossed them. Jean wanted to bolt on the spot. It was a bit like seeing through the clothes, no, far beyond that, through the skin. And that she carefully dissected each of your muscles laid bare, as a raptor would scatter her prey.

But of course, Eren was perfectly impermeable to all that.

He had eyes only for Levi. Jean was not surprised when he realized Eren's interest in him. Especially since Levi was famous for his pathological indifference. Yet it was undeniable that his piercing steel-blue gaze was resolutely focused on that of Eren, who still did not lower his eyes! Son of a bitch! Jean pulled on his sleeve with a brusque gesture that he hoped wad discreet. Even between Alphas, a certain hierarchy was respected, especially during the presentations. Although many guests tonight are older, richer, more influential than Levi was, none would have hesitated for a second before lowering their gaze in his presence ... it was instinctive. It was inscribed in the depths of their genes. The dominant and the dominated. The beasts that slept in each of them were of capital importance

Eren's mother must have died during childbirth. That was why he had absolutely NO survival instincts.

Eventually, Eren got the message and looked away. Jean prayed that the damage was not already done. But hey, the Alphas who had already lost a member because of this kind of failure had not even had time to see the blow come. So if Levi had not yet pulled out the claws and fangs to amputate Eren's limbs in the blink of an eye, it was obvious that he had not held his gaze long enough for there to be an affront. A voice a little nasally and extremely playful brought Jean back to reality. "Good evening, Eren." Jean raised his head suddenly startled. Hanji Zoe knew Eren?! Eren smiled, "Good evening Hanji!" Jean hurriedly intervened to prevent them from engaging in a thorny subject. "Good evening, my name is Jean Kirstein, and this is Eren Aurions, a Beta friend to whom I wanted to introduce a beautiful little world ... ". He hoped that if she knew him, even a little, then Hanji would also know what to keep to herself and she would realize his subliminal message.

She nodded gravely: "Oh! I see ... Eren, so ... ". Levi was still silent. His gaze had not stopped scrutinizing Eren for one second. For a moment Jean felt the incredible tension between them as if it had materialized in a palpable electric field. He gulped, maybe he was wrong, maybe Levi was a fucking ticking bomb, and he would jump on Eren from one minute to the next . Jean clenched his fist. He would protect Eren if he really needed it, but he REALLY hoped that he did not have to go there. He had heard that Levi possessed all the capacities inherent in the Chorus of Psyche, he was Telepath, Telekinesist and able to manipulate you like a puppet ... without even needing to touch you.

Hanji intervened again, obviously quite amused by the situation. "Um ... I was sure that Eren had something to say to us but clearly I was mistaken ... You looked so decided when you arrived ...". Eren smiled "I recognized you, so I just wanted to say hello ...". Hanji smirked, turning to Levi. "You see Levi, Eren is, for me, one of the seven greatest Mysteries of Stohess! This boy is always in the most unexpected places. I do not know who he is and to tell the truth, he could be anyone. But he absolutely hangs around with everyone ." Eren sniggered. "I'm not as mysterious as you think Hanji ... just a street kid who was lucky enough to fall on the right person at the right time ... ".

"Yes, Dr. Grisha, my mentor, do you remember what I told you about Levi? His wife was an Omega, she was born in Shinganshina, in the shallows. One day, when she needed money, she chose to register with the government. Despite her advanced age, she was twenty years old if I remember the story well, she was adopted and met Grisha Jäeger at a gala like this one. And it was love at first sight. But no one could stop Carla when she had an idea in mind. She made the decision to return to Shinganshina and help the poor. Grisha, crazy with love, followed her. They were just passing through Stohess from time to time and running the multiple hospitals owned by the Jaëger family ... Even though Carla is dead, murdered by one of the only level 5 degenerates that history has ever known, Grisha Continued to work for the poor". Eren nodded, as if she were summing up an innocuous anecdote, then added, "and that's where I come in. Dr. Jaëger is well known and respected in Shinganshina. Without him, I certainly would not be in this world ... let's just let him do what he wants ... maybe because he can not afford to spoil his son the way he really wants to? I'm surely a sort of substitute". Everyone knew that the child Grisha and Carla Jaëger had had was deficient.

Everyone was just unaware of how. Was it deformed? Or even worse ... was it a Degenerate by birth? Hanji greatly doubted the latter hypothesis, Grisha Jaëger's wife had been savagely killed by one of these creatures, whether son or not, the man would not take the risk of raising such a monster. And then, he knew what he would incur if the Winged Battalion learned that he had concealed a Degenerated child .

Jean was obviously very uncomfortable with them: "Well, now that Eren has been able to say hello to Hanji, I think we'll be going ..." Hanji interrupted him: "I have lived in Shinganshina since I became the Doctor's apprentice, and this evening a foolish party is being held at the home of one of my friends imagine that . Would you like to come with us?". Jean did not like this plan at all. He was about to refuse politely when Eren asked, "What's your friend's name?" Even before Hanji responded, a grave, sweet voice asked, "Whats it to you? Shinganshina is huge. You surely do not know the names of all the inhabitants ." Eren raised an eyebrow.

Jean pulled on Eren's sleeve as if to try to make him understand that when an Alpha acted slightly rough or authoritative towards a Beta, it was generally fucking bad. Eren crossed his arms and replied, "Ask Hanji, I might astonish you." Hanji snorted, "Oh! But my little Eren, I think that's already the case! This is the first time anyone has succeeded in inspiring a response of more than two words from Prince Grognon at this kind of gala ." Levi crossed his arms in turn:" Hmpf ... " Jean opened his eyes, detailing the rather prominent muscles that were unfolding before his eyes. He had absolutely no desire to take a punch from this guy ... to hell with his small size. Jean promised never to make fun of him in secret again . "We go to Frederic Berr!", Hanji declared.

"Oh! Hanneth's eldest son? I also heard about this feast ... ", Eren began, but Levi intervened again, almost disdainfully," ... but as Berr did not think to invite kids, you found yourself strolling in a rotten gala ... ". Hanji shot a glance at her companion. "Attention my cabbage, you risk exceeding your verbal credit of the month in one go."

"Shut up Four-Eyes!", Levi snapped.

"You're cruel! They did not know that I wore glasses!". Eren frowned, "You see Jean, you're the only one worrying about politeness here." Hanji waved her hand, "Levi does not count! He may have spent the other half of his life among the upper classes, but he continues to speak as he did when he lived in Shinganshina."

"Hey! Who told you to tell them about my life?" The aura surrounding Levi became cold but Hanji merely laughed as if he had just made a joke. Jean made the reflection that he had no doubt found another person who had absolutely NO survival instincts. Eren interrupted them, "But to reply to his Highness Levi , who never had to leave his little golden tower since Alphas are sacred, there is no need for an invitation to go to a party of this kind. We go and that's it. No one in Shinganshina can afford to buy bouncers." The teenagerwith a mocking look added, "... and the reason why I am here is because, unlike a gala, I have already been to heaps of festivals like Frederic's."

"You can not make me believe that you are more than twelve years old, brat." ,Levi spat.

"I may have baby skin, but that does not mean that I am one. You who are so educated and so classy, yet have you never heard the proverb, 'The Habit does not make the monk'?"

Their eyes threw flashes of lightning. The atmosphere between them was clearly electric. Jean wanted to scream, grab Eren by the arm and run away. What fly had bim him? Did he want to trigger a world war?

Hanji exclaimed, "Wow! The atmosphere between you two is ... boosted! If I had been told one day that I would see a Beta that could ..."

"Eren! I do not want to break the atmosphere but I promised the Doctor to bring you back safe and sound ... you know very well that his son can not stand when you are away too long!" ,Jean said and with a grin on Levi's lips he said, "Listen to your babysitter Aurions and wisely tuck in the ass of that good old Doctor's kid." Eren clenched his fist,"I'm coming with you." Jean half choked, "What? No!" Levi looked more and more amused, and a bluish gleam danced in his steel glance. "What's happening to you, Kirstein? It's a Beta, is it not? Then why don't you quite simply order him to follow you? After all, you're are an Alpha. Level 4." Jean tried not to lose face as he assumed an outraged expression. "Because I learned politeness Ackermann! One can not use his Alpha Command to order people to do our will just whenever! It's rude and wrong!

Hanji clasped her hands as if to pray."Amen Kirstein. Amen. If he listened to you, he would stop using the power of his Chorus to silence me ... it's super annoying!"

"You find me and you never stop talking. Even when I ask kindly ..."

"Levi, how many times do I have to tell you?" We were endowed with speech for a very precise reason and it is that to express our deep thought and of course of ..."

Hanji suddenly stops. Eren and Jean felt as though a current of icy air was running under their skin. Their hair bristled and a violet gleam passed through Hanji's eyes. Her mouth snapped shut. Jean was terrified. Was this guy really going to use his powers? Hanji looked angry but she still could not loosen her lips.

Eren, who did not seem to grasp the gravity of the situation, admiringly exclaimed, "That's great! Did you see that Jean?"

"Oh yes, I saw. This is exactly the kind of demonstration that should make you say that you ABSOLUTELY do not have any kind of relationship with this type of psychopa ..."

"When are you leaving for the party?", Eren interrupted.

"... and you do not listen to me at all. As usual ... ", Jean sighed, as the violet glow left Hanji's amber eyes. She scarcely gave Levi a dark look,all her good mood already found, as if she was in the habit of being muzzled and replied, "Right away! Come with us by car. It will be more fun!". Jean was sure now that they absolutely did not have the same definition of the word.


Hanji spoke so much that the journey was far less terrible than Jean expected.

During this time, Levi had contented himself with fixing his window with a bored stare and watching the scenery pass by. In reality, there had been only Eren to listen and respond to the delusions of Hanji. Once they arrived, not far from the place where the party was held, they ripped a good part of their evening dress to give a much more rugged appearance. Levi decided in just taking off his cravat, and his jacket and opening his shirt. Even Jean had to hold himself back from admitting to Levi's sex appeal. He turned his eyes as a movement drew his gaze to Eren. The latter was using a knife, which Jean did not know was in his possession, to tie his trousers and take off the sleeves of his jacket. Jean tried not to shed a tear by thinking of the price that this outfit had cost him. Eren seemed to strike at random but in the end he managed to give himself a wild air that transpired sensuality. Hanji whistled her appreciation and Jean imagined what Dr. Grisha was going to do to him on their return.

He was so preoccupied that he did not notice the flaming glow that had kindled in the looks of Eren and Levi as they devoured one another with their eyes.

The volume of the speakers was at full blast. No neighbor would complain. The party organized by Frédéric Berr was held in a disused corner of Shinganshina. One of his cursed places where a few months ago, Degenerates had attacked and killed dozens of citizens. A tragic event that would dissuade any new inhabitant for a certain time to invest in the premises but which left the field open to a youth in search of drugs and debauchery to organize parties even with little financial means.

The place was dark. People danced, drank, and flogged at every place where Eren could lay his eyes.

The sound was so loud that he did not hear a word of what Hanji said. She looked overcrowded and gesticulated in all directions while hopping on the spot. She gestured at the corner bar and Eren realized she was going to look for something to drink. She drew Jean onto her train in a fit of hysteria. His friend threw him a desperate look while disappearing into the human tide of moving bodies. Eren could not restrain a burst of laughter. Jean was really worried about nothing. He knew the neighborhood like the back of his hand, and he would have no difficulty in finding the path to his house by himself. More importantly, nobody in Shinganshina would ever do him any harm.

He stared at Levi as a new music, sounding electro played. Eren could not explain exactly where it came from, but he felt an electrical atmosphere between them since he'd laid eyes on that man. He knew that Levi was different without being able to explain it. Absolutely every one of his cells was boiling every time their eyes met. It was strange and exhilarating. Eren loved strong sensations and even though they were not touching yet, Levi was already on the way to becoming his favorite drug. He had never met an Alpha Level 5 before, so maybe that was why he had this effect on him?

Basically, Eren did not care why he felt so odd.

All he knew was that he would never see Levi Ackerman again in his life. Their two worlds were so different from each other that they had no other chance of seeing such an opportunity. Eren was the type to take advantage of this stolen moment. Especially if it happened only once in a lifetime. The music began to vibrate in his bones as the bass accelerated his heart rate. With a broad smile he invited Levi to join him on the floor. A dumb suggestion that made Levi slightly wide-eyed before shaking his head. Eren felt like he was trying to make him understand that he did not know how to dance, but he chose to act as if he did not grasp anything and drew him to his side, clutching his wrist.

As soon as their skin was in contact, a delicious electric current passed through Eren through and through. He shivered with pleasure. This Alpha was clearly something else! And no, he could not consider Jean as an Alpha, he had already humiliated him too many times during their training as a duo to take him seriously. Levi also felt this charge. His resistance was lessened and before he understood what was happening to him, he was engulfed by a wave of moving bodies. His only lifeline? That strange boy who smiled at him with all his teeth. Eren grabbed his wrist more firmly and began to show him how to follow the undulations and rebounds of the crowd. His body, though at first a little awkward, quickly took the rhythm and soon each of the bass beats of the music seemed to reverberate in his footsteps.

Sometimes sensual and slow, then undulating, Eren's gestures ended up totally enveloping him. They were in the midst of a crowd of people, but Levi could see nothing but his delicate limbs, his patches of skin illuminated by the blue light that made the colors shiny. Eren looked straight out of an erotic dream. When the music suddenly changed its tempo to become slower and the singer's deep voice began to fly off at a much warmer pace, Eren drew dangerously closer to him. Their bodies came in contact and Levi felt all his muscles contract.

An indescribable heat had invaded him. Was it the natural temperature of Eren? He must have had a Chorus of Fire, no doubt. The teenager put his arms around his neck and touched him with an exquisite caress as his pelvis began to undulate against his. He stroked Levi's arms all the way down, grabbed his hands and placed them on his hips. In a few moments the rhythm of the drums beating the measure of the bass of the new musical phase had become obvious and Levi found himself moving to the rhythm of the boiling body that guided him to the tempo. Their eyes melted into each other. Levi held his breath when the golden color in the center of the green pupils was illuminated with a mesmerizing orange. He was right, a Chorus of Fire. Eren smiled at him and Levi could detail his mouth, his canines were prominent and his lips incredibly luscious.

Damn if this guy was really a Beta.

Levi had no idea why an Alpha like Eren was hiding in the shallows and now he did not care much. All that mattered was the incredible sensation that assailed his guts and turned his stomach so pleasantly. The music changed again and became more eventful, Eren continued to drag him into his footsteps. Levi had never been so attentive to his body and his instincts. Besides, he had never let himself go this way. Perhaps it was because he was a complete stranger, a kind of shady guy whom he would never see again in his life. It was perhaps also because all of this scene went deliciously against the pre-established order. The order that tended so much to make him ill these days ...

Yes, Eren was surely an Alpha. Maybe even Level 4, just like Jean. Which explains why he did not obey him at all and had tried to challenge Levi, even though what was happening between them was without future and quite taboo. Only because no offspring would result.

It was more exciting than anything Levi had ever experienced in his life.

Eren turned and stuck his buttocks against Levi's pelvis before slowly descending with the jerky rhythm of the bass of the song that had just begun. Levi found himself following the movement without even thinking, refusing to lose the connection that had been established between their two bodies. With his hands resting on the teenager, he burned with the desire to control him and to touch him again and again until he left his essence imprinted on his skin. Eren threw his head back and Levi put his lips to the base of his neck without even thinking about it. It was at this precise moment that the most enchanting aroma in the universe fills the nostrils. He felt his spirit drift away and his canines suddenly pierced his lower lip. Eren made an about-face, a strange glimmer in his eyes. The music now mattered little, what counted was the frictions of their two bodies and the pressure of his fingers against his hips.

Eren leaned over and kissed him.

Levi retreated slightly before his instinct took over. He felt a heavy roar rolling in his chest. One of his hands left Eren's hip, which he used to tug gently at Eren's hair and gently pull his head back. Levi then captured the half-open lips that were offered to him and without even bothering to think he found himself caressing Eren's tongue with his. Their two tongues engaged in a rhythmic struggle. Falling, brushing against each other, and curling up. Then Eren suddenly stopped their sensual ballet to come lick his canines. The intoxicating perfume which had assailed him a few minutes earlier became more and more suffocating.

So enchanting that Levi lost all sense of he recovered a semblance of conscience, they were both in his room.

His home.

And he was incapable of remembering how they had been able to do this whole journey. After all, it was Hanji who had the car. Eren was kissing him passionately as Levi undressed him with a feverish hand. When one of the buttons of the shirt he held between his fingers resisted him, Levi contented himself with snatching it. Following his example, Eren, his eyes sparkling with passion, tore off the few clothes that still stood on his way.

In a few minutes they were naked, lying on Levi's broad bed and rubbing their two erect members together with greed.

Lava injections had replaced the blood that flowed in his veins. He sweated and gasped as flames of pure pleasure consumed his reason. He had no idea what was happening, but he felt that he was under the influence of a particularly powerful drug. Impossible to think or even formulate any coherent idea. A primal and imperious desire had seized upon his whole being. Take, claim, possess. Right now. He lifted Eren's legs slightly before moving them away to free himself from a place between his thighs. His gaze delighted at the sight of that trembling, panting body shivering with desire under its weight. Without even knowing if he was ready, Levi penetrated the boiling, damp cave which shuddered as he passed. Eren gave a long, rasping moan before pleading with a breathless voice: "It's ... it's so good! ... Ah! You're so ... I'm ... I want more ... Levi, move ... "The teenager had rolled his hips as he spoke these words and a new electric shock had passed through the whole body of Levi. A tiny part himself was yelling at him that something was wrong. That it was too simple. Especially for two Alphas. A detail in the information he thought he possessed about his partner.

But this reasonable share had no voice.

Instinct and desire had taken precedence over everything else.

This sensation was simply heavenly. This heat, the dampness, the palpitations against his erect crotch. Levi had never remembered being so excited, nor so hard in his life. The smell that continued to turn his head, gave him irrational cravings. Biting, owning. The urgency of his desire was almost painful. He had never known anything like this. He stuffed himself as deeply as possible, snatching a cry of pain from Eren. The teenager pushed his claws into Levi's back before dragging his hands to his buttocks and pressing him to start again. Levi did not delay. He began a sudden movement of back and forth. The cries he managed to snatch from his partner inflamed him a little more with each thrust. "Ah! Yes, don't stop, harder ... yes! Again ... "Eren's voice sounded like an aphrodisiac, his groans carried him to the brink of fainting.

And then there was this perfume, divine, stifling ...

That night, Levi had been unable to count how many times they had slept together. How often Eren's hoarse and supplicating voice had revived his ardor as if they had not just gone into the most trying and passionate part of their legs in their lives. He had been like a frenzy, a prisoner of an endless whirlwind. Any connection with his reason, conscience, or any other body of thought had been completely cut off by his endless appetite for the body he had bent under his caresses.

When they had finally fallen asleep, it was almost daylight outside.


Levi opened his eyes to the ceiling of his room.

White. Immaculate.

He had aches and felt completely emptied. He was exhausted and had the impression of recovering from the worst hangover of his existence. He was cold. Very cold. He frowned and patted his sides. There was something there before, something that covered a part of his body and the incredible warmth was ... he sat up suddenly and grimaced. The room was empty. His closet was open. Eren had obviously taken a pair of his pants and one of his t-shirts. The vestiges of their dress the night before were still scattered on the ground. A very slight trace of Eren's perfume was still floating in the room.

And already, Levi felt the effects of the lack of it.

Damn it!

Who was this guy, and what happened last night?

He straightened up and quickly glanced at his apartment. The teenager had absolutely stolen nothing . Apart from of course, the spare clothes. They had probably lived the best night of their life, and he fled without saying anything? Levi tried not to feel hurt in his pride. But in reality, he did. What they shared, if he had not gone crazy ... it was special, right? Levi had never heard of two Mates whom would both be Alphas, but ... it would not be the first weird thing. If Eren had felt this too, this certainty, this irrepressible need, then ... why did you run away?

Without even bothering to discuss it before ...

The Mates were sacred in their world. So even if they were both abnormal, the company would have understood that the bond that united them was quite acceptable ... what mattered their Category ...

…one minute…

Levi was already thinking as if he really wanted to be tied to this strange street kid. He had to get back on track! It was still this foul perfume that spoke in his place and messed with his brain! It was the side effects of that delirious night that gave him wacky ideas. But when he thought about it, Levi had absolutely no intention of marrying with anyone! His life pleased him as it was. For the first time, he knew who he was and where he was going.

He really had to pull himself together.

Last night he had wanted to break the established order and pass over his obligations and responsibilities.

That night had been incredible.

Simply incredible.

And he might never be so formidable, but ... Eren had done well to run away like a thief. That was exactly what they had agreed upon without even talking about it beforehand. This incredible sexual tension that had taken them to the guts at the first glance, this atmosphere overloaded with pheromones of all kinds ... and finally, sex. It was a perfect ending note.

For the first time Levi had acted inconsiderately and had let himself go.

He had even danced!

He who believed himself incapable!

Sleepless nights were not in his habits but last night had been an exceptional change ... so ... he had to draw the line about what had happened. It was a night of no consequence, a spicy anecdote to tell in an evening with friends. The best shot of his life. Eren Aurions, one of the seven Mysteries of Stohess would forever be one of those memories one thinks of only in the evening when one felt a little lonely and frustrated, but that in no way have any impact on your everyday life.

Levi walked to the bathroom as he finished convincing himself that he was quite capable of rethinking this night only to enjoy in his memory.

After only a month, he had to face the obvious. He was dying to see Eren again.

He had therefore gone to all possible galas in the hope of meeting him. He had questioned Hanji and even Jean Kirstein. But they had given him the same answer. They did not know where Eren lived. Nor did they know what his exact connection with Doctor Jaëger was. They had just seen him from time to time in his company. Whether they were lying or not, Levi would not go so far as to search their brain and risk inflicting irreparable damage on them to get his hands on his 'one-night stand'.

Even when he ventured to scour Shinganshina in search of the teenager, he was completely untraceable.

It was exactly as if he had never existed.

After three months of unsuccessful searches, Levi had to face the obvious. Whether they were actually Mates or not, Eren had obviously decided not to let him enter his life.

Levi had only to turn the page.