His eyes flickered open,staring at his unfamiliar surroundings. He couldn't remember a thing. Not just from recently, but nothing. Even after concentrating hard for a few seconds, he couldn't remember what his name was. He tried to rise up from whatever was chaining him down, but he was forced back when he was only a few inches in the air.

He started to panic. Sweat trickled down from his forehead over his eyebrows and into his eyes.

Speaking of his eyes, he couldn't see anything clearly out of one of them. Do I wear glasses? He thought. I must look like a nerd all of the time! He just closed his eyes because leaving them open wouldn't do anything.

Then he noticed his right hand. There was a searing pain, unlike anything that He could remember. Not like I can remember anything. He grumbled angrily to himself. Just moving it a little bit sent a shockwave of pain throughout his body.

Groaning, he attempted to shout, "Help" but all that came out was a raspy, yet loud wail.

He heard some rustling and somebody in a white jacket walked in. He flickered his uninjured eye open.

"Alexander Hamilton?" The person asked.

"What?" He replied.

"Are you Alexander Hamilton?" She repeated impatiently.

"I heard you," He responded. "but I don't know who Alexander Hamilton is. At least I don't think so..." He trailed off.

She sighed, "What's your name, man?"

"I, uh, I don't know." He responded weakly.

"Excuse me." She said, stepping out of the room.

He heard bits of the lady's conversation. Something about "test" "cushion" "ham knees a".

What the hell are "ham knees a"?

A few moments later, somebody new came into the room.

"Hi, I'm Daniel Custis. Let me just ask you a few questions, okay?" After receiving a nod of the head, Daniel continued.

"Who is this?" Daniel held up a picture of the person in front of him.

He thought a bit before responding, "He looks familiar, but I don't know exactly."

Daniel responded with, "That's you, Alexander Hamilton."

"My name is such a mouthful!" Alex laughed. His face turned serious. "Continue." He continued.

"Who is this?" Daniel held up a picture of John Laurens.

"Um... maybe it's something Washington?"

Daniel scribbled something down and then said, "That's your boyfriend, John Laurens."

"Wait, what?" Alex responded. "Boyfriend? Am I a girl? Alexander doesn't sound like a girl's name."

"No," Daniel confirmed, "you're a boy."

"That's unethical!" Alex shouted, swinging his uninjured fist as much as it could move before the restraints got control of it.

"Let's get things straight," Daniel said. "You're not."

Alex tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy.

Daniel chuckled to himself at his horrible joke and explained, "You know, let's get things straight. You're not. Like you're not straight," He sighed. "Ugh, whatever."

"This must be a mistake," Alex said, shaking his head. "Lauren is a girl's name. You just said her name backwards. Did you mean to say that Lauren John is my girlfriend?"

Daniel sighed, "No, John Laurens. But can you tell me who your parents are?"

"James and Raphael, wait, no. Wait, wait, wait. Rachel. James and Rachel."

Daniel bit his lip. "And, where are they?"

"With us, on Nevis, of course!" Alex laughed.

"You're in America, not Nevis." Daniel said slowly.

Hamilton snorted in reply, "Yea right! We wish!"

"I'm sorry, Alex, but I need to break some news."

"What?" Alex replied, "You are not physically capable of breaking news."

"I mean, I need to tell you some bad news."

"Well why didn't you say so?"

"Alexander, you left Nevis a while ago, due to a hurricane that eradicated your town. Your father left you when you were 10 years old, and your mother died of an illness when you were 12. You wrote about the hurricane and your spectacular writing got people to raise enough money for you to come to America. You've been living here since."

Alex stared blankly at Daniel. He continued. "You're a sophomore at the University of Columbia now with some of your close friends like Gilbert de Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan. You and John Laurens have been dating for about a year. You live with your adoptive parents, Martha and George Washington."

Alex tried to process everything, but all he got out was, "Can I see... John?"

"Yes- of, of course!" Daniel stuttered, surprised by Alexander's answer. "He will be with you in just a moment."

Alex sat in silence for about a minute until somebody with extremely fluffy hair and freckles walked into the room.

"Um, Lexi, do you remember me?" Laurens said nervously.

Alex stayed quiet, racking his brain to remember the person in front of him.

"Uh? Baby Girl, you okay?"

Some memories came back to Alex at that moment when he heard John say Baby Girl.

"J-John?" Alex said, reaching out his hand.

"Yes?" John said rushing over and holding Alex's hand.

"I, you, um..." Alex said, thinking.

"You love me?" Laurens asked, joyful tears filling up his eyes.

"No, uh, I, um, I forget what it's called," Alex resigned, slumping back on the bed.

"Just describe it," Laurens said, biting his lip.

"So, I went to this girl's house. I think her name was Marie?"


"Yes, Maria. So I went to her house... our relationship was a secret, right?"

"Ye- wait, what do you mean was? Alex, what happened?" Laurens cried, shaking his arm.

"STOP! I'm getting to it!" Alex shouted, glaring at John. "As I was saying, I went to her house, and we did this stuff. Like? Reproduction?"

"ALEX YOU CHEATED ON ME?" Laurens screamed, tears trickling down his face. Alex yelling at him a few seconds ago felt like nothing compared to what he was feeling at this moment.

"Uh, yeah! I think that's the word I was looking for. But after that, we went to the bar, Fraunces Tavern, of course. And we got some drinks, you were there too. And then the police just showed up, like BOOM!" Alex said, making large hand motions and laughing when he said "boom."

"I think I would've preferred to stay in prison instead of visiting you today," Laurens said, striding out the door while holding back a tsunami of tears.

Once he closed to door he sprinted to the bathroom and cried. He didn't know how long he was in there, but he poured all of his feelings into the tears and his choked sobs.

Cliffhanger! (Sort of)

I'm so sorry I didn't update this for over a month! I didn't think it was this long and I've just been working on other things. I'll try to get the next chapter out sooner.