I should probably be updating my other fic that I have neglected but the plot bunnies have been absent lately *nervous laugh*

Disclaimer: I dont own Vampire Knight or any recognisable characters or places.

Warnings: OOC's, possible Zero x Kaname (not definite), but if you know the facts of life we should be good to go. Any significant ones will be added as the story goes on.

Other than that please R&R and enjoy :)

Zero drove up the gravel drive way with a strained smile. He was late to dinner. Their anniversary dinner. He knew Yuuki would be slightly annoyed and would look at him with that tight lipped smile, a frown marring her graceful features. Underneath though he knew he was already forgiven and that they would re-heat the no doubt cold dinner and sit with Ai rather than the candle lit dinner for two that they had planned. If he was honest he secretly cherished the moments he shared with the little girl that looked every inch of Kaname. It had been ten long years since the pureblood king had sacrificed himself for them and Zero had made peace within himself that he would always be a presence in their lives. They had more in common than they would have previously have admitted to even themselves but Zero supposed they all had to grow up eventually and act like responsible adults.

The silverette killed the engine and looked dubiously out into the rain that was pelting the ground in harsh drops, hiding the manor house from view save the lights from the windows. Grabbing the bouquet of roses he drew a sigh before throwing himself out into the weather bomb and making a mad dash for the front door, cursing when the door handle jammed and denied him entrance. Shaking himself off in the hallway after finally finding the door keys he called out to Yuuki only to receive no answer. Thinking she was in a huff over dinner, he laughed lightly and called out for the young girl he internally thought of as his daughter instead. Silence greeted him. Purple eyes slanted in concern and he drew Bloody Rose from his holster. Cheeking the rooms for signs of a struggle he scratched his head when he sensed no immediate threat. 'Please tell me I wasn't to meet her somewhere' he thought downhearted his expression one of confusion.

Turning slowly his gaze was drown to the chalkboard hanging from a nail in the kitchen -with faint writing on it- he breathed a sigh of relief at seeing that it was written in Yuuki's familiar, barely legible scrawl. The bouquet of roses dropped from his left hand, petals separating from the buds as they hit the tiles. 'Taken Ai to see her father, don't wait up - Yuuki'

Even on their anniversary he was coming second best to a dead man.

Zero had always known that Kaname was Yuuki's first in many ways and thus claimed a large percentage of her heart, but a part of him, the possessive side that was more conservative told him he should be Yuuki's one and only. He felt like a stranger in his own home and often awoke to find his lover missing from her side of the bed with the sheets long gone cold. The more he thought about it now, he realised that although Yuuki was the one who lingered in his dreams and held his heart those feelings were fading on her side. 'They probably were never there in the first place idiot', he thought with his head in his hands. Perhaps Kaito was right after all when he claimed that Zero was nothing but a glorified baby sitter.

Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he rose from the dinning room chair he had collapsed into and quickly moved upstairs. Reaching to grab the suitcase from the top of the wardrobe he paused hesitantly and held it in his hands. He thought about his decision rationally for a few moments before nodding in conviction. He couldn't stay here as a half hearted replacement. The ex-prefect worked methodically in packing the clothes from the bedroom and the few keepsakes he'd brought with him from his time at the academy before zipping up the case and effectively sealing his decision.

He glanced over his shoulder at the room he'd resided in for the past year and closed the door half heartedly. He stopped in his tracks beside the table in the hallway to pick up the wooden photo-frame that had butterflies carved in to the grains. They looked so happy there in the meadow making daisy chains with Ai. Why couldn't they still be happy? He rubbed his thumb over the frame and slipped the picture out from behind the glass after a seconds hesitation. He needed this, he decided before making quick work of the stairs.

The ex-human abandoned his belonging at the front door and slowly trekked the agonising journey into the kitchen, eyeing the chalkboard that spelled his end with glassed eyes. He wiped the chalk away and let his tears leak down his porcelain face without concern. Writing his own message he placed it back on the nail along with his house key before leaving without a second glance.

'Happy first anniversary love'