Welcome to my first story that's not Pal! This time, it's Lomille! I spent 1 week on writing the story and it turned out to be 8 chapters and 25 pages long on my Google Doc! It wasn't originally going to end up like it did but I'm pretty happy with the outcome. The first few chapters are in flashback to give a backstory to the story, in case anyone gets confused.

Disclaimer: I don't own "Big Time Rush" or anything of the like.

Chapter 1: Not As Friends

Majority is in flashback

Camille's POV

Logan and I have been dating for 2 years. I still remember that fateful day at Palm Woods when I first saw him. Of course, I was acting so he really didn't see the real me. I didn't regret slapping Kendall that day. We went out a few times before he popped the question I so often dreamed about. I would often wake up in tears because of how everything played out.

It was a peaceful Tuesday afternoon and I was sitting by the Palm Woods pool reading a new script I got on Monday. I heard chattering. I looked up and saw Logan (and Kendall, Carlos, and James standing behind him). Gosh, did he look cute. He gave me a small smile and seemed nervous. I put down my script and smiled at him. "Hey, Camille"

"Oh hi Logan! I can't wait for Friday night!" Friday was going to be our seventh date and our first date of just the two of us. The other times, would be double dates with either Kendall and Jo, James and one of his temporary dates, or Carlos and the Jennifers. We would rarely spend alone time. It always had to involve the guys.

"Yeah about Friday night. Umm. What do you say that we don't go as friends?" He gave a thumbs up and grinned at me. My smile disappeared. What? I've liked him for 3 months and he doesn't want to go as friends?!

"Fine!" I threw my hands up in the air and started yelling. "Then find someone else to go to your fancy date on Friday because we clearly aren't going together!" I didn't want to yell at him but I had no choice. He didn't want to go on the date with me. I stormed out of my seat and headed inside the Palm Woods lobby to my apartment. Apparently I felt eyes watching me as I made a scene at the pool, typical.

Logan's POV

"Well, I didn't expect THAT to happen." I turned behind me and the guys looked at me, also confused of what they just witnessed. I rubbed the back of my neck, not sure what to do.

We all were silent for a few moments before Carlos spoke up sounding hopeful. "Maybe she's rehearsing a scene and her character calls off a date." We all exchanged glances. Possibly. She was always in character and made a whole scene at either the pool or in the lobby. That's kind of how we met and how I got my first kiss from her. Long story short, Kendall ended up getting the girl and they have been inseparable since.

My thoughts were interrupted with Kendall. "Hmm. Yeah. Maybe. But doesn't it seem weird that she wasn't in full costume and makeup, and didn't slap and kiss Logan afterwards?" After realizing this, we all nodded in agreement. He's got a point. When she usually rehearses a scene, she becomes the character and full on kisses me! It's not like I don't enjoy it. I really do and I hope she does it more often. This just doesn't seem like her and I was determined to get to the bottom of it!

Camille's POV

I was going at such a huff that I didn't see who I ran into on the way to the elevator. I look up and see Jo, the one person I wanted to talk to at the moment. When I talk to her, it seems like all my problems just go away.

"Hey! I haven't seen you all day! How did the audition go?"

"Well, I'll say this. I got the script yesterday and we start rehearsals Thursday!" Her eyes lit up and before I knew it, we were hugging, like how best friends do.

"Oh my gosh! That is fantastic! Logan must be really proud of you." My smile disappeared when she said his name. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Jo gave me a look that said "oh, it's something and I'm just going to stand here with my arms crossed waiting for an answer until I get one." "Okay. I'll tell if you promise not to tell the guys."


Here it goes. "Well, when I was reading the script I got yesterday, Logan came up to me and called off our date on Friday"

"But, he likes you, doesn't he?

"That's what I thought. Apparently, I thought wrong. Apparently, he doesn't want to go as friends"

Jo looked confused. "That doesn't seem like him."

"Well, I guess that what Hollywood does to you. It changes you."

"Yeah. I mean, maybe he had a good reason to call it off."

"Yeah? Like what?" Now it was my turn to fold my arms.

"Umm." She thought for a few moments then an idea struck her. "Maybe he has a really big surprise for you."

I gave a soft chuckle. She must be joking. "Logan? Big surprise? He never gets me anything."

"Maybe this is the first of the several times he gets you something."

I could see it now. Logan coming up to my door with a huge present for me, looking dashing as ever. It's like a dream. Only a dream that would never happen. I shrugged, we said our good-byes (Jo had to go to set to rehearse a commercial), and went our separate ways.

That night, I couldn't help but think of the day that just happened. Everything was fine until Logan called off our date. Why did he do it, anyway? I like him and he likes me. Everything would end up fine eventually. Stay calm. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes.

Tune in next time to see what happens next!