Author's Notes:

I don't own Citrus or Netsuzou Trap, or any of their characters, no copyright is intended!

This is a crossover story with Citrus and NTR by the way. ;)

Italics - Means the person is thinking just so you know.

Warning: This contains yuri (girl x girl) pairings as well as pseudo-incest, don't like? Don't read simple, otherwise enjoy. ^_^


Just like any other day a petrol around the school before classes started was normal for Himeko Momokino, in fact by now it was part of her daily routine. She was the Student Council, vice-President after all, which meant that it was her job to make sure none of the students were hanging out on the rooftop, or were planning on missing going to lessons, or were possibly going against other school rules.

However today was different than every other morning, normally the Student Council President would be walking alongside Himeko, while they would both be on petrol, but today unfortunately the President had said that she couldn't come along this morning, since she had some work she needed to finish, plus she also needed to prepare for a Student Council meeting that was coming up soon.

Himeko sighed deeply as she walked around the school hallways with her head hanging a little low, as she normally took much joy out of these early morning patrols with the President, but knowing that Mei was busy this morning, it was better for her to just put her thoughts of missing the dark haired girl to the back of her mind for now.

Himeko took a deep breath and lifted her head up, nodding to herself, as she knew there was still a job she had to take care of, even if she was alone for it this morning. However since this was an all-girls school, there wasn't much for the vice-President to look out for, and considering the fact that she hadn't seen a certain blonde girl as of yet, she guessed this morning's petrol would no doubt be quite boring and uneventful.

Giving out another sigh as she came to the entrance of the school, looking around as she noticed for some reason a lot of the school's students were standing around and whispering to one another, hanging around the front gates, and the entrance of the school building, while it seemed like they were all looking to the school gates.

Raising her eyebrow slightly Himeko looked around, and thought about going up to one of the students and asking what was causing them all to gather here when classes were going to be starting soon. However in a few seconds she got her answer as she walked out to the front of the school, and looked to the front gates, her eyes widened as she saw two young girls that weren't wearing the school uniform, and seemed to be very out of place, as they stood talking to each other, while all the students moved around them slowly, avoiding talking to them.

The two girls looked to be around high school age, but definitely didn't attend this school, which made Himeko think that maybe they had gotten lost or something. Walking up to the two girls, Himeko called out to them, catching their attention.

"Excuse me, is there something I could help you with, you two aren't students here right?" Himeko asked politely, giving the two girls a kind smile as she looked them up and down.

The two girls had stopped talking, looking to each other for a moment, before they both looked back to Himeko, and one of them replied back to her.

"Err that's correct, we don't go here,"

"We're actually just looking for someone," the other girl chimed in, a polite smile forming on her lips as she greeted Himeko.

"Ah I see, I'm the Student Council vice-President at this school, and I would be happy to help you. What is this person's name, do they go to school here?" Himeko asked politely, guessing that the two girls were probably friends or maybe even relatives of someone at the school, and they had come here looking for them.

The two girls looked to each other again, before one of them answered.

"Well we were told that they go to school here, and I believe their name is…" the girl paused as she glanced to the other girl standing beside her, looking like she needed help on remembering the name of this person they had come looking for.

"Her name is Aihara Mei, do you know her?" the other girl finished.

Himeko's eyes widened a little as she was surprised to hear the Student Council President's full name, and instantly wondered how these two girls knew her, when she had never heard the President talk or mention anything about either of them before.

"Y-yes…s-she's the Student Council President here, how do you two know her, if you don't mind me asking that is? Himeko asked nervously, feeling curious as to who exactly these two girls were, and how they knew the President.

"I'm Mizushina Hotaru, and this is Okasaki Yuma," the girl with long black hair introduced herself, pointing to her blonde friend, while she smiled politely to Himeko.

"It's nice to meet you, and a friend of Hotaru's told us to come here and meet Aihara-san," the blonde girl stated with a nod.

"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Momokino Himeko, and you see…the President is quite busy this morning, what business do you have with her, is it urgent?" Himeko asked wondering why this 'friend' of the dark haired girl had told them to come to the school and not the house where Mei lives.

"Oh if she's busy then we can just-

"Yes it is very urgent, it's actually a family matter," Hotaru interrupted Yuma, as she caused the blonde to frown slightly, while Himeko looked a little taken aback.

"Is this friend of your's a relative to the President?"

"Yes, but she lives a little too far away, and so had us come to talk to her instead,"

Hotaru explained, while Himeko nodded, thinking that maybe there was a problem with Mei's Grandfather's health or something similar, and that's maybe why these two girls had been sent to talk to the President about it.

"Well I'm not sure if she's done with her work or not, but if it's that important, then I'll show you to the Student Council room, she should still be in there,"

Himeko stated, knowing not to ask too much about the details, since she didn't want to pry into Mei's private life, and she doubted these two girls would tell her about what was going since it was a 'family matter' after all.

"That would be most helpful, thank you Momokino-san," Hotaru smiled brightly, before Himeko nodded back to her and smiled in return.

"Follow me then,"

Himeko replied, as she turned and started to lead the way, while now most of the students had walked into the school, deciding to get ready to go to their classes, since it seemed like the vice-President was taking care of everything now.

Taking a step forward Hotaru was going to follow Himeko, but was stopped as Yuma tugged on her shirt, a slight frown on her lips.

"Hotaru, why'd you lie like that? We aren't here because of a family matter," Yuma scolded her dark haired friend, as she stared sternly to her.

"Well she doesn't know that, besides she probably wouldn't have let us see Aihara-san if we said that it wasn't urgent, and then how else would we have gotten the chance to talk with her?"

Hotaru talked in a low voice, smiling to Yuma slightly, as the two girls whispered to each other, while they followed the vice-President into the school, but kept a little bit of a distance between her and them, so that she wouldn't hear them whispering.

"… okay you might actually have a point there,"

Yuma agreed after a short pause, realising that although lying seemed wrong here, she too agreed that they probably wouldn't have been able to talk to this girl any other way, since they didn't know where she lived, or anything else really about her, except for her name, age, what school she went to, and the fact that she needed Hotaru's help with something or other, and that was it.

"We can apologise for lying later, after we meet this girl," Hotaru just smiled innocently, before she picked up speed a little, and Yuma quickly followed after her, deciding to just let this slide for now.


Walking through the hallways of the school Hotaru and Yuma followed Himeko, getting a few slight stares from random students that were hanging around outside their classrooms, waiting for lessons to start.

"So what did this friend of your's say you were supposed to help this girl with again?" Yuma asked, speaking in a whispering tone, as she felt a little nervous about walking through this unfamiliar school, while all the staring students were making her feel uncomfortable.

"Well she wasn't clear about it, but she thought I'd be able to help her with her relationship if I remember correctly," Hotaru explained, whispering back.

"And the reason you brought me along was because?"

"Because you're my best friend, and I'd be lonely without you, besides maybe you can help this girl out as well,"

Hotaru smiled innocently, knowing that bringing Yuma along wasn't really something that her friend had told her to do, but since she didn't want to just leave Yuma and go to meet and help this 'Mei Aihara' all by herself she had decided to bring her along for the ride.

"But Hotaru-

"Are you two alright?" Himeko caught the two girl's attention, as she was wondering why she would hear slight whispers coming from behind her every so often, and wondered if everything was okay between the two.

"Umm yes everything's fine," Yuma answered nervously, smiling to Himeko slightly, before Himeko nodded to her and continued to lead the way.

Yuma glanced to Hotaru, as the dark haired girl put a finger on her lips, and gestured for the blonde to stay quiet, and not cause the vice-President to ask them anymore questions, while Yuma just nodded back to Hotaru with a slight sigh.

A few minutes more of walking through the hallways of the school, the three girls came to two large double doors. Himeko stopping as Hotaru and Yuma did the same a second afterwards, looking to the big double doors, before they both turned back to look at Himeko again.

"The President is in there working, now I wouldn't normally let anyone in, since the last thing she needs is to be disturbed, but considering that this is about her family, and you said it was very urgent that you talk with her…I will leave you two to do so, but make sure to knock before going in," Himeko explained never normally letting anyone disturb the President once she was busy at work, but Hotaru had said this was a 'family matter' after all.

"Thank you Momokino-san, you've been a great help," Hotaru thanked Himeko with a kind smile, while Yuma just nodded with a nervous smile to the vice-President.

"You're welcome Mizushina-san," Himeko replied with a slight bow of her head, and another polite smile, before she turned and started to walk away from the two girls, leaving them to take care of things by themselves now.

Hotaru stood waving and smiling to the vice-President, before she sighed slightly, and looked to Yuma with a questioning expression when she noticed her shaking her head and frowning back to her slightly.


"Let's just get this over with,"

Yuma stated with a slight sigh, feeling kind of guilty that she had let Hotaru play the vice-President for a fool, but just pushed those thoughts aside for the moment, choosing to just walk up to the double doors, and knock on them lightly.

The two girls waited for a moment or two, but didn't get a response, and so they tried knocking again, but louder this time. But still there was no answer.

"Maybe she left the room," Yuma thought out loud, thinking that maybe they should come back at a better time, but then again not knowing when that 'better time' would exactly be.

"Perhaps we should just wait inside for her to come back then?"

Hotaru asked, guessing that it was also very possible that the President just wasn't answering the door, but the only way they would really find out, would be to actually go into the room and see for themselves.

Yuma shrugged slightly, guessing that Hotaru's suggestion was most probably their best bet right now, as she took a deep breath and slowly rested her hand on the door's handle, opening the door slowly as her and Hotaru peered into the room.

"Hello is anyone in…" Yuma paused as she let go of the door handle, her and Hotaru standing in the doorway, as they both looked upon quite the surprising scene playing out in front of them at the moment.

There sitting in one of the chairs at the far side of the room was a girl with long jet-black hair, a pen in her hand still, while papers were layered all over the desk in front of her. And standing beside her, leaning over the back of her chair was another girl with long chestnut blonde hair, styled in a fashionable way, as she had her hand resting on the other girl's shoulder.

Then two girls lips' were locking in a deep kiss, both of them seeming to be lost in the moment, neither of them noticing that they weren't alone in the room anymore.

Standing a little stunned Yuma was speechless as she wasn't sure how to react, while Hotaru on the other hand now just cleared her throat and made sure she was loud enough for the two kissing girls to hear her.

Having caught the dark haired girl's attention, she slowly opened her eyes and looked to Hotaru and Yuma, breaking her kiss with the blonde leaning over her chair, causing the blonde to look over to the door and see the other two girls standing there.

"Well… sorry to interrupt, but do either of you girls know where the Student Council President is?" Hotaru asked, while Yuma nodded, but still seemed a little lost for words.

The two girls looked to Hotaru and Yuma, not answering for a minute or two before the dark haired girl composed herself, turned away from the blonde beside her, and addressed Hotaru with what now seemed to be a somewhat professional attitude to a certain degree.

"I am the Student Council President, and I would highly appreciate it if you forgot what you just saw now," the dark haired girl stated, looking to Hotaru with a warning stare.

"No worries Aihara-san, we won't speak a word of it to anyone, right Yuma?" Hotaru smiled innocently, turning to Yuma as the blonde composed herself.

"Err…right," Yuma nodded nervously, still feeling a little taken aback by walking in on something she guessed that they really weren't supposed to see.

"Mei, do you know these two girls?" The blonde beside the President now asked as she leaned down, and spoke in a whispered tone.

"How do you know my name, you two don't go to this school correct?" the President asked, ignoring the blonde's question as she was more focused on finding out who these two girls were, and how they knew her name.

"Right where are my manners, my name is Mizushina Hotaru, and this is my close friend, Okasaki Yuma, and we were sent here to solve a little problem of your's, you are Aihara Mei right?" Hotaru asked as she introduced Yuma and herself, smiling polity to the President.

"Yes I am, but just who sent you?"

Mei asked her expression seeming completely calm, but her mind asking quite a few more questions right now, while the blonde standing beside her was blushing a little and fidgeting slightly.

"Well I would like to discuss my reason for being here further, but…wouldn't it be better to talk in private?" Hotaru asked, that innocent and polite smile never leaving her lips.

Mei sat with an eyebrow raised to Hotaru for a moment, seeming to be lost in deep thought, while she stayed silent and wondered just what this dark haired girl was up to, and if she was telling the truth or not about her reason for being here,

'That innocent smile of her's is a little unsettling,' Mei thought, as she wondered if she really should speak to this girl in private or not.

"Yuma-chan here can keep your… 'Friend' company if you would like?" Hotaru added, causing Yuma to look a little surprised, as she frowned to Hotaru, before looked nervously back to Mei.

After a few minutes more Mei sighed a little, before she nodded and agreed, "Very well, Yuzu could you step outside for a moment?" she asked the blonde, turning to her with a blank stare.

"But Mei-


Mei's stare turned into more of a warning glare, as she lowered her voice, while the blonde smiled nervously back to her in reply, before nodding to her slightly, and making a swift escape for the door, standing and waiting outside the room a minute later.

"Are you sure about this Hotaru?" Yuma asked as she spoke in a whispered voice, and looked nervously to Hotaru.

"Relax Yuma-chan, it'll be fine, just go outside with that girl, I'm sure you two will get along nicely,"

Hotaru smiled to Yuma, reassuring her as she rested a hand on her shoulder, while Yuma just sighed, and nodded slightly, bowing her head to the President, before she left the room and waited outside the door along with Yuzu.

"Now who sent you?"

Mei repeated her earlier question, not really wanting to speak to this girl in private, but deciding to anyway since she didn't really want Yuzu getting involved if this proved to be troublesome for her.

"A friend of your's, Mizusawa Matsuri I believe," Hotaru stated, her answer causing Mei to widen her eyes slightly.

'Now I get it,' Mei thought as she realized that this was just one of that annoying middle-school's little games, thinking that this dark haired girl did actually remind her of Matsuri to a certain degree, 'Just what is she up to this time?'

"She's not someone I would consider, a 'friend'," Mei stated the tense feeling now leaving her body as she no longer felt like she should be weary of this Hotaru girl.

"Oh isn't she? I just assumed that you and her were close, my mistake," Hotaru smiled, shrugging her shoulders slightly, while thinking that maybe she should have gotten more information about the President, before she agreed to help her out.

"How do you know her though?" Mei asked, wondering if she really wanted to know the answer or not.

"We used to work together in a café," Hotaru answered simply.

"Isn't she a little young for a job like that?"

"Well I myself wasn't really old enough for such a job at the time, so I didn't question it, I guess," Hotaru smiled nervously now, scratching the back of her neck in what looked to be an embarrassed manner, but seemed different from Mei's point of view.

'This girl…I can't read her, and I can't tell if everything she's saying is a lie or the truth, plus that all too innocent smile keeps throwing me off,' Mei thought as she looked Hotaru up and down for a moment, wondering if this girl was as she seemed, or if there was more to her underneath that unsettling childish demeanour of her's.

"So what did she tell you?" Mei asked after a short pause.

"That you apparently need my help with your… 'Relationship', but from the looks of things, I'd say you don't need the help," Hotaru's innocent smile formed into more of a slight smirk, as she chuckled slightly to Mei.

Not responding Mei simply just raised her eyebrow a little, wondering if she should trust or even continue talking to this girl. Something just gave off certain odd vibes about her, and Mei wasn't sure what to think, or how to react to anything she said.

"Not to worry though, I won't tell a soul, and I'll tell Yuma to keep her lips sealed about that kiss earlier as well okay?" Hotaru's innocent smile returned as she nodded her head in a childish manner.

"That blonde girl that you saw with me, she's actually quite close with Matsuri," Mei pointed out.

"Really, maybe I should talk to her then instead,"

"Nonetheless I believe it would be better if you talked to Matsuri since it's clear that…"

Mei paused as her and Hotaru were alerted by hearing loud voices from outside the room, both of the girls glancing to the closed doors, before looking back to each other again.

Hotaru shrugged her shoulders slightly as she turned and headed for the door, Mei standing up from her chair and following after her, wondering what was going on outside all of a sudden.

Hotaru and Mei stepped outside of the Student Council room, looking around for a minute for what was causing all the noise, only to look to the two blondes that were standing in the hallway, now arguing loudly with each other for some reason.

"What is going on with you two?" Mei asked as her and Hotaru walked up to Yuma and Yuzu, interrupting their little squabble.

"Oh hey Mei…are you and that girl finished speaking now?" Yuzu smiled nervously as she turned her attention to Mei, while Yuma looked to Hotaru nervously.

Mei just sighed slightly as she rubbed her forehead, and ran a hand through her long black hair slowly, guessing that the answer to her question would no doubt be a long one.