Lucy Pevensie sat at her desk at school staring out the window.

She knew Ms. Smith was talking about something that had to do with the medieval time period, but other then that she wasn't really listening.

She was day dreaming about Narnia, her home.

Oh how she wished she was playing on the beach by Cair paravel, or sitting in the throne room with her brothers and sister, or taking a walk through the garden.

But no. She was stuck here, in England, a place that would never be home.

All of a sudden, her head shot up as Ms. Smith said something about a tournament.

"On Monday morning we are all going to start learning how people used weapons in the medieval time period. you will each get the chance to pick the one you want to learn how to use, then at the end we will be joined by a few other classes and will be holding a tournament. For this project we will be going to an old castle for training." Said Ms. Smith

Lucy was thrilled. 'I hope there will be dagger throwing.' She thought.

The class was then dismissed.

Lucy ran to tell Susan.


"Yes, Lucy?"

"There's going to be a tournament for medieval weapons! That means there might be dagger throwing!" Said Lucy. (Who by this time had a huge smile, and was bouncing up and down)

"so your class is in it too?" Asked Susan.

"Yes! Oh, it's going to be wonderful!" Said Lucy

"Indeed it will" said Susan.