Thundercats: Breath of the Wild.

Chapter 8: The Divine Beasts.

A silence stayed as the group just stood there in the presence of Impa. "What is the matter, Child, Do you not recognized me?" Impa asked, Link looked away slightly, trying to think about what to say. "I see...You have lost your memories...And your form..." Impa said eyeing Link's Feline features. "...Even though the only blood we could get of hold of was Thundarrian, it was risky injecting it into the chamber...But in the condition you were in..." Impa said in deep thought. "...Perhaps it's a blessing in it's own right you don't remember right from the start."

"Impa..." Osbert said walking to the front of the group. "I lost track of the decades I would meet you again. But even after all this time..." Osbert then got on his hind legs and placed his front paws on his hips. "You haven't gotten any taller!"

Impa merely chuckled. "It is nice to see you too, Osbert. I've grown accustom to not hearing your...What's the word...? Ah yes, Dystonia Voice."

"Is everyone going to lay me off now?!" Osbert shouted.

"Miss Impa, Please." Link began, stepping forward. "Your the only lead I have towards my missing past."

Impa closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and saying. "Very Well, I'll tell you all that I know." And with that, she began.

The History of the Hyrule Family is also the history of the Calamity Gannon, In order to fight against this evil, We discovered four giant weapons known as "The Divine Beasts", Four Champions were appointed to pilot these creations, along with a leader. That way, The chosen hero would be aided in his fight against Gannon, Finally, when the beast was weaken, The Princess, with the blood of the goddess would use a sacred power to seal it away forever. However we underestimated Gannon's power. And Both The Guardians and the Divine Beasts were stolen away, And the champions met their ends...

"In other words..." Impa began, but Osbert interrupted.

"GANNON CHEATED! The divine beasts are on OUR SIDE!" Osbert exclaimed. "Gannon must've predicted we would use them, and used that to his advantage."

"After you were nearly slain, The Princess ordered us along with Osbert to place you in the Shrine of Resurrection, But by the time we arrived you had lost so much blood, that if we placed you in the chamber then, you wouldn't have survived."

"So we had to improvise, Luckily one of our own, Purah, had arrived back from a research trip to Thunderra, With a sample of Thunderrian blood, We figured that since you cats and Hylians had similar bodies...But it was a risky gamble, It worked, but..." Osbert began to scratch behind his ear with his hind leg. "You ended up being more feline then Hylians."

"That explains why I felt so dissociated when I work up..." Link added. "It felt like walking in someone else shoes, er, feet."

"So Link was naturally a Hylians?" Lion-o asked.

Impa nodded. "Yes, but fret not, for this form is not permanent, As Link regains his former strength and memories, his form should naturally revert to his original self." Impa then continued. "Before Zelda and Osbert left to face Gannon, she left me a message to give you, But bear this in mind, She risked her life and therefore, you all must be prepare to put yourselves in danger greater then any you ever face."

"We came this far, And we're not leaving until Mumm-ra's been destroyed." Lion-o answered, The others' nodded.

Impa smiled. "Zelda had entrust me with these words, The words meant for the heroes of Third Earth..." She then added. "..."Free The Divine Beasts."

There were a short silence before an attendant came in with an old wooden box. She then nervously handed it to Link before walking off. "Within this chest is a personal belonging that you may recognized..." Link then opened the box as Impa said that, Inside was a sky blue tunic and some other gear.

"This is..." Link said as he felt some click in his head, and the world faded to black.

In the center of the forest on a stone crossroad, Hyrule castle could be seen in the distance.

"Hero of Hyrule, Chosen by the Sword that Seals the Darkness..." A young blue dressed woman began to a Hylian Link. "You have shown unflinching bravery in the face of adversity and darkness." Nearby, a stout Hylian with white hair similar to Snarf's came running up to the other champions.

"Sorry I'm late, how much did I miss?" Osbert whispered to the other champions.

"The ceremony has just started." Mipha the Zora Champion answered. Osbert then looked at the two as the Princess continued.

"We pray for your protection, And we hope that-" She stopped, a look of pain etched onto her face. "That the two of you will grow strong together, as one." She sighed as she continued.

"Gee, this is uplifting." Daruk, the goron champion said placing a hand behind his back. "She's making it sound like we already lost."

"Wasn't this your idea?" Revali, The Rito Champion said. "Your the one who wanted to designated the appointed knight with all the ceremonial pomp, Grandeur and Nonsense we could muster!" He then looked over to the two, "And if you ask me the whole thing seems overkill..."

"I'm worried." Osbert said concern. "With her like this, Gannon is going to trample all over her." He then turned to the others, "Isn't there something we could do?"

"I think I'm on the same page as the Princess regarding this...Boy." Revali looking at Link harshly.

"Oh give it a rest." Urbosa, The Gerudo Champion started. "That boy is a living remainder of her own failures, Well, at least that's how the princess sees him..."

As the ceremony concluded a look of distress was seen clearly on the princess's face...

Link gasped as his mind reeled back to the world of reality.

"You okay?" Lion-o said concern, the others were close to him, noticing his vacant expression. "You sort of spaced out for a minute there."

"I...I remembered." Link said unsure. "Just a little bit, I saw Zelda's face."

There was a silence as Link looked at the tunic in his hands.

To be continued.