Chapter 3: Unohana

A.N.: This is a request by Halphas Greed.
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.
Warning: Lemon! MILF!

Shortly after Ichigo regained his Soul Reaper powers….
Karakura High roof

Ichigo bit down on his sandwich and ate his lunch in silence, feeling content now that he was a Soul Reaper again. Tsukishima and Ginjo were dead. His family and friends were back to normal, and he could finally protect everyone important to him again.

Hearing footsteps, Ichigo turned his head and saw Mizuiro sitting down next to him. "Hey, Mizuiro. What's up?"

"Nothing. Just had to pull Tatsuki off of Keigo after he tried to sneak a peek in the girl's locker room. Chizuru and I thought she was going to smash his head like a coconut."

Ichigo only shook his head. "He never changes, no matter how many beatings he takes," he noted.

"You mean like you?" Mizuiro slyly said. "I saw Ikumi's van over by the abandoned lot yesterday. It seemed to be doing a lot of bouncing…" he hinted. "And I also noticed how Ms. Ochi keeps inviting you over to her house for tutoring. Funny how she's teaching you even though she's no longer our teacher."

Ichigo wanted to facepalm. "Look, Mizuiro, Ikumi…we do it to burn out the tension between us but we're not in an exact relationship. And Ochi…I can't resist it when she invites me over."

Mizuiro patted his shoulder and chuckled. "Relax, Ichigo. I've had some fun in the past few years as well. But I was listening to Uryu and Chad last period. Your powers have returned?"

The Substitute nodded. "Yeah. It's uh…it's a long story. But I'm a Soul Reaper again."

Mizuiro thought about the possibilities. "So tell me," he gave Ichigo a devious grin. "Are you planning on using your new talents on some Soul Reaper women and woo them over to you?" he asked, once again prodding Ichigo's dark side.

"Perhaps," Ichigo said and took another bite out of his sandwich. As he did though, he thought of his friends in the Soul Society. By definition, just about every woman he knew in the Soul Society could be considered a MILF, remembering his earlier comment about Rukia. However, the thought of them going overboard at him trying to seduce them made him shudder, especially the idea of dealing with an angry Rangiku or Kukkaku. Shuddering, Ichigo shook his head. "On second thought, never mind. Most of the people I know in the Soul Society fall in the crazy-as-hell category."

"Hmph. Shame…" Mizuiro said. The two friends continued to eat their lunches in silence until the bell rang and then they returned to class.

A few days later….
Soul Society; Squad 13

"C'mon, Ichigo!" Rukia said as she dragged Ichigo by the arm.

"Rukia! Slow down! Where are we going anyway?" Ichigo asked before almost tripping on a loose tile on the street.

"Just come with me," Rukia retorted as she continued to drag Ichigo through her Squad. She'd sent a message to invite him over to the Soul Society. As soon as he emerged from the Senkaimon she had met in at the entrance and dragged him straight to her squad. Passing through an arched entryway, she called out to everyone gathered. "He's here!"


Ichigo saw that all of his friends were gathered in the courtyard, having a massive party. Ikkaku, Yumichika, Renji, Hanataro as well as most of the other captains and lieutenants had come, Kyoraku and Rangiku already having a drinking contest. "You guys," Ichigo murmured, touched by all the festivities. "You're all here…."

Renji walked over to Ichigo and put an arm around his shoulder. "C'mon, Ichigo! After everything you went through, you deserve a celebration." Holding up a cup, Renji made a toast. "To Ichigo."


The next few hours were like a blur for Ichigo, who danced, drank (not alcohol) and caught up with all his friends whom he thought he'd never see again. After finishing talking to Rangiku and Toshiro, Ichigo sat down to rest his tired legs. He thought the table he sat down at was empty. He was mistaken.

"Quite the lively party, Ichigo," said the soft voice of Captain Unohana.

Ichigo turned his head and saw the captain sitting next to him, smiling her serene smile at the boy. "Oh, hello, Captain Unohana. It's good to see you again."

"The feeling is mutual, Ichigo," Unohana happily said. "Forgive me if I don't dance but I need to make sure that Isane is alright." She gestured next to her, revealing Isane, who was lying on her back, groaning. "It seems her stomach can't quite handle the rich foods Rangiku cooked for the party."

"Ohhhh…" Isane groaned, her stomach feeling like an Irish bar-fight was happening inside it.

Unohana patted her head and smiled at her lieutenant. "Just relax, Isane. I'll prepare you a cup of milk with nutmeg when we head back to Squad Four." She turned back to Ichigo and nodded. "How do you like the party?"

"It's great. I can't believe you all went through all of this just for me."

"You're our friend, Ichigo. You're the boy who went through Hell and back to save your friend, Orihime, and defeat Aizen." Her eyes looked Ichigo over and her smile widened by a hair. "Although, I must say, it looks like I can no longer call you a boy anymore. You've become a man in the time since we last met."

Ichigo couldn't help but blush from Unohana's words. He'd never thought to hear her say that and the thoughts of what Mizuiro had discussed with him kept crawling back into his mind.

Before Ichigo could say anything to Unohana he heard a familiar sound that made his blood freeze in terror:


The towering form of Kenpachi Zaraki stormed into the party, Yachiru hanging onto his shoulder as always. "Where's Ichigo!" the man roared, stopping the party in its tracks. His single eye scanned the area until it landed on Ichigo, who gulped. "Ichigo, it's been too long." He grinned his sadistic grin as he drew his zanpakuto. "Let's see if your skills have dulled since you've been gone…."

"Oh dear," Unohana said. "Looks like Yachiru couldn't stall him long enough."

Yachiru waved at the captain, a bag of candy in her hand. "Sorry, Captain Unohana, I tried to keep Kenny busy as long as I could." Unohana had bribed Yachiru with a bag of candy in order to keep Kenpachi away from the party so he wouldn't disturb their fun.

As Kenpachi stormed across the courtyard Ichigo leapt to his feet. "Nice speaking with you, Captain Unohana! Thanks for the party!" he shouted as he took off running.

"Get back here!" Kenpachi roared Ichigo, chasing after him. Yachiru slipped off his shoulder and walked over to the drink table and grabbed a cup of punch before sitting down next to Unohana. The Squad Four captain shrugged and turned to everyone.

"Well, this is a party after all…."

Later that night….

Ichigo panted as he looked around, having been running from Kenpachi for half the night. After being corned by him a few times he'd suffered several light wounds to his shoulder and arm. "Great," he groaned as he walked along the empty path. "Now I'm lost. Why does this place not have street signs or a directory?" he thought out loud.

Walking down the street, Ichigo walked around the corner and almost butted heads with Captain Unohana. "Oh! Sorry, Captain Unohana," he quickly apologized.

"I see you've had a wild evening, Ichigo," Unohana mused with a smile. She noticed Ichigo's injured and frowned. "Why don't you come rest in my room? I can treat your injuires while you relax. And there's no worries of Captain Zaraki finding you. My quarters are soundproofed and block spiritual pressure."

Ichigo breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, Captain Unohana? But…why are your quarters both soundproof and block spirit energy?" he asked out of curiosity.

Taking him by the hand, Unohana led him towards her quarters. "My quarters are next to Isane's and she snores something awful. And I had my walls lined with Seki-Seki rock so I can no longer feel Captain Zaraki's spiritual pressure whenever he is having a field day with his men. The last time he had an squad exercise he gave me a migraine from feeling his rampant spirit energy for hours on end. Now, Ichigo, this way."

Ichigo smiled at her as she led him into her quarters, giving a quick glance to her lower backside….

Thirty minutes later….
Unohana's private quarters

Ichigo sipped the tea that Unohana poured him, his injuries treated and bandaged; his shihakusho loosened in order for the woman to tend to his injuries. "Thanks again, Captain Unohana. And thanks for the party too."

"You're welcome, Ichigo," Unohana replied as she sat down on the cushion in front of him. She poured herself a cup of tea from the kettle on a tiny table next to her and sipped the warm drink. "We celebrated after Aizen's defeated but it didn't feel right to celebrate without the one who won it for us. So when we made the plan to restore your powers, Lieutenants Kuchiki, Abarai and Matsumoto went to the trouble of preparing a party for you."

"I appreciate it. It's nice to be back here," Ichigo replied. "And thank you for the tea." He winced a little when his shoulder stung. "I'd hoped that Kenpachi would have become a little less stab-happy since I was gone."

Chuckling, Unohana smiled at him before looking at his exposed chest, her blue eyes hiding the deviant within her. She had invited Ichigo over to tend to his injuries but she also wanted him for far more selfish reasons. "Your shoulder still troubling you? Why don't you undo your top again and let me tend to you." I

"Okay," Ichigo said, not suspecting the captain. He removed his top and scooted closer to Unohana, who reached over and put her hands on Ichigo's shoulders. Ichigo sighed as the soothing feel of her Kaido eased the ache in his hurt shoulder. As one hand healed him, the other hand went to his stomach, her delicate fingers touching his abs.

"I must say, Ichigo, you really have matured since we've last met," Unohana mused. "It seems that the last seventeen months have been kind to you." She took her hand off of Ichigo's shoulder and leaned forward, both hands touching his toned body. "How nice." Her hands slid up Ichigo's front, making him giggle a tiny bit when she touched his ticklish spots. Her hands went to his shoulders and she leaned forward with a devious smile. "Tell me, Ichigo, would you like to stay in my quarters tonight? Maybe…share my bed with me?" she asked, her face inches from Ichigo's. She'd expected to catch the boy off surprise and take advantage of his innocent prudishness. While some would frown on what she was doing, Unohana put all thought of what others would think of her from her mind. She had gone so long without feeling like a woman and now here she had a young man at her fingertips and she wanted to take full advantage of the opportunity.

Sadly for her, Ichigo was far from innocent, having rolled around in the bed with Ikumi and Ochi. He recognized that deep fire in her eyes and he liked where this was going. Figuring correctly that Unohana was unaware of his sex-life, Ichigo decided to be bold and make the first move.

Unohana was completely taken by surprise when Ichigo suddenly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, her bosom pressing into his chest. Their noses touching, Ichigo smiled deviously at her. "I'd love to share your bed with you, Captain Unohana."

Unohana's eyes widened when Ichigo kissed her but quickly melted into the kiss. Her hands cupped his face as the kiss between them intensified. Their tongues slowly meshed together as they lost themselves in each other's arms. Ichigo's hands traveled up her back and held her tightly against him as he made out with her, eagerly enjoying the soft feel of her tongue. Part of him had always wanted to have intercourse with Unohana but he was always afraid that she'd do things to him that most folks don't do to barnyard animals anymore if he made a pass at her.

As Unohana pulled away from the kiss, Ichigo followed her, wanting more. Both Soul Reapers pulled each other into another deep kiss before Unohana pulled away again, licking her lips while tracing Ichigo's jaw with a finger. "My, my, Ichigo," she purred as she ran a finger across his lips. "I had no idea you had such experience with your tongue."

Ichigo gave her a wide smirk. "It's been a long seventeen months for me. Would you like me to show you what I've learned?" he teased.

"I'd love to," she replied, getting to her feet. As Ichigo stood up she took him by the hand and led her to her bedroom. Ichigo noticed how sparse the room was, only a dresser with a flower vase on it and a soft futon in the middle. When Unohana stopped walking, Ichigo snuck up from behind and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest. His hands slipped into hers while she turned her head and kissed him. Unohana shivered in anticipation, reaching up and wrapping her hands around Ichigo's neck. Ichigo slipped his tongue into her mouth while his hands reached up and cupped her large breasts. Unohana gave a low moan into Ichigo's mouth.

'Wow, Captain Unohana's breasts are just as bouncy as I imagined…' Ichigo thought as he fondled her. His heart began to race as Unohana reached behind her and gripped the tent in his pants.

Deciding that the time for clothes was over, Ichigo undid his obi, letting his hakama fall to the ground. Pulling down his boxers, Ichigo turned Unohana around and smirked when he saw her widened eyes. "Like what you see?" he teased.

"Yes. I love what I'm seeing," Unohana said, licking her lips as she stared at Ichigo's cock. "Part of me always wondered if you were overcompensating with your zanpakuto. It pleases me to see that I was mistaken."

Chuckling, Ichigo gave her a quick kiss on her soft lips before turning his attention to her clothes and undid her sash. Unohana shivered as Ichigo leaned forward, breathing softly into her ear while slowly pulling away her shihakusho. Once Unohana became half-naked, Ichigo kissed her cheek before making his way down her naked front. Unohana's lips parted and she let out a tiny moan as Ichigo's hot lips made their way down her chest. Ichigo kissed her navel sweetly before reaching for her obi and pulled it away. As Unohana's hakama pooled at her feet, leaving her in nothing but black panties, Ichigo buried his face in her crotch and inhaled her scent, becoming intoxicated in her musk. Unohana couldn't help but tremble a little as Ichigo's hands slowly crawled up her sides, her skin breaking out in goosebumps before Ichigo gripped the hem of her panties and pulled them down. Ichigo could feel his cock throb madly as he stared at Unohana's pussy, her pink lips crowned by a patch of black hair.

Stepping out of her pool of clothes, Unohana pulled Ichigo to his feet and wrapped her arms around him, embracing him tightly and pressing her lips against his. The two stepped backwards and laid down on the soft futon, the two Soul Reapers rolling around on the soft cushion, their arms and legs becoming entangled. Ichigo took control and pushed her onto her back. Unohana dragged her nails down Ichigo's back as the young man kissed her jaw, finding that one spot where she was sensitive. "Ohhh…" she moaned while beginning to grind her body against his. She felt Ichigo's throbbing cock rub against her inner thigh and it was all she could do to not go crazy with lust.

His hands massaging her sides, Ichigo crawled down her front and cupped her large breasts. It made his blood feel red hot when he squeezed them and heard Unohana groan. Leaning forward, he wrapped his lips around her pink nipple. Unohana wrapped her hands around Ichigo's head and arched her back in ecstasy as Ichigo suckled her tenderly. "Oh my goodness…" she breathed, never imagining Ichigo to be this skilled at pleasing a woman, "So good…."

Ichigo took his mouth away from Unohana's breast and pressed his nose into her black braid, loving her scent as he inhaled it. Sitting up, he straddled her stomach and reached for her braid. "May I?" he asked. He didn't know why but he had the feeling that Unohana's braid was sensitive to her since she always had it.

"I don't mind, I-chi-go," she purred seductively, running a finger up Ichigo's side. Being as respectful as he could, Ichigo untied Unohana's braid, revealing the scar on her chest. Figuring that was the reason for her braid, Ichigo's hand reached for her scar and traced it. Unohana's breath hitched as Ichigo touched it. A thousand years and it was still sensitive.

Pushing her hair off her elegant body, Ichigo laid back down on top of her and began to suck on her neglected tit. Unohana cooed before closing her eyes and panting in pleasure when Ichigo bit down on her nipple, gently pulling back on her sensitive nub with his teeth. Feeling like he'd teased Unohana enough, Ichigo rolled off of her and lay down next to her, putting a hand on her smooth belly. "I never imagined you to be so alluring, Captain Unohana?"

"The same could be said about you. Oh! And Ichigo," she leaned forward until he could feel her breath hit his ear. "When we're alone you may call me Retsu." This time Retsu crawled on top of Ichigo, sliding her hands into his and threading her fingers with his. She kissed his neck before sitting up. Ichigo smiled as she turned around and laid back on top of him, her dripping pussy inches from his face. The two Soul Reapers quickly began to give each other oral 69-style.

Once again, Unohana was taken aback by how good Ichigo was at licking a woman's cunt. She took Ichigo deep into her mouth, having to suppress her gag reflex as Ichigo's tip slipped down her throat. Ichigo spread her wet limps with his fingers and began to eat Unohana out, his tongue expertly licking her sweet spots with all the skill he picked up from giving oral to Ikumi and Ochi. Ichigo moaned into her snatch while his hands reached around and palmed her soft ass, molding her supple cheeks in his hands. In response to Ichigo's tender treatment, Unohana reached for Ichigo's tender balls and started to play with them, Ichigo becoming putty in her soft hands.

The captains' mind started to blank when Ichigo licked her clit, her blowjob becoming erratic in its pace. Her hands squeezed Ichigo's balls involuntarily as she felt the bubble inside her pop, her eyes rolling into he back of her head as orgasmed, moaning into Ichigo's thick shaft as she squirted in his mouth. Ichigo drank her juices like a bug to sticky sap, his tongue occasionally licking her clit and making her squirm on top of him. Taking Ichigo's cock out of her mouth, Unohana moaned loudly as she continued squirting before rolling off of Ichigo in a heated daze.

Ichigo wiped his mouth clean of her juices and tried to sat up only for Unohana, who'd recovered a lot quicker than he'd expected, to put a foot on his chest and push him back down onto the futon. "I'm impressed, Ichigo. It's been a long time since I had a man but for you to make me cum that quickly speaks volumes. But it isn't fair that I have a nice orgasm while I let you keep it all in," she said with a seductive smile, made all the more devious with her hair now sprawled down her shoulders and chest. "You showed me your talent. Let me show you mind."

Getting between Ichigo's lets, Unohana wedged his cock between her tits, squeezing her soft puppies together and trapping his manhood in her cleavage. Ichigo gripped the sheets as Unohana gave him a paizuri, already close to climax already from her earlier blowjob. "Retsu, your breasts…" he moaned as Unohana's tits slid up and down around his cock, "Your breasts are amazing."

"Thank you, Ichigo. It's always nice to hear a man compliment me," Unohana said with a smile before leaning down. Ichigo's eyes snapped open when she stuck out her tongue and licked his dripping slit, tasting his pre-cum. "Oh?" she mused when she saw the head of his cock pulse in her cleavage. "Are you going to cum? Well then, cum all over by breasts," she said, continuing to lick his head while squeezing her breasts even tighter around him.

Ichigo couldn't take it anymore. His sac tightened as the hot feeling inside him boiled over. "Retsu! Ahh!" he cried out before he blew his load all over her face and breasts. "Fuck!" he grunted as he shot strings of sticky cum all over her.

Unohana let out a lewd moan as the heat from Ichigo's cum sank in. 'So thick and hot. It's making me even wetter. To have this released inside me…' she thought. Reaching behind her, Unohana grabbed her discarded shihakusho and cleaned her face and breasts, making a mental note to clean it the next day before she attended her duties.

When she set the soiled garment to the side Ichigo sat up and pulled her into him. Unohana embraced Ichigo once more as they rolled around on the futon, Ichigo not losing any steam despite the large load he'd unleashed. While lost in the passionate kiss, Ichigo ran a hand up her side, not getting enough of feeling her naked body.

Deciding that she wanted Ichigo inside her now more than ever, Unohana lay on her back and pulled her legs back, offering himself to the young man she was lusting after. "Come, Ichigo," she said softly, her eyes begging for him to take her. "Make me yours tonight. I want to feel like a real woman again."

Unable to refuse such a meaningful request, Ichigo gripped his cock and aimed it at her wet entrance. Gripping her thighs, Ichigo plunged his cock into her, filling her cunt to its limit. The sudden tightness was almost more than Ichigo, even with all his newfound experience, could bear. 'So tight!' he thought, grunting as he pumped in and out of her. 'She must've gone without sex for a long time!'

The sound of Ichigo's hips hitting hers filled Unohana's ears as she succumbed to the pleasures of the flesh. "Oh! Ichigo! Yes!" she moaned, her breasts bouncing wildly as Ichigo filled her with his cock, her walls stretching around his thick girth. 'He's hitting all my spots at once! It's amazing!' Her mouth opened up to let out a melody of moans as Ichigo continuously hit her G-spot. 'We've barely started and I'm close to cumming!'

Ichigo had seen many erotic sights since he'd entered the world of sex with Ikumi and Ochi but the sight of Captain Unohana, of all people, beneath him with her hair splayed on the futon and her breasts bouncing while fucking her cunt beat all fo them at the moment. Leaning down, Ichigo leaned down and pressed his body against hers, pinning her beneath him as he drilled her cunt with his thick cock. Ichigo silenced her with a sweet kiss and fucked her faster. "Retsu! You're so hot and tight!" he moaned after breaking the kiss, sweat dripping from his body as the minutes passed by.

Unohana arched her back as Ichigo went deep inside her, her mind exploding with pleasure. "Ah! Ichigo! Don't stop!" Leaning up she wrapped her lips around his shoulder and bit down on him, her nails scratching his back. The rough treatment only caused Ichigo to lose himself to his inner desires and fuck her harder. With a single thrust, Ichigo hit the entrance to her womb, making her see stars. She took her mouth off of Ichigo's shoulder and threw her head back agasinta the pillows and cried out lewdly. "AH! OH GOD! YES!" she screamed, her legs slipping from Ichigo's grip and wrapping around his waist. "CUMMING! I'M CUMMING!"

Ichigo reached for her bouncy breasts and squeezed them as Unohana climaxed around his cock, her juices gushing from her plugged cunt. He cherished the sight of Unohana's sex-face and smiled as he watched the formidable captain cum.

When Unohana's legs let go of Ichigo, releasing him from her iron grip, he pulled out of her and sat up, taking deep breaths to cool down. His body felt heated, like he'd burst into flame from the heat. He closed his eyes to calm his rapid heartbeat only to open them up again when Unohana slid into his lap. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, Unohana sat in his lap while pressing her forehead against his, their noses touching. "Ichigo, I think you've ruined me for other men. I don't think anyone else will ever make me cum that hard ever again." '

"Really?" Ichigo said, his hands reaching for Unohana's soft ass and lifted her up. "Well I'd best take responsibility then…."

"Ah!" Unohana held onto Ichigo as he lowered her down, spearing her with his cock again. The room once again became filled with dual moans as the Soul Reapers lewdly fucked on the futon. Ichigo's hands gripped her ass while he leaned forward and licked her lips. Unohana returned the favor and stuck out her tongue and the two began to have a lewd tongue-fight. Putting her knees on the mat, Unohana began to bounce on his cock faster. Her blue eyes rolled into the back of her head when Ichigo pierced her womb with his thick meat-rod and entered the deepest part of her pussy. 'Ohhhh! Fuck!' she thought, her body feeling beyond her control anymore. 'He's in my womb! Don't stop! More! MORE!'

Ichigo thought he was going to explode. His tip kept hitting her womb and it was driving him mad. Every time he slid into her, Unohana would tighten around her and he couldn't hold on anymore. "Retsu! I'm gonna cum!" he grunted, holding her tightly as the hot, boiling feeling began to overtake him. "I'm gonna cum inside you!"

Unohana's hands cupped his face and she pressed her forehead against hers. "Yes! Cum with me!"

Ichigo buried his face in Unohana's chest as he emptied his balls inside of Unohana, his nose pressed against her scar. "Ahhhh!" he cried out, his voice muffled as Unoahan wrapped her arms around his head and held him tightly, his cock shooting its torrent of white cum into her waiting pussy. The burning wet rush filling her was too much for Unohana, who climaxed around his cock for a third time that night. Her head rolled back and she let out a loud cry of ecstasy as she gushed around him. She could feel Ichigo fill her pussy to its limit, wondering just how much the boy had in him.

His mind blurry from the amazing orgasm, Ichigo fell backwards onto the futon, Unohana cooing as she lay on his chest. A gasp left her Ichigo rolled them onto their sides, pulling out of her filled cunt, white cum dripping from her entrance. As they cooled down on the futon the two embraced, Unohana panting for air. "Ichigo,"

"Yes, Retsu?"

Unohana nuzzled Ichigo's neck when he lay on his back, sidling up to him and laying her head on his shoulder. "From now on, when you're in the Soul Society, you can share my bed with me whenever you like," she said softly, feeling tired. She wasn't planning on having a committed relationship, as she knew that Ichigo was not prepared for one either. That being said, she thoroughly enjoyed having Ichigo in her arms and she didn't feel like letting this just be a one-night stand. "What do you say?"

Ichigo smiled and kissed her forehead. "I'd love to…"

The two Soul Reapers cuddled together before falling asleep in each other's arms, Ichigo deciding to stay in the Soul Society for a few more nights….

The End