Chapter Notes: About 6-months ago, I started a script. Pages and pages of dialogue outlining this story. Recently, I started reworking it into a readable form. Hope you enjoy it.

"I don't want pancakes! We had those yesterday!"

"I want pancakes! Don't listen to her, Mom!"

Veronica took a deep breath and flipped the apple pancakes on the electric griddle. "Lexie, the pancakes are three seconds from being done. You are having pancakes."

The seven-year old crossed her arms in front of herself and tossed her head of blond hair in defiance. "Fine. But I won't eat them."

Her twin brother stuck his tongue out at her from across the table and she glared at him. "Shut up, Linc!"

He threw up his arms dramatically, his eyes dancing with mischief. "I didn't say anything!"

"Both of you, stop it," Veronica ordered as she poured syrup over the plated pancakes. "Can we please just have a nice, quiet breakfast together, without fighting. Pretty please?"

A high pitched squeal echoed through the house, followed by the sound of banging feet. Veronica ignored the sound and marched breakfast over to the table.

Seconds later, a loud thud at the bottom of the stairs announced the arrival of four-year old Jack followed closely by Pony, barking behind him. The small tornado whirled to the table and wriggled up onto his seat while Pony took her place under the table, waiting patiently for a child to drop their breakfast.

"Hi all!" he proclaimed, his blue eyes wide at the sight of a big plate of pancakes. "I lo-ve pancakes! Thanks Mama!"

Veronica rumpled the little boy's shaggy tan hair. "Lexie doesn't want her pancakes. You can have them too, if you want."

"No!" Lexie yelled and covered her plate with her arms. "He gets nothing! These are mine!"

"Then eat them quickly before Dad calls dibs on them," Logan said, appearing downstairs. "You know, I'm the official eater-of-unwanted food. Besides Pony, that is."

He flashed a large grin and a wink at Veronica and she rolled her eyes. Turning her back to the table, she walked to the kitchen island to make herself a plate for breakfast.

Logan came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the nape of her neck. "Good morning," he murmured into her ear as he lingered a moment. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired. Nauseous," she answered, leaning her head against his, enjoying the silence that had fallen as the kids shoved breakfast in their mouths at breakneck speeds. "You'd think I'd be used to this by the third pregnancy."

"I always feel like I should say sorry, but you were there too so -" he teased lightly as he ran one of his hands over her protruding belly.

"What can I say," she replied. "I'm a sucker for you being all cute with our kids."

Logan released her with a kiss to the back of her head. Pouring himself a cup of coffee, he folded a pancake in two and shoved it in his mouth, leaning against the counter.

"I've got a 9:30 with Mrs. Pratt at the office. Can you pick Jack up from preschool and drop him off at Grandpa's place?" Veronica said, stuffing a fork full of pancakes in her mouth.

"Yeah. But remember, I have surveillance this afternoon, so you'll have to pick up Alexis and Lincoln at school today," he reminded her.

"And we have soccer tonight!" Lexie yelled from the table.

Veronica sighed. "Yes. I remember. Thank you Lexie."

"Well, you forgot last week," Linc added, helping out his sister.

Veronica opened her mouth to reply when Logan piped up. "Hey guys! Go easy on your mom okay? She's got a lot on her plate."

"Yeah! It's hard to grow a baby!" Jack added, puffing up his chest in defence of his mom.

"And work. And run this house," Logan said, wandering over to the table. "And keep you guys - and me - in line."

Lexie let out a giggle. "Daddy, Mom doesn't take care of you."

Logan scoffed, his eyes rolling. "Are you kidding me? I'm the hardest one to look after. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be an investigator. I'd still be flying airplanes and risking my life. She saved me."

Crossing the kitchen towards Veronica, Logan waved his hand dramatically. "When she found me, I was alone, a shell of a man. She took me in, fed me, clothed me, made me the fine partner and father you see before you today."

The giggling from the table only egged Logan on. With a mischievous grin, he closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around Veronica's round body, and dipped her backwards, before planting a big, wet kiss on her lips.

The gagging sounds from the table told him his flare had it's intended reaction. Pulling Veronica back up with him, he released her with a chuckle.

Veronica clasped her hand over her mouth, trying not to puke and spoil the moment. She felt the blood drain from her face. Logan noticed, his eyes growing wide.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "Are you okay?"

Veronica pursed her lips together and nodded as she choked back bile.

Clapping his hands together loudly, Logan turned on his heels. "Alright Mars children! Time to bug-out! Everyone, upstairs to brush your teeth and grab your backpacks! The bus to school should be here shortly."

Three children saluted their father in perfect sync. "Yes Sir!" They yelled in various pitch before jumping out of their seats, a wave of chaos and noise as they headed upstairs, with Pony barking behind them.

Veronica let out another deep sigh and took a big sip of her orange juice. Every day was a fine balance in their house, keeping the kids' schedules, and Mars Investigations' work, separate yet not. The kids really had no idea of the work that she and Logan did, and they planned on keeping it from them for as long as they could. It all seemed so normal that none of them really questioned why Daddy wore a gun holster to work and Mommy sometimes went out all night with her camera.

Just as she was savoring the silence, her cell rang. The name lit up brightly – Leo D'Amato – and she glanced up at Logan to see him flinch slightly. Grabbing the phone, she answered.

"Hey Leo! To what do I owe the honour of this morning call?" she said brightly.

"Hey Veronica. Sorry to call you so early," Leo replied, his voice tired and distant. "But a case came up last night that you need to know about."

Veronica frowned. Catching Logan's eye, she gestured for him to come closer. "What happened?"

There was a deep sigh before Leo spoke. "It's Dick Casablancas. I arrested him for murdering two girls last night."

Veronica's body went cold.


"His one phone call was to his lawyer, but he remembered meeting me at the twin's first birthday party and he asked me to call you and Logan." Leo explained.

Logan stood next to her, a deep ridges indented in his forehead.

"Thanks Leo," Veronica replied, holding Logan's gaze. "We'll be in touch."

Disconnecting the call, Veronica's eyes darted to the steps for signs of children before speaking in a hushed tone.

"Dick's been arrested for murder," she said.

Logan's hands ran through his hair, his eyes closing in horror. Veronica placed her palm on his chest as she heard their kids bound down the stairs.

Stepping away from her partner, Veronica raised her voice, forcing happiness through her lips. "Okay kids…put on your jackets and shoes! Everyone outside on the porch!"

A chorus of chatter erupted as the three juggled their bags and clothes. Veronica glanced at Logan, his back turned to her, head lowered, his knuckles turning white as he grasped the edge of the counter for support.

Since the kids were born, Logan had seen less and less of Dick, his free time taken up doing things with his family. Veronica's combative relationship with Dick didn't help, and soon, they only saw each other at the kids' birthday gatherings and the occasional surfing meet-up.

Veronica placed her hand on his back. "Are you okay?"

Turning around, Logan's lips pressed into a tight line, his sad eyes cast downward.

"I'm cancelling my surveillance," he said quietly, so the kids wouldn't hear. "So I can head into San Diego after I pick up Jack."

"Don't do anything without me," Veronica said, taking a few steps back towards the door. "Let me talk to Dad about playing chauffeur to the kids. Then we'll head out together."

The school bus honked on the street. A scream erupted from the group as they all descended on Logan to hug him goodbye. He knelt to give a quick kiss to the top of each child's head, murmuring his love for them.

Veronica threw on her jacket as the three kids ran past her and out the door. Taking a last glance towards Logan, she uttered the words they said to each other every morning.

"Stay safe," she said.

"Stay safe," he replied as the door closed between them.

Veronica didn't have time to obsess. Whatever Dick did or did not do, would have to wait. For now, she had three smaller priorities.