Note: So here's how I plan to continue this. I'll go from episode "iKiss", which was last chapter, all the way to "iGoodbye" that will end up with Carly and Sam as a couple. It'll be sort of like "What if Carly and Sam were a couple in the show iCarly?" if that makes sense. The thing is I won't go through EACH episode. I'll go through some episodes that would seem the most...important? Basically, here are some examples of some episodes I will do someday in the future:

iMake Sam Girlier

iDate a Bad Boy

iReunite with Missy

iGot a Hot Room,

iStart a Fanwar,

And many more.

If you guys know any other episodes of iCarly where I can make a Carly and Sam, or Cam, relationship happen, feel free to leave a review about. Also, I did mention that I will take any request and do the best that I can. The thing is, if I don't really get any requests on what to do next, I'll just start writing fanfics on my own, instead of waiting for somebody to write me a request.

Also, this is something I wanted to do instead of writing another episode.I just feel like this could be a good bridge into another chapter and I didn't feel like writing a long chapter for this story. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter 2: iKeep Another Secret

Carly was about to walk into her school the same way she always does. She would get on a school bus that would drive her over and she would always walk in through the front doors of Ridgeway Junior High around five to six minutes before Homeroom, and also chat with Sam and/or Freddie if they were there around the time. Today would not be anymore different...which is what Carly thought.

Once Carly walked into the school, people began to look at her. Carly felt confused, since this doesn't happen often. She began to walk towards her locker, hearing people in the hallway whispering at each other. Carly finally reach towards her locker and looked around the hallway, as the kids in the hallway proceeded to mind their own businesses and leave Carly alone.

As Carly was proceeding to open her locker, Carly looked from the corner of her eye to see Wendy with some of her friends walking down the stairs. Carly began to walk towards them.

"Hey Wendy." Said Carly.

"What do you want?" Asked Friend #1.

"Get out of here!" Said Friend #2.

"Don't talk to us." Said Wendy.

Wendy continued walking, while Carly became shocked at what Wendy said. Last time Carly checked, she didn't do anything that angered her.

"Wait." Said Carly.

Carly caught up with Wendy. Wendy stopped walking, as her other friends continued to walk.

"What's your problem?" Asked Carly.

Wendy turned around to face

"YOU'RE my problem." Said Wendy.

"Huh?" Asked Carly.

"I don't 'hang' out with girls like you." Said Wendy. "Do you see me 'having fun' with my friends?"

"What are you talking about?" Asked Carly.

"You disgust me." Said Wendy.

"Wend..." Said Carly.

" to me again, you got it?" Asked Wendy.

Before Carly could answer, Wendy walked away from her. Carly began to feel upset, since she basically lost a friend and didn't know what she did wrong. Looking towards Wendy's direction, she saw Freddie putting books into his locker. Carly began to walk towards Freddie.

"Hey Freddie?" Asked Carly. "Why is Wendy so...?"

Freddie slammed his locker shut and proceeded to walk away from Carly as well.

"You're mad at me too?" Asked Carly. "Freddie?"

Freddie stopped as well and turned around to face her.

"Sam, huh?" Asked Freddie. "You would rather be with Sam than be with me?"

"What are you talking ab...?" Asked Carly.

"What does Sam have that I don't?!" Asked Freddie.

"I don't understand what you're..." Said Carly.

"You know what, forget it." Said Freddie.

"Wait, Freddi..." Said Carly.

"FORGET IT!" Said Freddie.

Carly stood their frozen in shock, as Freddie walked up the stairs and out of sight. Carly could feel herself tearing up, as she went back to her locker.

"What is happening?" Asked Carly. "What did I do wrong?"

Carly opened her locker to get some books out of her locker. The bell began to ring when Carly was about done with packing her things. The hallways grew silent, as Carly closed her locker and checked if she had everything that she needed. After that, Carly began to walk towards her homeroom and looked see her best friend Sam standing right in front of her.

"Oh, hey Sam." Said Carly.

"How could you?" Asked Sam.

"What?" Asked Carly.

Sam looked furious, as she shoved Carly to the ground. Sam then grabbed the collar of Carly's shirt with both of her hands, picked her up, and pinned her against the lockers.

"How could you do this me?" Asked Sam. "We made a promise not to tell anyone what we did last night."

"I don't know what we..." Said Carly.

"LIAR!" Said Sam.

Sam swung her right arm, landing her fist against Carly's cheek. Sam moved her right hand back to the collar of Carly's shirt and stared right at Carly's teary and now bruised face.

"I trusted you, and this what you do to me?" Asked Sam.

She landed another punch on Carly's face.

"Here's what you can do." Said Sam.

And another...

"Find some other girl you wanna 'have fun' with." Said Sam.

And another...

"Because I am done with you!" Said Sam.

Sam then threw Carly to the ground. She sat on top of Carly and continued to rain down more punches on Carly.

"Sam, please stop." Begged Carly.

"I HATE YOU!" Screamed Sam.

Sam landed punch after punch, causing Carly to bleed out of her nose and mouth. It took some time for teachers and staff to run over and pull Sam off of Carly. Two teachers held Sam by her arms and proceeded to lead her away from the scene, other teachers and staff following.


Sam's voice got lower, as she was pulled more away from Carly. Principal Franklin was the only one to check on Carly. He held her body up to his knee

"Carly?" Said Principal Franklin. "Carly, you okay? How did this happen?"

Carly slowly opened her eyes to see Principal Franklin.

"I...I don't..." Said Carly.

Carly closed her eyes, as Principal Franklin watched Carly's head tilt to the side and her blood drip onto the floor.

Carly shot right up from her bed, staring right into the darkness of her own room. She felt tears down her cheeks and began to breath heavily. Carly moved her hand across her left cheek. Carly felt no bruises and then sighed in relief.

"It was just a dream." Whispered Carly.

Carly laid back down on her bed and turned her body to the side. She pulled her sheets up to cover her body and then rested her arms across her bed. Carly began to feel confused, as she felt someone else's body. She sat up to feel some more, recognizing somebody's arm and hand. Carly looked down, and through the faint lighting in her room, she could recognize that someone else was in her bed. She leaned over the body and turned on the lamp, to see her best friend.

"Sam?" Asked Carly.

Carly quickly scooted back, as Sam turned over and opened her eyes.

"What time is it?" Asked Sam.

Carly looked at her clock sitting on the top of her drawer.

"Almost three." Said Carly.

"You couldn't wake me up later?" Asked Sam.

Sam began rubbing her eyes in a fast pace.

"Anyway, what's wrong Carls?" Asked Sam.

"Um..." Said Carly.

"I HATE YOU!" Screamed Sam.

"...Nothing." Said Carly. "I'm fine."

"C'mon." Said Sam. "I know something's bothering you."

"Really, it's nothing Sam." Said Carly.

"I am done with you!" Said Sam.

"Tell me." Said Sam.

"Okay, okay." Said Carly. "But I need to ask you something."

"Alright." Said Sam. "What is it?"

"What happened last night?" Asked Carly.

"Well..." Said Sam. "You yelled at me for telling Freddie that..."

"No, later than that." Said Carly. "After we...kissed?"

"Oh." Said Sam. "Well, we went upstairs to this room, got on your bed, and kissed some more...and more...and more..."

Carly covered her face with her hands, as she continued hearing those words over and over again, mainly because Sam kept saying it over and over again.

"...And soon we kissed each other in...other places." Said Sam.

"So you're saying we...did it?" Asked Carly.

"I don't know, maybe?" Said Sam.

"Oh my god." Said Carly.

Carly buried her face back into her hands.

"Hey c'mon." Said Sam. "At least we're not completely naked."

Carly looked down her body to see a black and white bra with matching panties that were barely covering her body. She then looked at Sam, who pulled up the sheets to reveal a white undershirt and gray boxers.

"That doesn't help at all, Sam." Said Carly. "All I wanted was for you to have your first kiss. How did one kiss lead us into"

"I'm not sure." Said Sam. "But MAN was it good."

"Sam." Said Carly.

"Alright, alright." Said Sam. "Sorry."

Sam sat up straight, just like Carly was, and inched herself closer to her.

"We can not tell anyone about this." Said Carly.

"Yeah, yeah I got it." Said Sam.

"I mean it Sam." Said Carly.

"I get that." Said Sam. "Why are you so worked up?"

"Well..." Said Carly.

" to me again, you got it?" Asked Wendy.

"FORGET IT!" Said Freddie.


"Well what?" Asked Sam.

"I had a dream." Said Carly. "A...really bad one."

"What happened?" Asked Sam.

"Well, uh..." Said Carly. "We made a promise to never tell anyone we kissed. I guess somehow, someway, people knew about. Wendy hated me, Freddie hated me, even you hated me. You REALLY hated me." Said Carly.

"Carls, that's crazy." Said Sam. "I would never hate you, you're my best friend."

Carly began to smile a little.

"Unless, of course, something happened which causes me to hate you, and then that will..." Said Sam.

Carly quickly glanced at Sam.

"I'm kidding." Said Sam. "Look, I promise I won't tell anyone we kissed, and I promise that I won't tell anyone that we had se..."

"Don't...say that word." Said Carly.

"Sorry." Said Sam. "You good now?"

"Yeah, I think." Said Carly,

"Good." Said Sam. "Now turn off that light and go to sleep."

"Okay." Said Carly.

"Good night." Said Sam.

"Good night." Said Carly.

Carly turned off the light and laid down, pulling the sheets over her body and slowly falling asleep...for about ten seconds before sitting right back up and turning on the light.

"Wait?" Said Carly.

"What?" Groaned Sam.

"What if us just promising not to tell anyone isn't good enough?" Asked Carly.

"Are you seriously still rambling about this?" Asked Sam.

"Will you please listen to me?" Asked Carly.

Sam sighed, as she sat straight up.

"Alright." Said Sam.

"Anyway..." Said Carly. "What if somehow, someway, someone finds out we kissed...and all this? What if people think we're dating?"

"What are you suggesting?" Asked Sam.

"Like...maybe instead of people think we're dating, maybe people should see that we're seeing other people." Said Carly.

"I'm confused." Said Sam. "And really tired."

"You find some boy to date, and I'll find some boy to date." Said Carly. "That way no one will think for one second that there is anything between us. You think that'll work?"

"Yeah, probably." Said Sam.

"You're not sure about this." Said Carly.

"Sure I am." Said Sam. "It's just...I don't know if I can find anyone to date."

"Oh come on." Said Carly. "You dated that guy Jonah. You guys had good times right?"

"Yeah, until I heard he tried to kiss you when WE were dating." Said Sam.

"Well, isn't there anyone else in our school you like?" Asked Carly.

"Um..." Said Sam. "You know that boy in our school? Long blonde hair?"

"Pete?" Asked Carly.

"Yeah, Pete." Said Sam.

"Oh my god." Said Carly. "I didn't know you liked him."

"That boy gets me going." Said Sam.

"Well there you go, looks like you found someone." Said Carly.

"You'll think he'll like me?" Asked Sam.

"I'll do what I can." Said Carly.

"Cool." Said Sam. "Now can we go back to sleep."

"Alright, alright." Said Carly. "Good night."

"Good night." Said Sam.

Carly turned the light off, as both girls lied back down on Carly's bed with their backs facing each other and the sheets covering most of their bodies.

"You better not get up and question something again." Said Sam.

"I won't, I promise." Said Carly.

Add me and this fanfic to your favorites if you liked this, Follow me and as well as this fanfic if you wanna read anymore fanfics that I put out in the future, and leave reviews on this story and/or suggestions on what I should do next. I'll take any request and do it the best that I can. I'll see you guys next time.