A/N hello and before the real story begins I'd like to make a few disclaimers , so...

first of, please bear in mind as you read that this is my first story so i would be thankful for any kind of feedback.

Secondly, I will take some liberties with Bloodborne's character design and add a weapon or two.

And lastly I don't own Bloodborne or RWBY. Have fun reading (hopefully)

The curved blade cut the air as a dagger pierced Gehrman's shoulder.

His opponent swung his sawed-club at his head only to be thrown back by a shock-wave erupting from him.

The old hunter let out his aged and charred voice, a slight rhythm to it while his enemy send out a volley of poisoned knives that struck the tombstones surrounding him after he disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"Oh, hide your children

here comes the forced villain

Close the windows, close the door

before the sun will be no more-"

Gehrman transformed the sword into a scythe and shot towards the other combatant, who slammed his armoured elbow into the old hunter's face.

The large figure reached into it's coat and retrieved a short, bone-white staff crackling with blue lighting. A carving of the dark-beast Paarl.

Breaking the small effigy, electricity ran through the metal on his body, heating it up as the little ones began to emerge from the soil, bearing all the weapons he collected.

The old hunter flew high into the air, the space around his scythe becoming as hard as steel.

"-Read them tales of days long gone

to drown out the wails of crushed bone

cradle them into deep slumber

less they see a hunter-"

Wind cut through the lilies where his opponent just stood, had he not quickstepped away.

Taking hold of a cane, the massive hunter saw the lightning on his arms embrace the weapon as it transformed into a whip and snapped at Gehrman.

His back hitting the soil, he saw his enemy close in. Reaching inside the ground, he pulled out his old blunderbuss and fired at him.

A few pellets connected and drew blood, yet his opponent didn't stagger or falter, he just advanced and took hold of his head, the heated metal charring his aged features.

Gehrman opened his mouth again for the third verse,only for a gravely, hoarse and far darker voice to join him.

"-light up the warming incense

that last line of defence

now hush before the beasts hear

or worse, the hunters we fear-"

Together, both hunters almost sang the poem that ghosted around Yahrnam's streets, as their weapons clashed and they took hits.

"-Those are the people we protect

the ones in wilful-neglect

So take up your arms to war

that they may hate us tomorrow more-"

A bayonet pierced Gehrman's elbow and his left eye went black through another one.

The older hunter lost more and more ground, not even the aerial attacks or shock-waves hitting their mark.

"-You see the hungry, bloodshot eyes?

Then the time has come to brutalize

To give them peace of mind

that they won't harm their kind-"

The blades of mercy cut open his torso, his clothes soaked in blood, yet he continued with the poem.

And as the Beastcutter relieved him of his peg-leg, their voices rose in volume.

"-Let us fight till dawn

Till there is no one more to act upon

Until our arms are drenched in crimson

and they are freed from this dominion-"

his opponent kicked him into rifle-spear and opened another deep cut in his stomach. His guts ebbing outwards.

"-When all is done, look up towards the moon

and see the ancient stare upon your pitiful rune

Give your life to make it fall

To bring an end to all"

with those words, Gehrman's scythe fell into the white lilies around him.

"Thank you ... good hunter, tell Laurence that I'm sorry. And please take my burden, let me finally rest in this garden. No more dreams..." he slow started to fade away into grey smoke, a smile forming on his Lips and a tear rolled down his cheek.

Now, only the gravely,dark voice remained "I will"

A lone Figure stood before him, on a field of white lilies, some were soaked red with blood after a long and brutal fight that finally ended. The lilies shook as a breeze came whistling through the Gravestones, that were the only reminder left behind for the Hunters of days gone, who all passed through the dream. Atop the figures head head rested a tri-corned hat, his face hidden behind a scarf, the only visible features were the eyes. Two crimson pools, spotted with grey-golden dots, looking down upon Gehrman, his former Mentor.

He wore a Dark grey coat, hiding multiple belts which housed throwing knives and other weaponry. A dirty, deep-blue almost black gamberson , straining to fit on the hunter, covered the once white shirt now sticking to his body as it was drenched with sweat and blood,a dark brown weskit secured it all in place. All of which were noticeably tattered and bloodied from his last encounter.

He tore his eyes away from his passing Mentor and focused on the Moon as it started to grow in size and pass through the clouds that formed after he came to the dream, it began to radiate with a eerie red glow.

'Is the dream breaking down?' While hoping for the Nightmare to end, the Hunter noticed a Creature descending from the Moon. The creature's body looked far to thin to support the weight of its head,which was hidden behind a white mask and adorned with tentacles.

As the Old one reached the Hunter's dream's ground, the clouds that covered the sky for as long as the Hunter could remember vanished to give way to a unending see of cosmic beauty, consisting of dark blues, purples and immense spots of abyssal darkness which were littered with uncountable stars that passed over the horizon until it met the apparent bottom of the dreams platform, a ocean of deep red sludge, slushing and bubbling over the chains holding the small isle of land aloft.

With the Creature closing in on him, the Hunter reloaded his gun and tightened the grip on his Beastcutter as he hit the lever on its grip and transforming it into its whip form.

Looking at the creature with a calculating gaze and trying to find points of attack and its means of attack, he let out a grim chuckle, his voice hoarse from disuse "A Hunter must Hunt... right Eileen?"

Closing in on the Old one, he didn't pay any attention to the newly revealed sea of stars which seemed to follow their opponents every move.

The fight proved to be one of the most challenging he had faced, not knowing what this great one could do as his opponent jumped out of his reach and let out a deafening screech at which the hunter fell on all four and barely managed to pull down his scarf before vomiting, what felt like every ounce of blood in his body.

he injected two vials into his thigh before standing up and dodging away from his charging opponent at the last second.

As he put some distance between him and the monstrosity before him, he noticed that the vial's effect wasn't there, the blood was useless...

turning to face his opponent, the hunter felt something brushing against his right foot. Looking down he found Gehrman's scythe laying between the lilies. picking up the scythe and dicovering that its blade was separable from the stock ,he holstered his gun .the hunter felt the effect of the Old hunter´s bone fading and his enemy closing in, evading a claw-swipe aimed at his head, he closed the distance between him and the creatures head slicing diagonally and once more saw why Gehrman used to fight with this blade, it went right through the creatures mask. The creature jumped back and started to cradle its face ,blood seeping through its claws.

seeing an opportunity to end the battle, the hunter once again activated the old hunters bone and disappeared into a cloud of yellow smoke, before reappearing in front of his opponent and showing his hand into its head and tore it out after gripping something soft. The Creature howled and let out another eardrum-destroying screech which let the great one's blood that currently substituted for his pool inside his mouth and coat his scarf.

He breathed out and saw all his arms emerge from the soil, he shot forwards past a angled handle. His gauntlets, still buzzing with electricity, locked around it. The weapons mechanical saw-head speeding up as it tore through the monster's tail.

Trying to jump away, its back met the Logarius' wheel. Split-seconds later, the great one's hind-legs snapped as the sheath of Ludwig's sword forced its way through them. Slamming his left into the church cannon's shaft he aimed at its hip, the rifled projectile destroying what was left of it.

Looking down at the cowering figure, he stood up with the Scythe blade in one hand, and his Beastcutter in the other. he dashed closer to the creature and brought his Beastcutter down on its head with enough strength to partially brake vertebrae near the beasts head and slam the blade into the large opening in the mask. Letting out a final wailing shriek, it collapsed and started do disintegrate in the same way as his former Mentor.

The hunter stood dazed in front of the Great ones withering corpse as he felt its blood echoes enter him. He felt a surge of emotions wash over him, he did it ,He finally ended the standing dumbstruck at the landslide of emotions he felt after killing the Great one ,which hosted the nightmare, the echoes entered him and letting him fall over backwards ,they screamed in his mind ,his body felt cold and like it tried to tear itself apart from inside to give place to something bigger ,something else and not himself. hastily drinking a sedative, his mind cleared up long enough for him to realize what was happening, the echoes or something that his prey left behind tried to turn him into one of them and make him take its place.

The sedative stopped working and the voices came back, louder and more prominent than before, he clutched his head, trying to fight back the voices and the feeling of his body attempting to break itself felt like centuries to him, laying there and fighting over his own being, the voices slowly getting more hushed and finally died away.

He slowly stood up and swayed back and forth as he took in the newly revealed scenery above him he took of his hat and used his sleeve to wipe away the sweat that coated his face.

"This better be the only cuffing, cunting Great one that has the ability to disable the blood..."

"Good hunter is there something in which I could aid you?"

"yes, firstly please be so kind and take these echoes, they were wreaking havoc in my mind "

"of course. Let the echoes become your strength. Let me stand close and shut your eyes"

the hunter knelt down, as he already did many times and concentrated on the echoes flowing through his veins. Gehrman's memories showed him how Yahrnam crumbled into its current pitiful state, how the hunters came to be, his budding romance with Maria, and the trade with Odeon and the Creature from before.

"thank you, doll. Now would you mind telling me what the fuck's going on here"

"please refrain from cursing in my presence " the doll never liked it when he cussed.

"I'm very sorry, I just slip up sometimes when I have to kill my mentor and a great one inside the sanctuary of the dream,the only place where I thought I didn't have to fight" He sighed.

It has been 'weeks' since Flora, the Moon presence fell (the doll had later told the hunter its name) but nothing changed. It confused both the hunter and doll. The other nightmares stopped after killing the host, but the Hunter's dream stayed along with Yahrnam and all of its sickly beast and Horrors.

And as the hunt continued, so did the Hunter, fighting through the city and its tombs.

Those who were still sane and in their homes, listening to the screams of the unlucky few that didn't make it to their homes or a place to hide as they pleaded to be let in.

An old man heard someone banging on his door, hoping to find shelter.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you in. I don't know if you are still one of us, or one of them."

"Please, I'm begging you . Let me in ,I'm still human"

the breathing on the outside of the door started to get ragged as the banging stopped.

"are you hurt ?"

"yes, but I'm fine, please..."

the voice grew quieter while talking. then the banging began anew, more frantic this time.

"GOD DAMMIT let me in! there is a hunter is coming this way"

" I can't, I won't risk my family for your life, so piss off."

the old man witnessed many hunts, but it never became easier to send those away who were stuck outside. He heard sobbing as the banging grew weaker till it stopped and a slow metallic clicking could be heard as plated boots hit the street, stopping in front of the doorstep.

The hunter turned to the sobbing and wounded man, lying in a house entrance.

knowing what will happen to the wounded, the hunter put away his gun and gripped the man's collar to pull him away and don't attract any beasts to the house. The sobbing grew louder as the man was pulled onto the street and didn't made an attempt to fight his captor as he layed him down on the side of the road.

The hunter took a last look at the sobbing man and plunged the burial blade into his head, ending his life quickly. The old man witnessed the whole scene through a crack in a wall and saw the hunter light a Molotov and threw it on the killed man, then he resumed to walk the street, like nothing happened.

The hunter sat next to the stairs and leaned his back on the simple stone altar of the Workshop,reading one of the most popular books in Yahrnam,as the doll came in.

"Hello, good hunter. Would you like a cup of tea?"

Keeping one of his fingers on the current page and closing the book, the hunter looked at the doll.

"yes, thank you "

Filling a kettle with water and placing it inside of the fireplace, the doll looked over to the hunter, and saw the book he read 'How to pick up fair maidens'

"I never thought you were interested in such matters " the doll's lips were graced with a smile as she pointed at his book.

"well, after finding it in almost every house, I wanted to see why it was so popular"

As the talked, a messenger appeared holding something. Putting his book away and facing the messenger as he/she/it ( he never knew if they even had a gender and definitely didn't want to check ) handed him a white emblem, showing two crossed axes inside a circle, consisting of a thin line and two ears of wheat starting shortly behind the handle and stopping short of reaching the blade.

He patted its head.


The small, pale skinned figure let out something that seemed to be a happy gurgle and disappeared into the floor, the hunter couldn't say that he ever saw the emblem handed to him, neither did the doll nor the birdbath-Messenger.

Walking around the Workshop he saw that one of the Chalice tombstones changed as it had the same symbol embedded on it and looked like a polished grey stone instead of its former design, which was old and run down, but still showed some ornamental lines. he looked at the tombstone as there was a new name carved into it.

'Remnant: Vale'

'Emerald forest'

The hunter went back into the workshop, and started to equip himself while the doll looked a bit puzzled.

"Have you ever 'eard of a place called Remnant?" the hunter hoped that she knew something , after his time in Yahrnam he hated not knowing where he should go and what awaits him there.

"I'm afraid not, why are you asking and what is Remnant? "the hunter took a shoulder bag and filled it with additional ammunition, vials ,bolt and fire papers, some Molotovs ,throwing knives ,antidotes and a couple of beast blood pellets along with a few hunter marks. Strapped the Beastcutter to his left leg and sheathed the blade of mercy under his duster coat.

"The only thing I know is that the dream is connected, hopefully the blood and the Great ones didn't reach them yet" as he strapped the bag to his side, he hoped that the new place wasn't as far gone as Yahrnam. He strapped the Burial blades stock to his back and gripped the blade with his right, and his stock-less double-barrelled shotgun with his left.

The hunter crouched down in front of the newly changed tombstone and touched its surface. As soon as his hand came against the stone, black smoke started to envelop the hunter and pull him into the ground.

The sound of chirping birds along with lush green trees and a shining sun greeted the hunter. Blinking and taking his time to adapt to his new invorment,he looked around for any hazards but, much in his delight, found none.

Thinking there was something off about his surroundings he held up an hand to shield his eyes from the sun-rays...wait what? Looking up there was the Sun crawling to its zenith , far brighter than remembered but after getting accustomed to the nice warm sensation he began to search the woods for any form of life ,beast or human.

On his way through the woods he enjoyed being surrounded by something else than a decrepit city full of blood hungry beasts and other living horrors. stopping next to a small stream of cold water , at which he settled down for a while. After a couple of hours of searching anybody he heard a yelp , and switched from strolling to trained killer in an instant ,he zeroed in on a clearing with two children, a younger boy and a older girl ,with what looked like animalistic ears atop their heads,the boy held his knee . The hunter searched for any signs of beasthood , not sure if their ears were an indication. Both of them had light brown hair , the boy had grey eyes , which contrasted the girls light blue eyes

"Told'ya to watch out Conall " the girl seated herself next to the boy and layed her hands ontop of his.

"Here , let me take a look " The boy , apparently named Conall faced the older girl who seemed to be slightly worried.

"I'm alright Sophia , its probably just a scratch" he flinched slightly as her hands left his knee that was covered by a dark brown pant leg.

"Yeah yeah" Sophia stood up and held her hand out to Conall " you coming ? Mum and Dad said we should be back soon"

Conall took her hand and lifted himself to his feet "Right , they said that grimm were near the Village"

Hearing a metallic click , the two kids turned to the source of the sound. Walking towards them was a tall figure , his face was hidden behind a tricorned hat and a scarf that was pulled up , leaving only the eyes to be seen , Two Dark red orbs with grey-golden spots traced their every move. He wore a Brownish grey duster coat ,over which a belt was strapped from his right side to his left shoulder it had small straps of leather that held about ten silvery-red cylinders. Under the coat were more belts , three crossing the torso left to right , one that mirrored the one that was on-top the coat and two hanging on his hips in an X-pattern the belts held more of the cylinders along with thin hilts poking out beneath the coat and vials of reddish liquid.

A club like weapon with saw like teeth was on the left side of his hip secured by one of the belts. The man's pants were grey and reaching to his knees, as long metal plated leather boots over-layered them. The clicking sound came from the gun in his left, two barrels stacked atop each other , decorated with finely carved dark wood under the barrels that stopped two thirds along the barrel which had a length of close to half a meter. The guns grip couldn't be seen as a plated glove gripped the gun, a finger on the trigger. The other hand held a long curved sword with a strong taper and a cavity close to the hilt. Few parts of his clothing actually looked like they fit him.

Conall placed himself between the Man and Sophia,both of the Children were clearly afraid.

" Calm down , I don't mean any harm to you " The man tried to reassure that he didn't want to do any harm, after seeing that they still were sane.

" Sophi ,Conall Were are you ?" the voice of a woman rang through the woods, and a man stepped into the clearing , he stood at about 1,80 meters tall . He, just like the children ,had ears on his head which had the same dark brown colour as his hair and beard . He wore dark blue Jeans , a grey and red checked black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and khaki boots. His skin had a healty tan.

" I found them " the man yelled back and came to face the unknown man " And who are you ?"

" Graham Himura ,hunter of hunters and beasts, pleasure to meet you" the man had a rather rough and deep voice, along with an accent none of the other three ever heard.

"may I ask why you have two cat-like ears on your head ?" while being glad that all three of them seemed to be sane, he didn't drop his guard as he watched every move they made for signs of aggression or bloodlust.

The man's expression darkened a bit " Why are you asking? " . Graham replied, matter-of-factly "I've never seen someone like you"

"that's odd, where are you from?" the man's expression changed from slight anger to a mix of confusion and astonishment , green eyes wandering away from Graham's weapons and stopped on his masked face.

"Yahrnam" Graham sneered as he saw the children slowly walk behind the man.

"I never heard of it, and you said you are a Hunter?"

"Then count yourself lucky, and yes I am a hunter. Now would you be so nice and offer me the same courtesy as I did and please answer my question , what's up with those ears?"

"Oh, right. We are fox faunus, which means that we got these" he moved his ears around " what are faunus? " the man was confused by Graham's lacking knowledge of something so basic.

"do you want the short or the long version ?"

"I would prefer a briefer one" If he still had questions , he surely could find a book about their history and some in-detail descriptions.

" Were almost the same as humans safe for some exceptions, like heightened senses and, depending on the species we got an extra pair of ears, horns, tails or something else. But get discriminated by some Humans"

" seems reasonably idiotic , but mind giving me some background to the situation ?" wondering why someone would ostracise them for that, he heard leaves rustle as a woman emerged onto the now rather lively clearing and stood a couple of meter away from her family and a weirdly clad stranger that was armed to the teeth and brought his arm up without looking at what he aimed. The tension between the five of them skyrocketed at that.

" OI, stop aiming at her, she's my wife " the man shouted and covered the eyes of his children.

Graham let the gun fall to his side again after eyeing her for weapons " Sorry for that, force of habit "

'Force of habit ?! What the hell is wrong with you' The man looked at the newly arrived woman. She wore a white top overlayered by a grey vest,Black cargo-pants and long leather boots reaching to the middle of her shins. Her brown hair was lighter in tone than the man's.

" Hey Kate, could you please take the kids and get out of here " after seeing how calm Graham was, moments after almost shot his wife the man grew extremely suspicious of the armed stranger, even more then after hearing the title he introduced himself with, Hunter of Hunters.

" Why don't we all calm down " Kate smiled at the stranger, lively blue eyes locking with cold red orbs, in hope that he would listen to her.

' How can you be so calm ' the man knew that his wife had nerves of steel , but was surprised by her once again.

"That depends ,are you awaiting more company?" Graham heard a low growl going through the forest . Kate and her husband strained their ears and caught the sound of claws scraping the earth.

Before they could warn the stranger or start running , a black figure jumped at Graham only to get thrown back into the woods by a gunshot that tore off its head. from the bushes and leaves surrounding the clearing , many pairs of red glowing eyes lit up and black creatures emerged from the forest.

eight smaller wolves standing on their hind-legs , bodies clad in black fur , with spikes on their backs and legs and a mask that had the same colour as bones. Three larger beasts appeared in front of Graham , behind the man and the two children, two had plates, in a way similar to the wolves, but looked more like bears. The big creature in the middle reminded Graham of one of Yahrnam's Werewolves, only larger and having radiating red eyes ,along with a bone-like mask and spikes growing all over his body.

The smaller wolves snarled and had saliva dripping from their jaws as they slowly circled the five people.

Aiming behind himself and tearing another wolf's head to shreds with a shower of pellets " Run ,I don't want that any of you get hurt" , the four looked at Graham nodded and ran while hoping that he would make it out alive.

Graham flipped open his gun ,letting the cartridges fall to the ground and put new ones into the chambers. He waited for the wolves to make a move , this time two jumped at him one on his front right and one behind him, time slowed down as they flew towards him . Stepping to his left and letting the wolf reach his former spot he cut downwards with the burial blade ,and by that cutting the wolve in half at the stomach. As the second wolf was closing in on him he slammed his sword's handle into the wooden contraption on his back , which snapped to full length and transformed the curved sword into a scythe and kicked his attacker in the face and made him fly back into his companions .Graham shot forward and swung his weapon through the two colliding wolves.

After that he jumped from beast to beast ,his scythe tearing through their bodies easily , the two larger bears were slower than the wolves and as one swept its claws at the blur that was killing the wolves only to find its head to fall from his shoulders. The second bear swept at the hunter , who dodged the swipe by bending his body forward while the scythe was struck through the last remaining small wolf and pinned it to a tree. As the bear noticed that it missed ,it tried to pull back its arm ,only to find a plated glove hold it in place and a fist hitting its elbow ,breaking it and pushing the bone out of the forearm ,Graham twisted the bear's arm around fully ,almost ripping it off while swiping it of its feet and rammed the arm into the beasts torso and hit it on the clawed hand, letting the bone puncture its heart ,killing it.

The large Werewolf lunged at Graham only to fly right into a cloud of metal shards ,ripping through its left eye and making it drop before reaching its intended target , who's hand shot forward and embedded itself in the wolf's head and tore out a chunk of its brain.

Graham pulled the burial blade out of the tree and saw how the beasts started to dissipate into black flakes. Hoping that the four 'Faunus' were okay, the word still sounding odd to him he started running in the direction they fled in.

Added after the release of ch.4 [AN Hello again, just a rework of the parts I was dissatisfied with as a heads up that this story is very much alive]