Summary- An immortal Harry potter finds himself rather apathetic to the world around him. Mainly due to a combination of the death of everyone he cared about over the years and numerus betrayals by those he thought cared about him. Harry really thought he put his hero life behind him for a much more quiet, human free life. But what happens when one of his rare trips outside the isolate life he met himself he finds the world has gone to hell. That the dead are walking and eating the living. Has Harry really put his saving people thing behind him, and can he really leave the group he found to find for themselves?

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or the walking dead nor do I make any money of off them.

This is most likely going to be slash, with Harry and Daryl.

This story is for AllOutOfGluesticks, DebsTheSkytherinSnapefan, and Sifshadowheart. Who gave me the inspiration, and plot bunny that would leave me alone, to write this story. I know that these stories aren't that far apart, but for the sake of this story walking dead happens many years after the Harry Potter story. Also, this will be a story with really slow update, after I get what I have up.

Chapter one

Harry sat in one of the armchairs he had in his manor staring at the fire in front of him, trying not to once more get lost in his thoughts as he did so. Which when you were over six hundred years old wasn't a very easy thing to do. As with as many thoughts he had in his head, and the many different things he had decided to learn over the years, not to mention all the adventures he had undertaken, there was a lot he could do to get lost in said thoughts.

Not that Harry actually looked to be six hundred years old he was, not in the least bit. If he was lucky Harry could maybe pass off as twenty-three, perhaps twenty-four, having aged a single year for every hundred years that had passed him by. Something that no matter what he did Harry hadn't been able to chance. Nor had he been able to make it so any others could age the way he currently was; and that was despite everything he had tried otherwise.

But as he stared into his fire Harry found that, at least this time, it seemed that luck was on his side. As Harry was able to keep his mind in the present instead of being lost in the past, where most of the time Harry found himself wondering if it was better off forgotten. As his memories of the past seemed to bring him nothing but pain when he did recall them.

That is before Harry cursed himself for even thinking that. He couldn't, he wouldn't, dishonor the memories of his friends and family like that. Even if said memories were tainted with a lot of death and betray near the end of them all.

Still Harry knew that now wasn't the time to get lost in memories, even if it was plenty safe enough to do that if he had felt like it. Seeing as he was in his highly warded, highly protected, and completely walled in and booby-trapped manor. Say what you will but having six hundred years to do something and you come up with a lot of things that can be used for protection. Not to mention with as much free time as Harry had had, you were able to learn a lot of different things; especially when your motivated to actual learn them.

In fact, because of this, no one has been able to even see, let alone get in, his home in over five hundred years. Which was the last time Harry had invited someone, besides himself and the house elves that lived with him, to come in his manor; and even they were in aww of how protect Harry had made his home.

Though they did say he was a little over paranoid and that even Hogwarts or Grinngotts didn't have as many protections on them. But Harry figured with the life he had live he had the right to be more than a little paranoid. Though since then Harry had switched around, improved and in some case out right changed some of the levels of protection he had on his home. After all things had changed over the years and because of this so did the protection he had on his home.

Besides over the years Harry had gained a lot of different things in his home that he felt that need to be protected. The animals he found and raised, the house elves that had become like family to him, the large, really large, farm he had out back, the forest that surrounded his manor but was inside both the walls and wards he had outside his property.

Not to mention all the animals inside said forest that seemed to take him in as one of their own. Yes, Harry felt that he had plenty to protect and if adding more ward and more protection was needed it was something Harry wouldn't hesitate to do. After all it his home was pretty much the only thing, he hadn't lost over the many years he had been forced to be alive.

All of it, and everything that also called it their home as well, was something Harry found himself willing to fight for. Be it, in a magical way or a muggle way, it was all he felt he had at the moment. And while some may call it pathetic and tell him to find something more to live for Harry felt it was enough because he knew deep within his heart at least those things wouldn't turn around and stab him in the back like so many others had. Not to mention it would take a lot longer for the long hands of time to be able to take all of that from him, unlike several of the people he had at one point been close to.

Shaking his head and cursing and muttering to himself about so much for not getting lost in his thoughts, Harry reminded himself that today was one of the very few days he actually went out of his wards and into the world around him. If only so he could continue to learn and not remain bored out of his mind. Not to mention get in some human interaction as Harry was sure he would have long since gone insane if he didn't have his days where he went out; even with the help of the house elves and animals that were in his home.

Besides Harry really didn't want to get so separated from the world he became anything like the purebloods of the wizarding world, when they had to be around those, they called muggles. Hence, why Harry while not being a very social person, and very much what many considered a hermit, made sure to go out of his house every so often; even if it was only to learn about the world around him and not necessarily socialize.

At least not socialize much, seeing as he was still human and did desire human contact every once in a while…as long as it didn't led to said human contact ending up in his true home; much to the disappointment of the house elves who wanted Harry to socialize a lot more than he currently was. Feeling that it would help Harry become more than the depressed, shell of a person, he had been for the last hundred years.

Still it was because these trips to the outside world that Harry was able stay reliably sane, not lose his mind to utter boredom and learned a lot of things he never thought he would actually learn. Rather than learn them because of a lack of interest, lack of time, or just not even knowing about them previously.

Things that before would really never of crossed his mind, besides a brief boost of fantasy or wonderment while bored. At least for some of the thing he had learned during the last couple of hundred of years.

Some of them, Harry would admit he most likely would have learned at some point or other during his life even if he hadn't lived as long as he had. That is if he had lived a relatively normal life after Voldemort's defeat, he would have eventually learned them anyways; which sadly Harry found he hadn't been able to.

Still over the years Harry had been able to learn a lot. Some of which he would have deemed useless in his teens. Some he would have thought embarrassing to have to learn, or if not that too boring to learn. Others he would have been very interesting in learning and would have jumped at the chance to learn how to do so.

Oddly enough it was the learning the skills that he would have previously though interesting and embarrassing that he found being the most fun. While at the same time, even those he would have previously thought to be boring ending up being entertaining enough for him to learn over the years. Then again it was either do that or do nothing at all, and even after so many years Harry wasn't good at having nothing to do; it was like he had to always keep his mind occupied with something. Or else his mind would start to go back and make him wonder things like what if, and how he could have handled things better than he had before.

Some of the things Harry had learned over the years being, Wood carving, runes, engineering, metal working. As well as Weapons, warding, and spell crafting; all of which he had learned to combined together to make even more powerful weapons or wards.

He had even gaining his mastery in things like defense magic, healing and Potions; something which he was sure that had Snape turning in his grave. On top of this Harry had also gained his animagus form, had learned several different forms of hand to hand, and had even for a brief period taught this to others; earning the name Sensei to a select few.

Not only that but, despite all believes otherwise Harry had learned to really shine with his skills in sewing, crocheting, the art of making, repairing and strengthening cloths both by magic and normal means. Something Harry had never thought he would want to learn as before he had never really cared about fashion in the least bit and had grown to hate repairing his own clothes because of what had happened during his childhood. But in the end had learned to and end up enjoying doing it because he had found others he wanted to make things like that for; something the house elves loved as it was often them Harry gifted the things to.

Then because Harry was always better on his feet, or when he was moving in a more physical manner; as it helped him think more clearly. Harry had learned how to do things such as Free running, dancing, healing again both magical and normal means, several different instruments, and of course given what most of the land on his home were; both farming and hunting.

Hell, in the memory of Teddy, his sweet little godchild he hadn't gotten enough time with, he had even learned to make teddy bears, wolves and even dolls. Something Harry usually made and then donated to a nearby orphanage; and something he always took joy in seeing children playing with later on/

There were several other things Harry had learned over the years, how could there not be. But these where the things Harry spent to most time on and still continued to learn more about and felt that he would never master as there was always something new to learn about them; rather it be a new technique or a different way to form or add something to it.

So yes, it could be said over the years Harry had learned a lot. A lot more than anyone ever thought he would learn about, let alone get to the level of skill he was with them. Harry could almost picture Snape rolling in his grave with how skilled Harry had gotten in potion when he always informed Harry that he had no skill.

In fact. Snape was probably curse him from beyond the grave considering the fact he had even managed to create several different potions; most likely asking why the hell he didn't show that level of skills in his classes. Along with bitterly snapping about all the potions Harry had melted before.

It only took Harry a couple hundred years to reach the skill level he had now. Still Harry would admit, despite the fact that it seemed that the wizarding world was dying out, or was really close to it the last time Harry check a good hundred years ago, that some of the potions and things they made, did make life a lot easier for him.

Especially after he had learned to reverse engineer a lot of the things, they made, and learned just how to make them himself; sometimes even improving them if he would on it hard and long enough. Something only further helped by the fact he had at least three different greenhouses on his land made solely to support and grow potion ingredients.

At the same time Harry could picture his father, Remus and his godfather Sirius cheering about the fact the had his Animagus form. Even if , at the same time, they were probably a little stunned about just what the form was, and a little curious about the fact that staying in it as long as Harry did usually left physical signs in your human form. In Harry's case his eyes, and in his godfather case his barking laugh that he had had.

One of the most time consuming, and longest used skills Harry had; was the fact he had learned to use a lot of weapons. Something that he had been able to quickly find out that by learning weapon he was weirdly enough able to control his tempter and anger better than ever.

Because of this, Harry had ended up learning a lot of different weapons over the years. Both normal weapons, and some rather odd one that he got in the mood to learn after reading about them in some rather interesting stories. All of which Harry made sure to at least get the basics of when it came to using them as a precaution.

As he while he was pretty much immortal as far as he could tell, this didn't mean he couldn't be hurt or didn't feel pain. As the five years he had spent with a very bad limp from when he had taken bad fall during one of his stunts free running had proven; as even with all the help of potions and his magic it had taken several years before it had fully disappeared. In fact, Harry was sure if he had been a normal human, or even a normal wizard, he would have been permanently lamed in that leg.

But in the end after all the practice and training he had in his weapons, Harry had learned that he had particular weapons he preferred over all other Which was one of the reasons he had learned to use his favorite twin blades as well as he had. Not to mention the skills he now had with his many throwing daggers.

Because as it turned out blades of any type really seemed to be his favorite type of weapon and come to him rather naturally; after the first couple of lessons that is. Not to mention, if anyone saw him with them, they would probably say he had an unhealthy appreciation of most things sharp and pointy. Something that wasn't helped by the fact that now Harry never really went anywhere without his twin blades or at least one pair of daggers; even if he had to hide them under numerus spells so no one else saw them.

Harry had even attempted to learn the bow and arrow as a reminded for the Centaurs in the forest and because they seemed rather interesting. But in the end had to put a stop to the lessons a sooner than he would have like. Because the instructor he had gotten, had got too grabby, and curious for Harry liking. Though he did keep practicing with them on his own and was pretty good with them if he had any say. Even if they would never really be his favorite weapon; as honestly Harry preferred getting close and personal with his fights more than anything else.

At the same time, he did have to admit the skills he had with the arrow, and more often the skills he had with his throwing blades made hunting a lot easier. Especially considering the fact he really didn't like using guns at all, and only had a few in the manor.

In fact, when it came to guns Harry really only new a little more than the basics of using them or caring for them; and that Harry had only learned under protest. Harry really didn't like dealing with one of the things that caused him so much pain in the past and usually went out of the way to avoid remembering just what had happened to him because of guns, and the people who wielded said guns. But at the same time had learned what he had because he didn't want to be caught flat-footed again; never wanted to be that vulnerable to guns again.

When it comes to wood carving, runes, metal work, warding and spell crafting these were all things he had learned earlier on and where things he constantly worked on or improving on. Both because it helped work on the protection he had on everything, and because with the innumerable things that could be done with any of these things. Making it so that there was always something new Harry could learn or make; so it was a more constant source of work and entertainment than anything else.

When it comes to potions, healing, and even when it comes to running a farm and hunting. These are all things Harry did to remind himself of what is needed to keep himself alive. To remind himself, yes, he is alive and no he shouldn't give up. Besides that, he needed to know how to both farm and hunt considering just what was on his lands.

As behind the large stone gates and numerus wards that he had up; not to mention the more mundane traps and protections he had placed up. Was both a large forest that had numerous animals in it and inside that, was his home surrounded by another large farm that had a field full of different fruiting trees, vegetables, fruits and several different farming animals.

All things Harry needed if he wanted to live completely on his own without any human company and because of this all things that he needed to know how to run if he wanted to survive. Which Harry was able to do with the help of the house elves. A group of them that had stayed with Harry over the years; with the most of them being descendants of Winky, Dobby and Kreature.

Not to mention Harry always did love spending time with the animals on the farm and in the forest; all of which seemed to accept him in some way or another. Unlike what Harry knew most humans had done. Something Harry felt might have been helped by the animal form that he had and the fact that Harry didn't hunt them for game but survival; just as other animals did naturally in the forest.

When it comes to making clothes, making teddy bears, stuffed wolves, and even making dolls, these where things Harry often did when his memories got too much and he wanted to do something to honor those he had loved and lost. It was like Harry could pour all the love he had for his family in these things and remember all the good times he had with them as he crafted. It was a constant source of comfort for Harry; especially when he started feeling depressed. Not to mention he was seen as something that Harry could do to pass on some of that happiness to others, as the children that ended up getting those toys certainly loved them.

Finally, when it came to things such as his music, free running, dance and even his Animagus form. These where all things he did for the freedom of it and because they help Harry further express emotions. Though Harry had to admit that to him free running was similar to flying and that he loved it; even if he did have to adapt it somewhat given his place did have a lot of trees in it.

Dancing came about because, well one he had been bored, and had remembered how embarrassed he had been during the ball in fourth year; so he had decided to do something to fix that. And because something he had keep up because he had found out that the dancing helped with both his weapon use and hand to hand.

Not only that but there were so many different type and styles of dance to learn and a lot of them were really good and expressing the emotion the dancer was feeling; often time Harry found himself feeling more than just physically exhausted after dance.

The same could be said for his music. As not only was it, now, pleasant to listen to, to both him, the house elves, and even the animals that stay around when he started playing, but it was a major outlet Harry had for his emotions. Not to mention it was a talent that he was able to express around others as he usually played a free concert or two when he went out; something that Harry would reluctantly admit he hadn't done in a couple of years now.

As for his Animagus form it was a way to connect to his family, or at least his father and godfather. Not to mention shifting into his form and just running through his forest was one of the best feelings Harry knew. As the sheer freedom Harry felt when running was right up there with flying and free running in his human form. Nothing seemed to really beat it.

Shaking his head to clear it once more Harry got up and grabbed the bags the house elves and set out, all three of them; all of which were protected, bottomless and made feather light since he had first gotten them all. And all of them being the bags he took out each time he had decided to leave his home in the first place.

With the first bag holding the usual mountain of protected food and drinks the house elves made him. Which was like always, was way too much for him to eat by himself even if he was a glutton and did nothing but eat for a week straight.

Harry had long since stop asking the elves to stop packing so much and just put it back once he returned. Not giving it out to others as even with the help of magic most people didn't want to willingly take food from strangers; something Harry could understand giving everything that could be slipped into food.

Though at the same time, when he did end up coming back with almost everything he had left with, at least food why, he did end up wonder if the house elves where trying to tell him something. Especially when he noticed they looked slightly disappointed each time he came back alone and put a lot of the food back. At the same time, he didn't want to think to hard on it, as he got the feeling he knew exactly what the house elves really wanted him to do.

The second bag Harry was carrying with him, held his weapons, potions and medical kits, and had been a bag he had carried since he had been in the wizarding world war over six hundred years ago.

It was something Harry knew he really no longer needed to carry but at the same time never went anywhere without. Seeing as he had long since learned it was better to be prepared and not need it, then to really needed it and not have it. A lesson he had literally carved into him through the scars his body now held.

The third bag didn't have anything in it, rather it was an empty bottomless bag that Harry could use to fill up with things that could catch his interest and leave him with something to do, something to read, or something that could at lease keep him moderately entertained until he went out again.

This was a bag that Harry took out with him every time as well and ended up getting quite a few things as well. Because honestly Harry didn't like leaving his house to much if he had the choice. So, to keep himself fully entertained he ended up needed to grab a lot of different supplies. Something that usually earned Harry odd looks when they saw just how much he was purchasing.

Harry, after grabbing all three of these bags, opened his door and after going through the secret path he made to get passed the reinforced stone walls headed out. Wondering all the while if he had been slightly insane all those years ago when he had decided to go and live in Georgia, America of all places he could have stayed.

But then again, Harry knew he was a hermit who got along better with animals then he did humans, so he figured he out in the middle of pretty much nowhere had been a perfect spot for him after all. Not to mention it was a place he didn't see people going out of their way to look for him; be they Mundane or if they were still there Magical.

Before he left Harry made sure to check a mirror to see that he had all the necessary things on him. After all it wouldn't be good to have his weapons showing, or to go without some important clothing like he had, much to his embarrassment, done before. And honestly Harry could have done without the wolf whistling that incident had caused.

Looking in the mirror Harry saw his reflection and wondered slightly at how much he had changed over the years. Now he had dark, almost blue looking, black hair that was about shoulder blade length in honor of his godfather.

He had the same green eyes he always had but now they seemed to glow and were more animalistic looking because of his animagus form. Which because of he now no longer needed the glasses, that had been a part of most of his younger years.

He had a small afternoon shadow and now stood at a good six feet tall with a muscular almost gymnastic like build. And most importantly to Harry at the moment, he had all his cloths on, his weapons had been spelled and he had all his things he need to go out. Meaning he had wasted enough time and really needed to get out there or the house elves would start to wonder. Something Harry really didn't want to occur if he could stop it.