Hey people, another chapter here. Leave a review and tell me how you liked it.

Stu couldn't handle anymore stress. Between his surgery and Nick the bunny thought he might explode.

"So fox, how long do you plan on using my daughter for your own games." Stu turned to a calm and intense state, he no longer felt rage. Instead felt only a cool hate, blind hate for Nick and for his daughter's protectiveness over him. Nick felt there was no longer a point in talking with Stu and the urge to talk to Judy about their confession grew.

"You know what. I think I'm going to leave since I really don't see a point in continuing this discussion."

"Fine fox leave. I don't ever want to see you near my daughter again." As Nick rolled out the door on his wheelchair Judy's world fell apart. She couldn't believe that Stu would be so cold hearted to Nick.

"You know what dad if you can't give Nick a chance even after I just admitted my love for him then I don't need to be here either. I'm going with Nick and we're leaving to Zootopia as soon as we can."

Judy stormed out of Stu's room with confidence and integrity. She caught up to Nick quickly considering wheelchairs aren't the fastest thing in the world.

"Nick… I'm so sorry it happened like that. I didn't know he would be that way and I really thought he would be different."

"It's fine Carrots, I'm always prepared for the worst. Makes it easier when things go south."

After several minutes of silence Nick couldn't handle the quiet anymore as he felt compelled to say something.

"Hey. Judy?"

The bunny knew that Nick only ever used her real name when it was really important. Knowing this caused her to become anxious.

"Yes Nick?" Judy couldn't help but match formality with formality even though she almost certainly knew what Nick had in mind she still felt nervous.

"Did you mean what you said back there? Do you really, you know.. love me?" Nick held his breath as he waited for her no say no. It had always been a bad habit of his to assume the worst. However depending on who you talk to some may call it smart."I do. Nick I love you and you love me so what does that make us?"

"Well, I guess that makes us boyfriend and girlfriend huh?"

"Yeah. I guess is does." Judy felt disappointed that her father couldn't learn to accept Nick for who he is but at least she had her foxy friend and he had her.

"You know Carrots most mammals don't find interspecies relationships acceptable."

"I know, but i gets we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it."

"I guess so, but hey, how did you know that I'm ever so deeply in love with you?"

"Well that's actually a funny story…" while Zootopia's favorite duo continues their heart felt moment Judy's parents had their own discussion reflecting on what happened during Nick's quick visit.

"Stu… how did we let our daughter fall for a fox?" Bonnie was shaken by Judy's news, her daughter was never known for dating or being interested with males. Some even thought that she might be a lesbian, but now only barely over a year since she moved to Zootopia and she's already found herself a boyfriend.

"I don't know Bon, but it seems like we'll just have to let her learn the hard way. No matter how hard they try it'll never work. Interspecies relationships are completely unheard of and there's a reason for that.

"I think I ready to leave the hospital now. We should go do something like get some dinner or catch a movie." After the two's conversation involving their new relationship they agreed to try and keep it professional while at work however, all bets are off while alone.

"But you're going to need to tell the doctors something. They won't let you leave without a reason for your injuries. What are you going to tell them?"

"I'm going to tell them that I don't remember what happened and I hope your dad will do the same. It would be easier on both of us if he did the same."

Half an hour later Nick and Judy were walking out of the hospital leaving Nick's official statement as "I ran into a pole."

As Judy pushed him out of the front doors he complained about the lack of money he now had because of the incident.

"Nick, you didn't have to spend anything remember? You were covered by the hospital since your a cop and there's visual evidence of assault."

"I wasn't talking about that I'm talking about how they made me pay a hundred dollars for this stupid wheelchair."

"Oh come on, you practically forced them to give you the wheelchair. What they wanted to do was have you stay for a few more days to make sure your recovery is going good." Sometimes Judy couldn't understand Nick for the life of her, and other times it felt as though they operate on the same wavelength, but if there's one thing that's consistent it's that once her fox made up his mind there's almost nothing that can change it.

Hey guys this chapter was the final one for this story, but don't worry because it's getting a sequel (yay!) I may make a separate story before the sequel but that shouldn't take to long. Be sure to leave a review and follow so I know that people still want me to make these stories.