A/N: Wow, this took quite a bit of time to get out. I'm sorry it took so long, I was having a lot of trouble writing certain scenes in this chapter, but I wanted to make this one longer to make up for it taking so long. I've believed that having more frequent, shorter updates is better than having rare, long updates, but it all falls apart if I stop uploading frequently.

I've now started uploading my writing on , where you can find me under the name VioletValkyrie, so I'm uploading this chapter in two places at the same time.

My wonderful long page of notes has now been written down to 224 out of 496 words, so I'm slowly getting to the point where I have to think of more things to write.

Sorry for the wait!


Chapter Four: Maybe I Was Wrong

Blake was shocked as she entered the large room, almost as if she was the protagonist in one of the books she'd been reading. Imagining herself stepping into the large ballroom from the quiet halls of the castle, coming face to face with the handsome prince she had searched across the entire country for.

She shook herself and laughed internally, now realizing she had been led into her partner's living room by her loud, energetic sister, and coming face to face with the blonde herself.

"Sorry for the wait, Blake. Anyways, I can show you around our place if you want?" Yang smiled.

Blake nodded in response. "I'd love that. I'm… not really used to seeing rooms this large."

The blonde raised an eyebrow and smirked at her partner. "Don't live in a mansion, Kitten? Could've fooled me, you seem like the type." She then shifted her gaze upwards, seemingly in thought, then back to her again. "No, wait. Maybe a castle. What do you think?"

Her partner laughed. "I don't think so. An apartment's a lot different from either of those."

Yang gestured behind her, and the two girls walked through the room, entering others, and walking down the hall, before coming to a stop at the staircase.

"Anyways, that's it for the first floor. There's more upstairs, although it's-"


Yang shrieked, quickly spinning around, her large blonde mess almost whipping the other girl in the face, stopping at the sight of a grown man hunched over, hands on his knees, laughing.

"Dad! Don't scare me like that!"

His laughing eventually slowed and came to a stop. "Sorry, I had to."

The blonde pouted. "No, you really didn't, you know."

He smiled and rolled his eyes, placing a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Anyways, I wanted to tell you a letter came for you in the mail." He looked over to see a head of black hair next to his daughter's gold.

"Umm… Nice to meet you." Blake waved, politely, although her look not hiding the confusion placed quickly in front of her.

Yang ran a hand through her hair. "Blake, this is my dad, Taiyang." She gestured her hand from her partner to her father, and then back. "Dad, this is my woodworking partner, Blake."

Tai grinned. "Good to finally meet you, Blake. I've heard a bit about you from Yang."

Blake looked over at her partner, the other girl rolling her eyes.

He flashed another smile at the two. "Well, I'll be in my room if either of you need me, don't hesitate to ask if you need anything."

The blonde looked back at her partner and shrugged. "So, do you wanna see the yard?"

"Sure." Blake smiled. The two walked back into the living room, Yang unlocking the door at the back.

"Your father seems nice."

Yang chuckled a bit. "Yeah, he's pretty cool."

Blake stepped out from the living room and into the yard, taking a look around. It wasn't giant by any means, but still a nice size, mainly of empty space filled only with grass, although with a tree in one of the corners, and a large shack in another. She breathed in, exhaling a long sigh as the fresh air entered her lungs.

"You have a rope swing?" She asked, walking slowly towards the tree, pointing to the swing hanging from a branch a few feet above the ground.

Yang nodded, although her partner couldn't see from behind. "Yeah, Ruby and I used to play on it a bunch when we were kids. We'd compete to see who could swing higher. I always won."

The two laughed, and Blake continued walking around the yard, before her eyes widened and she jumped backwards with a yelp, almost tripping over her own feet.

There was an excited woof as a small gray dog ran circles around Blake's legs.

"Y-Yang! You didn't tell me you had a dog! Get it off me!"

Yang ran over from the door, chuckling to herself. "Zwei, what did I say? Blake is not a chew toy!" She picked up Zwei and pet him on the head. He responded with a couple barks and began to lick Yang's face. She looked over at Blake, extending her arms to allow her to take the dog in her own arms. Blake took a step back and shook her head, gaining another eyeroll from her partner. "Alright, I'll give him to Ruby then."

She nodded and watched her partner go back inside the house, taking a seat on the rope swing and looking up into the sky. It had been quite a while since she had visited a friend's house, she couldn't even remember the name of the last person who had invited her over. She leaned back on the small swing, relying on it to hold her airborne from her hips as her upper body leaned over the edge. It was strange, Blake thought. She never expected herself to end up making friends at this new school, especially so quickly. She never wanted to have to work with anyone else for her classes and hoped she could just get by going to classes quietly, never having to involve herself with any people or the drama that came with them. But something about being around Yang was so warming. They had just started to get to know each other, but Yang was so friendly and inviting, positive and uplifting, funny and cheerful. Her thoughts were stopped by the blonde approaching the swing. She quickly raised her head, now understanding Yang's previous situation after having her head hanging from her desk earlier.

"You doing okay, Kitten? You look like you're blushing, need some water or something?"

Blake did her best to smile back at the look of genuine concern facing her. "Yeah, water would be great." Yang smiled and made her way back inside, coming back out quickly, two bottles of water in hand, passing one to her partner and opening hers, taking a drink.

"Alright, take a drink and follow me, there's something I wanna show you." Blake twisted the cap off and took her drink, reaching for her partner's now extended arm to pull her up, and the two walked across the yard to the shack.

Yang slid a small key into the hole of the padlock, twisting it and pulling the lock off the door, opening it and stepping into the dark shed. Blake watched as she took more steps before reaching for the light switch and flipping it on. She adjusted her eyes to the new amount of light and finally stepped in, taking a look around and seeing a long desk to her right, occupied by two drills and a small box of bits, one large and one small drill, coloured black and yellow. Next to the drills were a small collection of different screwdrivers, and a metal tin filled with different sizes and colours of screws.

"You have an entire workshop in your yard?"

Yang spun around, a long piece of wood in her arms. "Yeah, Dad makes a bunch of stuff like this."

"I'm surprised you didn't want to take this class if you have all these materials to work with."

Yang shifted her grip to the bottom of the wood to scratch the back of her neck with her other hand. "Nah, not really. Ruby's more like that. I guess I just thought taking woodworking would be easier?"

Blake nodded. She knew she'd be lying if she said she didn't choose to take woodworking because it seemed like one of the easier mandatory electives.

Yang set down the piece of wood and walked back around to the front of the workshop, grabbing her bag and a pair of goggles hanging next to the door, sliding the bag across the floor to the other end of the desk and walking back over, opening her binder out of the bag and placing it on the desk, removing the makeshift blueprints on lined paper they had made in class and placing them next to the binder and the pair of saw blades at the other end of the desk.

She slipped the goggles around her head and over her eyes and looked back over to her partner. "I'll cut the pieces to size, and you drill the holes for the screws in the corners, alright?"

Blake grabbed the smaller of the drills and grabbed a bit from the box and placed it in. "Alright."

The small workshop was filled with the loud sounds of the saw cutting its way through piece after piece of wood, as Yang ran the pieces through the blade, and passed them to Blake, drilling holes halfway into the ends.

The dark-haired of the girls looked to her side to see her partner carefully cutting through more pieces, and allowed her thoughts to be heard in the one place they could, in her head.

Maybe I was wrong about you, Blake thought. You've been really determined, and I've been really enjoying this. You've been working really hard, but you still found time to make me laugh and smile all day when I'm around… I'm really glad I met you, Yang.

So I know I did promise Tai in this chapter and I hope I did well with him, even with how little he shows up, he'll show up more of course, but as a start, I hope I didn't mess up with him.

My Flirty Yang is definitely slipping, I probably need work on that. I've never been the most flirtatious person out there, but I'll do my best.

I apologize if this chapter doesn't seem to be as good as the previous ones, and if it seems like I extended the length of the chapter to compromise for that. I really don't have an excuse for it. But maybe I'm just stressing over nothing? Please, let me know what you thought of it.

As always, please, tell me what you think. Writers can't get better without critique, write me a review if you enjoyed this. From praise to hate, anything that can make me better brightens my day.
