Hey all- I'm terribly sorry about the very long delay. The last two months have been extremely stressful for me with college and I've been battling with a massive writer's block at the same time (aren't those the worst?). Anyway, response time!

Individualist, I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter and you shall find out in just a moment! :)

Hammond, the track system was definitely tweaked but the question is... who's the culprit? You will find out in just a moment.

Sonny April, I'm so glad you loved the Gingerbread Village and the Nerds Room. And yes, I did base the Rock Candy Mine scene on the scary tunnel scene in the 1971 movie but only it was not intended to personally haunt anybody. You will find out who called Charlie very shortly.

MatttheWriter, thanks for your positive feedback and I'm very glad you enjoyed this chapter :)

LinkWonka88, here is the continuation!

Now on we go! Dun, dun DUN!

Charlie quickly turned from behind to see a tall, aging bald man with a hideous scar marred on his left cheek sadistically smiling at him.

"Wilkinson? What the hell are you doing here?!" Charlie yelled in both shock and anger.

The scarred man only laughed at the young chocolatier.

"Charlie, I still know this factory backwards and forwards, even after five years..." he replied, still smiling.

Before Charlie could respond, he felt a blunt force strike him in the back of the head and the world fell dark.

Charlie felt his eyes open with his vision blurred.

"Hey! He's waking up!" a masculine voice with a thick cockney accent blurted out.

"Very good." Wilkinson's voice replied from a distance.

Charlie's vision soon cleared up and he immediately recognized the small room with only teal lights illuminating it.

"The Spotty Powder Room?!" he gasped as he noticed several strangers surrounding him and someone holding him hostage.

To his horror, he eyed Mike and Violet both in the clutches of large men at gunpoint. Wilkinson proudly stood in the center of the room, clutching Mike's painting.

"What is this garbage? It looks like some retarded ten year old drew it and you call this art?" Wilkinson jeered as he violently stomped onto the painting.

Mike's blue eyes widened in horror.

"HEY! STOP IT! My artwork is one of the most popular in the Southwest!" he screamed, nearly in tears.

The strangers all laughed with glee.

"Wilkinson! How did you get here and where is my family you bastard?! Charlie demanded.

"Oh, them? Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you that my dear boy. However, I can answer your first question. Remember these little beauties that you created yourself?!" Wilkinson jeered as he pulled out two small round purple candies out from his pocket.

Charlie gasped, immediately recognizing the purple candies.

"Invisibility Ice!" he cried, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

"That's right. You know, I had a little help with some friends." Wilkinson responded as he loudly snapped his fingers.

Seconds later, a short, stocky man arrived, holding a female oompa loompa at gunpoint. Mike and Violet exchanged shocked looks.

"Elvira? How could you?!" Charlie cried, feeling betrayed.

"I-I'm sorry M-Mr. B-Bucket... I had n-no c-choice, otherwise they would have... k-killed me!" the oompa loompa stammered, nearly in tears.

"You were such a huge help to us today. We couldn't have done it without you." Charlie's captor purred.

The young chocolatier turned to see his captor was Veruca, with her cold gun touching him in the throat.

"Veruca?! You helped them?!" Charlie shouted in horror.

Veruca laughed with glee.

"Are you that daft Bucket? Yes, I did help them. In fact, these are my gang members and my new family." she proudly announced.

"It all makes sense now! That's why you came back, just to get back at Mr. Wonka! You're a crazy bitch!" Mike angrily yelled.

Veruca's face reddened.

"Hey! Don't you dare call my girl that, jackass!" Patrick growled as he violently thrust the baby-faced artist down to the ground and violently punched him in the stomach.

"Stop it! You're hurting him!" Violet frantically screamed.

"I ain't gonna stop until he learns how to play nice!" Patrick jeered as he continued to punch Mike.

Veruca burst into laughter.

Charlie could see Mike frantically struggle as Patrick savagely punched him all over. Blood began to ooze out of the young artist's nostrils.

"What on Earth- WILKINSON?!" Willy's voice suddenly roared from behind.

The fighting immediately paused and everyone turned to see Willy standing by the door, panting with rage. A group of enraged oompa loompas accompanied him.

"HOW DARE YOU REENTER MY FACTORY YOU TRAITOR!" the candyman violently roared, pointing his cane directly at his former coworker and friend.

Wilkinson laughed again.

"Oh Willy, you really need to control that temper of yours. You know, Arthur Slugworth makes a much better boss than you ever were. That's why I sold him your recipes for the Invisible Chocolate Bars for Eating in Class and the Three Course Meal Chewing Gum. Both were and still are smash hits, five years later. Thanks to him, I'm now living in a life of luxury. I would highly recommend you checking out the latest updates!"

Wilkinson pulled out a small handgun and pointed it directly at Willy.

"What is the meaning of all this, Wilkinson?!" the candyman growled, not showing a sign of fear, even with the sight of the gun.

The bespectacled man sadistically grinned.

"I'll leave that to Miss Salt to explain." he replied as everyone's attention shifted towards the second golden ticket finder.

Veruca smiled for the first time throughout the entire tour.

"As you all know, the past twenty years has nothing but a living hell for me, thanks to you candyman!" Veruca violently roared, inching her gun closer to Charlie's throat.


Violet and Mike both looked on in shock by the chocolatier's intense fury while Veruca simply scoffed in response.

"Oh really candyman? Then why did you not stop me in the first place? Hmm? Well I got news for you. Because of you, my father's company went bankrupt, I was a victim of merciless bullying in school, I got hooked into drugs and alcohol, joined a gang, shot some people, got arrested many times, and- and- daddy disowned me..." Veruca choked up, thinking of that horrible night when her parents kicked her out of their home, the final time she would ever see them.

"Yes. Poor Veruca's had quite a daunting path, hasn't she? So, she and her friends hired me to break into this outdated dump since I know this place by heart..." Wilkinson added.

"Yeah! You've been a huge help with my plan Mr. Wilkinson." Veruca praised.

"Pleasure. I almost forgot how sensitive those chocolate producing beasts were and how easy it was to lower the thermostat. And oh, it was quite fun to toy with the Rock Candy Mine train system..."

Charlie gasped in horror.

"So, you're the one who let out the chocolate cows and melted the ice rink! You could have easily killed Mike or me!" Violet yelled.

"Why on Earth would you want to do such a thing?!" Willy screamed.

"Simple. You know it was all Miss Salt's idea of letting the world know that you're a mentally unstable lunatic, which you truly are." Wilkinson replied.

"He's bloody right! You're are a psychotic sadist who loves to torture innocent children for fun and you know it. And not to mention, you successfully killed one of them! Isn't that right, murderer? MURDERER!" Veruca jeered as her gang members echoed her.

Willy's face immediately transformed into a bright crimson.


"You know what, I think you did. Also, did you mean to find a worthy psychopath to continue your destructive legacy of destroying or murdering children? Well, that's all about to end now. It's time to say goodbye to your little protege now, Willy Wonka... " Veruca sneered as she jabbed her gun at Charlie's chest and began to pull the trigger.

"NOOO! MR. BUCKET MUST BE SAVED!" Elvira suddenly screamed as she violently bit the stocky man in the arm, who let out a sharp yell.

Before anyone could catch her, Elvira leapt onto Veruca and managed to snatch her loyal gun away. Moments later, she tossed it towards the other side of the room.

Charlie managed to escape Veruca's clutches as she let out an enraged scream.

"How dare you little demon! So, is this what I get in return after all of your help today?!" she roared as she grabbed Elvira by the throat.

Seconds later, the other oompa loompas all darted into the room and pounced onto the gang member, chanting: "oompa loompa doompa dee doo..."

The other gang members released Mike and Violet and prepared to shoot at the oompa loompas. Charlie looked at the distracted gang and Wilkinson all struggling to ward off the angry orange skinned creatures for a few seconds and then silently bolted out of the Spotty Powder Room.

"Charlie? Where are you going?" Mike's voice bellowed from behind.

The chocolatier's apprentice turned to see both Mike and Violet following him with concern.

"I'm going to find my family!"

"We're coming with!" Mike boldly stated.

"No! I don't want either one of you to get hurt again. It's too dangerous!" Charlie protested with an anguished look etched on his face, still quickly walking away..

"No. We want to help you. I would do anything to help my family!" Violet replied.

Before Charlie could respond, Patrick's voice hollered from a distance.

"Those punks escaped! We gotta find 'em!"