Charlie Bucket's life forever changed on October 1, 1971. The day when he won the factory that belonged to the famous and reclusive chocolatier Willy Wonka. The twelve year old boy who once lived in deep poverty now lived a life of wealth and riches.

Nearly twenty years had passed, the kind-hearted boy matured into Willy's 32 year-old apprentice. His once shaggy blond hair had darkened into a light brown and all of his freckles had vanished over time. However, the grown Charlie still did not look much different than his boyhood self, especially the large space between his front teeth.

Since Charlie became Willy's heir, the chocolate factory boomed with massive success. The sales drastically rose and Charlie helped Willy overcome his reclusiveness, so they traveled all over the world together, along with Stacy, Charlie's wife of five years. Life could not be any sweeter for Charlie.

One cool September day, Charlie slowly sat up from his chocolate mint scented bed and glanced at the beautiful sunrise as he did every morning. He could not help but enjoy the bright orange, pink, and yellow hues that illuminated his quaint hometown.

Charlie suddenly felt something strike him in the shoulder.

"MOMMY! DADDY! WAKE UP!" a child's voice shrieked.

Charlie groggily turned to see his three year-old son Joey standing by the door and pacing back and forth with impatience. The chocolatier's apprentice then noticed a couple of Fisher-Price Little People figurines on his bed.

"Joey, I've told you not to throw things at me and mommy. And don't do that to your little brother or sister either..." Charlie groaned as his pregnant wife woke up.

"What's going- oh Joey. Please listen to your daddy for once. We'll get up now..." Stacy replied, brushing her messy dark brown hair with her fingers.

"YAY! Will you play with me?" Joey innocently asked.

Charlie smiled.

"Not till we're all dressed and ready to go. Plus, do you want to have Nerds pancakes for breakfast first?"

Joey's brown eyes immediately lit up with excitement.

"HOORAY! NERDS PANCAKES!" the tiny boy cried as his mother sighed with relief.

Once Charlie and Stacy were ready for the new day, they walked into the large kitchen where an oompa loompa wearing a chef's hat was preparing the Nerds pancakes. Joey sat in his chair, eagerly watching the oompa loompa frying the batter. Mrs. Bucket sat next to her grandson, solving a sudoku in the newspaper.

"Good morning mom!" Charlie happily called.

Mrs. Bucket immediately stopped her puzzle and smiled.

"Good morning Charlie. Did you and Stacy sleep well?" she replied as she gently kissed her son on the cheek.

"We sure did." Stacy responded as she felt her unborn child kick her.

"You okay sweetie?" Charlie asked, noticing his wife flinch.

"Yeah. The baby just kicked me pretty hard again..."

Moments later, Willy slowly walked into the kitchen with his cane, still dressed in his trademark purple velvet jacket and top hat.

"Buenos dìas todos..." the aging candyman greeted.

"Buenos dìas grandpa Willy!" Joey exclaimed as he gave his grandfather figure a tight bear hug.

Willy could not help but smile as the little boy hugged him.

He did not change much at all over the past two decades with the exception of his frizzy red hair slowly turning grey and the wrinkles that formed on his pale skin.

"Pancakes are ready!" the chef oompa loompa announced, holding a platter of pancakes with purple and pink candies mixed in them.

"YAY!" Joey yelled as he darted towards the table and the oompa loompa served his favorite breakfast.

The hungry three year-old wolfed down the colorful pancakes. Charlie silently laughed to himself watching his son.

"Hungry little rascal, isn't he? Charlie? Could you kindly check when our next supply of cocoa bean is supposed to arrive please?" Willy warmly asked his apprentice.

"Of course!" Charlie replied.

He walked towards the slightly battered calendar on the lavender wall, checking for the important day. He glanced at the calendar's neatly arranged squares that were either scribbled with his handwriting or crayon scribbles.

He managed to find the scheduled date which was September 29, 1991. At that moment, something popped into Charlie's head.

"It's on the 29th! Um Willy! It just occurred to me that the 20th anniversary of the contest is coming up!" he blurted out as everyone except for Joey, who was still chowing down his pancakes, looked at him.

"Twenty years? Hmm... YES! You are absolutely right Charlie! My goodness how time flies, like a flock of birds." the chocolatier replied.

"Right? It seems only yesterday when you came running home with the last golden ticket and when Grandpa Joe stood up for the first time..." Mrs. Bucket remarked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Charlie also felt the pang of his sadness of losing his beloved grandfather to natural causes eleven years prior. A wave of emotion struck him, remembering that horrid day.

"Yeah..." he merely replied as another thought popped into his mind.

He thought of the wonderful day when Willy told him that he won the factory in the crammed Wonkavator with a smile and then, the other ticket finders. He wondered what they were up to for the past two decades.

"Willy, I got an idea! In honor of the 20th anniversary, I think we should invite the other ticket finders to another tour of the new parts of the factory and host them a special dinner! We helped most of them out!" Charlie declared.

Willy glared at his heir as if bugs crawled out from his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" he asked in shock.

"You heard me, we shall host a new tour and dinner for the others! It'll be a 20th anniversary reunion!"

Willy let out an agitated sigh.

"Charlie, you know it won't be a whole reunion. Augustus has been dead for eleven years now..." he replied, looking for an excuse to shoot down Charlie's idea.

"I know Willy. I'm talking about the others. Mike, Violet, Veruca! They're all still alive!" Charlie protested.

He sadly remembered Augustus' premature death which occurred six months after Grandpa Joe's and just a month shy of the ninth anniversary of the tour. After his traumatic experience at the factory, the first golden ticket finder struggled with anxiety and anorexia for the remainder of his life before dying from anorexia complications at the age of 23.

"They were all rotten like Vermicious Knids, especially Veruca!" Willy replied, cringing at the thought of the spoilt British girl trashing the Golden Egg Room years ago.

"Oh God, yes! But they're adults now, I'm sure they're over what happened long ago, especially after we got rid of the blueberry juice in Violet and restored Mike's normal size! They should be grateful for what we did!"

After the tour, Mr. Beauregarde and the Mrs. Teevee refused to leave the factory until their children were fully normal since they were unsatisfied with the oompa loompas original jobs. With the help of Willy and Charlie, the two bratty Americans were fully recovered after some extra effort. Although the Beauregardes and Teevees decided not to sue the candyman, the Gloops and Salts both sued him as a result for their children's conditions.

"I think it's a great idea! It would be interesting to see what they're like after twenty years!" Stacy added, not knowing of the runner-ups' true personalities.

Willy recalled those moments and looked at his pleading heir. He sighed.

"I suppose you're right Charlie. We can do that. The world would love to see that. They're adults now and I do hope that they are wiser than they once were."

Charlie and Stacy both smiled.

"Great! Now let's get this started!"

Later that day, Charlie and Willy, with the help of the oompa loompas wrote a personalized letter for each of the three surviving runner-ups and placed a special item alongside the letter. A stick of blueberry gum for Violet, a fragment of a golden chocolate egg for Veruca, and a worn-out pair of white goggles from the Television Room for Mike.

Once all of the letters were sent out to their respective destinations, Willy and Charlie silently stood next to each other.

"I hope those brats will be at least civilized..." Willy nervously told his apprentice, secretly hoping none of them would not respond to their RSVPs.

"Willy, don't worry. I'm sure they'll be fine. After all, it's been twenty years!" Charlie confidently replied as they slowly walked back inside the factory.