Alright people all the normal stuff at the beginning, all of the characters here entered are registered to Clamp I take no credit for there production. This story line is not a Clamp story line but self created.

Right now that's out of the way. This is fan fic number two after this I'm hopeing to write a Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9 and 10, Sailor Moon. As well as more Magic Knight Rayearth, Labyrinth and more Yue and Sakura stories as I loved doing the first one so much, so look out for those, coming your way soon and now I sound like the guff off the back of a book.

Well my prejudice before was Yue here its Clef. Any one seeing the pattern yet, yep I like the ice burgs with white lilac costumes eyes excetra but especially if they have long hair, I am really prejudice to long haired men.

Ok the dedication this time goes to my Nanna you're the greatest and I love you loads.

The heart of the sea.

Chapter one: The reunion.

Fuu and Umi stood waiting for Hikaru at the top of the Tokyo tower, the sun was setting, her plat that went to her ankles, slapped her back as she hurried up the last steps of the tower and into view of them.

The two other girls saw her at the same time and waved at her as she raced towards them, Umi smiled at her then waggled her finger at her in mock reproach. "Tut, tut Hikaru-chan you were almost late again."

She beamed up at Umi, who was as tall as ever her hair went to her ankles now. "Well I'm here now so let's go."

Umi smiled at her. "It's not like your dying to see some one?"

Hikaru blushed Umi peered into her face. "Ahh I thought so, its so unfair the two of you are going there to see the men you love weather they know it or not, as it may be."

Hikaru smiled at Umi. "Ascot-chan likes you why don't you go out with him Umi-chan."

"Because to me Ascot-chan is like my little brother."

Fuu, who had not really changed looks wise, looked at Umi her brow drawn together in thought. "Umi-chan, is there any one there that you like?"

"Yes why Fuu-chan?"

"Well if you like them all you have to do is believe it in your heart and it will be so and try asking the pillar too at prayers maybe it will help you."

Umi sighed. "I have tried that, but nothing has come of it."

The two other young women looked at Umi, Hikaru smiled at her. "Well who is it you like? May be we can help you out if you tell us."

Umi looked at them. "Ok be ready for a shock."

Fuu smiled. "Nothing could shock me more than when Hikaru-chan told us she had actually managed to fall in love with Lanits-san."

Hikaru looked at her. "Hey!"

Fuu looked at her innocently. "Well it won't."

Umi looked at them her ocean blue eyes serious. "This might."

She said it in her quiet serious way, which they knew meant that what ever she was going to say next was going to be important, Fuu and Hikaru snapped round to look at her. Umi looked up at them. "I'm in love with Guru Clef-san."

Hikarus eyes went wide. "Clef-san!" She said this as the two girls joined hands with her, and they went to Cephiro.

They came out the other side of the transportation there, to the strains of Hikaru saying at the top of her voice in shock. "GURU CLEF-SAN!"

He turned at the sound of his name being said so loud, as did every on else in the room. "Yes."

Hikaru covered her mouth with her hand and proceeded to blush, till she was completely red. "Nothing." She mumbled.

Clefs eyes settled on Umi and they lit up. She looked around her, and then at him she smiled gently, Clef felt his heart skip a beat. That had started to happen to him a lot whenever Umi came to visit them with the others and Clef couldn't work out why.

Ferio walked over to Fuu and took her hands in his, he smiled at her and led her off into the palace towards his rooms, and Umi watched them go with a gentle smile on her face. Lantis then walked up to Hikaru he smiled at her she smiled back. "Do you want to come and see Eagle?"

Hikaru swallowed hard. "No not strait away, there is something I wish to discuss with you."

Lantis looked at her, his deep soulful eyes for once full of light. "Of coarse Lady Hikaru."

They walked off arm in arm towards the garden. Umi stood all alone, she watched them go and her smile widened she then looked at the rest of their friends and sighed. "Well it looks like there is no one to escort me." She tried to laugh but she couldn't, Presea noticed this and looked at her concerned.

"Why Umi do you wish there to be?"

Umi looked at Presea. "Yes Presea more than I will ever say."

"Then why don't you say something to him?"

"Because he is way out of my league, despite the fact I and the others keep our magic and respect here in Cephiro."

"You don't know that for shore unless you say something Umi." Said Caldina.

"I'm too scared to tell him in case I get heart by being rejected by him, I love him that much."

"Oh you poor thing!" said Presea.

"Oh Umi that's so sad!"

Clef, Lafarga and Ascot looked at each other and shrugged the behaviour of woman was impossible to understand some times. Clef however could tell they were worried about Umi and that made him feel nervous for some reason.

Presea finally asked the faithful question. "Well who is it you like Umi? Maybe I and Caldina can help you with him."

Umi looked from one of them to the other. "May be you can."

They nodded, "Alright come here I'll tell you."

They lent down towards her, Ascot and Clef strained hard to hear them but heard nothing, as Umi proceeded to whisper to them the name of the man she was in love with too the two women. Presea went pail and looked over at the men, Caldina started to giggle, Presea finally came out with. "I can see whilst you feel that way Umi, he is not an easy man to understand."

Umi looked at Presea and smiled. "Especially, when he is in love with some one else and she loves him."

Presea blushed catching on to Umi's hint. "No I don't love him I love some one else."

Umi looked at her surprised. "Well there is something I didn't expect. Who?"

Presea leaned down and whispered to Umi, whose eyes went wide. "Ahh, its no wonder you understand how I feel."

"Well do either of you have any advice?"

"None other than ask the pillar." Said Presea.

"I think you should ask it too." Said Caldina.

Umi nodded. "Then I shall, may be it will listen to me."

Presea looked at her. "I shall join my prayer and wish to yours."

Caldina nodded enthusiastically. "I shall do like wise Umi."

Umi smiled at them. "I thank you both, but if I win him, I wish it to be because the wish of my heart was strong enough and his wish matched mine, not because others over ruled his wish."

The two women nodded at Umi understandingly, they gave her, a great big hug and lots of friendly advice, they then left her for a moment to talk together.

Ascot then approached Umi, she smiled at him in usual friendly way she had with him, Ascot smiled back at her also in a friendly manner but Cleff could see there was more then friendship for Umi in his green eyes.

Clef's grip on his staff tightened, he didn't like Ascot being near Umi and he couldn't work out why, his proximity to Umi should trouble him so much after all there relationship was none of his business. Or was it? He looked away from them for a moment to contemplate that last part of his thought for a moment and why he might have thought it in the first place.

When Clef looked over at them again, Ascot had by then proceeded to hug Umi very tightly and was still doing so when he looked up. This was despite the fact that Umi had told him countless times that she did not care for him, as more than she would for her little brother, so why did he still peruse her Clef wondered angrily and his grip on his staff, constricted yet again.

Presea noticed the way Clef was holding his staff, he felt her eyes on him and turned to look at Presea, she raised her eyebrows at him questionably, Clef simply looked at her, his brow drawn together in anger and then back over to were Ascot and Umi were located and as Clef looked at them his grip on his staff tightened once again.

Presea smiled, maybe Umi's loving Clef was not as hopeless as Umi imagined it to be, after all Presea had recently been having a curious feeling that Clef might be falling in love with some one and she hoped it was Umi, he was falling in love with because she felt deep down that they would make a wonderful couple.

Ascot realised Umi, from their long hug. "How are you Umi-chan?" He said practicing the little Japanese he had learnt from her.

Umi's smile widened and she hugged Ascot again who blushed. "That was very good Ascot-chan. Very well thank you and you?"

Clef went a deadly pail as he listened to this and saw Umi hugging him, had Umi finally learnt to accept Ascots attentions. she couldn't have. could she? Ascot was replying. "I'm fine, glad to see you."

Clef clutched with one long fingered hand at his chest over his heart, a deep pain filled him, this was a kind of pain he had never felt before, this was not like when Emeraude had died or any other kind of pain he had experienced before it was huge, it consumed his very being, then it finally struck him, he was in love with Umi and he hadn't even realised, Clef felt like a complete fool for not having observing his feelings for her sooner. He watched the scene that was unfolding before him with a growing horror within his heart, this pain was unbearable, now he knew how Emeraude had felt trying to contain her lover for Zagato, it was impossible like a storm waiting to brake and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold the storm for long before it finally did brake.

He then felt his purple stone throb with the same pain that was filling him, he wanted Umi to be his alone, he wanted her to love him, he wanted Ascot to get away from the woman he loved. And he wanted to grow up so she would take more notice of him. He leant against his staff, with all these thoughts flooding his mind, it felt like some one had suddenly opened a flood gate in his mind to were he had been hiding from himself all that he felt for her, it felt like his heart was breaking watching Ascot and Umi together, he wanted to be the one holding her and not Ascot. Clef realised his eyes opening wide he was using those words 'I want' he was making a wish he hadn't ever had a selfish wish, only the wish for other to be happy, he also realised that he believed that what he wished for, for himself would come to pass and he knew here in Cephiro were the hearts will was power, that if he wanted it enough and Umis wish matched his then it would be. So for the first time Cleff wished, and believed something selfishly 'I want Umi to be mine, I want her love, I want to marry her, giver her children, I want to be able to protect her always with my magic and I want.' Umi noticed Clef state, she moved away from Ascot and ran over to his side to help him.

Just as she was reaching him, Clef managed to finish, with the last of his will his wish and the belief he had in his heart for his future with Umi 'I want to grow up and be a man for her.' then his strength failed him and Clef collapsed towards the ground into an unconscious deep blackness.

Umi court him in her open arms, as he fell, he was to her amazement still holding his staff with a very tight grip. Presea ran over to her and prised his staff, from his fingers. Umi looked down at him concerned. "Clef, Clef.!" There came no reply from the mage to her call.

Ascot came running over to them and put a hand on Clefs head, then measured his pulse. "His still alive, I think he just fallen unconscious. I can't think what might have coursed it though. I suggest we get him to bed, here Umi let me carry him."

Umi shook her head and held Clef tightly, Presea and Caldina smiled at her. "No I'll carry him, Ascot show me the way to Clefs room please."

Ascot nodded understandingly and lead Umi to Clefs room, high up in a tower of the castle, when she came into his rooms her eyes went wide, the rooms he had were huge, there was a vast library, and a stock room full of all sorts of herbs. Then she came to his bedroom, it was huge with a great fire place, all of Clefs furniture even his bed had been made for a full sized man, which made Umi wonder if Clef could in fact like Ascot had done grow up. Then she realised, he could grow up if he willed it, and gently she laid Clef in the huge for poster bed and pulled the purple sheets over him.

Umi looked up and around the room once more she then noticed on the walls there were murals of the adventures of the Magic knights she smiled as she recognised the scenes, he seamed to like studying her, Umi blushed she did so because she couldn't understand why Clef would like studying her so much, compared to the others.

She looked over at the fireplace; Ascot reading her mind went over to it and started a fire there. "Thank you Ascot. Would you mind leaving us alone now please."

Ascot nodded he knew that Umi really wanted to be on her own with Clef and Ascot had guessed why, with a smile and a bow he left her and Clef alone.

Umi waited until Ascots foot steps had faded; she then looked down on Clef. "I don't know what's going on Cleff, but please be alright." Umi took his small hand in hers and held it tightly, he gripped it back as if he could hear her, which made Umi smile slightly, she was glad to know he might be able to hear her or at least find her being there a comfort to him in this out of the ordinary state for him to have ended up in, Umi wondered what had coursed Clef to collapse, she hoped nothing bad was going to happen to Cephiro or him she wouldn't be able to stand that.

She then eased his headdress of him, which realised all of the hair he had been growing since Cephiro had been saved, waves of ringlet lilac hair tumbled out onto the white pillow, Umi thought that if Clef had been standing the hair would have probably reached down to his ankles.

Umi surmised with a slight smile it probably hadn't taken him long to grow that much hair since he was so small, but that it suited him well and she decided that would tell him this when he woke next.

Umi after some time of letting him asleep, then decided to get brave, she moved onto his bed, laying down behind him on it, she then got herself in a comfortable position. After a brief moment she took Clef in her arms, she held him close to her for a moment in a tight hug, deciding to go the whole way she kissed him on the top of his head and then fell asleep still holding him from behind tightly to her chest.