Ok so it isn't much I know, I'm sorry. But I've been gone a long time and had some requests to carry on, and although I really want to, university (I got in!) is keeping me busy! So here's just a little, non actiony (sorry if boring) little chapter to show you guys that I'm still alive and wanting to write!

"You're threatening me with a spoon?" -Merlin

Arthur POV

"You know I couldn't live without you right?", whispered Arthur, as they gazed up at the night sky. A short distance away they could hear the low noises of the camp settling in for the night, but it was as if it were just them two, alone in this moment.

Next to him, Merlin snorted.

"Of course, you couldn't, someone has to bring you food from the kitchens, it's much too far away for your royal legs."

"You know what I mean Merlin. No matter how much of a gangly idiot you are, you are the one person in this world I care about and trust the most."

"Even now you know I've been betraying you?", answered Merlin in a small voice.

"Oh Merlin, do you think I care for you so little, that betraying me would make a difference? And although you have lied to me, and I will be wanting the full story, I still trust you with all of my being. And I haven't thanked you, for not spilling Camelot's secrets. Our strongest knights couldn't have gone through what you did and not let anything slip."

He glanced over to Merlin, to find him staring right back at him, eyes filled with tears.

"Thank you, Arthur. I trust you too, I always have. I could just never find the right words to tell you."

They were silent for a while.

"I fear this is only the beginning. But now you know of my magic, I believe we can defeat her", said Merlin fervently.

Arthur grimaced. "I believe so too. Apparently, we are like two sides of the same coin, or so people keep telling me."

"I've heard that too. And I think it's true."

The blonde king nudged his servant gently with a grin.

"Enough with all this soppy stuff then. We need to get some rest; we have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow."

The next morning, Arthur woke to Gwaine's grinning face looming above him.

"Wakey wakey princess! Stop lazing around and get up."

With that, Arthur was up and ready within minutes. Although Merlin would claim he was the worst morning person ever back home, in the forest he was a soldier and always on high alert.

The druids had lent them some horses, and as Arthur saddled his up, he wondered if it was very wise to be leaving the sanctuary of the druid camp so soon. Merlin was still not even well enough to ride his own horse, he would have to share with Arthur, but Merlin insisted they must push on. Arthur sighed. Somehow, even though Arthur was king, Merlin somehow often managed to give the orders.

Thanking the druids profusely, they set off back to Camelot.

As they were riding back, Merlin secured in front of him, Arthur suddenly remembered the journey to rescue Merlin.

"I heard you in my head, when you were, well you know, being….hurt. How is that possible?"

The young king couldn't bring himself to say the word torture, couldn't take himself back there, watching Merlin in pain.

Merlin looked back at him, eyes wide.

"You could? I sometimes thought I could hear you too. Thought I was going mad honestly. I suppose we are even more connected than I thought." He yawned.

"I'll explain more back home. For now, sleep."

I hope you enjoyed! Please review if you did, thanks for all your support! Also comment if you spotted the Doctor who quote, kudos if you did! x