I am super excited for Injustice 2, the first game is the only fighting game I have managed to beat the storyline for and I have the trade paperback for the first year of the prequel comic and I am excited for the prequel comic of this new game as well. I also recommend What If? Injustice: Gods Among Us as it is another Injustice based Spidey X Supergirl story. I am writing this first chapter to see about continuing based on the feedback.

Spoilers for the game but since i have not read all of the first game's prequel comic (as in the years afterwards but I do know it deals with Superman's war with the Green Lantern Corps which shows how Hal joined the Sinestro Corp and other stuff) some details maybe changed or not exact.

Fifteen year old Peter Parker didn't think the streets would feel secure again; he had always been a science prodigy living with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. He had been ten years old when the blowing up of Metropolis happened and he remembered when the news told of the Joker's death by Superman and she remembered that his Aunt May was so shocked that she dropped her coffee mug shattering it.

Then everything else started, Superman deciding to do as he pleased in making the world a better place by forcibly dethroning dictators, going against the governments when they went against him and even started going against his fellow heroes when they went against him. It was soon after that when Superman and the ones who joined with him in the Justice League formed the One-Earth Government or the regime with Superman as the High Councillor, in better terms the dictator of the entire world.

The most respected hero of the world was now the most feared, there were Regime troopers enforcing peace on the streets with violence used when being opposed. There were also super villains who aligned themselves with Superman's regime, some by force. Uncle Ben and Aunt May bemoaned at the state their world was now in saying they read dystopian future science fiction novels and the worlds presented in them were not different from how the world was now. He remembered Uncle Ben's words to him once:

"with great power comes great responsibility, but it seems that Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash and others are no longer using their great power responsibly."

Peter was a lonely scared young individual who was too scared to say anything outside of their home in fear of retaliation. He focused on his studies and six months ago at STAR Labs (being operated by Regime member Cyborg) he got bit by a genetically altered spider which gave him great strength, speed, agility and an extra sense he called his 'Spider-Sense'. It was not long after that the world got the news they gave up hope of hearing, the vigilante Batman the leader of the resistance known as the Insurgency was on the live news to deliver the news that Superman was defeated and the Regime was taken down.

Everyone in the world kept pinching themselves or preying that they did not wake up.

It was too true the news footage showed the former heroes of the Regime being placed in prison trucks and the shot of Superman in his prison cell.

The governments of the world were being re-established but while this was a huge relief it had problems, criminals started taking advantage of the downfall of the Regime and started to go about more openly. In fact a gang of mutated people in Gotham formed their own vigilante gang inspired by the Insurgency's leader and called themselves the Sons of Batman.

Unfortunately one day came where Peter let a criminal get by him unopposed thinking he should stay out of it but he later witnessed the same criminal gunning down his Uncle Ben for his car. Remembering his Uncle Ben's words about power and responsibility plus to avenge his Uncle Ben's memory he put together his own costume and created devices with a homemade web chemical he created to use against enemies as well as swing from buildings. Using a homemade costume he began becoming a vigilante called Spider-Man.

He was approached by Batman himself who questioned why he was doing this, he told him about the power and responsibility speech he had heard before plus wanting to stop bad people from hurting innocent people. Batman gave him a smile and even provided him with a suit saying he might get a spot in the new Justice League when he is old enough which made him feel giddy.

So he was now balancing his classes at Midtown High and being Spider-Man, of course the whole Regime thinking made people terrified of superheroes and Metahumans but he wanted to do his part to help the people.


Kara Zor El was sixteen years old on the Planet Krypton was nearing its final days, her mother Alura was the supreme judge for Krypton's government and her father Zor El was a scientist who worked closely with his brother Jor El. Her father and her uncle managed to create two escape pods so that she can escape the planet's destruction along with her infant cousin Kal El. She was explained that they were going to a planet called Earth and under the planet's Yellow Sun and lesser gravity compared to Krypton's would gain incredible power and it was her duty to take care of and mentor her young cousin once they get to Earth.

Unfortunately her pod got knocked off course and with her in stasis in her pod, Kal's pod landed on Earth decades before she did. She was found and awakened by a group calling themselves the Justice League led by a masked man called Batman. She was brought to their headquarters and learned they had special powers or skills used to protect the Earth and as it turned out Kal had already grown into an adult on Earth and was known as Superman. When she first asked about her cousin she had to learn the awful truth.

Her beloved cousin used to be a respected protector of the planet with a strong moral compass but five years ago an event happened which lead to him snapping and becoming a tyrant ruling over the planet until he was finally defeated and captured. She could not believe it and was devastated, especially when she was finally allowed to meet her cousin but that was a memory she kept trying to bury. His attitude and behaviour reminded her of General Dru-Zod the predecessor to her Aunt Astra (her mother's twin sister) as the leader of Krypton's military defence who became convinced Krypton would be better served with him as its leader and led a coup against Krypton's High Council but was foiled by her uncle Zor El found out about it and alerted the council who tried him and his conspirators sentencing them to the Phantom Zone.

After that incident she was too heartbroken to bear facing him again. She decided to help the Justice League and began doing as they were doing helping in disasters, saving people and fighting bad people. She took the name Supergirl but still after six months she was still feared because of her powers, her name, the S symbol and when she told them that she was Superman's cousin. She was living with Kal's adoptive parents the Kents and they were welcoming to her and even told her childhood stories of Clark (as they had named him) and how they miss what their son used to be like.

The S Symbol was her family's coat of arms. On Krypton it meant hope, on Earth it now meant fear and oppression. She was still determined to make it the shining beacon of hope on the world as it once was before five years ago...

For Supergirl's look in this costume think of the Justice League Unlimited suit (I know she has her own look for Injustice 2 but this is for this story) and of course the MCU Stark Suit for Spidey though of course there were no Tony Stark in this universe. We will see a flashback of Kara meeting Superman later.

Yeah it freaks me out when I will have to write Superman how he is in the game's universe especially considering my favourite DC animated movie is Superman V the Elite which is about his refusal to kill or use extreme methods. I have also read and enjoyed the first volume of the Irredeemable comic which despite being released years before Injustice is quite similar in concept to the games and the prequel comics.