Author's Note:

Now time for the final of the Wallace Cup, this will pretty much match the cannon as I have no reason to change it. May is cool with Ash and Serena, and I've decided to make this the last chapter and combined two of them, to finish this project early... Also, I've tried the reply to reviews in the chapter for this project, but I don't really like it this way, so in the future I shall just reply to them like I do with J.O.A.P.M.

I DO NOT OWN POKEMON! If I did, then I would have found a Phanpy... (Please tell me you get the reference)

Chapter 6: May VS Dawn & Goodbye

"So, we have been here, at Lake Valour for the last 3 days of no-stop action." Marian announced. "And now it's time for the final round. First, a quick word from Wallace.".

"I just want to thank all the wonderful coordinator's for truly making this competition an astound success, and wish both our final competitors the best in their final battle." Wallace announced, followed by a massive cheer by the crowd.

"Now it's time for the start of the end... On my left, it's Dawn. And on my right, it's May!" Marian announced. Both girls ran out on stage. "Five minutes on the clock... And begin!".

"Glaceon, take the stage!" May shouted as her eeveelution landed on the battlefield, entering a battle stance.

"Piplup, Spotlight!" Dawn shouted as she released her starter, who landed on a platform, and entered a battle stance. Serena pulled out her Pokedex and scanned the two Pokemon:

Glaceon, The Fresh Snow Pokemon. An evolved form of Eevee. Glaceon can freeze the fur on its body, and make it stick out like sharp needles.

Piplup, The Penguin Pokémon. Although not the most sure-footed, it is proud nonetheless, getting right back up after a fall with head held high.

May VS Dawn:

"Bubble beam!" Dawn shouted. Piplup jumped into the air, and unleashed a barrage of glimmering bubbles towards the ice type eeveelution.

"Icy wind!" May countered. Glaceon opened her mouth and unleashed a powerful breath, which froze the bubbles. The bubbles popped and the water left behind seemed to make Glaceon shine. Dawn's points dropped to 85.

"And May takes an early lead by using Dawn's attack." Marian announced.

"Now lets keep it up." May replied, confidently. "Glaceon, Shadow ball.". Glaceon jumped into the air, and fired a Shadow Ball at Piplup, but Dawn was ready.

"Spin and throw the Shadow Ball!" Dawn shouted. Piplup jumped towards the ghost type attack, and spun. The Shadow Ball passed by Piplup. As the water type came to a stop, the Shadow Ball was practically in his flippers. Piplup returned the Shadow Ball back to Glaceon. May's points dropped to 85.

"Iron Tail!" May shouted. Glaceon's tail was coated in metal, and the ice type jumped into the air. The two attacks collided, and Iron Tail won out. Dawn's points dropped to 80, as the destroyed Shadow Ball made Glaceon glimmer like before.

"Peck, Piplup!" Dawn shouted. Piplup glided towards Glaceon, as the ice type landed back on the platform. Piplup collided with Glaceon, causing some damage. May's points dropped to 70. "Into the pool!". Piplup dived into the pool, as Glaceon recovered, to stop any counter attacks.

"Icy Wind on the pool, Glaceon." May instructed. Glaceon nodded and unleashed another Icy Wind which started to freeze the surface of the pool, with Piplup underneath.

"Now how will Dawn get out of this one?" Marian asked as Dawns points dropped to 65.

"Like this." Dawn replied. "Piplup, Whirlpool.". Piplup stopped under the water, as cracks began to appear on the ice. Suddenly, the entire pool was turned into a raging whirlpool, as the ice was destroyed. The platform Glaceon was on, was also dragged around it. May's points dropped to 45.

"Shadow Ball, and aim for the centre." May instructed. Glaceon formed another Shadow Ball and fired it too the centre of the pool. It hit Piplup, who went flying as a result. Dawn's points dropped to 50. "Icy Wind!".

Glaceon aimed an Icy Wind towards the airborne Piplup. Dawn's points dropped to 45.

"Peck!" Dawn shouted. Piplup started riding the wind down to Glaceon, landing another peck. Glaceon fainted with swirls in her eyes.

"Glaceon is unable to battle, which means... The winner is..." Marian announced as everyone looked towards the board. "Its Dawn!".

After Dawn was present with her ribbon, the two coordinators quickly got changed and the group spent their last night together celebrating both coordinator's efforts. It is currently early the next morning, and Ash, Serena, May, Dawn and Brock are stood on the port, with May's boat ready to board.

"Well guys, it's been... Something." May spoke, after a moment of silence.

"Yeah May..." Ash replied, not wanting to bring up the thing. "Guess this is, goodbye.". May tackled Ash in a hug. She knows that he doesn't return her feelings, but just doing that makes her feel better.

Ash, looks towards Serena, for guidance as what to do, he didn't want to return the hug, if it upset Serena, but he also didn't want to push May away when she clearly needs comfort. Serena nodded, saying it was okay to return the gesture. Ash slowly returned the hug.

After a moment, May released from the hug. As she did, it became evident that she had been crying in the hug. "Sorry about that.". May dried her eyes as she stepped back.

"Don't worry about it." Ash replied, with his typical toothy grin. May smiled, with a light blush, before turning to Serena.

"Last call for the ship back to Olivine City." A voice announced over the intercom.

"You take care of him." May instructed Serena.

"Hehehe, I will." Serena replied as she stepped next to Ash. "You can count on it.".

"Good, because if I find out you've hurt him, I will be over faster than an extreme speed." May replied, half joking. Serena smiled, getting what May was on about.

"I don't doubt." Serena replied. The two girls stared each other down, before both taking a step forward and entering their own hug. While they may have started as rivals, and on the wrong foot. In the end, they were able to make amends, and become good friends.

The boats horn went off...

"Well, I got to go." May replied as she ran onto the boat, with tears rolling down her face. While she understands Ash's feeling, and she has become friends with Serena, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt... Maybe she will have more luck back in Johto.

As the boat took off, Ash, Serena, Dawn and Brock were all calling out their goodbyes.

Now that Dawn has won the Wallace Cup, and the old friend has left again. While it may not have been the nicest of times whilst here, with May being heartbroken (unintentionally) by her crush, and the argument which took place as a result. Fortunately, they were able to sort out their problems and was able to save their friendship beforehand.

Reply to Reviews

Tenzalucard123: Thanks

Amourshippingfan: Thanks

Guest: Thanks

Auran Ketchum: If you don't like it, don't read it. You can't say May is definitively better, it comes down to personal option.

Just because this story is complete, doesn't mean the Journey is over. The squeal story will be called; Serena in Sinnoh: DP Battle Dimensions. I hope you like it, see you next time... Hope you liked it.