Jack/Jon and Amara Wayne.


Disclaimer: Would I be doing fanfiction stories if I owned anything from Batman? Not even in an alternate universe would I own the rights.

Summary: When Amara Wayne was five years old she lost her parents. Her brother Bruce had been ten years old. Fourteen years later the murderer is killed and Bruce disappears to travel the world. Amara was left alone with Alfred in Gotham. Bruce comes back when he is almost thirty and Amara is twenty-five. Bruce finds that his city was in danger and his little sister was dating a madman.

Jonathon Crane/Scarecrow/OFC

Genre: Romance/Tragedy

Warnings: Language and violence basically.

Five year old Amara watched out of the second story window with a pout. Her brother Bruce and their friend Rachel were playing outside.

"Amara!" An older woman scolded her and she turned around to look at the woman. "You have not finished your violin lessons young lady."

"But I wanna play with Bwuce!" Amara complained through an adorable lisp that had almost every adult around her just fall in love.

"You can play later…" The old woman scowled at her charge and Amara stomped back over and sat down.

Suddenly a ruckus from the first floor had them both race to the open door.

"Papa what happened to Bwuce?!" Amara's eyes went wide seeing her brother being carried up the stairs by their father.

"Nothing princess, Bruce just took a spill and got hurt. Go back to your lessons." Thomas Wayne smiled at his little girl who was now frowning at him.

Time shifted and Amara was dressed in an adorable black dress and she was sitting on the train going to the opera with her family. She started sucking on her thumb when Martha Wayne lightly swatted her thigh.

"Sweetie that is not how a child behaves in public." Martha warned her with a soft smile. Amara pouted but then smiled when her mother winked at her.

During the performance they had to leave early. Amara wasn't completely sure what was going on but there was now a scary man standing in front of them all shouting about money and jewelry. She felt her mother place her behind her trying to shield her and Bruce. Two loud sounds occurred making Amara trip and fall on her butt. She looked over at her brother who was now kneeling beside their parents.

"Why are they sleeping Bwuce?" Amara crawled over confusedly and Bruce made a grab for her hand.

"They're not sleeping Amara, I think they are dead." Bruce muttered while the color in his face drained away.

Twenty-five year old Amara Wayne bolted awake with a startled gasp. Her breathing was a little ragged as she tried to catch her breath. She looked over at the clock and saw it was still too early to go to work at Wayne Tower and she sighed in defeat. She then looked over at the man who was sleeping beside her. She smiled at her boyfriend and leaned over to kiss him. He shifted slightly and Amara huffed in laughter when he burrowed into the blanket with a stupid grin on his face.

'He is so adorable when he sleeps.' She mentioned to herself before deciding to go to the Gotham Gym a few blocks away to get some fencing training in before work. She got up and winced in pain looking at her leg. She sighed in dismay noticing the small bite mark on her thigh.

"Dammit Jack…" She muttered shaking her head before grinning and sighing.

Amara was now standing in the middle of the room facing her opponent.

"Ready?" Her opponent questioned and she nodded before he lashed out without warning. "Listen you know if you want to 'learn' how to fight…" The man started and Amara pouted and finished.

"I need to 'learn' that others won't let me get ready before the fight. I know Alan!" She grumbled to herself.

While she was sulking to herself Alan Quartermain glared at her and lashed out again but this time Amara Wayne blocked his attacked.

Alan and Amara danced around the room trying to strike each other with their swords.

"Tell me the first five rules of battle." Alan ordered the girl knowing she had trouble with fighting and talking.

"Beware of your surroundings." Amara stated simply and ducked away from the blade that tried to slash at her. "Assess your surroundings." Amara used the wall that he had almost backed her into and rolled away from the attack. "Balance." Amara did an impressive move but was blocked by Alan. "Distance." Amara backed away before Alan lunged again. Alan tripped and fell to the ground. Amara moved to help him up but at the last second threw up her sword blocking his advance and kicked his sword up into the air and caught it before she moved both swords against his throat. "Distraction." She breathed try to catch her breath.

Alan's eyes were wide before he grinned at her and started laughing.

"You have been practicing." He laughed harder and they heard a throat being cleared. The two of them looked over and Amara smiled.

"Interrupting something?" The man asked with a half smile.

"No, we were just finishing." Alan got up with a groan. "I need to tend to my broken pride." The older man slapped Amara's shoulder and headed for the showers.

"How long were you standing there?" Amara asked wiping some sweat from her face.

"Long enough to know, that sharp objects are now forbidden at home…" The man admitted wryly making Amara laugh lightly and came over to kiss him. "Missed you this morning." He mentioned calmly and she saw the worry.

"Had another dream." She admitted and the man sighed before removing his glasses.

"I wish you had told me about it."

"Jon I don't want to bother you with my horrid past." She mentioned and Jonathon looked at her sheepishly. "How is Jack today?" She asked and Jonathon scoffed in laughter.

"I can't believe you gave 'him' a name." Jonathon shook his head.

"Oh come on, this way I can yell at him with an actual name when he does something stupid." Amara mentioned and felt herself being shoved into the wall. She gave a startled yelp before she saw the dark expression in Jonathon's eyes. "Good morning Jack." She greeted but Jack gave out a growl.

"And 'what' stupid thing were we talking about pray tell?" Jack asked with a sneer.

"You gave me a reminder last night Smart Ass." Amara scolded him who gave her a shark like grin.

"You like it rough princess." Jack licked her neck and she rolled her eyes and shoved him away.

"I need to grab a shower before I go to work."

"Need help with your back?" Jack asked with a grin and Amara huffed at him.

"Not unless you let Jon come back." She informed him and Jack scowled and she smirked. "You had your fun last night…it's his turn."

Jack's eyes closed and breathed deeply before opening his eyes again.

"I also can't believe that you can get 'him' to listen to you." Jonathon leaned forward to kiss her. "I told him not to bite you that hard."

"So that shower?" Amara asked with a smile and Jonathon gave a shy laugh.

"I need to get to work and I don't have another set of clothes like you do."

"See you tonight?" Amara asked and Jonathon kissed her tenderly.

"I have a couple new patients coming in tonight I may be late."

"I love you Jonathon Crane." Amara whispered into his lips kissing him again.

"And I you Amara Wayne."

"Don't worry Jack…I love you too." Amara mentioned with a smile and Jonathon huffed in laughter.

"I think he's overcome with emotions that he can't talk." Jonathon gave her a pained smile and Amara sighed.

"Jack shut up or you aren't getting sex for two months!" Jonathon snorted in laughter.

"Well 'that' certainly shut him up. I love you." Jonathon smirked at her and kissed her again.

Amara watched Jonathon leave the gym and she sighed to herself.

'Hello my name is Amara Maria Wayne and I am currently two men that share the same body…'