Ok this is going to be a short story to try to get rid of my writer's block. And I had to write a valentines story because my sister forced me to. So here it goes! Oh and *...* means memory. On with the story!!!!!!

'I hate this holiday,' a girl thought, violet eyes staring out of the school's doors. Then she changed her attention to the cement beneath her feet as she started her walk home, her blond hair falling over her face. She unconsciously pushed it back behind ear and blankly stared ahead of her again.

"Why?" she whispered to herself. On normal days, she didn't care about what others thought about her, even though guys thought she was pretty and girls were jealous. She didn't need to care. She could depend on herself when there was no one else to depend on. And usually there wasn't.

But today had its own vileness. She would be the butt of jokes, laughed at, made fun of behind her back. Thanks to her parents' twisted sense of "humor," this day will forever be the worst day in her life.

She heard people talking to each other behind her, but she listened to two in particular.

"Bye Yugi!! And Happy Valentines Day!!!!!"

"You too Tea! Bye!!!"

The girl laughed to herself. It was common knowledge, thanks to the fact that no one at school can keep a secret, that Tea wanted to go to the Valentines Dance with Yugi tomorrow, but is too shy to ask him herself. (True, Valentines Day is today, but the school scheduled the dance to be on Saturday.) Yugi, as far as the girl knew, seemed to be the only one who didn't know.

"Hey Yug!!!"

Oh yeah, and probably Joey too. Otherwise, he would have told him already.

"Hey Joey what's going on?" Yugi asked.

"Nothin much. Are you going to the Valentines Dance?"

"I don't know. I don't actually have a date."

"So, neither does Joey and he's going anyway," someone else added.

"Tristan!" Joey sounded angry.

Yugi laughed. "So I guess you did ask Serenity to the dance."

"Don't be mad that she said yes Joey, and you'll be there anyway."

"Well I for one am staying home," a new voice stated, "No telling what Bakura might do while I'm gone, and, of course, I can't bring him to the dance. I don't even want to think about the havoc he might cause."

"Your loss Ryou," Joey said.

"Oh yeah, guys! Grandpa got a new shipment of cards today! You want to come see them?"

"Sure!" the other three boys said.

The girl laughed to herself as she walked out of earshot and to her house. 'Boys,' she thought.

"Hey mom!" she shouted as she walked through the door.

"Hey Mai!" her mom shouted, "How was school?"

"Fine." Mai went upstairs to her bedroom, threw her bag on her floor, and jumped on her bed.

'I can't wait until I graduate,' she thought. She sighed and then figured that she might as well do her homework. All she had to do anyways was type a paper on what Valentines Day means to her.

When she turned on her computer her IM buddy list popped up. 'Hmm, no ones on yet,' she thought. She left her screen name open and started on her paper.

"I never really liked Valentines Day," she said as she typed, "Probably because of the fact that my name is Mai Valentine. I have been made fun of because of this since I was a child, and even to this day. You also could say that I don't like Valentines Day is because I never really, actually had a valentine before. Yeah guys like me but I never liked any one of them back. But I guess the reason I don't really like Valentines Day is because that's the day my father left..."

She stopped, trying not to remember, but to no avail. Tears welled in her eyes as the memory of that day flooded her mind.

* "...when will you be back daddy?" *

* "I won't be gone too long Mai. Just a few weeks that's all." *

* "But why do you have to leave on my day?" *

* "I'm so sorry honey, but daddy has to go to this meeting. Don't worry! I'll be back before you know it!" *

But he never came back. They said that his plane crashed before it could reach its destination.

'He always used to say that Valentines Day was my day, because I would always be his valentine,' Mai thought. She lay back down on her bed and cried quietly, so her mother couldn't hear, until she fell asleep.

Wow!! That was actually kind of depressing. Well don't worry, the story keeps going. Please review and I'll get the next chapter up as soon as I can.