Chapter 1

Nick knew something was wrong when he dug through his massive collection of detective cop films trying to find one that was appeasing to both him and Judy's taste - but mostly Judy's. It was Thursday, a time in which a natural agreement rather than a tradition, between the two had formed where Nick would chill on the couch awaiting that moment when a grey blur with sparkling amethyst eyes would come barging through his apartment door squealing like Clawhauser rambling on about some amasing detective film she'd bought at the dollar store; which would inevitably lead to Nick trying to ignore her as much as possible but still complacent enough to take the DVD packet away from her and insert it into the disk drive, waiting for that moment where the small prey would start babbling on and on about how cool it was an all its action packed scenes, and all the cool slow Mo shots that reminded Nick all too well of the Catrix...because apparently putting detective clichés within the movies that Judy brought just wasn't enough, it had to include a paid homage towards the Catrix.

But this was an abnormal Thursday. Somehow, someway the two had managed to find a time schedule that was perfect for chilling on a rickety, springy couch and just watching films so nostalgic the two would end up turning their absent minded watching a movie into a full blown out commentary on just how many cameos and clichés they could find in all. The time schedule was usually somewhere around 7:30 to 9:30, because Nick said so and unless you were asking for a headache it'd be wise to just not argue with the vulpine's methods.

Looking over at the time on his phone it read 7:55.

Biting his lip he attended to other matters like grabbing two plastic sealed wrappers containing two thin brown paper bags filled with kernel and began ripping the plastic off and starting on the popcorn. Last time, Judy had made the popcorn so it was only natural that he did the same. Tapping his foot against the tiled floor while he waited for the microwave to stop, he stared around at his surroundings which were the same old stuff all in their discarded places like he'd left them this morning. Piles upon piles of ties, pants, boxers, dress shirts, T- shirts, and khakis lay strewn about without a care in the world. His iron board was leaning precariously against the side door frame of his bathroom, and his police uniform was just lying on the edge of the couch with more wrinkles than he could count.

Walking back over, he picked up his phone again and read the time to see that it was now: 7:57.

Where the fuck is she?! He thought, beads of sweat forming on the sides of his head. The gears in his head were slowly cranking and it took all of his will power not to have a full blown nervous breakdown with his head swimming through all the possible things that could've happened to her.

The rational side of him was running around in circles carrying a sign that flashed neon green saying, "Call her you dimwit!"

Calm down Wilde, think rationally and her...

Static. And then suddenly, "Hello, Judy Ho-"


"Nick?! What's wro-?"

"Where are you, you've been gone forever!" He exclaimed, throwing his free arm up into the air in exasperation.

"But we - just saw each other all day at the station, what are you..talking. About?" She asked her confusion causing her to shorten her sentence.

Keeping back a frustrated sigh, Nick calmly replied back, "Look at your calendar."

Even though he couldn't see her he knew she'd listened to him as she turned around and looked behind her to see that circled in red marker was Thursday and scribbled inside the circle in neon pink marker was the words: Catrix. Because the author is lazy as fuck and also because Judy wanted to surprise Nick while at the same time annoy him. She'd completely forgotten about their movie day. Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth she bit her lip and narrowed her eyes a bit at the circled week day; scribbled beneath in small blue ink under the larger words was the words 'going out with friends'.

"Carrots?...You still there?" Came Nick's concerned voice on the other end of the line.

Jumping, the rabbit almost tripped up and dropped her phone onto the hard wooden floorboards, fumbling around with it in her padless paws before finally getting a sturdy grip on it and pressing it back against her large ear, "Uh huh, still here. Look um - I'm not gonna be able to come over today I uh...well I made some new friends and they wanted me to go out on a night in the town with them, and you know..stuff.." She trailed off not sure how to continue onwards with her explanation.

Please, please, please just accept this!




"You...are the dumbest bunny alive."

Baffled, Judy blinked three times to register what was happening but before she could get a word out the other line disconnected with her and and she was left feeling stupid but also a bit nervous. Was Nick mad at her for not telling him straight forward, or had he figured it out already? I mean yeah, she could just tell him the absolute truth of what she was doing tonight but...

"Well, well, well, someone's looking mighty fine for a night out with some friends."

Squeaking in pure terror Judy leaped out of her bed and crashed into the desk behind her, tumbling over the small wooden chair and landing with a heavy thud on the floor. Grunting she pulled herself up and glanced around at her surroundings before seeing something on her phone screen that seemed to be moving...and snickering as well.

The fucking bastard.

He'd MuzzleTime'd her with no warning once so ever towards that fact, leaving her frantically trying to find something in her vicinity to use as a towelette to wipe away the makeup on her face.

Nick watched from his side of the phone curiosity piquing his interest while his insufferable smirk grew wider with each passing seconds. He knew the smirk held some secrecy to it as it hid his surprise and shock. He knew his Carrots, and this was not his Carrots. His Carrots did not wear eyeliner that made her eyelashes, already so long and luscious, look like long dragged out eyes lashes at the tips making them look like large lavender anime eyes; she didn't, would never be caught dead, wearing bright rosy pink lip gloss that made her already pink lips shine, and she did not in a million years ever wear ear rings!... especially the hoop kind.

But there she was in all her...utmost glory of dignification looking like a deer in headlights and only seeming to make her already wide beautiful eyes even more prettier than before. But the point still stood, she looked like a project runway model - or at least one of those mammals he'd seen on PlayBunny magazine...not that he'd been watching PlayBunny or anything like tha- okay forget I mentioned anything.

And to make things even more shocking for the red fox not only was she wearing lip gloss, not only was she wearing eyeliner, not only was she wearing eye shadow, seriously?!, but she was wearing what he could make out to be a bright crimson red, sleeveless dress/gown. The lining that covered her breasts was decorated in short hanging sequins that were a dark scarlet and sparkled so bright they were just..distracting. From the looks of it though the sparkle and glitter didn't stop there - at all. In fact it seemed to continue downwards towards the very end or at least that's the impression he was getting at the moment. But even though he was still trying to process what the fuck was going on with her tonight that did nothing to deter his smirk of what he knew and she knew was the oncoming onslaught of playful jeer.

"Well hello there missy," he said in his most swooning, charismatic, sexy voice he could pull off, "You're lookin mighty fine tonight for a rabbit officer. Care to tell me what plans you got this fine evening?" He waggled his eyebrows, as if this banter wasn't turning strange enough, and let out a suave growl that to a vixen would turn them on but since this was Judy his growl was about as threatening as...

Well, if you're wondering how a fox could be so non-threatening and still make it onto the force then that means your sanity is still intact - for the most part...

"Oh, you know the usual. Just dollying myself up to get goin' with my gals an all," she said in a over the top country girly accent although that might've had to do with the fact that she did come from the country and was as Nick quoted,' A naive country hick', "Yes indeed, I got some good plans to-night!"

"Woe is me, drat faith why must you toy with me so?" Nick said placing a paw atop his head and pressing his ears against his skull while swooning against the back of his couch melodramatically.

Judy clasped a hand to her mouth to stifle her muffled giggles but with the way Nick was acting, and because it was Nick anyways, it was completely pointless as she laughed uncontrollably, tears springing to the corners of her eyes.

Nick smirked at the sound of her laughter. Even though she was covered in makeup and wearing something she would normally complain about at least she still had her sense of humor and banter. And of course in the midst of her giggle fit Nick hadn't even realised it till he felt out of breath but he too had been giggling nonstop. Until it had to stop, as Judy finally calmed down enough to a normalcy level to talk business - which was never a good sign to the red vulpine.

"So, um, about you know...this Thursday-"

"It's okay," Nick smiled, a real genuine smile this time, and looked at her a winked, "It's not like I'm a complete loner you know, and I've got plenty of mammals to go out with. So you just go out and have your little ditty of good ol' times to add to your horrifying collection of selfie photobombs-"


"..And I'll have my time chillin' out with with the big dogs! It's a win-win, no hard feelings!"

She seemed hesitant and looked like she wanted to reach through the screen to grip his hand or hug him or something but slowly put her arm back down and sighed heftily. She glanced back up at him with wide amethyst eyes, her ears drooping behind her back, "And you're positively su-"

"I'll be fine, Carrots."

"O-okay," The sound of keys jingling and of a door creaking could be heard, an seen, as Judy made her way out of her apartment complex, "Just don't do anything stupid."

"I always do."

"And only drink two shots at a time, nothing too heavy."

"I'll try my hardest to not make that promise."

"And by the love of all that is good, don't go getting a vixen pregnant!"

"Might be a bit too late of a warning, Carrots."

"Nicholas Pi-"

"Woah, woah, woah, woah! I kid, I'm kidding! God!"

She sighed in relief, "Oh thank goodness, I thought I was gonna have to come up there and throttle you. Alright I'm going now, I'll see you later!"

"Bye, you dumb country hick of a bunny!" Nick chided sweetly.



Judy looked down at her now black screen on her phone, tapping her foot against the ground she huffed in annoyance. But really, how mad could she possibly be at her dear annoying, stupid, ridiculous, emotional, laid back, lazy as fuck best friend, Nicholas Wilde?

The answer was simple an written all over her face as a small crept on her lips and she skipped off towards her designated destination.

This, is going to be a great night!

Crystalfang's Tribal Pack so thanks.