I want to thank everyone that's reading this. I realized, many of you don't follow my account, but only the HopeTale Season 1 Story. So, I doubt many of you could notice the exciting update...
Yes, I know; it's been two years. But I've been writing the whole time. I agonized over how to explain my long absence, but I realize, I don't have to. I'm just so glad to be back now. And I am so glad to see you all again, my dear readers that encourage me to press on. I take pictures of all your comments and read them when I'm feeling discouraged. I wasn't sure I would continue, (I didn't have much strength), but you helped me be brave.
Thank you all, so much. I hope you enjoy the continuation of Serif's story! I am filled up with hope, seeing you all again.
And, I ask that you do not take this announcement down, for I have no other way to rightly contact my readers. Plus— I bring you a short story, anyway, to assure this isn't just a "writer's announcement." No, I'm bringing you some reading too, if you would like. Make of it what you will, but know, I write for a reason: to bring hope to the hurting and love to the lost. You are not alone 3
The small story I bring for you, a twist of fiction on reality:
"Before the end... there was a beginning, and the beginning was a story... one that starts here.
My name is Serif. This is my story."
"Yes, I still remember."
The Writer frowned at the screen, concerned. What to write? Yes, that was a question that was pondered daily. "What to write today? You have so many characters waiting for you to tell their story. What will you write today?"
It was still a strange feeling, for the Writer, to go from once hating writing with passion, to passionately writing in love. How? How had this happened? For sure, the past was a comedy. The present led to a happy ending, thought still unwritten. It had begun, though, somewhere between the pages. Tragedy had turned the paper dark. The death of worlds, the destruction of hope. All was turned to ash under the withering heat of despair.
The memory still brings a moment of silence, of a cold shiver, to any who hear the monster's name. The Writer dared not speak it here, for names have power, and to give power to the creature would spell sorrow for some. To any who know the monster, who have fought it, they would understand. To lose all one holds dear, from the inside out, is beyond compare. And the thing about the beast— even with reinforcements, with friends and family joining the war... the beast does not die. For some, it can only be injured, set to sleep until it rears its horrific head again. It is always waiting...
And yet...?
Yet, in The Pages of The Book, the source of Hope, the Writer found life between the lines of words, beautiful words that had always brought wonder of their own. Healing came, hope again, and a gift so precious, it was magical— to make worlds... out of words. Now the Writer could use writing to bring wonder to others.
But why write? Yes, that was another question the Writer was well acquainted with. "Why put your heart and dreams on the line? Why let it hurt so deep when people are apathetic?" (For certainly, apathy hurts worse than aggression.) "What if it is all for nothing, all useless? Why put your time into these small characters when people outside this screen await your main ones?"
"Because," the Writer learned to answer, "they are like my children all the same. Their older siblings have grown up and found their place in the world. They are loved and safe. But these little, unknown souls... they are special, as well. And the Author will use them, too." So despite everything, the Writer was determined to continue. Even though it hurt, even though it was so lonely...
… the prospect of a bright future... it filled the child with Hope.
So the Word Artist booted up the computer, opened a new document, and raising trembling fingers to the keyboard, began to write.
"...HopeTale Season 2..."
Wake up. They're calling your name. Come home, one more time; your story has yet to be told.
I hope to see you all in Season 2: Spero_
Thank you all 3