Okay peeps, this is only part of chapter two. Hope it's enough for you.for now anyway. There's an important note at the bottom, please read it.

Chapter 2: No title yet

As the adults went off to talk of old times and what had become of them selves in the past years the eager Sesshoumaru dragged the somewhat frightened Kagome to a the gardens. After finally getting to garden the chibi white haired inu youkai let go of the shocked Kagome. Sesshoumaru stood there smiling at the girl before he noticed that she looked very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" "I. I haven't away from 'Tousan before." At this Sesshoumaru stared at the shy looking Kagome. "He protects me." She said somewhat hesitantly to the still staring Sesshoumaru. For a moment he didn't say anything, abruptly smiling at the girl he spoke. "Don't worry! I'll protect you when he's not here." At this Kagome looking up shocked. "Really?" He nodded. Still smiling at her, seeing that he really meant what he said she smiled back. With now both being somewhat comfortable with each other they began walking around the garden while Sesshoumaru pointed things out to Kagome.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay People I'm sorry to do this to you, but I'm stuck on what I should do with this story! I need input! I know that this is not even a chapter, but I wanted to at least get something up before I leave on vacation. I should be leaving around the first or second of July. After that I won't be back until around the end of July. So... During that time I'll be trying to work on this fic and others while trying to read five books and work on a short novel I just started. Until then, ja ne.
