Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and co., please don't sue.

Okay peoples, this is going to be a first for me in the ways of writing a Sesshoumaru/Kagome fan fic. Hope you like it, and remember it's an AU.


The morn was just beginning to touch the edges of the Western Lands. Running toward the center of the Western Lands was a woman dressed in that of a kimono made of a pristine white with pale blue borders. Pausing for a moment she landed on a tree branch and sniffed the air.

'Hmm the scent of a wolf, a fox, and a dog… Interesting.'

 Leaping off of the branch the woman followed the scent until she came to a small clearing. There she found what the three different scents came from. Sitting against a tree on the opposite side of the clearing from her was a man dressed in a dark green haori with a matching pair of hakamas. His hair, which she had figured to be black, was rather a mixture of black and the orange-red of a fox youkai. She could smell the wolf and fox youkai scent coming from him yet it was the bundle in his lap that the dog scent came from.

There, in the mans lap was a young girl, she was dressed in a simple green kimono. Yet it was the girls hair that startled the woman. It was for the most part white, though throughout it were patches of black and orange-red same as the man who held her. Taking a step toward the pair she realized that they both were mixed, but the girl being worse. She was surprised that the both of them weren't killed when they were born.

"Kosetsu-sama?" Stopping in her place the woman stared at the man, she could see that his eyes were open slightly. Seeing he had caught her attention he opened his eyes to reveal bright-green eyes.

"How do you know my name?" The man stood, it was then that Kosetsu noticed that his feet were like that of a foxes. He took a few steps toward her before stopping and bowing low.

"You are the queen of the Western Lands are you not?" Kosetsu nodded. The man rose and stood straight. "You were also good friends with a female dog youkai named Bara, correct?" Again Kosetsu nodded. "Bara was my mate, she had told me a great deal about you."

"Wait! What do you mean 'was' your mate?" fear was evident in Kosetsu's eyes.

"She died last summer…protecting our daughter." The man finally said after moment of silence. It was then that Kosetsu really looked at the child, she had much the same face structure of Bara. Looking at the man again she remembered a letter she had received from Bara years ago about her mating with a mixed.

"What is your name?"

"Hitori." Looking at the man she felt a wave of sadness wash over her. His name meant 'Alone'.

'What kind of person would name their child 'Alone'?'

"Why was your daughter being attacked that Bara would die in the process?"

"My daughter harbors the Shikon no Tama within her body…both Bara and I had have to protect her since she was born." Looking to the child in Hitoris arms Kosetsu decided then that the father and child would be under the protection of the Western lands.

Well people, that's the prologue. Hope you liked it. Review and tell me what you liked about it or what I could do to make it better.
