Rainbow Six Siege "I Never Kiss and Tell"

With NO relation my "The Untold Story" Series

"Hey, what are you doing?" Monika asked Elias. Elias stood there ironing a thin white shirt over a long ironing board. He was slightly startled as he did not know that Monika had entered the room.

"OH… sorry, I didn't see you there, I was just getting my clothes ready for tonight." Replied Elias. Monika was intrigued by the response, for all the time she had known Elias, she always thought of him as an introvert, and to an extent, she thought of him as fairly socially awkward, He would never hang out with the rest of the team and always seemed to have something going on after training when the opportunity was present. One time even, the whole team had gone out for drinks and Elias decided he would rather stay in his room and play Video Games. "I am Sick" Is what he told the team, But no one bought it. Monika found the many awkward things that Elias did to be cute. The way he stumbles in conversations or finds himself in a discussion, that he would want nothing more than to get out of amused her. But this time something was different, Elias was freshly showered and had been preparing his attire for what could only be a night out. There were fancy loafers lying in the corner that looked as if they had just been bought and had never been worn, there was a sleek black suit and pants resting in a chair, waiting for their turn on the ironing board, once Elias was done with his shirt.

"Oo… What are you up to?" Said Monika with a smile.

"Me… I'm just heading out tonight with a friend." Replied Elias. Monika knew that there was much more to it than that, She then responded a teasing tone.

"Come on… you aren't just 'going out' you are doing something else aren't you?"

"What did you need anyways?" Said Elias in an attempt to change the subject.

"I just came down here to see if you had any leftover Pistol Magazines from training, but that is not important right now, Elias are you…"

"Nope, I'm not… to whatever you were going to say, He, He." Interrupted Elias nervously.

"No are you…"

"Nope… No… not really… Oh jeez, would you look at the time I think that It would be best if you stopped by later. Like much later… I will talk to you tomorrow Monika."

"Oh, so you are…" Said Monika in a devious tone.

"No, I'm not, " Said Elias swiftly.

"You are going out on a date aren't you?!" Said Monika with Glee. Elias held his breath but realized it was no use, it was going to get out one way or another.

"Sigh…" Elias exhaled intently. "Ja, (yes) I am going out on a date."

"Ha Ha! I knew it!" Said I.Q. with satisfaction. "Well, Elias, I'm surprised, you never seemed like the type… No offense." I.Q. felt apologetic as she realized how rude her comment was. Elias responded in a much calmer tone now that his secret was in the open.

"It's… fine, I guess, I just really wanted to keep it a secret, and now that you know I need you to make me a promise."

"And that is?" Asked Monika Inquisitively.

"You cannot tell anyone, where I am going tonight or what I am doing, especially not Jordan."

"Why Elias?"

"Just please do it. You already know more than I would like… Just promise me."

"Fine" Reluctantly replied Monika, "Your secret is safe with me." Elias cracked a smirk, before replying.

"Now If you would excuse me, I really do need to change." Monika obeyed his wishes and turned around to walk out of the room. She was genuinely surprised that Elias was going to out for a night on the town rather than spending yet another night in, It was so unlike him.

"Why do I need to keep it safe from Jordan of all people?" Monika thought to herself as she left the room. "Oh well, a promise is a promise."


Monika was walking down the hallway that led to Elias' dorm room, this time she was carrying a basket full of dirty laundry, evidently, the laundry room was her destination. As she approached the large door to enter the laundry room she faintly heard some pacing behind her. She turned around to see nonother than Elias. He was approaching his room's door and had to stop to pull out his key from his pocket. His hair was messed up and so was his outfit. His shirt was wrinkled and slightly undone while his tie was completely loose and dangled from his neck. As Elias unlocked his door and entered his room Monika found an overwhelming intrigue as to how his date went. She left her laundry on the ground and walked over to Elias' door. She knocked on the door politely and waited. After multiple seconds there was no response, So she knocked again. Again there was no response. Only as she prepared to knock on the door a third time did it finally open. There in the doorway stood Elias, he looked as messy as before except for the fact that he fixed his hair. At that moment he was the opposite of Monika, who was clean and her usual attractive self, everybody on team Rainbow thought that Monika was pretty, but despite that, nobody on Rainbow had ever done anything Romantic with Monika. She kept herself out of the inter-team Romances because she felt that it would hamper her ability to focus on missions. But it still was undeniable that she was very fetching, even with no makeup on, Many of the Male operators on Team Rainbow had attempted to court her, but none of them had succeeded, she was wearing a loose sweater and sweatpants, while her hair was tied up in a bun. Elias was standing in the doorway messing with his tie, unknotting the last portions of it before speaking.

"Oh hey, Monika…" Said Elias in a calm tone, he was much more relaxed than before. Monika was puzzled the greeting.

"Hey Elias, how did your date go?" Elias' eyes widened.

"Shhh… Let's not talk about this out in the hall. Here, do you want to come in?" Monika was surprised by the invitation. Never once has Elias offered someone to come into his dorm.

"Yes, I do." Said, Monika, as she walked into the room, Elias closed the door behind her, he then proceeded to walk over to his bed. Even with his dress clothes and shoes on he leaped onto his bed and laid on top of it with his hands behind his head, while he looked up at the ceiling. He was behaving very differently than his usual self.

"What do you want to know?" Asked Elias.

"Just give me the details." Said Monika. Elias sighed before replying.

"Do you want me to be interesting, or do you want me to tell you the truth."

"Just be yourself, Elias."

"It was terrible."

"Really, why?" Said Monika in a surprised tone.

"I got ditched hard." Said Elias. Monika wanted to let out a giggle but contained herself as to not seem rude.

"Now, why did that happen?" Questioned Monika.

"I don't know honestly, I felt like things were going off without a hitch but then suddenly, she went to use the bathroom and never came back." Monika felt sorry for Elias.

"I'm sorry to hear that, honestly, only some Dumme Hündin (Stupid Bitch) would do that, especially to a guy like you…" Said Monika in an honest tone. Elias' mood immediately brightened at the comment.

"Thanks, Monika, that really means a lot, I just find it really disappointing is all."

"Yeah I can understand that, Well did you get a kiss before she left at least?" Said Monika, clearly as a joke. The joke humored Elias.

"Ha Ha! Good one, but no I did not, unfortunately."

"Oh well that's alright, kisses are a dime a dozen anyways, right Elias."

"Kisses… Oh yeah, I get them all the time… So expendable." Said Elias in a poor attempt at lying, Monika saw right through it.

"Wait, Elias, you have had your first kiss right? And Your Mom doesn't count." Said Monika.

"Of course I have, what kind of question is that?" Said Elias, again in another poor attempt at fooling the clever Monika.

"Oh Mein Gott, You haven't had your first kiss yet have you!" Said Monika, as she proceeded to giggle. Elias knew then that his cover was clearly blown.

"O.k. fine, maybe I haven't... whatever let me have it, unleash everything you got in making fun of me…" Said Elias, in a defeated tone. Once again, Monika had learned a secret about Elias that he would have rather had kept hidden. Monika noticed Elias' attitude and spoke again.

"Is this why you don't want Jordan to know about your date, Does he already know this?"

"Yes he does, and luckily he hasn't told anyone else yet, I worry however that if someone reminds him, he would be more than glad to share that information."

"Ha Ha! Well don't worry, your secret is safe with me Elias."

"Good, Good, You know Monika, you officially know more about me than anyone else on this team and it only took you one day."

"Ha ha, Good!" Said Monika in a joking attitude. Monika was amused by the whole situation. But also found herself slightly aroused by the way Elias handles his mishaps. Elias appeared to her like such a nice guy who just seems to get the short side of the stick in things, but he also seemed to coast along with his mishaps in life, in a certain way that Monika found really quite cute. It must have been once again been his sense of humor and lack of skill in Social Skills that offered this emotion to Monika. She then proceeded to sit down on the side of the Elias' bed and began to play with some of the fabric on the sheets.

"You know Elias you really are a great guy… that woman doesn't know what she was walking out on."

"Thank's, Monika." Said Elias, as he began to settle down and relax once again. Suddenly Monika had a strange thought, but rather than thinking more about it, she simply acted on it.

"I have an idea Elias, you need to get yourself a first kiss before you can truly begin to date, and not just any first kiss, you need a good one."

"Tell me something I don't know… Where are you even going with this?"

"Well… I was just wondering... Why don't you just… Kiss me?" Said Monika. Elias sat up on the bed and looked Monika in the eyes.

"Really? I kiss you?... Is this another joke?" Asked Elias.

"Not even a little, come on… Just one kiss wouldn't hurt." Replied Monika. Elias was flustered, of course, he would love to kiss Monika, he was attracted to her just like every other man. But it just seemed so out of nowhere. Plus she is known for being off limits when it came to Romance so "why would that change now?

"If you aren't joking… sure, I'll kiss you…" Said Elias. The man was surprised to then see Monika turn her body and head to look straight forward at Elias, she was only a few feet away on the bed. She sat up straight on the bed, closed her eyes and puckered her lips out. Elias then proceeded to take the opportunity. He then gently planted his lips on Monika's and held it there for not much longer than a second before backing off. Monika opened her eyes and looked at Elias.

"That was it? Come on Elias I know you can do better than that... Or is it my fault... what am I not pretty enough or something?" Monika was trying to use reverse psychology on Elias to make him man up and kiss her for real.

"No, not at all… Look, Monika, you are crazy beautiful… and you look that way every day... Fine I will do it again." Said Elias in a determined tone. Monika was pleased with the response and proceeded to close her eyes and purse her lips out just as before. She, however, was surprised by the way Elias shaped up and took control. Elias took both hands and put them on her cheeks and slowly pulled her in for a kiss. They locked lips for multiple seconds with Elias gently caressing the edge of Monika's hair with his thumb. They continued to draw and withdraw from each other lips but they never found their heads more than an inch away from each other. Eventually, after multiple seconds, Elias pulled his mouth away for good. He found a small amount of resistance from Monika. She was very gently tugging on him for more by softly biting his bottom lip, She then quickly realized what she was doing and released.

"...How was that..." Whispered Elias to Monika.

"That was… Wow..." Replied Monika.

"We will tell no one… alright?"

"Sure… whatever you want… I never kiss and tell."

"Good… Can I kiss you again?" Asked Elias. Monika chuckled.

"Yes, Elias you may kiss me again…" As Elias went to kiss the woman again he found her draw back due to a beeping on her smartphone. She checked her texts and noticed she got one from Jordan, it was a picture of Monika's laundry that was lying in the middle of the hall with a caption that simply read.

"You forget your clothes somewhere XD" Monika realized this and spoke.

"Oh shit… I'm sorry Elias but I have to go." Monika stood up and got off of Elias' bed. As she began to walk to the door she turned her head and said.

"You know you really aren't that bad at that whole 'kissing thing'… I guess I will... so you around?" Elias cracked a smile and said.

"Yeah... See you around."

"Great, well then... Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Said Elias as Monika left the room. The man then laid back against his pillows and pondered what he had just done.