Alexander Hamilton had no idea what he was doing. He had been walking around the campus of Princeton College for about two hours, just looking for his dorm building. The problem was, the campus was enormous, every building looked exactly the same, and it was starting to get dark outside. He had seen a very little amount of people, and everyone he saw either ignored him or gave him dirty looks. Alexander was used to it, though, and he wasn't one for asking for help anyway.

Eventually, Alexander abandoned his search for a while and headed into town. He found a small pub and decided to head inside. He wasn't very surprised to find several students inside, drinking away their last free Saturday night before the school year starts. Alexander tried his best to find someone sober.

"Excuse me," Someone tapped Alexander on the shoulder. He turned around to see a man in front of him with a calm smile on his face. "From the look on your face, I would guess you're lost."

"Uh y-yeah." Alexander responded. "I just got to New York today and I don't know where my dorms are on campus and-" The man started to laugh.

"New kid huh? The freshman this year are pretty crazy, so good luck." He took a sip of his drink then held out his hand. "Aaron Burr, junior."

Alexander hesitantly shook his hand. "Alexander Hamilton, and, yeah, freshman."

"Would you like a drink?" Aaron asked, but Alexander shook his head. "Well, I would be happy to show you around tomorrow, if You-"

"What time is it?" A voice yelled.

"Showtime!" An eruption of shouts and laughs came from the other side of the bar.

"Ah, yes." Aaron sighed. "Meet your grade." Alexander craned his neck to catch a glimpse of the other freshmen.

There were three of them.

The first one was tall and lanky with a small ponytail. The second was maybe an inch shorter than the first, but clearly more muscular and intimidating. He had a blue bandana tied around his head. The third was shorter than the others, had a poof of hair tied behind his head, and a face covered in freckles.

Alexander and Aaron stood back to watch the three men.

They slammed their fists on the bar table and chanted, "More! More! More!" The bartender rolled her eyes and gave them each another beer. The first two cheered as the third chugged his drink.

By now, the three students had gathered a crowd around them.

A girl stepped up to the them an asked in wonder, "Who are you?"

The third gave a stunning grin. "I'm John Laurens, baby." He laughed.

Damn, that was cute. Alexander shook his head in slight confusion, for he had never had a thought like that before.

The first boy was surrounded by girls, flirting with them in slurred French.

"Bonjour belle, je m'appelle Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette." He said to one girl. "But you may call me Lafayette, mon cher."

"Hercules Mulligan!" The second one suddenly shouted. The crowd around him laughed.

"Jesus, these three are insane." Aaron mumbled, taking another drink.

He almost spit it out when the third boy, John, called out, "Aaron Burr? The prodigy himself?"

The crowd turned to Aaron all at once, and him and Alexander shrunk down, trying to get away from the stares. It was to no avail, as the boys were already walking towards them.