I don't own SPN or Harry Potter.


Almost three decades ago

It's been two days since he heard the prophecy, but to make matters worse, so had the Dark Lord. Not good. Since then he searched the family library for a way out of this mess, because he can't but this faith on his future children. They have either to be the beacon of hope or the destruction of the wizarding world. Not on his watch.

It wasn't easy to get away from the Dark Lord after the revelations; because of course he wanted his new price hippogriff in reach so he can from him. Alike he was already looking for possible brides for him to fulfill the prophecy as he sees fit. Not good, especially because his mother helped him with it, before that his parents simply looked for possible candidates, now she almost conducts interviews on this matter. He already hated arranged marriages before that, but now it is simply getting out of hand.

This fact connected with cursing his future children into obedience to the Dark Lord are good reasons to disappear. And let's not forget that he stole something from him that he needs for his survival. At the moment the Lord doesn't know that he lost his precious, but as soon as he finds out, he is fair game. He is only logical conclusion for the Dark Lord, because his house-elf helped him to store the thing away.

So he decided to leave all this behind. Of course he told the Dark Lord, that he would serve him till the end, but was already working to get out of this mess. He is a Slytherin after all. Back in the dark library of his family he finally found it. He found a spell, how he could hide himself and his magic from prying eyes as well as the magic of his future children. The only thing to make it work is that a close family member has to cast it. The only one, who would do that for him and fits the description, is his brother.

That's the reason why he tries to inconspicuous walk down Diagon Alley to the apartment of his brother. He hasn't seen him since school and that was almost two years ago, but they still have contact through their journal. Since they were children, they are as close as brothers could be; his big brother always was there for him and took the fall for him every time. In their early years they started writing in a journal, but this journal was or is special, because it is a two way journal. It only be opened by the owner of the journal, it's a very old blood spell. He has one and his brother has his twin. So they used it during their time in Hogwarts in different houses to still talk to each other. They couldn't talk to each other in real, because their family. Since he can think their parents or better their mother tried to drive a wedge between them. To get them off their backs, they let it look like it worked, so kept the façade up, to keep each other save.

One brother is the rebel, who didn't want to be a part of the family and their blood-purity and found a way out. The other brother also doesn't want to be part of the blood-purity of the family, but he was always the obedient one. Especially after he was alone in the dark home with his mother, after his big brother went on his first year in school. But they made it worked and until today nobody knew that they still are in contact. Because both of them would give up their live before they give up their brother. Never underestimate the bond of family, of brothers, especially those brothers.

He reaches the door of the apartment and still looks around if somebody saw him, but he was sure that nobody had followed him. Why should they he swore his allegiance to the Dark Lord, but the only one who holds his true allegiance was his brother. Before he could knock on the door, it opens and there he stood. He looks older, wiser, but still like his funny old self. At the moment he was a little curious. "Reg why are you here?" he ask him and as he let him in. He as well as his brother takes a look around for pry full eyes before he closes the door.

Only after the door was closed, he answers. "I need your help, Siri."

"I figured. What is it?" he asks in a determinate tone, because he always would help his brother. That is the job of a big brother, he has to keep him save, especially from their mother. But he still failed he couldn't get him out of the Dark Lords clutches, but maybe now is the moment to make up for that.

"I have to fake my death and go away."

"Why?" not what Sirius wanted to hear.

Regulus Black started pacing in the living room of his brother. His face was panicked, confused and worried. That made Sirius nervous; his brother never loses his composer like that, not with the Dark Lord on his back. Before Sirius can calm him somehow, he says. "There is a prophecy … a prophecy about my future children to be the Dark Lords rise or fall."

Sirius feels slapped. Okay he would have guessed anything, but not that. But he needs more information. "How do you know that it points to your children." he asks as he takes a seat and watches his brother pace, it is never a good idea to stop him, while he is doing that. That is his way of figuring out a very complicated puzzle for him.

He stops and looks at his brother. "Siri give me some credit, because I am not dumb." he says in a stern voice.

"I know that Reg, but I need more information, about what we are dealing with. Can you give me the prophecy." he asks his bother. Because he was sure that he has memorized it. Regs memory was very accurate; he never misses or forgets anything, never, a good thing for this kind of situation. Here goes nothing.

"Two brothers like day and night,

One is black and one is white.

Both are from the family of Black,

Only one is faithful on the family track.

The black one a servant of the Dark Lord,

The other one hates him without words.

The Dark Lords faith is entwined with them,

The black one could be his favorite gem.

He will carry on the family,

With three children, who are extra ordinarily.

The balance of faith with sibling of old,

Can change a future for told.

Balance, body and heart,

Can be the Dark Lords reward,

Or his ultimately end,

Which way it goes depends

On the bond of love

Which goes to the grave or above."

It took Sirius a moment to let all sink in. But after he heard that he knows that Regulus is right, it is definitely about his children. The lead with faithful son of the House Black, yeah that's definitely Regulus or better it fits him more than Sirius. The brothers are on the same page they have to keep their family away from the Dark Lord, especially the future generation. Without overthinking the Prophecy, Sirius went into damage limitation mode. "What do you need?" he asks his brother, because he knew his brother would only come to him, after he already has found a solution.

"There is a spell, with which I can hide my magic and it would look as if I were dead to the family and magic it. It has to be casted by a close family member, like a brother."

"Ok and then what?"

"I will take on a new name and go to America."

"You know that you have to live as a muggle." Sirius points out to his brother.

"I know and I do it in a heartbeat if it means to keep my children save." he says in a stern voice to tell his brother that he is death serious about his decision.

"I just wanted to point it out." Sirius holds up his hands in surrender. If his brother wants to do it, who was he to stop him, but they have to make sure that nobody learns about Regulus whereabouts even with Sirius being tortured. His only conclusion for securing that is an oath. "We make an unbreakable vow." he suggests.

His brother looks bewildered at him, before he asks. "Why?" Regulus didn't want to put his brother at risk with this.

Sirius walks to his brother and puts one of his arms on his shoulder as he says. "This way nobody can learn, about where you are or what has happened to you. The unbreakable vow is stronger than veritaserum and even if I should be tortured telling them would be my death in the end before the information left my mouth."

"But …" Regulus wants to interrupt him.

"No buts Reg. We are doing this. I am your brother and this Me keeping You save." Sirius says in his there is no way out of this voice. Regulus lets his shoulders fall and accept it. Not because he wants it, but because his brother is right. With his acceptance Sirius adds. "We have to act fast and that means today. Have you everything you need?" he looks at the back bag his brother was carrying while he walked into his apartment and his brother nods. "Ok, so let's do this. But do me the favor and stay in contact. Please, Reg."

Without a word Regulus embraces his big brother in a hug as he says. "Of course." They stay in that position for a moment before they break apart.

"Take your stuff. I know where we can do this without being in the wizarding world." Sirius says to his brother, who gets his stuff. Together they apparate away to a warehouse, where they start with the ritual to hide Regulus, it took them two hours until they were finished. After that Regulus looked like a muggle to Sirius magic.

"Just one thing left to do." Sirius declares after the ritual was finished.

His brother looks at him, even if he isn't so sold on the whole idea, because he doesn't want to put his big brother at risk, he knows that it's the right thing to do. "Yeah, but who will be the binder?"

A very good question, because a binder is needed normally, but not in an unbreakable vow between brothers and it is interesting for Sirius that he knows something that his smart brother doesn't. "We don't need one, because of our sibling bond." With that they take position across from each other, take their right hand and point their wands with the other one. "I, Sirius Orion Black, will keep hidden that Regulus Arcturus Black is not death to save the next generation of Blacks." Sirius starts and a yellow band wraps itself around the joined hands.

"I, Regulus Arcturus Black, will stay hidden till the day my children and I am ready to face the Dark Lord." The second band is red one.

To finish the vow Sirius says. "As my duty as brother I protect you." and he indicates for his brother to do the same.

"As my duty as brother I protect you." As they both finished, as last blue band wove itself around their hands and for a moment all the bands glow, before they dispatch into nothingness. This way magic becomes the binder for the vow and only she can release them, if she sees fit.

Before they say goodbye, Sirius gives his brother his family ring, a simple silver bend with the words for family is engraved in Latin on the inside. He told his little brother to give it to his first born son as a sign for Regulus that Sirius would always be on his side, no matter what. With a short hug and one last look at each other, they left the warehouse and walk on the streets of London. Sirius watches his brother walk away from him and hopes that he will see him again someday. Regulus gets lost in the mass of people on the streets. That is the day Regulus Arcturus Black was declared death and John Winchester was born.