Hey guys, if you're a reader of my other fic; this is just a little side project to explore other modes of writing. I have not diverged my attention to PoSH and that story is my primary focus. This is just a one-shot.

Based off of Episode of 3 of season 2

Disclaimer: I do not own My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU

Have you ever taken the time to just think back on your life? To suddenly be hit with memories of the past for seemingly no reason?

"Kaori, hello~o? Earth to Kaori."

I quickly shake my head, "I'm sorry, what?"

I see Chika just sigh out and give me a disappointed look, "you really weren't listening the whole time were you?"

"Mm, yeah. More or less." Honestly I don't know why it's been plaguing my mind recently, I mean sure, everyone has memories from middle school. There are those you cherish, those you want to forget, and then just those random tid bits that are just remembered without rhyme or reason; in any case I just couldn't figure out why I was always found myself think back to-

"Kaori~, you're getting that look again."

"Ahah, right. Sorry; what were we talking about again?"

I just see Chika blow her hair out from her face in annoyance, "seriously? Whatever, let's just get going, it's getting late anyways."

I just nod in response. We both finish up our meals and go to throw our trash away, balancing all the wrappers and such on the tray. Even if my thoughts always wandered back to him, I mean, it's not like he'll just suddenly appear out of nowhere. Honestly I don't even really remember him; were we friends? Were we more than friends? I barely remember him, yet at the same time he seemed to be ingrained into my memory; how weird.

"Oh! Hikgaya?" Well speak of the devil and he shall arrive; or something like that. Was that how the saying goes?

"Long time no see! This sure brings back memories!" No, no it really doesn't; but you seem to be remembered by some part of me… actually no, that sounded weird; wait what was I saying?


Whoa there, why do you seem so surprised to see me? Better yet why do you seem so hesitant to talk to me, I mean we were friends in middle school, I think? Actually you know what, you're right; I should probably be a bit more casual. It's not like he knows I've been thinking about him all this time. Did he even remember me? I mean he knows my name, so that's a plus right? I haven't seen him around Kaihin at all, but then again he wasn't much of a sociable person to begin with, "Hikigaya, you go to Sobu High?"

Why I knew that was Sobu's uniform beats me; was it even Sobu? I know damn well it wasn't Kaihin's.

"Y-yeah." He awkwardly responds. Maybe I was a bit too friendly? Did we end on bad terms?

"Wow aren't you smart! Never knew; though it was probably because you never talked to anyone, huh?" Except for me apparently. Wait, why did I know these things? So, I guess we really were friends?

Being too focused on Hikigaya and trying to make heads or tails of the seemingly random memories of him, I failed to notice a rather curious gaze aimed towards me. I look down and was met with an older girl; super pretty too.

WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! She was actually really pretty! Was this his girlfriend? I always remember Hikigaya as someone who wasn't very popular with boys, much less girls. Hell he wasn't that popular at all. No, no I definitely remember him now! He used to be in my class!

"Oh, is this your girlfriend?"


Ahaha! Well that was certainly a quick denial; my memories of him were of him being a pretty funny guy, always such a sourpuss to everyone; it was rather endearing really. Under that extremely gruff and unpleasant exterior was a pretty funny kid who had trouble making friends. Now I remember! I wonder what he's been up to all this time.

"Right? I was like 'no way'." I mean for someone so antisocial to get a girlfriend as pretty as her? I mean it wasn't unheard of, but just doubtful? Better yet, he seems to be annoyed with the girl! Oi, Hikigaya, haven't you learned anything from our time together? It's never a good idea to be a sourpuss, especially with girls! Hilarious!

"...Ahuhah…" Whoa, what kind of laugh was that? Maybe I was a bit insensitive? Nah, we were friends right? He knows I'm joking!

"Is she by chance your friend, Hikigaya-kun?" The pretty girl finally joins in. We most definitely were!

"One of my classmates from middle school." He blankly states.

Hey, hey, weren't we at least friends, Hikigaya? That's a bit cold don't you think? Maybe he didn't remember as much as I did him… Actually no, there is no way he was thinking about me as much as I thought of him; he's been on my mind for whatever reason the past four days! Alright, Kaori, let's tone it down a bit; maybe he doesn't remember me as much.

"I'm Oriomoto, Kaori." I respond to the other girl; why was Chika just standing there saying nothing? Was she still mad for me blowing her off?

"Hnn…" She looks to me curiously; you're not… checking me out, are you? "I'm Yukinoshita, Haruno." She finally answers.

"Hikigaya-kun and I are…" She pauses before turning to him, "say, what am I to you?

Hikigaya just lazily glances over and gives her a questioning grunt, "why are you asking me?

"Well, it'd be weird to say that we were friends but then…"

Wait, wait, wait. So not only were they not dating, they weren't friends either? Then why were these two together in the first place!

"Why don't we just stick to 'girlfriend' for now?" Yukinoshita finishes, leaning into his shoulder as he backs up a bit; for some reason I felt a twinge of annoyance spark within me as I grip the tray a bit harder.

What do you mean 'for now'? The hell does that even mean? And get away from him, can't you see he's getting uncomfortable!

"Can't I just say you're my senpai?"

"How cold!"

No, no really, I'm still here you know! Don't you two go shameless flirting in front of other people!

Yukinoshita suddenly turns to me, "classmate, huh?" I'd go with 'old friend', but yeah; whatever that works too.

"Got any interesting stories to share?"

I just look at her blankly before putting on my smile; relax there Kaori, you don't even know her, you still have to be polite!

"Hmm… like his love life! I want to hear about his love life!" You would want to know about that wouldn't you? Keep this up and people might start seeing you as desperate; I mean look at him! Totally uninterested; as for me, well…

"Oh yeah! He asked me out once!" I practically beam. I still remember that time; one of the many memories that seemed to put on repeat through my head. It was rather cute, the way he tried his hardest; absolutely adorable!

"You're kidding!" I hear Chika yell out. Oh now you want to join? Sheesh she must've really been ticked off; I mean I remember her talking about some guy going to Sobu; maybe she was talking about Hikigaya? Mm… doubtful; maybe I should ask her again.

The older girl just gives out a laugh, "now you have my attention!"

I'm sure I do; maybe I can use this as a deterrent to get her to leave him alone!

"Yeah, it really freaked me out 'cause we've never talked before!" False, we did; the confession was just out of the blue and I was not prepared for a confession. But she didn't need to know that, right?

I mean come on, I was like, what? Fourteen? Kids shouldn't be dating anyways! Though it was still super cute watching him stutter and become all flustered. Even though I rejected him I still felt bad; so I gave him my number. My hope was that he wouldn't get discouraged and try again when I was actually ready and/or when we got to know each other better, but I guess I really must of ticked him off… He never did respond to me, and we even stopped talking during school.


You think I gave him the wrong number? Oh who am I kidding, why would he want to text the girl that just rejected him? He probably took me giving him my number as an insult.

Ahhhh! Kaori you're so dumb! Now I see why he was always on my mind; I totally forgot about that; was he still upset? I mean it's been like, what? Two years? He didn't seem like the kind of guy to hold a grudge. But still, why remember all that now?

"Eh… Hikigaya-kun asking someone out?"

Yeah surprised aren't you? I'm sure he hasn't asked you out.

"Well it's all in the past now." I hear Hikigaya speak once again. Wait, does that mean he's forgiven me? Maybe he's over it now? You think we could try again? Wait, wait, wait, hold on Kaori, hold on. We can't be too pushy, we might freak him out or look desperate; guys don't like desperate girls, right?


"Yeah its old news, so we're all good right?" Right? Right! Did I sound too eager there?

"Oh that's right, since you go to Sobu do you know of Hayama-kun?" I suddenly remember the conversation Chika and I had, maybe if I can get Hikigaya to get Hayama to talk to Chika she'll stop being all pissy and actually talk to me.

"Y-yeah, kind of." He casually responds.


I look back to Chika expectantly, who now leans in with interest, her eyes going wide; oi! Stop being so damn obvious, guys don't like desperate girls!

"For real! Ara, Chika; he may be able to introduce us to Hayama-kun!"

"What? I-I don't care about things like that."

...well played, Chika, well played.

"Look I don't know him that well." Hikigaya grabs our attention once again.


"Yeah, of course, you guys probably don't see each other much."

He lets loose that rather forced laugh again; was I being insensitive again? Come on Hikigaya, lighten up! We used to be friends!

Suddenly Yukinoshita joins in the conversation again, "hoh~? Well this can be interesting." She goes to take out her phone, waving her hand in the air, "Hai; I'll introduce you guys!"

And we are back in business!

"Eh?" Hikigaya squeaks out.

Silence fills the room as Yukinoshita waits for the phone to pick up. "Hey Hayato, can you meet me somewhere? Actually just come now; I'm at the donut shop near the train station."

"What the hell are you doing?" Hikigaya silently seethes.


Wait, wait, wait! When he said that they didn't really know each other; did he actually mean that they hate each other?! And why did Yukinoshita have Hayama's number?! Was she Hayama's girlfriend and was trying to get with Hikigaya? Did I just light the fuse to the proverbial drama-bomb?!

As Yukinoshita ends the call, she gives Hikigaya a smile and a 'cute' laugh. Oh great; here we go.

"Hayama-kun, see you later! I'll be sure to message you." 'cause I know Chika won't; she literally had the courage of a chicken nugget.

"Oh my gosh, he's so hot!" She squeals to me, oi! I'm the one who got him here, kind of, where's my credit? And have a little more restraint, he can still hear you. Guys don't like desperate girls! Didn't you say you 'didn't care'?

I just heave a sigh as we both walk into the night. Well if Chika can get a date with Hayama, maybe I can ask Hikigaya to accompany me too.

Kaori, you're a genius! Maybe I could ask him out when Chika asks Hayama out! It could be like a double date and this time I can make up for the time I rejected him! If anything we can try to become friends again!

I just smile to myself and laugh a bit.

"Why're you so happy? Hayama's taking me out, not you." Chika bitterly comments.

Oh keep your damn panties on, I'm not interested in that blonde-boy, "yeah, yeah, whatever. I have another date in mind."

"Eh?!" She squeaks out, "who? Tamanawa?"

I instantly faceplant into the floor, "ew! No; gross!"

She just looks at me weirdly, "...then who?"

I just look at her and beam, "Hikigaya of course!"


So like I said, you can watch episode 3 first, or during, before reading this to get the whole effect; it was an idea to lighten the whole arc with Kaori and put her as a romantic interest.

I ended it here cause it is supposed to be a one-shot, I even planned on doing the double date but, ehh. I got lazy; again it's not something mind-boggling or even remotely creative; just an idea running through my head.

Of course; just like PoSH, if it does get enough popularity I may continue it; with the end goal of getting Kaori and Hikigaya together. The main focus will be on the Kaihin kids; which is a pain in the ass 'cause only three are named, oh well.

Princes of Sobu High will have a priority over all my stories.

Hope you guys at least enjoyed this small one-shot; it was a bit refreshing to write, haha.

Until next time,
