Shifting Paradigms

Chapter One: New Beginnings

Disclaimer: I do not own Frozen. All rights go to Disney. I also do not own the Just One Week universe or the character of Elvira, they are the creations of Tania Hylian and they are used with her permission. So pretty much if you recognize it, it doesn't belong to me unless you've read some of my work on my TheTableThrower account and recognize an O.C. of mine from there who will be making an appearance in here.

AN: Hey what's up you guys, TheTableThrower here with one of my first new pieces (or really, first anything, new or otherwise) in over four years. Now for those of you curious about any of my fics from that account, no I haven't abandoned them. I've had a lot going on in my personal life that has kept my writing on the shelf for quite some time. I am still working on those pieces and don't intend to abandon them or anything, they're just kind of on hiatus at the moment. This piece as stated in the disclaimer takes place in Tania Hylian's Just One Week universe and is written with her full permission. This will be taking place between the seven year time skip in the epilogue chapter, covering the events leading up to where that epilogue ends and everything in between as I imagine them happening. Now my writing style is pretty different from Tania's and I can't call this an official piece in the universe or an official sequel unless she decides to accept it as such, but still, I hope that fans of the original will enjoy my take on these characters, their universe, and their relationship. Without any more of my rambling, I present chapter one of Shifting Paradigms.

'Life sucks sometimes' Elvira thought to herself, a mild scowl forming on her face. She had came down the stairs with the intention of getting herself something to drink, just in time to catch Anna making out with Elsa on the couch as she was. It sent emotions running through her that she honestly couldn't explain fully. She couldn't fault her sister, not really, because she could see the obvious joy and happiness radiating from her being in waves. The familiar rush of jealousy was present, of course, why wouldn't it be? She was in love with Anna. She knew it, her sister knew it, hell even her sisters girlfriend knew it. So that was expected.

Unfortunately, it wasn't just jealousy, longing and slight arousal as it typically would be in this situation. Something new, unfamiliar, and confusing was present, something she couldn't identify. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to either, which only served to heighten the already building confusion on her part. A month had passed after the events at the clone center.

She had her pinned to the wall, could feel Elsa's heart speeding up from where their chests were connected, could hear the slight hitch in her breath as she lifted her chin to where their eyes would meet. She stared into her clones eyes, could see the emotions playing out in those deep blue orbs. Confusion, fear, anxiety… but also elation, hope, anticipation. She wanted this, wanted Elvira's lips on hers, wanted her hands tangled in her platinum blonde hair, Elvira could read that much in the slightly trembling girls eyes. She leaned in, hearing her breath hitch again as she drew closer. As the last few scant inches of distance between them closed, her eyes jolted open.

That had been a a week ago. The first of the dreams, sure, but most assuredly not the last. The first and only time Elvira had done anything with Elsa had been born of disdain, to prove a point to the woman who in her eyes was keeping her beloved sister from her. Who was intruding in their lives and taking the spot Elvira should have been filling for Anna.

Which is why she was so confused now. She strongly disliked Elsa, of that she was absolutely certain. Wasn't she? She didn't know anymore and that bothered her way more than it rightfully should. She slunk away from her vantage point on the top of the stairs, retreating to her room and quietly closing the door behind her as she entered.

Something wasn't right here. This shouldn't be bothering her, but it was. She needed to get out of the house for a while. She needed a drink and time to think. Two things she most definitely wasn't going to get if she remained in the house. She walked over to the computer desk in her room and opened the top of the two drawers there. Reaching inside she felt around until her hand clasped onto what she was looking for. Withdrawing her hand revealed the Ipod Elvira hadn't used in years.

It had been a gift from Anna for her sixteenth birthday and, once upon a time, had been one of her most treasured possessions seeing almost daily use. Now it mostly sat unused in her drawer gathering dust, the memories of some better days spent with her little sister just listening to music and talking too painful to handle. Now it would serve a purpose once again.

Sticking the buds in her ears and going to an older playlist that even Anna had never heard, she turned the volume up before leaving the room. As the familiar strains of Voodoo by Godsmack began to stream out from the speakers she made her way down the stairs, not even sparing a glance back in their direction as her sister tried to say something to her as she passed. She needed to get out of here. Now. She made her way out the door and down the street, not bothering to catch a ride or anything. The time spent on the walk would do her some good, of that she was almost certain.

'Why can't I get that pest out of my head? I hate her, she's the one standing in the way of Anna and I' She screamed in her mind, but honestly? That wasn't true and she knew it. She didn't hate Elsa. She hadn't for almost a month now; since the events at the clone center, or maybe even before that.. Seeing how happy she made her little sister? She couldn't bring herself to truly hate her. She was jealous, of course she was, but she didn't hate her. She was willing to admit that, if only in her own mind. And she had to admit, she was kind of cute. Kind of. In the most minuscule capacity possible.

Her personality wasn't complete shit either. Almost complete shit, but not quite. But she refused to believe there was any possibility that she might be attracted to the pest. She couldn't be. Pests weren't attractive, especially ones that stole her sister. Right? Right?

She hated how unsure her own mind was in that moment. 'Stupid dreams. Stupid Elsa. Stupid Anna. FUCK!' Her thoughts were a whirlwind, racing left and right leaving her more confused than when she'd began her little walk. She didn't even realize where her feet had taken her until she looked up. 'How entirely predictable' She thought sourly. She was outside a bar.

Well, now that she was here might as well go inside. She entered the bar, a small out of the way watering hole she frequented often when she needed to be truly alone. Not looking for anyone to pick up for the night or whatever, just to drink away her thoughts and sorrows. The bar was known as The Ace of Diamonds. She walked up to the bar, signaling the bartender, a petite young woman with wild, rainbow colored hair cut short and spiky and an odd cerise eye color, to get her her usual.

The young woman nodded to signal that she'd be right with her before turning back to the drink she was fixing for another customer. Elvira nodded to her self and turned her head to survey the people. 'Not a lot in here tonight. Good, limits chances for conversations with idiots looking to get laid. Something I'm definitely not in the mood for' She thought to herself. The bartender made her way down the bar with a double shot of vodka, placing it in front of Elvira before motioning for her to take the ear buds out.

Elvira obliged the woman, removing her earbuds in time to hear her old friend speak. "So, what brings you here tonight? It's been awhile." Jade asked curiously, concern taking over her features for a second before disappearing as quickly as it came to be replaced with her usual cheerful demeanor.

"No reason really. I just... I just needed to be alone I guess..." Elvira trailed off, resuming looking around the room. "I really just need to clear my head for a little bit."

Jade smiled and nodded, showing her understanding. "Well I know you're good for it so i'll just wait until you're ready to leave to make you pay. Just... Be careful, ok Elvira?" she asked, concern for her friend evident in her voice even through the cheerful smile. Elvira nodded, both as an answer and as a thanks, before returning the earbuds to her ears and downing her shot. It was quickly replaced and the bottle left beside the glass as Jade made her way back down the bar to deal with other customers.

She wasn't really interested in getting too drunk, so her friends' concern, touching though it was, wasn't really necessary tonight. She understood that it was only because Jade cared that she'd bothered to say anything at all, so she couldn't find it in herself to be annoyed with the friendly bartender she'd befriended a while back.

Returning her attention to her thoughts, and why they continued to revolve around Elsa for some reason, nixed the plan of relative sobriety pretty easily and she downed the second shot before pouring herself another. 'So she's attractive. So what? She's my clone and I'm fucking hot so it makes sense that she would be too' That thought caused her mind to pause for a second. 'Never mind, that pest isn't hot. She's a pest. Pests aren't- Oh who am I kidding? Ok so I find her aesthetically pleasing. That doesn't mean anything. I find a lot of people attractive.' She reasoned with herself but apparently her brain didn't seem to be in agreement with her.

'No, you don't. Aside from Anna and Elsa you don't really find anyone attractive.' Her mind pointed out to her, making her scowl and down the shot. This was gonna be a long, long night.