Two weeks had passed since Sophie was released from the hospital. I thought it would have taken me week to adjust to my new life and new family, but I managed to adjust within five days. The first day back from the hospital could have been a nightmare if Beth hadn't been there.

*Two weeks prior*

I was currently sitting down watching TV with Beth and Sophia. It was quiet aside from the times when Sophie would ask a question that absolutely made no sense. After the program we were watching ended, a bunch of questions spewed out the little girl's mouth. I didn't know which to answer or how to answer them.

"Sophie, leave your daddy alone. It's time for you to go to sleep, you have school tomorrow," Beth said.

"But I'm not tired," Sophie said while looking at the ground. Beth not believing her said,

"Sophie, I'm not going argue with you," Sophie stayed rooted at her spot on couch not moving away from.

"You should listen to your mother," I said. The way I said it sounded more like a stranger than the girl's father. Beth gave me an encouraging smile not caring how I said but at least I tried. Annoyed that the girl wasn't moving, Beth picked her up; the girl tried to protest but eventually gave up when she saw her mother wasn't giving up.

"I'm going to put her to bed, I'll be back soon."

"Ok," I said still facing TV. Once I heard Beth heading up stairs, I turned around instantly regretted when I saw the look Sophie was giving me. She appeared be making puppy dog eyes at me. Something inside of me wanted to stop Beth from taking her to bed, but I ignored that feeling. I decided to turn around and continue watching TV until Beth came back.

Beth came back quicker than I expected, I thought to myself as I heard her approaching me. Beth took a seat on the couch besides me.

"Daryl, Sophie refuses to sleep unless you read her a bed time story," She said. I didn't know what to say. I was really anxious and I shouldn't be because this girl was my daughter. If Merle were here right now he'd be laughing at me. It seemed like Beth sense my worry because she put her hand on mine. Her hand on mine seemed to having a calming effect on me.

"I'll do it," I said. The response took her by surprise, but nonetheless she was excited. We both got off the couch at the same time and headed towards Sophie's room. I was about to walk in the room when Beth pulled me aside and told me to wait. I waited for about 30 seconds, when I saw Beth heading toward me with a book in her hand.

"Here," she said handing me a book with the title "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". The illustration on the cover was of a woman and seven short men. This book looked like something you didn't want yer child to be reading, but since Beth picked this out I guess there's nothing wrong with it.

"Thanks," I said before heading into the room.

"Daddy!," Sophie yelled as I entered the room.

"Shhh, it's time for ya to go to sleep, I said." I was currently now sitting on the bed, but I sat at the end of the bed.

"I don't really have to sleep, you could just tell mom that I am and you could come back here later," she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I'm not lying to yer mom and you shouldn't be either. Lying is not good. No one likes a liar." After I said that I instantly thought of Merle and how many times he lied to me. I quickly shook that thought away.

"Ok, Daddy," she said now currently pouting,

"Anyways, I'm going to read for you Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." After I said that, she was no longer pouting but now she was smiling ear to ear.

I was about five pages into the story before I realized that she had fallen asleep. I would have stopped reading but I wanted to see how the story ended.

"It's a nice story, isn't it?" I didn't even notice that Beth had entered the room. I felt embarrassed that she caught me reading this book. It was good story but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"Yeah... I'm going to sleep," I said.

"Oh,Ok. Good night," she said. I could tell she wanted to talk to me more but I really don't feel comfortable discussing things like that, at least not yet.

*End of Flashback*

Beth told me today was movie night and that we currently had it every once in a while. My relationship with Beth was slowly increasing. I no longer felt weird around her and I currently was starting to feel like I didn't have to sleep on the couch anymore. Right now, I was sitting on the couch watching Sophie look for a movie. Beth was in the kitchen making popcorn. As soon as the Microwave beeped, Sophie found a movie. She showed the movie so quick that I barely got a chance to read the title. She quickly put the dvd into the dvd player and took a seat on the floor.

Beth came into the room with a bowl of popcorn in her hand. She put the popcorn on the table before sitting next to me.

"So, what movie are we watching?" she asked while looking at me. I shrugged.

"Sophie, what movie are we watching?" Sophia mumbled something under her breath that Beth couldn't hear and I could hardly make out what she was saying.

"Sophie," Beth said in a stern tone.

"Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs…," Sophie said while slowly turning around. I heard Beth sigh and mumbled something under her breath. The screen appeared for us to press play and Sophie quickly pressed the button. I couldn't focus on the movie because I felt like I stepped on an alternate planet and this wasn't really me right now. How did I get so lucky? I thought I wouldn't live to see the future. I thought I'd probably be in jail with Merle or drink myself to death. But no, here I was with a wife and kid.

I looked at the woman who is my wife and she was currently watching the film, which I should be doing too. My daughter currently had the bowl of popcorn which was nearly empty in front of her; she put her hand in the bowl for more, and showed the popcorn into her mouth not removing her eyes from the screen. I looked towards the screen to see an old lady handing the woman called Snow White an apple. Why was she taking an apple? What was going o-. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," I whispered to Beth who was also into the movie. I was afraid she didn't hear me, but her nod was a confirmation that she did. I was surprised when I saw who was on my doorstep, It was Merle. I hadn't spoken him since he asked me to help me with a run. What the hell was he doing here?

"I hope I didn't come at a bad time," He said with a smile on his face.

"What do you want Merle?" I asked now stepping outside shutting the door behind me.

" Is this how ya treat yer brother?" He said acting as if he was offended.

"Cut the bullshit merle and tell me exactly what you're here for?" Knowing Merle I know he didn't come to join movie night, he was here for something. Merle was about to say something but was interrupted when the door opened.

"Daryl, is everything ok?" Beth said not even noticing Merle.

"What? No Hi to ol' Merle here. Daryl you gotta get yer woman checked or else someone might do it for ya," he said. The look on Beth's face went from shocked to serious.

"Hi Merle," Beth said.

"Everything is fine. I'll come back inside in about five minutes," I said. Whatever he had to say I didn't want her to hear it. I expected to say something else but she just went back inside. As soon as the door closed, Merle spoke.

"Remember that favor I asked you to help me with a while ago?" I nodded.

"Well, I need your help again."

"Merle, I told you I was done with this crap." I didn't want to be caught in whatever mess he was in.

"Darylina, don't get yer panties in a bunch. It's nothing illegal, all you got to do is come with me."

Nothing Illegal my ass, I wasn't going to go with him this time. Merle was surrounded by illegal shit and now he wanted me to believe that he wasn't.

"No," I said. The grin he was currently sporting went away after I said that. There was something inside of me wanting to help him, but every time I helped him I ended up in trouble. If I was supposed to live this new life, then I didn't want to screw it up by going to jail a few weeks later. I didn't want to hurt Beth or Sophie anymore. I was about to head back inside, when Merle said,

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, baby brother. I mentioned yer name when they started to threaten me. Remember us Dixons have to stick together."

That fucker, I felt like banging my fist against the door.

"Fine," I said still not looking at him. I opened the door and closed it behind me. I didn't realize I shut it a little too hard because Beth was currently looking at me. Sophie was currently sleeping on the floor as the credits to the film rolled on the screen.

"What's going on?," Beth asked.

"Nothing," I said before grabbing my keys off the counter in the kitchen. I don't see Beth get off the couch but she was currently standing in front of me right now.

"You don't get to do this again. You can't keep shutting me out, Daryl. Please just tell me," she said while holding back the tears in her eyes. These words were the same one she said to me when I came into the future and was avoiding her like crazy. I promised myself that I didn't want to hurt her anymore.

"I'm going out with Merle, I'll be back later," I said. As I started to walk away, she reached out and held my arm, which prevent me to move any further. We both looked at each other for a brief moment, before my mouth made contact with hers. I honestly took myself by surprise there, but I wanted her to know that I'd be ok. I could tell she was initially shocked at first, but she started kissing me back. As soon as we pulled apart, I walked away not wanting to delay what Merle had in plan any longer.

I was followed Merle to what appeared to be an abandoned Warehouse. Merle found a spot and parked his bike. I parked right next to his bike. As soon as I got off my bike, I heard the sound of vehicles approaching. They weren't too far from here.

"Ok, let me do the talking and if things go south, I want you to take this." Merle said while handing me a pistol. What the fuck? I hoped things didn't actually go south. On the inside I was slowly regretting my decision, but on the outside I was calm and collected. I just nodded. Merle and I stopped in front of our bikes as we watched three white trucks pull into the parking lot. These trucks parked near Merle's Bike. I waited for whoever was in that car to get out, so we can get this over with.

I didn't take long before a man who was walking in ahead 6 guys carrying started walking towards us. It wasn't hard to tell who the leader was because he was clearly walking in the front and he had an eye patch. The others stopped walking an appropriate distance away but not too close, but this guy continued to walk until he was standing in front of me and Merle.

"I can see you brought a guest, but that won't be needed. All I want is the money and I'll be on way."

That won't be needed? Then why did this guy need 6 guys with him? I looked at Merle and I could tell he wasn't falling for his bullshit.

"Here ya go," Merle said while pulling out a wad of cash from his back pocket. The eagerly snatched the money and began to walk away. I thought this was the end of it , but I soon realized I was wrong because gun shots broke out. I noticed the guy's men were shooting at us. I didn't have time to think because one of the bullets almost struck Merle in the head. I saved him by tackling him to the ground. I didn't have time think, I just pulled out the pistol from my back pocket and began shooting at the men. Merle was shooting at them as well. I needed cover and quick.

I crawled to one of the trucks, avoiding bullets that were aimed my way. I signaled Merle to follow me, but he was currently to focused on shooting at that men to notice to me. I shoot two bullets, which I managed to hit my target successfully. I quickly crawled to the car. I was currently at the front of the car using it as cover. I was reloading when I heard a bunch of bullets hitting the car. I looked up and saw Merle crouching beside me.

"We're out number, but it's nothing we can't handle," Merle said before going out in the open. After I finished reloading, I went out in the open to and began shooting at the men who was trying to kill us. During all of this, the guy with the eye patch just watched.

Soon enough me and Merle were out of bullets and the guy seemed to notice that because he yelled at his men to stop firing and they did.

The man and one of the guys who was shooting at us, walked up to Merle and I. The man wasted no time knocking Merle to ground. The other guy with him, hit me really hard with his rifle causing me to fall to my knees.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you go. You owe me 6,000 dollars, but instead of giving me that you try to cheat me by giving me 4,000. So, for that you have to die." The guy pulled out a pistol and was aiming it for Merle's head.

"You ain't going to shoot me, you need me," Merle said.

"I don't need you and I actually am going to kill you." After he said that, he pulled the trigger, I wasted no time. I jumped in front of the bullet; I felt the bullet pierce through my chest before exiting out. The man was going to fire another round before; he heard the sound of police sirens in the distance. He and his men wasted no time leaving the scene. Merle tried to pick me quickly before the police arrived but it was too late. I don't remember much after that because I blacked out.

I woke up but I wasn't fully conscious of where I was all I saw was Beth crying next to me. I tried telling her not to worry but I blacked out again.

I awoke the next day expecting to feel pain in my chest, but I didn't feel anything. I looked at my surroundings and realized I was back at the trailer. What the hell is going on? I ran to the bathroom. I took of my shirt quickly and looked into the mirror; I was surprised to see there was no wound at all. I looked at my reflection and noticed I was visibly younger, which means I'm back in my current time.

Was the whole point of me going to the future was to save Merle? I didn't have a chance to ponder that question in my head any longer because my phone was ringing. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket; I answered it quickly not bothering to read the caller I.D.

"Daryl, are you sick?" Dale said. Dale. Daryl remembered how he broke down in front of Dale's house. It was good thing he was in the past and his buddy was still alive.

"No, must of over slept," I responded.

"Well, Hershel Greene is waiting for you. Be there in 20 minutes or else you're fired," He said before hanging up. It felt so weird to be back in present time, he expected at any moment he'd wake up and be back in the future. Daryl wasted no more time, he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door. He made sure to stop at the shop to get some things to finish the car before heading out.

Once he arrived at the destination, he saw the old man named Hershel sitting on the porch. As pulled up the driveway, Hershel approached him with the help of his wife. As soon as he got off his bike, Hershel and his wife greeted him.

"It looks like you're going to be finish with that truck any day now."

"Actually, I'm almost done with it. All it needs is new tires and a paint job, but I'm going to leave the painting to ya."

"Ok, I'll leave you to finish your work," He said. I watched as his wife helped him up the steps and into the house. I was about to head in the garage and continue working on the car, when she stepped out. The memory of me and her kissing flashed in my mind. I quickly headed to work before she noticed me staring.

I was finally finished with car and it was only 5:00 p.m. The replacing the tires took longer than I expected. It had a new engine, new tires, and everything it needed expect for a paint job. I didn't want to paint it and for her not to like the gift. Even though, I know what color the car is in the future I still didn't want to paint it. Hershel came just in time to see the finished product.

"Thanks for your help, Daryl. She's going to love after I finish painting it."

"Painting? You won't be painting anything. Shawn should be back before her birthday and he'll paint it," Anette said. Hershel just smiled at his wife before handing me my money. I was about to leave, but something was just telling me to turn around. As soon I turned around I made eye contact with Beth. She quickly looked away. I was about to leave when Anette called out to me,

"Do you want to stay for Dinner?" she asked. Normally I rejected such an offer, but knowing what this lead to I'd accept it every time.

"Sure," I said.

A/N: That's the end of the fanfic. I want to thank you guys so much for reading, following, and reviewing my story. I really appreciate it. It took me at least two hours to complete this chapter and this by far is the longest one I wrote lol. I have another Bethyl fanfic planned but I won't start posting it until October. Thank again, see you in October.