An: I do not own Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I only own OCs and this fanfic. RR if you please.

Chapter 1: Willy's Old BF

Taryn's POV

I woke up at six in the morning, and got me a bowl of Cocoa Puffs. Willy was in his little cove that he likes to call his study. I like to call it 'Willy's Factory Cove', just like Foxy's Pirate Cove from Five Nights at Freddy's. I put on my uniform for school, grabbed all my school crap, and left the factory, along with Charlie, my close cousin. It was January 21, which is also Charlie's birthday. And every year on his birthday, we usually eat a bunch of sugar, and go to the park and go wild. And if Willy wasn't busy, he'd come along too. Willy's my big brother, in case if you were curious.

Charlie and I came home from school, and to my surprise, Willy looked liked he was texting someone. How odd. I walked up to him. "Hey Bubby, who ya talkin' to?" I asked just to be the annoying lil sis I am. "My friend from school." Willy replied. Oh right! Will had a friend from school when I was little. I think her name was Lauren Smith, I'm not exactly sure. But I'm almost certain she and Willy have the hots for each other. "Where is she now?" I asked in genuine curiosity. "Still in college!" Willy sounded annoyed surprisingly by the fact she's still in college, and not the fact that I won't shut my trap. I just decided to leave him talking to his buddy or rather 'girlfriend' and went to the park with Charlie. But first, we kinda had a sugar rush in the candy room, then we went to the park.

"How come Willy didn't show up?" Charlie asked. I started giggling at the thought of Willy actually having a girlfriend, because that's what I'm gonna tell him. "What's so funny, T?" Charlie asked. Most of the time, Charlie calls me T, so I call him Char Char, like the Pokémon, Charmander. "I was laughing at what I was gonna tell you, Char Char." I said with a lil fit of the giggles. "I think Bubby has a girlfriend." I whisper-shouted. Charlie's face was priceless when I said that. So I told him that Willy has a friend from back when he was our age, and she's currently in college, so Willy and her decided to talk every once in a while. "What's her name?" Charlie asked. "Kim Kardashian. I'm joking, its Lauren!" I said trying to get a laugh out of Charlie, which it worked liked Lucky Charms! Charlie had his fit of giggles, rode the tire swing, and went home. When we got home, it was time to eat dinner, which was Charlie's favorite, potato soup. Its oddly enough, my favorite too. Out of the soup category anyway. After we ate, I decided to be annoying, and blurted out the possible truth. "Willy might have a girlfriend!" He looked like he wanted to murder me! Everyone else just looked like they took a crap in their pants. But Charlie and I were laughing, and Willy just stood there like an idiot. He finally got up, and drug me outside of the little house into the candy room. "Are you crazy? I don't even have a girlfriend! What in the name of candy made you think that?" Willy asked. "Uh I dunno. Probably the fact you've been talking to Lauren lately?" I said with a bit of hate, which I didn't intend for that to happen. "Oh Taryn, she's just a friend. It doesn't mean I'm her boyfriend or whatever. Besides, do you see your immature, six year old like, candy making big brother with any girl at all?" He asked. I shook my head, while giggling. He really was a immature, six year old like, candy making dude! But not the dude that's the hair of an elephants butt, the kind of dude that's usually referred to a guy. We decided to call it a day, and said goodbye to Aunt and Uncle Bucket, Charlie, Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George, and Grandma Georgina.

We were finally back in the little apartment like type thing that we call home. I got dressed in my kawaii (cute) unicorn pajamas, brushed my teeth with my Hello Kitty spin brush, then fell asleep while watching 'Deadpool', even though Willy thinks I'm too young for it. I'm only thirteen, along with Charlie, and Willy is about twenty three or so. It's sad that's he already got his first grey hair. He works too hard for his age. I got up later than usual this time because its Saturday, and Saturday means I don't have to go to hell (school), which means life's awesome, until Monday that is. I went to Willy's Factory Cove to see what he's doing, and this time I'm not so surprised, but now he's talking to Lauren through the phone! I ease dropped on them and they were talking about missing each other, and Lauren coming over to the factory when it's spring break. Aww, they do love each other, how come Willy didn't tell me the truth? I walked in and made a pretend pout face. He told Lauren to hold on a minute. "What do ya want, kid?" He asked. "I'm bored, so I'm following you around for a while." I said with a mischievous grin. Good thing Bubs didn't noticed, or he'd be sending me to the candy room. He nodded, then continued talking to Lauren. I sat there listening to the conversation. I could barely here Lauren's voice, but I heard something through the phone. You know, to be honest, I kinda miss Lauren. She's like the big sister I never had. To my surprise, Willy handed the phone to me and said that she wanted to say hi. I took the phone and talked through it. "Heyy!" I said sounding like I'm greeting my BFF. "Hey there, Tarbear! What's up?" She asked through the phone. She seemed happy to finally talk to me again. We talked about random stuff, then finally she was ready to talk to Bubby again. I handed him the phone, and decided to pick on Char Char for a while.

Yay, first chapter! Hopefully you guys find this rather funny. Don't worry, I will be updating, but not often due to the fact i got a case of the shitty virus called the flu! Just some ideas came into my head and i couldn't help but type this. Anyway, later people!