In a dark, spooky area, there are Grimm running around. All kinds like Ursas, Beowolves, Griffons, and Beringels. Outside their area, there is a castle. A castle that spews out sinister intentions. Inside, there lived Salem and her faction, and she is watching her associates, Cinder Fall and Tyrian Callows, doing progress with how they kill Grimm, especially with the fact that they have hindrances on their own.

Just then, a knock came to the door.

"Hmm?" Salem wondered. "Wonder who that could be?"

She went to the door to answer it. Opening it, a view of a green-haired man wearing a black suit and fedora appeared in her doorstep.

"Hello, Salem..." the man greeted with a grin and eyes closed.

"Who are you?" the witch demanded coldly.

"My name is Hazama. I'm the captain of the Novus Orbis Librarium Intelligence Department," Hazama introduced himself while he removed his hat and bows his head to her.

"Novus Orbis Librarium Intelligence Department? Never heard of it."

"Of course you don't. In fact, there is no NOL here, but it would be an honor to assist you in any way I can."

"I'm listening," Salem grinned as she is interested in his proposal. She lets him in her castle to hear it. Upon entering, Hazama puts his hat back on his head. "First, you must prove yourself worthy to me. You will fight two of my associates."

"This should be fun," Hazama said with interest with one of his golden eyes opened.

Inside, he is about to fight Cinder and Tyrian.

"Hmm, interesting matchup. Okay, I'll fight them," he agreed.

"Begin!" Salem exclaimed to begin the fight.

Hazama charges at Tyrian, and they blocked at each other with their respective knives. How it felt good for him. The last time he was in the universe where he came from, he fought Ragna the Bloodedge and lost the fight, and rather than be 'saved' by him, he threw himself to the Cauldron to find a 'future' for him there. Looks like he found it when he is sent to the universe he is standing right now.

Tyrian tries to do a tail slam from above, but Hazama anticipated this, so he summoned his chain-like weapon, Ouroboros, to grab it and slam him to the ground. Next, he does a claw slash with snake energy, then a crescent kick to his head, knocking him down to the ground.

Cinder tries use her Fall Maiden powers to land a slash on Hazama, but he dodged it at the right. He proceeds to get close to her. As he looked at her, she is speechless.

"Can she talk?" Hazama turns to Salem to ask this question.

"Only barely. She has a green-haired girl as a spokesperson for her," was the latter's response.

"I see."

The green-haired man proceeds to fling his hand to toss the same energy in the form of a snake's head, throwing her off before summoning Ouroboros again to grab her and toss her aside. Cinder attempts to charge at him, and Hazama throws three knives at her direction. She avoided them to get close enough to him with his knife being blocked by her hand. Good thing Hazama could just send a straight kick to her chest, ending their fight.

"Impressive," Salem looks pleased with this outcome. "You have such skills, Hazama. Because of this, you can join my group."

"Thanks," Hazama is happy of being accepted.

"How do you propose on helping us?" the witch asked.

"Well, I got one thing in mind. This girl here can be helpful," he points to Cinder, who is confused about his proposal. He turns to her. "Yes, you. Do you have the power of reviving someone from the dead? If so, maybe he or she can help us, so that the heroes will have a real obstacle on their hands."

The black-haired woman nodded and she pulls out the picture of Pyrrha Nikos from her hands.

"Hmm, she reminds me of someone I know," Hazama commented. In fact, Pyrrha reminded him of Tsubaki Yayoi. "You killed this woman?" Cinder nodded to confirm this. "I see. Then she should be the perfect candidate to help us."

Speaking of Pyrrha reminded him of Tsubaki, he thought back of how the latter died in the original timeline of his universe where Noel Vermillion didn't exist. She was revived because of the changes in the timeline, and thanks to the manipulations he and Yuki Terumi threw at her, she was brainwashed to their side. It lasted until her friends, which consisted of Jin Kisaragi, Makoto Nanaya, and Noel Vermillion, broke her free from their control.

Now, he intends on repeating this act to another girl who reminds him of that girl. Agreeing on his terms, Cinder showed him the ashes of the deceased girl and places it to the ground. She additionally added ashes from the fallen Grimm before Hazama's arrival. With the Fallen Maiden's power, the ashes now replace a girl standing before them and she looks different. Although her hair color and clothes are the same, she now has pale skin and red eyes. Her personality seems to be cold.

"She really is like Tsubaki, after all," Hazama whispered with a grin on his face. "I like it. So that's what it feels like to be controlled. Is she going to be aware of everything she did under our control?"

"Yes, she will," the witch responded to confirm the question.

"That's good to hear. When she breaks free, I want to see her in pain for all the things she did under our control."

"Now, you're in charge of her, understand?" Salem said about her new slave, then she turned to Tyrian. "As a matter of fact, Tyrian, I'm going to give you a second chance to defeat that silver-eyed girl, and Hazama will be going with you on this mission. How about that?"

"That's... agreeable," Tyrian quickly agreed with it. "This time, I won't fail you with him on my side. I promise."

"You better be," the witch went closer to him before walking away. "Come, Cinder. We got pressing matters to attend to."

She and Cinder left the area of the castle, leaving Hazama and his new accomplice onto a new matter on their hands.

"So, he's dead?" Tyrian asked him with a grin, talking about Terumi.

"Yes, he is, but he'll be back," Hazama responded as he pulled out a glass cylinder on his pocket filled with the deceased god's energy. "And I already know who should be his vessel."

In fact, he's looking at Salem, confirming his choice.

Author's Note: What do you think? This story will take place after Central Fiction for BlazBlue and Volume 4 for RWBY. Comment on the first chapter.