I've wanted to this for some time since realizing the similarities Deku and All Might have with two other heroes. This Izuku will be tech savvy, creating new trinkets to help his ambition and still manages to survive being bullied and what happened to him and his parents. And he'll have some extra time to harness OFA. I want Izuku to be seen as a mix of muscle and smarts.

There was once a time in the world where evil and corruption were the norm. Most villains were able to stand on even grounds with the best heroes. A lot of commutes end up getting halted nowadays, but it's still better than it was back then.

In a world filled with heroes and villains, one name stands out. The one hero who singlehandedly became a beacon of hope in these desperate times, All Might. One person who grew up fixated with these impressive heroes was considered to be All Might's biggest fan. Despite his age, he would observe and internalize all the fight scenes he watched on his own morning commute, hoping to one day be seen a real hero himself.

Years of notes he kept in a series of notebooks; info on all the local heroes and their powers, fight scenarios, and even costume designs. But there was a slight problem. In a world where superpowers are found everywhere, Izuku Midoriya was part of the world's minority without what people referred to as Quirks.

That didn't stop him, though. Not only did he always take top grade notes, he was insanely gifted. He enjoyed hanging out at the shop class before and after school. It motivated him to create small mechanical projects which could help take the big step in becoming a hero. No one really bothered him when he was focused.

"Okay, that should do it. I'll see if it works on the way home." said Izuku. He jotted a few things down in a notebook where he etched 'Hero Analysis No. 13'. As he headed out, he couldn't help but go back to what made him passionate about becoming a hero.

"13 notebooks over the course of 10 years. Has it really been that long? The cruel fate where everything came down." He could remember it well.

'It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!'

'He's the greatest hero ever! And when I get my Quirk, I'll be as great as he is!'

"That's when I was given the tough realization. I would be the only one without a Quirk. That's when the bullying started."

'Did you hear? Izuku doesn't have a Quirk.'

'Can't be a hero without one.'

"At the time, Dad had gone missing after a rogue villain sighting and Mom had spiraled downwards due to that and my shortcoming."

We have reason to believe that due to recent increases in local crimes, some casualties are confirmed, however of all the mysterious disappearances one question arises. Who was the would be hero? His fire breathing Quirk not only cut off the villain's escape route, but even protecting those on caught in the crossfire during the rampage including who we assume to be his wife and son. Even with the storm that followed, word on the fire breather or the villain's whereabouts from the incident remain unknown.

'Whatever the problems people encounter, he's always there. And I will be there for people, and become a real hero, just like All Might. I know it's what Dad would have wanted, wherever he is.'

Inko simply broke down. 'I'm really sorry, Izuku.'

"Why couldn't you understand, Mom? I was traumatized about Dad, too. But that's not what I needed to hear. I've made my decision. I may not have a Quirk, but I'll find a way to get into the hero program. The same school he went to."

He tried to stand, but had a hard time of it. Izuku was the only one at Orudera Junior High to be tormented and bullied on a regular basis. Katsuki Bakugo hated him for his goals and persistence despite the fact he was the only one without a Quirk. Katsuki also wanted to go to the high school izuku was aiming for; U.A., the most prestigious hero course. And he was mad at the fact.

Stupid Deku! Do you really think someone like you can compete with me?

I will get into U.A., Kacchan. Because I'm seriously going to be next great hero, not you!

You're completely worthless! Someone like you won't ever amount to anything!

"It still hurts, but I think I can walk." He headed for the same place where he tries out all of his creations from the school's shop class. It just happened to be the same spot Hisashi disappeared 10 years ago.

His new design, a glaring sphere. With it, he hoped to intensely blind villains with the sun's rays. It was bright underneath the shop class lights so he figured the sun can immobilize anyone. He lined his shot to the target, and the hidden propeller jutted out. The blinding light was as he figured.

"Great. Now to head back home. Still can't believe this is the place that caused Mom so much pain. Where'd you go, Dad?" 'If I had all this tech back then, maybe Dad would still be here. I wonder if I'll get to face that villain he fought. I know Dad want a pro hero, but he was strong. So I'll be strong for them.' He started walking easier so the torment must have been wearing off. Izuku made it back to his complex. His mom was simply standing there.


"Izuku, you're back. Oh dear, you look like you got in another fight." Inko was aware that her son was constantly bullied for not being like everyone else. But she always felt like she couldn't be there for him after that night. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"For some reason, today wasn't that bad." The tech savvy teen just slumped around hoping to fully recover by tomorrow.

After turning in, he looked around his room filled with All Might memorabilia, thinking about how he'd become as great a hero. He knew that watching heroes in action gave him ideas for new mechanical trinkets, things he could use and still feel like a hero. What he didn't realize was tomorrow would be the day his heroics would have to be put to use.

You guessed it, All Might debuts next time. And maybe there'll be a few hero team ups. Here are a few questions. Should the sludge villain from episode 1 be the same villain Hisashi fought or can I come up with something new? Should Deku's utility belt be made of leather or metal? And how can this feel bit more like Gotham City since Deku is supposed to be 'the green knight'? The reason Hisashi and Inko aren't killed off is too many parents die in anime already. I already have the first few U.A. chapters somewhat thought out. And thanks for reading.