A/N: Hi! Enjoy the ride. :)

FAGE 9: The Last Ride

Title: Heartlocked

Written for: Kouga's Eternal

Written by: TwiAddictAnne

Rating: M

Summary/ Prompt used: 1. I'm not totally useless. I can be used as a bad example.

2. That little giggle is going to get you fucked.

3. Yeah I'm selfish because I will never share you with anyone else.

Chapter-1: Prologue

Senior Prom, 2016

You know what they say about train wrecks? The part where you can't look away from it even if it tears your heart? That's what my life is like.

I'd like to say it wasn't always like this, but that would be a lie.

Even when my parents were alive, I was an outsider in the family, never really fitting in.

After my parents were gone, things changed … for the worse. Jeremy, my little brother, decided that he was old enough to not be associated with me. As for our legal guardian, Jenna, she was busy being a brainiac instead of taking care of two orphaned teens.

So what choice did I have other than to live up to the out of control teen that I've been labelled as?-

Of course because the universe hates me, it decided to throw him in my way. I planned on breaking as many rules as possible in my senior year without a care in the world. Then why was it that my heart is breaking as I see him slow dance with someone who is not me?

Of all the rules I planned to break, I didn't count the rules of physics … opposites do attract.

Fuck you, Physics!

A/N: A quick shout out to my dear friend Ashmerlin for doing an outstanding beta job on this story. Love you, sweets.

Share your thoughts with me and leave a review.

Next update will be in half an hour.

